Advertising - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) - 20 May 1853 (original) (raw)
Sails This Day, at 3 o'clock,
THE fine Screw Steam-ship
800 tong, E. Mailler, com-
Apply to Captain Mailler, on board ; or to
AH passage money must bo paid not later than
One o'clock. Apply on board, at the Flour Com-
2MIE magnificent and unri
.# Tailed new iron screw steam,
1S00 tons, 300 borne power,
Franois Cadell, Commander, will again bo de- 1
snatched, on or about Wednesday, the 1st day of
For passage only, apply to
Pocket Office, 480, George-street. 4371
THE fine fast-wailing Brig
hourly expected, will Bail BÍX
Landing every pockago on tho Wharf, without
J. E. Robinson, commander, now
off tho Slip, will bo ready to re
Tom magnificent barque has unrivalled cabin
and stcerago aooommodutions. Passengers aro
requested to inepoot the vessel.
For freight or passage apply to Captain
Robinson, Patent Slip Wharf ; or to
Port Phillip Taoket Oluco,
5159 _ 489, Gcorge-strect.
. Landing till her Cargo on tho Wharf.
, J.M'Lean, commander, will load
This vessel is unsurpassed in tho
Irado tor speed and her superior cabin accom-
modations. Stern Cabin for Ladies.
For freight or cabin passage apply to
Port Phillip Packet Office,
4?30_ 489, George-street.
Landing all ber Cargo on tho Wharf.
TITHE well-known regular trader I
.T. Kendall, commander, will meet
For freight or passage apply to
PortThillip Packet Office,
John Weyntnn, Commander, now
luadcJ, « ¡ll »lo.,.. O.t. J..J, UUU gO '
_to sea to-morrow morning.
Has room for two cabin and four steerage pas-
For passage only, apply on board, at the Flour
Port Phillip Packet Oflice,
CLEARS at tho Customs to-
morrow, and has room for a
" fow passengers only, with splendid
^JEj^ffijs^y accommodations. 'Bods and bod
-^ÉissifS dinB for ALIi ll,e passengers pro-
Apply to Captain Mackellar, on board, at tho I
Flour Company's Wharf; or to
Tacket Offioo, 480, George-street._521C
PAVING all lier cargo engaged
_L nnd now fast louding will
For passago only, having excel-
lent and spacious accommodations,
apply to Captain Fox, on board ¡ or to
Packet Office, 480, acorgo-atreet. 5217
JJ AVING nil her froight en
jj>X -tl gaged, and now fast loading,
**K^$> has room for a few passengers only,
with superior accommodations,
._ES beds, bodding, wines, beer, spirits,
<So., found, apply to Captain Box, on board, at j
tho Flour Company's Wharf ; or to
racket Ontce,;480, George-street. 5215
Landing lier Cargo on tho Wharf, without
SOO. tons burthon, John Wilson/
''commander, is now receiving Cargo,
_» and will sairtm TueBday next* 24th
For a fow tons light freight, or passago, having j
excellent -accommodations, (bods, bodding, wines,
and spirits, being found in tho cabin, freo of extra |
charge), apply on board ¡ or to
THE lino clipper Sohoonor
100 ton?, has room for a few
passengers only. Apply to
A Regular Trader, with all Despatch.
milE Favonrlto Paokot Brig
ll. Brown, oonnnonder, formorly
of tho rhantom, 135 tons register,
_will load immodiqtely at tUo- Floor :
For froight or passngo, having cxcoHbnt Cubin '
nnd Stcorngo accommodation, and. a eopffrato
Cabim for Ladies, apply to tko Ownor.
14 «1 May, 1853. ' ' 4)134,
I Warranted First Vessel.
."k3i, rp II E Al clipper Schooner
I Fi^&^IS^ 135 40,18 rceî'iter» H- Kelly,
I L^V'LILLIC_ master, is receiving freight ot
sjSBSoES Miller's Wharf, Batharst-street.
rPHE Fine fast-sailing barque
£ SOO tons burden, (now lying off Ibo
? Covo), II. G. Dale, commander, U
under engagement to eail positively
This vessel offers a good opportunity to parties
proceeding thither, the accommodations (which
tiley «re invited to inspect) hoing first class.
Wines and Redding found free of extra charge.
For freight or passage, apply to tho Captain,
fPIIE fine Bombay teak-built ship,
STONE, CH tons register, W.
Dale, commander, will sail posi-
tively on the 25th instant.
For light freight or pasjugc, having superior
accommodations, apply to the Captain, on board,
at Campbell's Wharf; or to
rPHE Al for fourteen years, now
1000 tons, Frederick Coote, Esq.,
i_oommander, belonging to Messrs.
