MELBOURNE. - Tuesday Evening. - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) - 18 Feb 1863 (original) (raw)

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Wed 18 Feb 1863 - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875)

IA . i...i ly ; Tneaday Evening; I

The Wonga Wongi, steamer, arrived to-day with the

; 'Melbourne team, who assert they would have been

mobbed by tbe Sydney populaob if they bad refnBed to

Yesterday Messrs, Levy and Sons sold 3000 bushels

mail at Hs. 3d. oaib, and Ht,OOO, to arrive, at lie:

The Natal, wfaieh arrived to day, spoke the barque

Minerva, from London to Sydney, on the 14th February.

The Omeo, steamer, from Otago, brings 1050 ounces

gold, and 76 passengers: Tbe Shotover and its tribn.

tarieB have proved tbe riobest gold diggings yet dis*

oovered. The deposits left by Individuáis at the receiv-

ing offices are large; the avenge being from 40 to 70

ounces. Still there are, more unlucky than fortunate

minerB, The roads are very bad, the creeks swollen,

and almost impassable, and tba escort waggon broke

Arrived at Port Chalmers-Marchioness and Spray,

Sailed-Thane of Fife for Sydney.

An impromptu meeting was held at George Mar-

shall's this evening, at which it was resolved to con-

vene e public meeting of the oiloketers, to mcrrow, for

tbs parpóse of welcoming the retain of tho Viotorlin

team, and considering the desirability of challenging

the Sydney eleven to play tba 'sarna eleven in

'Baining here night and day.

The Adelaide line is down. >

Ia tbe Assembly, this afternoon, Mr. Daffy explained

t that thB District Surveyor had never made water

reserves on the east side;of the Loddon, although be

told the Age reporter, In mistake, he had done so.

Thia denial earned an aoousation against the veraoity

Tbe House is now in Committee on the Governor's

TSNDEBB AooEPrED.-Tho undermentioned tenders

bave been aooepted by the Government :-Mr. William

Dorrington-For the execution of certain works on the

Great Northern Road, 3nd dietrich, oontricts Nos. S3

and 33. Mr, Miohael Meogher-For oontraot No. 34.

Mesare. John H. Fox and Cr.-For con (riot No. 35.

Mesera. Haswell and Ellis-For contracts Nos, 90 and

37. Mr. MioliDol Skeahan-For tba exesntion of certain

works on tbs Groat Northern Hoad, 1st district, oontraot

Nor. 41, 48, and 53. Mr. P. Walsh-For oontraot No.

45. Mr. Il: Holcombe-For ooatrict No. 40. Mr. M.

Miller-For oontraols NOP. 47, BO, and 01. Mr. N. F.

Asaer-For contract No. 40. Messrs. J. D. Hill and Co.

-For oontraot Nr. 03. Mr; Thomas Greer-For oon-

traot No. 5í. Mr, Henry Asaor-For oontraot No. 05.

Mr. Jeremiah DCOBJ-For oontraot No. BO. Mr.Tbomis

Curry-For tho supply of billet wood for tho Great

Southern and Wostorn Hallway. Mr. Thomas Atkinson

-For the erootion of a polioo station, Pulpit Hill. Mr.

Henry Tooker Jon ca-For the supply of far nil aro for

pollos-oulop, Morpoth. Mr. Richard Norris-For the

ereotion of . polloe-atation, Biogbteen Milo Hollow.

Mr. William Jolly-For the supply of 300 tolegraph

potts. Mr. John Taylor-For tho supply and erection

cf a mut for supporting the electric telegraph wiro«

.irois (be river Hawkeabory at Ytisema&'a Ferry.-(?<>.

JrUuunr TOWT, ABsxrssapB Sooim,-Lait evanlni

? meeting of tbii aoelety wi» bald in tba Balmain Tem

peranoe Hall, Tbe obalr waa laban by B. Ronald, Esq.

J,P" who reid a letter be bad received ? few boars be

fore, from tbe Tenérsele Arobdeason M'Eneroe, wht

was to bave deliverad a lecture that evening in tbe ball

Tbe letter .tated tbat, in consequence of tbe day bein;

ao unfavourable, and tbe evening likely to be worse, bc

would poitpone bis leoture to eome otber evening. Tbt

chairman read another letter, from theBev. B Hartley

apologlBing for bis unavoidable absence. Tbe meeting

having at this time thronged the roam, Ihe ohairmati

addressed the aodienoe, and tben called on Mr. Rutledge,

who spoke for some time on the necessity tbat existed

for tba most strenuous efforts that ooald be made by the

sooiety for the suppression of an evil that waa producing,

beyond tllolhare, the moat deplorable íesalta. The pro-

ceedings were brought to a close at twenty minutes past

MUNICIPALITY OF COOK-Portion of tbe Camperdown

estate. Declaration ol thepoll:-Mr.JameaLarkins,67¡

Mr. Elliott Johnson, 46 ; Mr, James Flanagan, 44

Mr. Michael McGrath, 36; Mr. Samuel Bartley, 84;

Mr. Bobert Morrow, 83; Mr. John James Collins, 81;

Mr. James Bennett, 80 ; Mr. James Moloney, 33 ;

Mr. William Woolley, 31; Mr. Daniel Bucknell, 18;

Mr. Daniel Burdett, 9; Mr. William Moseley, 8; and

Mr. James Woodford, 4, There were six councillors to

be elected, and the returning-officer (G.W. Barker, Esq.,)

declared the following to be duly elected, viz. :-Messrs.

