Advertising - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) - 30 May 1853 (original) (raw)
dally from Sydney af 10 A.M.,
and 4 v.u. From Parramatta
at 8 ¿.M., and 1 -ts r.u.
' 1 '' ' Steerage............ 2H.
..-A caradon-i Omnibus attends at rai ramal ta
/ortho onvoyoiice of passengers (o tho S to an-
packet Wborf, without any extra charge. 5479
rpHIS TAMAR, for MonrKTn,
A. S. N. Company's Wharf,
J. J. Warner, commnnder, bein y
unavoidably detained, will bo
despatched as abovo, positively
on TUESDAY nc*t, tho 31st instant, at ~
A. S. N. Comrnnj's Wharf,
Pasjongcrs' luggage must ho on board before
11 a.»., oa Tuesday next. (
William Roll,. commander, will
ho despatched as alove, on
rpiIE inngnificient and unii
X vailed noir iron screw stoum
1300 tons, 300 horse power,
Francis Cadell, Commnnder, will njjain bo de-
spatched, on cr About Saturday, the 4th day of J
For pnssnge only, npply to
Packet Office, 480, George-street. 0337
(Undtr Contrnot with ILM. Government for |
fl All U rcninsulnr and Orien tul
COO tons, William Parfitt, Commander, will lenTO
this port, for Singapore, on thc 31st instant, nt
4 o'clock r.M., touching at Tort Phillip, Adelaide,
King Cltoigu's i-'onud, mid Batavia, lu con-
junction willi tho Company's Steamers from
Singapore to England via Egypt.
liâtes of passage money, ami freight on
treasure only, to ports in Australia, Java, China,
India, or England, with information on nil sub-
jects connected with tho Peninsular and Oriental
Steam Nnvigution Company, furnished on ap-
Moore's Wharf, 25lli May, 1853.
Under present arrangements, a Steam Ship of
tho Peninsular «nd Oriental Steam Navigation
Company may bo expected from Singnporo about
tho 13th ol* every alternate month j to return on
the 20th of thu snnio month. 5483
i -itv rn II E . SCHOONER
g^XV Harrie, master, wrll sail on
Í^HV Wednesday evening. For freight
To eail on Monday tho Otb of Juno.
W. Witham commando!-, will sail
l^lj^y n9 nhovo. For freight or passngo
*E££'^Ê apply on hoard ; or lo
X.TÎ.-Consignees by tho abovo aro rotninded,
that the ship «ill not bo responsible for goods
Fur Cabin Pnssongors only,
i- \ rjIHE woll-known and first class
iT. Kendall, commander, clears
TIUSDAY, and go to sea to-monow
Shippers nra requested to pass Entries, and
Ittndiu Ilills of Lading, boibro ll o'clock'
For Cabin pnssngo only, apply on board, at
itbet Flour Company's Wharf; orto
l'ortl'liillip PnoUot Oflloe,
|t653 4 89, Georgo-stroet.
238 tons, J. W. Smith, commnmloiy
is now loading, and «ill liavo Jm
For freight or pnssaco apply on board ; or to
Port Phillip Pauket Office,
Ltniding every pnetcngo on tho Wharf, without |
^pyi^ rpilE magnificent and newly
"îr^r"v X coppered Bnrquo
?¡eps^íL- 222 tons, J. E. Robinson, com- j
^iSüS3* wander, is now loading.
Tim cabin is superbly flited-stale-rooms vory
[oom.y and well lound, mid flited with beds and
heil Huon. Stcoruga passengers will occupy tho
Intermediate, which ls most, comfortably fittod.
I'asiongers oro requested to Inspcoltbis boauti
iul teasel--tho accommodations being equal to
LFor freight or passngo apply to Captain
_., Port Phillip Fnckot OlTioe,
|!Ü£1___480, Qoorgo-strcot.
Landing nil lier Cargo on tho Wharf.
?TtïvSs J- M'Leau, eoummnder, ls now
^*¡**¿£S~? This vessel IB unsurpassed in tho
laitu. iur H|tcd and Uer superior cabin uccom<
"töatio,,!.. .stl.rn Cautn foe'Lndioa.
or cabin passngo apply io
. Pert Phi Hp Paokol Onice,
,du -lyy, Clcorgc-strcet.
OW Loaded and ready lor nea,
bai room for a few passengers,
with excellent and spacious accora
.".,-,_ modulions, and a few small
B-5ivVV-Z.Tg pnekngps of light freight. Apply
to (Ja¡tim James Johnstone, cn board, at tho
Flour Company's Wharf ; or to
Packet Office, 480, Georgo-street. 5581
fl HIE lino now clipper schoonor I
115 tons register, John Fullerton;
. i.,-;,-- n commander, now completing.! her .