Somes liiothers, will sail for the above port on
or about the 30tb instant.
This is n first-rato_ opportunity for passengers,
as this Ship's splendid sailing qualities and poop
accommodation oancot be surpassed. I
Apply to Captain Coote, on board, at tho Cir-
To Sail on or about Wednesday, the 25th instant.
PASSENGERS are reqnostod at
once to pay up their balances
S!KJi> so as there may be no delay.
[$¡iy Tho vesEel bas now finished load
^___.=5*3*3 >n& l'cr dead weight. For pas
sago or fight freight only, apply to Captain
Thomas Cannell, on bo:ird, at tho Pheonix Wharf,
bottom of Erskine-street ; or to
rack ot Office, 480, George-street. 4994
For Passengers, Parcels, aud Specie, having
Will bo despatched in May,
H E celebrated dipper ship
J. N. Forbes, commander, 1,625
tons register, 2,500 tons bartben ;
SHIP IN TUB WORLD,*' having just made tho
Voyage to Melbourne and back, including deten-
DAYS I boating every other Vessel, Steamers in-
AS a rusaeiigut-omi/ suv .«.¿'.»".in»« , «.»«
her commander's ability and kindness to bis pas-
As she goes in ballast, and is expected to mako |
a very rapid passage, sho odors a. most favourable
opportunity to Shippers of Specie.
Gold dust and Speoio will be delivered at tho j
Bnnk of England. Apply to
WILLIS, MERRY, & CO., Melbourne ;
4415 WILLIS, MERRY, & CO., Sydnoy.
DRAFTS on London, Melbourne, and Gee-
long, bought and sold by this Bank at the j
ourrent rates of Exchange. 1
Sola Drafts on London of £5 each, payable |
on demand, may be obtained on application at
tho Bank Oificos, 397, Pitt-street North, Sydney.
pnny, will despatch nh Escort on MONDAY
next, 23rd instant, and persons desirous of making
remittances to, or towards, the Ovens Gold Fields,
oro respectfully informed that Bank Notes or
speoio will bo received at tho Oflico until 3 p.m.
NOTICE is hereby givon, that tiro Half Yearly
Dividend of 13 per Cent., declared on tho I
Shares of this Bank at tho Annual Goucral
Meeting of Proprietors, held in London on tho
24th Jhnunry last, with tho addition of 7d. in tho
pound, in lieu of Incomo Tux, will bo payablo to
tho Colonial Shareholders on and after Monday
Sydnoy, 17th May, 1853. 5108 ]
Slated brick or stone buildings de- s. d.
Ditto diU6lditto ditto contiguous ... 7 C
Ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto to inferior
Shingled ditto ditto ditto detached ... 10 O
Ditto ditto ditto oontiguous ... .. 12 6
Inferior buildings.15s. and 17 6
Vessels In harbour with or without warrantor ¡
to ropair and ships building.
Hazardous riüks subjeet to speoial arrange
Losses by lightning modo good.
Tho AGENTS havo authority to ADJUST and
PAY all claims in SYDNEY, and for thia pur-
pose havo a credit on tho UNION BANK or AUS-
TRALIA to any extent required.
It is also provided by condition No. 7 in oaoli
rolloy, that "ff any dispute »hall arise between
the Äisured and the Company, respecting the
amount vf any loss or damage, the ¿ame thall be
submitted to Arbitrators indifferently chosen,
whose award in writing shall be conclusive and
binding on both parties;" and willoh conrso of
prooocding will bo followed by referring tho
matter in disputo to Arbitrators resident lu 1
(Ki" N.B.-In caso of Fire, parties aro requested
to glvo notioo to Mr. T. J. Bown, Engineer, No.,
820, Gaorgo-streot, Superintendent of tho Flro
Brigade, lu whoso promises tho Engino ie kept.
Q U E E N'S: O O L L E G E,
In permanent alliance with tbe University of
Stn ALFRED SIETHEN, Knight, Chairman
Secretaries and Treasurert:
Reverend A. II. STEPHEN, and
_ Î ho Legislature of this colony, by tho founda-
tion and munificent endowment of the UNIVERSITY
OF SYDNEY, having provided an Institution in
which secular knowlodgo of the highest order
may bo acquired, but from which, by the terms
of its constitution, Religious instruction is ex-
cluded, it has become a matter of deep importance
that members of the Church of England, by tbe
establishment of a College of their own, in con-
nexion with thc University (as contemplated by
the Act for its incorporation), should bo enabled
to avail themselves of the advantages thus
It is proposed to establish, therefore, in per-
manent nllinncs with tho Sydney University, a
Church of England College, to ho allied QUEEN'S
COI.LEQH ; in which systematic Religious instruc-
tion, <loaic.»tio supervision, and moral discipline,
with elementary teaching, and efliciont assistance
in prcpiiring fer the University Lectures and
Examinations, shnll bo provided for Students
of the University, whoso Guardians or Parents
may desiro to sccuro snob, advantages for
thom. And thus, whilo tho acquisition by
them of all other usol'ul knowledge will bo
facilitated, and that union of the Tutorial and
Professorial systems bo attained, which is so im
I portant in Academical Education, tho groat object
will bo kept in view of instilling into their minds
a reverence for tho doctrines and tenets of our
Church : and Learning will bo consecrated, as it
over should bo, to tho service and honour of
With these views, tho following Tlnn and Ar-
rangements (subject to modification by tho Sub-
scribers horenfter) aro proposed.