Larkins, Johnson, Flanagan, McGrath, Bartley, and

MUNICIPALITY OF BALMAIN.-A meeting of the council

was beld on Monday, the 2nd instant. Present-N. D

Stenhouse, Esq. (chairman), and Messrs, Beattie

Boo h, Church, Cohen, Elliott, and Evans. The minutes

of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A

letter from Mr. W. G. A. Fitzhardinge waa read, stating

that a toll for a funeral prooesiion had been demanded

and obtained from him at the bridge, Glebe leland ; and

requesting that inquiry with reference thereto might be

instituted. Beferred to the committee of geoeril par

pores. The oommittee of finance brought up a report

stating tbat, since their last report, sundry accounts

amounting to £24 16'. bad been paid by tbem ander

votes of appropriation, and recommending that an account

of £512.5s, be paid to Mr, Cory, solicitor, for costs,

fcc:, incurred in prosecuting Byrnes, for an assault on

the bailiff, while in the execution of bis duty.

Report received, and on ths motion of Mr. Church,

adopted. Mr. Evans, as a member of the deputation

appointed to wait upon the honorable the Minister for

Finance, with reference to the abatement of a nuisance,

arising from the abattoirs and piggeries, Glebe Island,

submitted the following report:-' Report upon the con-

dition of the abattoir, as affecting the health of the

inhabitants of Balmain-Having jn common with the

rest of the inhabitants of Balmain, remarked that a most

offensive smell bad, of late, pervaded tha hamlet during

the prevalence of southerly winds, I thought it important

to investigate the cause, especially as fever of a very

severe type had been unusually prevalent, and found

that the smell arose from Glebe Island. The smell

proceeds partly from the abattoirs, and is occasioned by

the drains not being sufficently flushed after work is

finished for the day. This may be remedied by the en

gine being kept at work longer. The main drain has not

any direct means of being flushed, only through the drains

that run into it. It requires a pipe direct from the tank

that supply water to the subsidiary drains. Manure

Tank : Into this runs the blood and offal; the paunch

manure is also thrown there. It is provided witth clean

ing out traps, which, instead of being shut, were open

when I visited. The pipe which leads from it opens

about one hundred feet, from tha water-it shonld be

continued to below low water mark. The most offensive

of the smells proceeds from the north side of the island,

where a number of pigs are kept; the surplus of the

offal on which they are fed,and their excrement, spreads

over the rocks and offers a large surface for evaporation.

Substances become putrid, and exhale gases in propor-

tion to the area over which they are spread; hence

this system of allowing putrid manure to spread

over the rooks and beach, and even on the

surface of the adjoining water, is very deleterious. There

ought to box or tank for paunch manure, for

each of the slaughter houses, the contents of which

should be removed daily to a general reservoir ; if not

taken away at once for manure, it should be disinfected

with chloride of lime, and it would be innoxious, but

still available for manure. Nothing but the blood

should be allowed to run into the harbour. If this were

attended to, and the drains kept well flushed, all offen-

sive smell would be avoided. It seems to me that

matters would be facilitated by making the inspector of

cattle, and the duty of looking after the Goverment

property and seeing it kept clean, distinct offices. Both

are equally important in their way for the public

welfare. Water cisterns should be provided in the cattle

pens for the bullocks; by a simple mechanical con.

trivance the cistern might be kept constantly

filled from a central tank with but little trouble. lt

must be injurious for cattle, after being driven, to stand

in a state of fever under a broiling sun for a day, or per

haps more, without water, and it is certainly very cruel.

I do not for a moment wish to cast any blame on the

officials at the Island, I received the greatest courtesy

and attention from Mr. Driver, who has on more than

one occasion showed me over the place. No doubt they

do the best they can to avoid creating a nuisance, under

the present imperfect arrangements. If the engine can

not throw water enough in working hours to cleanse the

place, it might, by employing extra labour, be worked

day and night, as is done at the saw mills. (signed)

OWEN SPENCER EVANS, Chairman of the Committee."

