Local and Provincial News. - Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860) - 28 May 1853 (original) (raw)

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Sat 28 May 1853 - Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860)
Page 2 - Local and Provincial News.

I Local and Provincial Hews


being nimble to devote moro spaco than will

suffice for the bare announcement that this ta-

lented «nd favorito actress and eantatrire will bc

a candidato for tho suffrages of tho public on

Monday evening next. Itefcrence to tho pro-

gramme will show that more than ordinary pains

have boen taker* in the selection of the entcr

........ ...aui.iv..», nuit-UVIK«, ...cn j^t^io un

Saturday lust. Wo had made the necessary pro

pamtiouV e.nsequcnt upon tho visitation to uur

runners ol* the prevailing epidemic, but none for

the unpardonable negligence which characterised

their proceedings, und to which solely must be im-

puted tho inconvenience and disappointment ari-

sing therefrom. We shall use our utmost endea-

vours to prevent a niearrou.ee of this aunoyauce.

A-DisixsaotsriED HOSOR.-We are informed

that His 1- xcelhnicy Euphine Poutratiue, Aid

de-oanip General to the Emperor of Russia, bas

au intention of visiting the Australian Colonies

during tile present year. He is now in the Kas-

sian frigate Pallas, 'on his way to Japuu. If His

Excellency bring the polish of Japan and the

head-piece of Minerva with him, he will really be

an acquisition to our community. Wc have lately

hud an alarming influx of lire Lords, rum Dukes

and Governors, without either. A little Russian

bear's grease will, perchance, make things rub

THE GOLDEN FLEECE.-Wc learn from the la-

test English papers, that thc Wool Sales which

?terminated on the 2nd March went off most satis-

factorily. There was an advance of ld, to lid.

and even of 2d. per lb. on thc finer, and cleaner

kinds. Surely this ought to be sufficient to en-

courage Colonial growers to improve the condi-

tion of the wool wherever it is possible ; and

t sch them not to neglect the staple for the glitter

of gold which may be evanescent. The philoso-

pher '* Punch " has suggested a motto for Aus-

tralia. " Hcvenons à nos montons." Charles

X\nmb himself could not have given better udvice.

Gold washing and digging are von- good things

in their way-Hut sheep washing' uud clipping


observe ia a contemporary, an advertisement of a

most startling and puzzling nature ; one, in fact,

which is rather beyond thc spring-tide capabilities

of a youthful country. Wc refer to thc aliuouuce

tnent "of" Cassilis "who means to publish'a Series

of Papers, price sixpence, which will form the

Ontolontie Annuls of the Human lîace. Meta-

physics and other abstrusenesses are unsuited to

the work-a-day life of the Colonists, and we fear

that ..Cassilis" will profit little by his venture,

j Not that ho hos, in the profundity of his wisdom

forgotten the pounds, shillings and pence, for, if

any one curious in such matters will trouble hiin

I self to make an anagram ol' " Ontolontie" he will

find die word resolve itself into-"No Lot on

! Tic " " Cassilis ," it will be readily perceived,

looks after thc sixpences.


quiry, we have as'-ertained that no fewer than

fifteen letter enrrieis are employed in this estab-

lishment. We should like to ascertain, for our

own peculiar, private satisfaction the number of

the letter and newspapers mis-carriers in the de-

HURRAH FOR THE RACES.—The celebrated

Whip, Lewis Alexander, has announced to the

public his intention of running his Crack Four

horse Coach, Tally Ho, to and from Homebush

during the Races. The turn-out is in capital

taste, and the cattle of A1 character, whilst the

charge is extremely reasonable.


odtnired company propose giving their fust

of a scries of entertainments during the ensuing

ANOTHER NOVELTY.—Daguerreotypes and

Photographs and a dozen other startling invent-

ions of modern science are now familiar to us ;

and the likenesses of half the Sydney folks taken

by those means look at us in every house we en-

ter, But Mr. Charles Rodius, the well known

artist, has gone a little beyond these discoveries ;

he guarantees to produce faithful portraits by the

means of—Crayons and Smoke ! ! ! If he can

do what he professes, he must be "A Great Ci-

THEATRICAL NEWS.-In the "Sunday Times'

of December 12th, 1S.">2, we find an advertise-

ment from the celebrated tragedian Gustavus V.

Brooke to visit California, Smith America, and

Australia, professionally , the first of these ar-

rangements to commence in November of the

present year. Mr. Brooke was at the first named

date starring it in thc United States.

[In the"Sydney Morning Herald " the follow-

ing recommendation appears, addrc-sed to the

manager of the Victoria Theatre. " Adopt the

. course pursued in many of the British '1 hentrcs'

! of making the charge fur infants in amis double.

It would save n great deal of thc unnoyance

nightly caused by a lot of crying babies.-G.]

G.-You arc fond, although you seem severe !