1. That Col logo Buildings sholl booreotedin the
vicinity ol Sydney; to consist of Hull,
Chapel, nnd Library, with residences for a J
Warden and Sub-V?nrden, and rooms for
2. That the government of tho College shall be
vested in a Council, to consist of tho Warden
3. That tho Metropolitan Bishop shall bo Visitor
4. That the Council shall draw np Rules (with
power te amend them, from time to timo, as
may bo thought expedient) for the manage-
ment of the College, and tho ordering of all
things therein to tho furtherance of true Re
5. That tho Warden, who shall bo a Clergyman
in Priests' Ordors, shall bo appointed by tho
six Fellows ; and the Sub-Warden bo ap-
pointed by tho Worden, subjoct to their ap-
C. That there shall bo twenty-four Follows be-
longing to the College ; of whom eight shall
bo Clergymen in Priests' Ordors.
7. That tho first twenty-four Follows shall bo
elected by tho Subscribers j and Hut all
vncancios in thoir number, br resignation or
otherwise, shall bo supplied by Graduatos of
tho University continuing on tho books of,
8. Provided that, until there shall be twenty
such Graduates at tho loast, all vacancies
among tho Follows shall bo supplied by tho
remaining Follows ; by election, in such
manner as they may appoint.
9. That tho six Fellows, members of tho Connoil,
who shall bo called Senior Fellows, shall be
elected by tho twenty-four Fellows, from
their own body ; all vacancies being supplied
10. That, of tho Sonior Fellows, threo shall bo
Clergymen in Pi icsts' Orders, and threo Lay-
men ¡ and that they shall, ovory second yonr
(or oftener if need bo) elect a Bursar, who
shall have tho oontrol and administration of
tba rovonucs and disbursements of tho epi-
logo. Tho Bursar to bo always capablo of
11. That tho Wardens (subject to nny Rules made
by tho Council) shnll havo tho general super-
intendence and control of tho Studoll ts, and
12. That arrangements shall bomado, ovcntunlly,
for tho establishment of n School, in imme-
diate connexion with tho Collego; under such
regulations, and supervision, ns tho Council
13. That an Act shall bo sought from tho Legis-
lature, for tho pcrmanont sottlomout and
continuance of the College, upon tho founda-
tion, and for tko purposos hero indicated ;
by incorporation, or otborwlso, ns may bo
In circulating tho forogoing Prospectus of a
Church of England College, tho Committoo ap
fiointcd nt tho Public Meeting hold to promoto
ts establishment, having given tho subject their
maturo and anxious attention, and hoing satisfied
of tho perfect practicability, as well ns of tho
Ïiroprloty and urgenoy of tho< object, earnestly
ii vi to co-operation in thoir design.
Tho Committee submit it for Bupport, in tho
persuasion that a largo portion of tho community
will readily unito willi thom in tho advancement I
of principles, and tho promotion of a system, I
within this colony, whioh havo for agos aeon so j
conducive to tho prosperity, tho moral greatness,
and tho glory of Englnnd. Thoy aro anxious,
for tho Membors of thoir Church, to toko advan-
tage of tho opportunity hold out to them by tho
Legislature, of acquiring instruction in the
highest brauchen of secular learning; undor
Professors so distinguished, and admirably quuli
flod in thoir rospcotivo departments, as those who
now fill tko Chairs in tho Sydnoy University.
But Churohmen, however influenced by such con-
siderations, fool that in tho University ono thing,
the most essential, is yet wantina j and they
desiro that, in this colony as in England, mental
improvement nnd Roligion should movo togothor,
With suoh views, tho establishment of on In-
stitution to bo called " Queen's Colloge" lins been
projected, in oonncotiou with tho University i
and the Committee, trusting to tho cordial
sympathy of thoso intorostod lu tho undertaking,
solicit subscriptions towards tho object. On tho
amount so 'raised will materially depend tho ex-
tent of tho endowment, willoh will bo doubtless
contributed by tho Govornniunt anti Legislature.
