DEPARTURES—JANUARY 18. - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) - 19 Feb 1861 (original) (raw)
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Tue 19 Feb 1861 - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875)
ELLEN RADFORD, barque, ofe tons, Captain Wakem, for Val- *
para's«. Passengera -Mesure. Lelo ber and Buluoua.
QUEEN OF THE AVON.-,hip;. »08 ton«, Captain OUb«rt,rge
Ceylon. Gilchrist, Wau, m.t Co. egon te
- BEAVER, «hlp,7a7 tona. Captain 'milli, for IShanghal. Ta*
aengere-Ure. Stulln and Mr. Wilson. B. T-jwne and Co*
DR tpnN,barqn«, »43 ton». . Captain Boot», for Hongkongs
-Uonteaore, Orabam, and Co ag-nls.
BEHAR R. M. stesmahlp, lOUO«, Captain Norla, for Tolnt
da Galla. Paaseugers-^or Southampton : Captain Patullo, Mr.
Toorna* Ioalj. Mr C. Manning-, .tira. Buohaoan. For Marseille« ;
Mr J. M'Leod, ? Mr - Wild. For Alexandria ; Ur. and Mr». Pik*.
Ur Badkoraugb. Mr. Cinirmont, Fer Gaile: Slr William«adV
Lari? Denleou, lorant, Mine» Denison (4), Maater« Daolson (I),
and 4 artuu, Miss Weode. For Melbourne: Mrs. Steel, Mr.C.
E Wllmoit, Mr. «nd Mr«. Voldwln, Captain R Town«, Mr. Adam.
COD, Mr Edye Manning. II Moore, agent.
MIRANDA, ba/qua, 220 tons, Captain Weilar, for Hokianga.
Idnoker and Go., agenta. -
WANDERER, brig, 140 tone, Captain Smith, for Port Napier.
OAK HILL, «hip, 310 lona, Captain Carlten, forSan Fran-,
elsoo. Passenger«-Mr«. Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. MoBeatb. ff.
DAPHNE, «hip, 70S tons. Captain -oreman, for London. Pasv
eengan-Dr. and' Mrs. Cumberland, M siter« (9) and Misse« f«
Cambeiland, Mr*. M'Viiia, .vir. and Mrs. Hartley, Meeter and
Miaa Hartley; Mr. Pattriok. Brierlej, Dean, and Ca, agente.
HERALD, brlgi 303 tone. Captain Lillie, for South Seas, willi
part of original oargo. Captain. »gmt.
MELAMIE, barque, 136 tons, Captain rasas, for Petr«. >?
paolovakl. R Tow us and Co , agenta.
OMAR PAIHA. »hip. Vt» lons, Captain Thompson, for lan-
don : Passengers-Ur«. Thomson and child. Miss M'Carthy. --
Miss Amherst, Miss Chevoi and servants, Key. Abbot Gregory
Rey. Mr. Kenny. ROT. P Bermingham. Mr». Brldgaland, Mr. «net
Ure. Rossiter, Mi»» Rossiter, Mr. and Mr«. Gardner, Mastsr K.
.oore, Uisa Kavanagh, Masters O Mir» (?), Illlley, Donner.
Garry, Filsgeratd, Murray. O'Sullivan, Sheahan (1), Mies Levy!
Mrs. Cbemmlns, Mrs. Quirk, Mn, Sobrorler, Uessrs. Lapai».
Smith, Uunroe. Montadora. Graham, and Co.,agsnts.
Duncan Dunbar, ship. 1374 tous, Captain Naslby, for London.
Passengers- Slr Daniel Cooper, Lady Cooper and family (7), and'
« aervanU, Mr«. Petty, Mr A. JefTrays, Afr. J. Jeffrey», Meelera
Jeffreys (a), Ulai Campbell and 3 servente, Mles Blaxland. Ray.
H. Tlngcombe, Mrs. Tlngoombo and aou. Captain J. K, Tucker.
Mrs. Tucker, family |7|. and aorvsnt, Madame Rawack and sst
vant. Mr. U. Usher. Mr H. Stouo.ltr. Walker, M re. J M. Brown,
ohild, and aervant. Captain Riley, Urs. Riley, family (.1). and sar.
vant, Mr. J. Ulli, Rev. C. Doodle, Mr«. Boodle, Rsv. Mr. Adam«,
family (3) and aervant. Ur. and Mrs. Fan.ham, Mr. and Mr«.
Dingi«, ead 3 eblldren, Ur. and Mr«. Barry and family (61 Irs
the intermodule: Ur«, «nd Miss Evsna, Ur«. Dixon and 3>
children, Mr«, and Miss Taylor, Mrs. Hyndes, Maser«. Lewie.
M'lvor, Murphy King, Smith, Warde, Brown, W. King, Doak,
Hussey, Grant, Munn, Alisa Shell, and Wads. Buchanan. Skin-
WALTER HOOD. ship. 018 ton«, Captain Donald, for London.
Paasengors-Mrs. Donald, Mia« Warby, Mr. and Ure. C. O.
Torie»»», family (3),. and aervant. Mr. and Mr«. F, A. Joneses,
Meaara. Coohrane, and Newton. Montefiore, Oraban, and. Co..