Yon wuuld but maka each babe " a little dear.ï


several roses of this months' sowing in young la-

dies' bonnets. Flowers altogether are very for-

ward this season. They are so plentiful that im-

mense banquets are thrown away now for nothing

frequently on the stage of the * Victoria.' We

must not f rgct to meûtion that an csfrly Dande-

lion was gathered lust week on thc race course.

An enormous double Violet was picked up also,

at a private party. It was planted, singular to

say, in thc middle of a very fine ham, and par-

took very much of thc flavour and perfume of

thc swedish ttiroip. A slip has been forwarded

to thc Botanical Gardens.


opened on Monday, tho 10th instant, by dis

Honor, Mr. Justice Therry, and on the following

day thc business commenced. Thj Attorney

General prosecuted the various cases on- the part

MUNDER.-James Sninrt was indicted for the

I wilful murder of Kitty, an aboriginal nntivc, in

! thc Burnett district, on tho loth of November,

1852. It appeared from tho evidence that the

prisoner cohabited with thc unfortunate woman ;

a quarrel ensued between them and some male

blacks, when the prisoner gave the gin a blow on

thc head with a waddy which caused her death.

Tho jury returned a verdict of manslaughter

against thc prisoner, who wns sentenced to six

}-ears' hard lab .r on the roads ; tho first two to

MORDER.-Mickey, an aboriginal native, was

indicted for the wilful murder of Mary Shannon,

nt tho Pine River, on tho 18th of October, 1846.

The only evidence offered was that of Ralph

William Barrow, who was a stock-keeper in tho

employ of Mr. Andrew Gregor, on tho

day of tho murder. Ho saw the prisoner and seve-

ral other blacks como to the station, and was onlya

short distance from tho hut where Mary Shannon

was ; tho door and windows wore open, and ho

distinctly observed Dandnlli and Tickpen (two

aboriginals) attack and kill her, whilst Micko

was standing by aiding and assisting. The jury,

after retiring^ for upwards of an hour, found trie

prisoner guilty. His Honor remarked that ho

should not pass sentence of death upon the pri-

soner. Judgment of death was rccordod. Tho

sentence therefore is left to thc Executivo.


Sullivan, James Godfrey, John Mick, Joseph

Davie,_ James Murray, and Thomas Clayton,

wore indicted for stealing a hoat, a gun, lOOlba

of flour, &r.« from Fernando Gonzalo, at Amity

Point, on thc 2nth March lost. T/hc daring eecap'a

of thc prisoners from Norfolk Island, and their

subsequent acts, are. familiar to our readers.

.They were found guilty and sentenced to be

transported for fifteen years.


indicted for cutting and wounding Sapbia Kelly,

with intent, &c, at Ipswich, on tho 9th February,

was fonnd guilty, and sentenced to be imprisoned

and kept to hard labor in Parramatta Gaol for

STABBING.-John Muir, indicted for stabbing

John llanran, at Ipswich, on tho 20th February,

with intent, &c, was found guilty and Fcnteneed

to twelve months' hard labor in Parramatta


indicted for cutting and wounding James Arm

strong, at Ipswich, on tho 2th May, with" intent,

Sic, waa found guilty and sentenced to five years'

hnrd labor ou the roads, thc first two lo bo worked

MAX-SLAUGHTER.-Robert Boulton and F.lijah

Smith, indicted for the manslaughter of ono

Diamond, an aboriginal native, were acquitted

Tho above were tho . only cases of interest.

His Honor in discharging tne jury complimented

thc district upon tho orderly and peaceable cha-

racter of its inhabitants. He, however, excepted

Ipswich, which, he said, furnished a majority of

the worst casen at every assize, Alas ! poor

LAND SCRVETIXG.-The resumption of busi

ness by Slr. W. IL Wells, the indefatigable and

able compiler of the work known as " Wells»

Geographical Dictionary," will be cf considera-

ble advantage to the city and colonv at large

The records in Mr. Wells' office aro i*f the inVt

voluminous character, and his ability and hi

desire go hand in hand in his endeavours toariurd

satisfaction to all wlu may requite nis valuai;«


"Benefit" soiree musicale of the talented conductor

of this admirable band, took place on

Thursday evening, and was fully commensurate with

the occasion. The saloon of the Royal Hotel was

thrown open at 7 p.m., and the arrival ot carriages

with their inmates, for the most part in full

evening costume, continued uninterrupted until

the first note of the opening Overture - Fra Diavolo.

The performances, inclusive of the favorite

band of the XITH regiment, were in excellent [t]one

and training; and their harmonious strains elicited

prolonged and enthusiastic plaudits. The

solos of Messrs. Winterbottom, Tucker, Durant

and Evans, were severally honored with a second

call, as was also the beautiful Song of " Made-

line "by Mr. John Gregg. The National An-

them by the full company was most loyally re-

ceived by the whole of the audience standing UT

uncovered, nnd the final* was greeted with un-

mistakeable demonstrations of the delight an.!

appreciation of all present. Between the fir.-:

and second parts a New Polka, composed by Mr.