Tho Cummitte, therefore, deeply sensible of tho
importance ol'Mils movement, (rust that it will
bo mot hy prompt and generous assistance,
lt will bo observed, that the Prospectas con-
templates tho erection of Buildings; and the
Committee confidently expect that sufEoient funds
will be received, not for'that object only, but for
a liboral endowment of tho College. It is hoped,
however, that arrangements may atonoo bo made,
for tho reception of Students attending the Uni-
versity, and their moral and religious supervision
by Clergymen willing to undertake that duty; or
by other competent persons.
It is proposod by the Committee, that subscrip-
tion s ot £50 and upwards may bo payable in four
annual payments ; and that Subscribers shall bo
entitled to voto in tlte election of Fellows, accord-
ing to the following scale, viz.:-£10 and under
£50, one vote ; £50 and under £100, tue votes ;
£100 and under £20e,/onr votes ; £200 and undor
£400, lix votos; £400 and under £500, eight
vetes ; £500 and upwards, ten votes.
It is scarcely necessary to add, that.although
tho plan and arrangements now proposed, are such
as appear to tho Committee to be in accordance
with the views expressed nt tho general Meeting,
they will, of oourse, bo subject to modification, if
ultimately the Founders of the Institution shall
Subscription lists will bo found at the various
Banks and subscriptions can be paid to any mem-
ber of the Committee or to the account of the
treasurers at the Australian Joint Stock Bank,
It is requested that tho names of Subscribers
with the amount of Subscriptions may be for-
warded to the undersigned, in order that the
lists may be laid .before tho Comnsittee, without
' Sydney, 25th April, 1853.
ißW Communications for tho Committee are to
bo addressod " Queen's Collego Committee, to the
care of tho Secretaries, 312, Pitt-street, Sydney.
DR. SMITH intends to give a short oourse
of Lectures (say nino or teu), with a
view to explain como of the leading principles
of chemical science. Tho chemical, substances
described will bo chiefly those found in air and
Tho Lectures will bo given on Mondays, Wed-
nesdays, and Fridays, at 4 o'clock in tho after-
noon-to commenco on Wednesday, tho 25th
instant ; and they will bo open to ladies as well
The fee for tho course is ono guineai; -Tiokota
may bo obtained from the Registrar, at tho Uni-
versity, betweon tho hours ol 9 o'clock A.M. and
AMEETING of tho ."Committee will take
plnoo THIS DAY (Friday), the 20th day of
May, 1853), at half-past ,3 o'clock p.m.', at bt.
James's Grammar) School,'Phillip-street ¡Sydney.
Members aro particularly requested to bo pre-
parad to hand in their Subscription Lists at this
ON SUNDAY next, tho 22nd instant, Three
SERMONS will bo proaohed in St. Philip's
Old Church, and Collections made in aid of tho
New Church Building Fund. Divino service will
commonco at the usual hours.
And on MONDAY EVENINO next, tho 23rd in-
stant, a Publio Mooting will bo hold in the
School-room, ' Harrington-street, to reccivo the
Annual Report' of tho St. Philip's New Church
Building Committee Tho chair will bo tnken at
7 o'clock precisely. Tho attendance of all friends
is particularly requested. 5222
'(lian AUO±IV2ÍL,ASXA"JNj ±Oil£K.MASUi<&'
Capital, £10,000 Sterling;, in 2000 Shares of £5
encl), with power to inórense tho capital, if
At a Gcnoral Meeting of tho Craft it was
unanimously resolved that the time had nrrivod
to carry out tho proposed object, and the follow-
ing brethren wero elected a Committee of Ma-
nagement for this purpose, viz. ;
" Sir Osborno Giubos, Bart., W.M., 843
" R. Loworthy, Z.R.A.C, 200
" AV. J. Munee, P.M., 206
" 'JP. Turnor, Z.R.A.C, 207
" J. Simmons, Sen., P.M., 548
" Gr. Thornton, P.M., 200
" F. Cnllnghnn, S.W., 207.
TrcttBuror-Bro. lt. W. Moero, W.M., 518
Scorotary-Uro. llonry King.
Bankers-Tho Commcroial Dank.
Solicitor-Bro. AVlllinm Thurlow.
Masonic Lodges and members of tho Craft
generally (to whom alono shnros in tho under-
taking will bo allotted), wishing to tako shares,
will apply, in furm following', to tho Committeo
of Management, ut tho Oilices of Bro. C. E.
Langley, Civil Engineer and Survoyor, 310, Pitt
To tho Committee of Maniigomcnt.
