Mary Armitage's FILM CLOSE-UPS - Not (original) (raw)

Hollywood.— Rita Hay worth 1, Shirley Temple 2, were Hollywood press

women's placing; on their Irst of 'most unco-operative stars.' They didn't1 hear

from Rita — who was too busy with her Prince Aly Khan — but they heard promptly

into making her own investi

gation of what was turning

everybody's baby star into a

mystery glamor girl. Then she

sped to the presswomen's club

been repeatedly told by my

studio that I was 'unavail

able',' she said. 'I was amazed;

Shirley said she found people

she had never met 'thought I

was an awful stinker.' A maga

zine editor told everyone he

hated her. She called him

next day. He told her he'd

been trying to get a story on

her since 1945. This was the

first time Shirley had known

Little Miss Temple is under

contract to David O. Selznick.

Other present or past Selznick

stars voted 'unco-operative'

were Ingrid Bergman, Joan

Fontaine, and Jennifer Jones.

After Joan Fontaine left Selz

nick, she won the presswomen's

award for being co-operative.

?**? beautiful, but not very

ready wit off-screen. On her

way home to Hollywood from

British Columbia's peach festi

val she stumbled boarding the

plane and fell fiat. Farewelling

Alexis picked herself up, smiled,

and yelled, 'Always leave 'em

A FTER five months of mar

?r*- riage, starlet Martha

Vickers has separated from A.

taking polls on its most popular

stars, and tBose who are 'box

office poison.' Exhibitors voted

Bing Crosby the most popular,

included Clark Gable (above,

(below, left) among the 10

biggest box office draws. John

Sylvia Sydney (below, right)

were named among the 'poison'

Crawford a few years ago. And

then she went on to win an

popularity than sbr'd bad in

taking polls on its most popular

stars, and tBose who are 'box

office poison.' Exhibitors voted

Bing Crosby the most popular,

included Clark Gable (above,

(below, left) among the 10

biggest box office draws. John

Sylvia Sydney (below, right)

were named among the 'poison'

Crawford a few years ago. And

then she went on to win an

popularity than sbr'd bad in