Winterbottom, and illustrated by an engraving

representing the Band, from the magic pencil of

Mr. Terry, engraved by Mr. W. G. Mason, was

presented to each lady occupying a reserved seat,

and were graciously received by the fair presen-


the Governor of Singapore, the Hon. the CilJ

nial Secretary, George Fitz Roy, Ksq., P.S., th*

Right Worshipful the Mayor, &c, honored the

baking establishment of Mr. Wilkie with a vi,U

of inspection ; and yesterday Lords Sent and

Kerr paid the worthy Chief Baker a similar com

ALMOST A MIRACLE.-We saw in Pitt Street

one evening last week, seven Policemen at o;e

time-but it was on the boards of the Victorian

the performance of " Alice May's last appeal "K

THU MARCH OV L"<TELLECT.-The following nc

tice was posted on the cutrancc to thc Tuan

Hall on Tuesday. We give this exquisite ca'.i

graphie morceau, verbatim et literatim. "Xa

Buisness done Here to doy It being the Queetrj

Berth dey.-By order of Right Wurshupfull Thc

Mayor."" We"have frequently bad occasion t.<

admire the wondrous emanations from thc ills,

trious Civic Body ; but really feel at a loss to em-

press our notes of admiration touching and ad-

eeming the above. Our Pegasus cannot mont-,

sufficiently high. " Our Boy " tried his hand s

a bit of jingle upon the subject but he brok

down. Behold him in a fix.

Rise good goose quill on eagle wing

And teach my anxious Muse to sing

The praises of the wondrous lot

Who've drawn from anti-Johnson pot

A new mess' orthographic.

Alas ! my contumacious" pen

; Will write but this-"From those sage men

There's" ordV nonsense welling ;'

Fd recommend the learned fry

A very different school to try .

And take a spell at sjielling'."

' AproiNTstEST.-His Excellency the Governa

General has been pleased to appoint Francis Pe

' ter MaeCabe, Esquire, of Sydney, to bc a Magis-

trate of the Territory and'"its Dependencies.

GRAND RACE BALL.- Onr fair readers will b«

gratified to leam that a Race Ball will take

place in the Saloon'of the Royal Hotel on Friday

evening next under distinguished patronage, and

cn which occasion Winterbottom's splendid bund

A" VER v FORTUNATE. MAN-An intimate of om

declared to us that he made a hundred friends IT

delivering a crack speech at 11 convivial Meeting

oft Tuesday last. He ia a lucky fellow, indeed;

we wish he wvuld be pleased to hand une of them

over to us, we'd guarantee to find a bottle to give


bers of tlie ti. U. O. met i;ii Tuesday morning

at Host Maxwell's, for tho sake of celebrating

thc Queen's birthday and Uieif annual 'festival,

by a grand processii u for thc presentation of

pur.es to thc Benevolent Asylum and Home for

Destitute Cldldren. Over "¿00 brothers assem-

bled, and with'handsome banners flaunting, s

band of music at their head, and each man

dressed in full regalia, they made a very gay ap-

pearance. After visiting- the Asylum they

ctdled on Host Parkinson of the Wellington len

for lunch ; and the hearty cheers they gave cn

leaving his house showed the high estimation in

which the brothers held him os a fellow member.

An excellent dinner wa? laid by Mr. Maxwell,

of the Saracen's Head, and about 150 silt don

to enjoy the excellent fare; Didn't the worth;

brothers pitch into the comestibles ! Talk ahosi

the monks of old-why they never shored

themselves half such trenchermen ! A turkej

was no more than ft pullet to them ; and as to

plum duff, nobody would accept of a FÜce lea

than a good sized brick. But after their long

walk it was not to be wondered at that they were

hungry ; and considering the charitable object

of their morning excursion woe to put food a

thc mouths of the poor and friendless, who had 1

better right to fill their own stomachs ? There

aro no better appetisers than good exercise and s

good conscience. We were pleased to hear tbs:

thc funds of the society aro increasing, and lbs:

: n " nest egg " is laid "for thc benefit of WÜO-ÍI

I and orphans of deceased members. May it a

crease and prosper, for the thought of a provisi:;

I being made for his wife and children will sraocú

the dying pillow of any upright man whom mis

fortuno may have brought ut thc same time to

thc gates of poverty and death.

j A gay ball, well attended by a large party ci

channing and well-dressed ladies, wound up iii

' festival ; and but for a want of forethuught t:¿

arrangement in the sapper department, where!?

the fair sex were rather incommoded, there wy

nought to complain of. Success to Odd-Fellow-