Gentlemen-I rorjucst you will allot mo --
Shares in tho above undertaking ; and I hereby
agree to accept tho same, or suoh smallor nu m her
as shall ho allotted to me, tu pay tho deposit, and
all instalments thereon, as they shall bo called
for, aud to execute thu Deed of Se ttl omen t whon
ovor called upon to do so. In default of complying
with any of tho above conditions, tho dopostt and
Numo and number of Lodga.
N.B.-Lodges applying for shares will forward,
with tho application, a copy of resolution agreed
to in open Lodge, mid nttcstcd by tho Lodge
So»), vesting tho interest in such shares in tho
W.M., and Wardens for tho timo being for tho
Printed applications to ho had at tho office
NOTICE is hereby given that no applications
for shares will bc roccivod aftor 31st May
AT A MEETING of a number of Gontlonion,
held on Monday, tho 10th instant, with a J
view to tho forniution of a Company for tho pur
poBo of supplying tho City of Sydney and Suburbs
witli waler, it was dotermlnod,-" That n Piiblio I
Meeting should ba called to consider tho host
moans of carrying out tho abovo object," I
A PUBLIC MEETING will thoroforo bo hold
at tho Royal Hotel, ut half-past two o'olock, on
MONDAY next, nt which tho citizens and all
parties interested nro reqtiostod to attend.
EDEN.-Mr. David Edon ls iiiun-mod that lils
wife and family are in Sydney, mid roquost
that ho will comiiuiHlciito with thom immediately,
on board tho Dnko ot' Wellington, Sydney Har-
bour i or apply nt thc llorso n"nd Jockey lon.
To take place in tba Hall of St. Mary's Seminary,
On MONDAY, 23rd May, 1853.
Conductor-I. NATHAN, ESC.
1. Nationnl Air-God save the
pressly for this Society by.. Nathan.
2. Solo and Quartetto-Hark tho
Vesper Hymn. Sir J. Stephen.
3. Chorus-Vive lc Hoi. Balfe.
4. Trio-Hope once more ¿. Nathan.
5. Solo-Lunsi dal caro beno,
(arranged with variations
for Mr. Talnier, expressly
for this Society, by Nathan). Sorti.
6. Trio-Vivan tutto lo vczzose. Unknown.
7. Trio-Ziiti Zitti. Bossini.
8. Air and Chorus-Tho' Storms. .
and Perils (Finale to Merry i
1. Glee-Tlia Bed Cross Eight. Callcott.
I 2. Recitativo and Aria-" Oh
ratrin," "Tu che ocendi,"
"Di tanti palpiti". Rossini.
3. Quartetto - Lutzow's Wild
4. Glees-Tho Urchins and Elves
5. Solo and Quartetto-Dal tuo
Stellato Soglio. Rossini.
6. Vadasi via di qua-(Tho ge-
7. Madrigal-Now is the Month
8. National Air-Long live Vic-
Tho Concert will commence at 8 o'olook.
Visitors' tickets, 3s. cacb, may bo obtained
from Mr. H. Marsh, Messrs. Woolcott and
Clarke, and Mr. J. Moore, George-street ; Mr.
Moffitt, Fitt-strcot ; and Messrs. Kern and Mader,
MR. H. MARSH has the honour to announce
his intention cf giving a
Under tho immediate patronage of
Mr. H, Marsh has much plonsuro in announcing
that he has succeeded iii engaging tho following
Mrs. Fiddes (late Miss H. Cawse),
Mr. John Gregg, tho celebrated Basso.
Bassoon .. .... .. Mr. Winterbottom.
Pianoforte (his first ap-
pearance) .Mr. Coleman Jacobs.
Cornet-à-Piston.Mr. H. Durant.
Sax Horn.Mr. Evans Sloper.
Violin .Mr. Edward Tucker.
In addition to Wintcrbottom's unrivalled
Orchestra, the splendid Bund of tho Xlth Regi-
ment, by the kind permission of Colonel Bloom-
Overture-L'ltaliani in Algci-1 Rossini.
Vocal Duet-Wo aro Wander-
Quadrille-Ibrahim Paoli a .. D'Albert.
Sons-Madollno (bv desired
MP. John Gregg.". ... '.. Nelson.
Fantasia - Pianoforte - Mr.
Coleman Jacobs, Pianist to
" H. RiJf. BiinliBM. <if OW.
Valso-Tho Bridal-Sax Horn
Obligato, Mr. Evans Sloper H. Marsh.
Solo Fluto - Fontasia - Mr.
Galon-Cambridge (by desire),
Henri Durant . Ern CB to.