Report received. Inquiry having been made whether

any steps bad been taken towards commencing the jetty

proposed to be erected in Waterview Bay, the chair-

man replied that the surveyor had informed him that

the delay had been occasioned by the Engineer-in-Chief

for Harbours, who had not, he believed, reported upon

the application for permission to erect the jetty. The

WAVEBLBY MUNICH?AMIT.-The first meeting of thia

oounoil, after the annual municipal eleotions, waa held

on Monday, tbe 10th instan», et the - oounoil ohambers,

Waverley-etreat, Present-Tho Chairman ( Mr, Charles

Browne). Messrs. Dickson, Simmons, Taylor, Harper,

Biymotd, Fletobcr, and Holdsworth; The minutes of

the business tranaaoted at last meeting, were read end con-

firmed. Tbe chairman laid on the table offloiol returns

of tbe late eleotions, dedaring the following gentlemen

daly eleoted os oonnoillora: ls'.-D. Fietahcr, Esq., for

Bondi Ward; 3nd.-J. C. Raymond, Esq., for Waverley

Ward ; 3rd.-J. B. Holdsworth, Eeq, for Neleoo Ward ;

and that A, Allen and W. J, Hamberger bad boen duly

eleoted BR auditors to thia municipality. Tbe oounoil

then proceeded to eleat their chairman. It was moved

by Mr. Harper, seaonded by Mr; Holdsworth, and carried

unaaimouOy-That Mr. J. 0. Raymond be eleoted chair,

man of this municipality for the ensaiag municipal

yeer. Mr. Baymond, on tabing the obair, returned

thanks for the honour oonferred, ind ' for the kind ex.

pressions used by all the mombera on olecting bim to the

vaoant office. The oounoil then separated^

REDFERN MuNiorPAiriY.-Friday, 13th February,

1863,- Colin oil met, pursuant to adjournment, at seven

o'olook.' Present : The oboirmnn (Mr. Georja Bonwiok).

and, Messrs. Wild, Crane, JoncB, Woods, and Royce.

DeolaraMons of offioey'duty attested, were bando! in by

tbs obairman and on« of tbe auditors. Mr. J. Williamson,

Minutes of. the Uitt oounoil meeting and of (be two

meetings of electors' read and confirmed. The ohairman

brought np the report of tho flnanoe committee, recom-

mending payment of the following eooonnls, namely : -

Labour, £4 4s, ; dart hire and rubble stone, £0 ls. Od. ;

cleaning channell*, £8 ; rent of oonncil obombera, £16

i 10s. ; law chargea, £3 Se. ; election expenses-poll clerk,

£1; and printing, £11 16s,; contract work (Cleveland

and Redfern Btreets), £58 10?. OJ. : total, £100 IC»: Tho

report woa Bdopted on the motion of Mr. Crane, seconded

by Mr. Wild. The report of the improvement oommltteo

was then brought np, recommending that Pi it.street be

berbed and guttered from Wells.Btreet southward, es far

aa built apon. Mr. Wild moved that tho report be

adopted, Seconded by Mr. Woads, and canted. Mr,

Crane moved, pursuant ta notice-1. That Botany-street

be formed in continuation to the junotion

witb the Waterloo municipality, at a probable oxpenoo

of £80. Seconded by Mr. Wild, and carried. 3, That

Turner-street, from Geerge-Btreet to Botany.Blreet, bo

kcrbed and guttered, at a probable expense of £40.

Seconded by Mr. Woods, and oarried. Correspondence

read.*-A letter fra m Mn George E. Crane, honorary

seoretary to the Botany Boid Trust, dated February

lltb, asking thia council to expend the sum or £100 io

repairing the said road, on condition that the trusteoa

expend in equal sum. The derk was instrnotod to

state, in reply, that this oonooil most willingly oRroo to

the proposition of tbs trnstoor. Notioes ol motion for

next meeting wore handed in by Mr. Royoo and Mr.

Woodr. Tho tenders for tbe supply of Ironntono gravel 1

wore then opened :-I. J. Badd'n, at ls. Od, pot ton. \

3. J. Taylor's, at 3s, 6d." Moved by Mr, Woods, and so- Í

conded by Mr. Jones-That tho tondor of J. Dodd be Î

aaoeptcd. Carriod. Tho chairman lal i botoro tho \

oounoil an estímalo of the prob-Mn inoomo »nd expen-

diture for tho year oommonoiog tho 4th Fobruory, upon

whioh it wa' resolved to levy a roto of ono shilling in

tho ponnd on all lands, houses, and othor building*

within the limits of thia municipality. Tho now asoess

ment hoing nearly ilnlBhod, it was rosolvod that a court

of potty eesalonp, for the hearing of appeals égalait the

eome, be held in the Oounoil-chambera on Thursday, the

13th March. Beioived- Ti.ot, in futuro, the council

1 meetings be beld on Tuesday evenings it seven o'olook.