No title - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) - 31 Oct 1863 (original) (raw)
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Sat 31 Oct 1863 - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875)
Page 5 - No title
WAYBBJ.EÏ UuNioiFALTZS.-& «pedal meeting of thia
municipal council waa Held on Thursday evening, 29tb
instant. Ptesent: Measra. K. Vibkery, K;mp, Simmons,
' Fletcher, Dickson, «nd Ti ylor. On the motion of Mr.
Simmons, Mr. Kemp wes roted to the obair p o. tm.
The lollowiog letter», reoeivod since the lest meeting by
ibe eonncil oteib, wote lead ;-1st. From Mr. }. O.
R ytnond, re igning tbe dffioe of councillor of Waverley
Ward end cboirmen of thia municipality, in consequence
ot taviog removed to Sydney. Sod. From Mr. J. B.
Holdsworth, resigning his seat ss councillor of Nelson
Ward, alleging na a sufficient reason his Inability to
devote that time and aitention to tho nulles of tbe said
office fiqtiisite. It was moved hy Mr. Taylor and
resulted-That tbe seats of Mestre. Raymond and
Holdawor h as councillors of this municipality be
declared vacant. Mr. Vickery then, moved-Tbat the
cordial thank's of thia connell, fae awarded to J. C.
Hajuiond, Eeq,, the late ohaiiman of this munlofpaliiy,
for. bia efficient services dtiring tbe time of bia holding
tbo'said otfior. Mitton put and parried unanimously.
The cont oil Iben proceeded t) eleel their chairman for
tbe rtmaloder' of tbe municipal year. Mr. Fteaoher
moved that-Mr. Sirstnoos he appointed'to the vacant
oiliest an amendment .thereon wis moved . by .Mr.
Taylor that Mr, E. Vickery be elected chairman. Tee j
emendmtnt wee put and negatived. Mr. Simmons was
thtn declared 'dulr eleotid, and returned th»n»e¡ and
the oonno.1 adjourned till "Tutoday mr, the Std of