Song-I love tho merry Sun-
shine-Miss Flora Harris... Glover.
Solo, Sax Horn-Airs from ll
Puritan!, arranged expressly
Solo, Violin-Air Fnntastiquo
-Mr. E. Tucker.Robboroicht.
Solo, Bassoon-Fra poco a mo
Song-Simou tho Collaror-Mr.
Polka-Tho Drum. J lillie».
As performed nt M. Wintcrbottom's Promenade
Concerts, Melbourne, for IOU nights.
Cornot-û.-1'istoD.. .. M. II. Durant.
The Drummors of tho Xlth Bogimont, under tho
direction of tho Drum-Mnjor, hy tho kind por
missicu of Colonol Uloomlleld.
I Lender ,, .. . Mr. Edward Tucker.
Conductor.. .. Mr. H. Marsh.
! Doors open at 7 j to oommonco at 8 o'olock.
Carriages ordered at half-past IO o'oloek.
I Roservod seats, Cs. Stalls, 3s. Promenade,
2s. Tickets to bo obtained of II. Marsh and
Co., Messrs. Woolcott and Clarke, Messrs. W.
J. Johnson and Co., and Boyal Hotel.
Manager, Mr. Nugent Varley. 5225
Last Night of tho Season,
TO-MORROW, Saturday, May 21st, 1853.
OLEMAN JACOBS, tho celebrated Pianist,
-will maka his first nppoaranco at H. Marsh's I
Conoort, To-night, Friday, at the Royal Hotel.
UNPRECEDENTED Succoss and Crowded
Houses. Chango in tho Programme-Olym-
pian and Gymnaeiau Games. Stack Rope Vault
ting. Bnttot Leap, Somersaults, ami other
Novelties. Concluding with a laughablo Farco
"VTOTICE ia hero by niven that application will
_LN bo niado to tho Honourable tho Logislativo
Council of Now South Wales during tho ensuing
sossion thorcof for leave to bring in a Bill to
onablo tho Religious Sooloty denominated Wes-
leyan Methodist to próvido for a succeision of
'properly qualified Trustoos of and to all lands
and hereditaments wliiuh havo hoon or which
niny horoafter be gran tod or convoyed for tho uso
and purposos of tho said Sooioty and to enablo
tho Trustees In whom such lauds and heredita-
ments aro or shall bo vestod to convoy tho samo
to other Trustoos upon tho trusU sot forth In tho
Modol Dood of tho said Sooioty duly enrolled »»
by law is required and for othor purpusos thoroin
mentioned. Djjtud this 13th day of Moy A.D.
Eolioitor for tho said Bil),
NOTICE is hereby given, that application will
be made to the Honourable tho Legislative
Council of Kew South Wales, during the ensuing
session thoreof, for leave to bring in a Bill to in-
corporate a certain Company in Sydney, in the
colony aforesaid, under tho name and style nf
" The Pyrmont and Glebe Bridge Company,'* for
erecting a Bridge from Sydney to Pyrmont, and
also a Bridge from Pyrmont to the Glebe, and
for taking toll thereat, and to define the powers
and responsibilities of the (aid Company, and to
limit the liability ci the Shareholders, and for
other purposes in the said Bill mentioned. Dated
this Fifth day of Hay, One thousand eight hun-
PERSONS willing to contract for the erection
of a Largo Store, at the Messrs. Walker's
Wharf, George-street North, may see the plans
and specification at the Office of Mr. HILLY, 854,
Pitt-street. Tenders for separate branches will
be acceptable, and thoro will bo no objection to
Bchodule prices for the stono work. 6143
TH E undersigned are prepared to MELT
GOLD into INGOTS, and ASSAY the same
if required, by competent .and experienced per-
sons recently arrived from England.
125 353, Pitt-street, Sydney.
GOLD D IT S T.-Thc undersigned are pur-
npHE Offices of Messrs. BltENAN AND RUS
1 KELL, Solicitors, &c, have been removed
to No. 77, King-street, between George and York
rpilE Business of the undersigned, which has
J. for some timo beon carried on in their pre-
sent premises, Circular Wharf, in tho namo of
Swain and Wobbs, will for the future be trans-
acted as formerly, under tho nnme of
Circular Wharf, May 17th, 1853. 5090
316, Pitt-street, Sydney.
HOUSES and LANDS for Sale in tho City of
Sydney, Suburbs, and all parts of tho
Registers kept both for Salo and Lease, which
are always open for inspection. 4G22
WATER supplied at tho Fountains, nt ls. per
tun, or by tho Tunks alongside, in any
part of Port Jackson, at a reasonable price. All
orders left, at LANE AND CO.'S, Ship Chandlers,
will bo punctually attended to.
5242 Proprietor Water Fountains and Tanks.
JUST RECEIVED, on assortment of English
Fireworks, consisting of Rockets, Roman
Candles, Flourpots, fc'erpentB, Pin Wheels, Doublo
Crackers, Dino Lights, and China Crackers, Firo
Just opened, a large assortment of English
Market Baskets, White and Colourod, of nil
A largo assortment of English Wood, Compo-
sition, and Leather Dolls, and TOTS, in great
Please observo the Address 11
OppoBito Mr. Down's Firo Engine Station. .
JUST RECEIVED, nnassortment of ENGLISH
ROCKETS, Roman Candles, Gold Flower Pots,
Serpents, Tin Wheels, Craokcrs, Blue, Star
and Bengal Lights, Ac, Ac.
4987 313, Pitt-streot North.
CHINESE CRACKERS-a few cases still on j
Coses of nsssorled Chinese Crackers, £l I Gs. per
Just rccoivod, upwards of FIFTY.' OASES of
assortod goods. Further particulars in a
Importer and Manufacturer, 03G, Goorgc-stroot,
5113 opposite tho Old Burial Ground.
Depot of tho Bihlo and Tract Society, corner
of Pitt uud King streets, in monthly parts.
This work is got up in a very suporior stylo,
whllo the prico is so low as to bring it within'tho
Tho work is imbued throughout with a religious
spirit, and it comprises papers on ovcry subject
which can clovatc, gratify, or interest. Articles
on tho moro prominent topics of tho day, aro
mingled willi interesting Narratives, instructivo
Sketches from History, Visita to pincus ol'
colobrity in distant parts of tho world, Popular
Dissertations on scientific subjects, interspersed
with tho ohoiccst effusions of Poetry, and illus-
trated with numerous Engravings of tho first
order-tho wholo forming a Journal of tho moat j
nttraotlvo kind, and ono which tho Christian
Purent and Employer muy, with all safoty, piuco
in tho hands of thosowho uro under liislnlluonuo'
In carrying on tho work no expenso will bo spared,
as tho services of tho ablest writers havo been
engaged, mid everything will bo dono to render
tho LEISURE HtíUR fully commonsurato witli
Tho monthly parts consist of eighty largo pages,
Îrinted in a bold, oloar typo, on good papor,
'rico-SIXPENCE EACH, and will bc loft regularly
every month (if desired), at tho houses of
subscribers in Sydney, on thoir leaving their
names nt tho Depot, and paying twelvo mouths'
subscriptions (Gs.) iii advance.
PersotiB in tho country, to whom this very
i ch oap and interesting periodical is specially ro
[ commondod, may havo lt sont te thom regularly
every month, through tho post, on forwarding
their address to tho DopOt, accompanied with
twolvo months' subscription (Os.), in advance.
5203 Corner of Pitt and King streets.
MENTS, just arrived, and on salo at tho
DaplH ot tho Biblo Society, oornor of Pitt and
King Btroots, in a great varioty of typos and
bindings, nt prices varying from 4d. to 35s.
Ordors from tho interior, or from tho neigh-
bouring colonies, accompanied with tho money,
will ho promptly attended to.
5202 Corner of Pitt and King sircóla,
171 OU SALE, un edition of Hurlwtt on thu Now
; Testament, 1800, complota In 2 vols, quarto:
1 Apply at tho Oflloo of tho JUmyire 0207
Tho Keepsake, 1853, plates
Canada as it wis, is, and may bo, by- Sir J.
Alexander, 2 vols. "Tho B«st Parlia
mentarv History of Canada.'*
Alison's (Sir Archibald) History of Europe, from
Lamartino's Mona« oby in France, vol. 4
Reasons for Abjuring Allegiance to the See of
Rome, in a Letter to the Earl of .Shrews-
bury, by the Rev. Fierce Connolly, M.A.»
late his Lordship's Chaplain at AHon
Dana's System of Mineralogy, with the- most,
Harris's Principles and Fraotico of Dental Sur-
gery, with 236 illustrations
Jullicn'H Cadou of Musio, for 1S53
Arnould on Law of Marino Insurance- anti
Mayhew on the Horse's Mouth, showing the ago
by tho Teeth, coloured plates
Lectures on Midwifery, by E. W. Murphy,
M.D., Professor at University College».
Cresey's Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering,
LnvoH's Monthly Digest for 1852
Chapters on Mental Physiology, by Edward
Notes by Sir Robert Heron, 8vo.
Scenes and Adventures in Central America, by
Regal Rome, an introduction to Roman History,
Sophisms of Free Trade, by Serjeant Byles, new *
Bagatcr's Analytical Greek Lexicon, with a gram-
matical analysis of each word, and lexico-
graphical illustrations of tho moanings
Liddcl and Scott's Greek Lexicon, largo oditioa
Arnold's First Latin Book
Wardrop on Diseases of tho Heart, 8TO.
Bruilhwaitc's Retrospect of Medicine, vol. 26
Whately's Logie, cheap edition
Carlyle' s Li tb of Sterling
Riddle's Latin Dictionary, complote
Longfellow's Poetical Works
Tuppcr's Proverbial Philosophy
Sqnicr's Nicaragua, its rcojilo, Scenery, and tho
proposed Intor-occnuic Canal, 2 vols., plates,
Caswal's History of tho American Episcopal
Gosse's Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica, platea
Shelley's Poetical Works, 3 vols.
Wesley and Methodism, by Issao Taylor
Fownes's Manual of Chemistry
Aguilar's Mother's Reoompcnsa
Archbold's Practico and Forms, 3 vols;
Roscoe's Digest of Evidence, Nisi Fri us >*
Iiifo and Lotters of Joseph Story, Judge Of
Supromo Court of United States, by his
?Webster's Speeches and Foronsio Arguments,
Acton's Practical Treatise on Diseases of tho Uri-
nary and Generativo Organs, 8vo.
Ramsbotham's Obstotrio Medicino and Surgery,
Ollondorffs Method of learning French, 8vo.
M'Culloch'8 Commercial Dictionary, now odition
Jcflroy's Lifo and Corrospondonco, by Lord Cook«
Hamilton's (Sir W.) Discussions on Philosophy,
Mill's Principles of Political Economy, 2 vol».».!,'
Drodio's (Sir Benjamin) Physiological Researches
Fresenius's Clicroicnl Analysis (Qunlllativo), 8vO.
Aohilli's Dealings with tho Inquisition, 12mo.
Kavauagh's Women of Christianity, 12mo.
Gray's Supplement to tho Pharmacopoeia, by Red-
Roebuck's History of tho Whig Ministry, 2 vols.,
Smith's (Dr.) Dictionary of Greek and Roman
-- Classical Dictionary, 8vo.
Smaller ditto ditto, 12mu.
Symons's Mercantile Marine Law, now edition
Smith's Mtev. Sydnoy) Skotohos of Moral Philoso-
St'Cullooh's Principles of Political Economy, 8vo.
Hayes and Jormau's Conciso Preocdonts of Wills,
Warburton's Crosontnnd tho Cross, 12mo.
Neibuhr's Lifo and Loiters, with an Essay pa
his character und inllnonco, by Chevalier
Memoirs of tho Marquess of Rockingham and
his Contemporaries, by tho Karl of Alte-
rnarle, 2 vols., portraits
Tho Idol Demolished by its own Priest, on
answer to Cardinal Wiseman's Lectures on
Macaulay's History of England, 2 vols.
Wobster's Dictionary of tho English Language,
Lnurio's Interest Tables, 8vo.
Chnmbors's Edinburgh Journal, Vol. 18
Household Words, by Dickons, Vols. 1 to S, in
Graham's Domestic Medicino, 8ro.
-Disensos of Females, 8vo.
Dickens's Dombey and Son, 8vo., plates
- David Copperfield, 8vo., plates
Thackeray's Vanity bair, 8vo,, platos
-Esmond, a story of Queen Anne's
Moy*« ¿aw and Practico of Parliament, 8vo.
A Fortnight in I rel mid, by Sir bran eis Hoad, 8 VOV
Lyell's Manual of Elementary Geology. 8vo.
Ricardo's Political Economy, by M'Cullooh, 8V0.
Maundor's Trcoaury of History
- Scientific and Litorory Tr carary
Gaulticr's Familiar Geography
Mary and Florence, or Gravo and Gay
Southey's Common Flaco Book, Bvo.
Vestiges of tho Natural History of Creation
Scott's Poctioal WorkB, platen, now edition
Tho Dalton's, by Charles Lover, 2 vols., Bro.,
l's Gontloman's rookot-book, 1853
Punch's Poukut-book , " »
Tho Ono Prlmovnl Language by Rov. Chorlos
Booksoller and Stallonor.
IF you want to sleep easy, call at HILL'S
UEDDING WAUEKOOMS, whoro you will
got good English Horso-lMiir, Flax, and other
Mattresses, Feather Pillows, Blankets, Counter-
panes, and ovcry kind of Bedding at. tho lowest
possiblo prices. In fact, no houso in Sydney can
competo with us in gotllng up a largo ordw.
Wo will undortako to furnish a moderate sntod
houso with ovcry «Hielo of Furuituro and