SWflfgSxTë loading, will hnve immediato
dispatch. For. freight ' or cabin passage-'only,
(wines, beer, Fpirits. &o., found), apply to' the
Captain, on buurd, al Deloltte's Wharf,- Miller's
racket-office, 480, George-street. 5836
Going np to tho Wharf without lightering a single
-xjk TP HE magnificent clipper brignn
V*^ 150 tone, Charles Quail, com
SU mander, haying all her dead weigbt
engaged will have immediate despatch.
For freight-or passage, having superior ncoorn
modutions-beds, bedding, wines, beer, spirits,
ito., found freí of extra charge-apply on board,
at tho Flour Company's Wharf ¡ or to
Packet Office, 480, George-street. ' 5580
Going direct to the Wharf.
rpHE splendid clipper BRIG
154 tons register, George Dennett,
_ commander, having nearly all her
JSscSsäS3 cargo engaged, will have imme-
diate despatch. For freight or passage, having
accommodations unsurpassed in the trade-beds,
bedding, wines, beer, spirits, «fcc., provided, freo
of extra charge-apply on board, at the Flour
Pucket Office, 480, Georgo-street.
No Bonded Cood-i can bo reoeivod. 547G
rPHE splendid first-class Baltimore
^^^^ 113 tons register (late the property
-i-i'ÄSii3E=» of his Majesty tho Ktug of
tho Sandwich Irlands), J. Johnson, commander,
having much of her careo engnged, will have im-
mediate despatch. For freight or passage, having
superior accommodations, with beds and bedding,
ami at reasonable rates, without wines, beer, or
Packet-oflice, 480, George-street.
No Bonded Goods can bo received. 5338
Til II E Fine First-class Barque
.JaPs^s^- 350 tons burthen, M'Vcigli, "master,
^Vr^teaa >a now a full ship, mid will snil for
For cabin nnd steerage passage, apply on
board ; or to tho undersigned.
Landing her Cargo on tho Wharf without
200 tons, H. AVyborn, commander,
sails To-.Mortnow evening.
For Cabin passage only, having
good accommodations, apply on board ; or to
rPHE beautiful clipper Brig
1 GO tons register, Alfred Brook?,
commander, will havo immediate
f£5§?-X§ despatch. For freight, or possago,
having most superior accommodations, with every
requisite for the comfoit and convenience of pus
scngorp, apply on board, nt tho Flour Company's
Pnokot Office, 4SO, Georgo-street. 5477
Unavoidably detained till Tuesday.
^jKjfcSS) H. Brown, commander (lalo of tho
"^({IwH^^y Phantom, when in tho Adelaide j
B0)fv^ai^3ri trade), 135 tons register, is now
Shippers dosirous of securing rcom for a fow
tons aro requested to apply immediately, cithor
on bonrd, nt tho Flour Company's Wharf, or to
For cabin passage, having excellent and com-
fortable accommodation, a spacious Ladies' cabin,
and every comfort, apply immediately to
LL Bills of Lading for tho
_ nbovo vessel to bo sent i&\
for signatura by Noon Tins DAV,
ns tho vossol will positively
.284 tons, Captain Bowden, will
positively sall on SATUUDAY, tho
Vor fruigtit or passage, apply to
flt II E first class Ship
James Broadfoot, commander, lins
^. ^ all her cargo ready for ship
r Vvr T">ASSENGIiRS aro requested nt
MWïïEÎ^v. X enco lo pny up their bnlanocs
.iéârîwS$r»ïi> 80 ns tltcrc may bo no delny,
íafflilljí* 'T'10 vessel has now ilnishod load
BpSaKsvwn i»K "cr doiul weight. For pns
SiÎTr light freight only, npply lo Cunnii.
Tilomas Cumlell, onlbourd, nt tho Plionnix Wharf,
bottom of Ersklno-streot ; or to
Tackot Offlco, 480, George-street. -4094
Al, GOO tons burthen, Captain
¿-rto- Ferrers, Is now open for charter to
I£V*J Auokland or Wellington.- Apply Co
Pucket Office, 4 60, Gecrgc-street. 5G25
1435 tons register, O'Neill, com-
mander, will sail on discharge of
_ _ inward cargo. Tho cabin accom-
modations of this magnificent vessel aro elegantly
fitted and replete with every comfort and con-
For freight or passage, npply on hoard, at
Buchanan's Wharf, to Captain O'Neill, or
For Passengers, Parcols, nud Specie, having
Will bo despatched In May,
II E oclebratcd clipper thip
J.' N. "Forbes, commander, 1,025
tons register, 2,500 tons burthen ;
SHIP IK THE -wonu»,'' having just made tho
Voyage to Melbourne and back, including deten-
tion there, in HTS MONTHS ANO TWKNV-O.VK
DAYS ! beating every other "Vessel, Steamors in
As a Passongor-ship sho stands unrivalled, and
I her commander's ability and kindness to bis pas
I sengcrs aro well known.
As she goes in ballast, and is oxpectod to maka
a vory rapid passage, she odors a most fuvourablo
opportunity to Shippers of Specie
Gold dust and Specie will bo delivered at tho
Bauk of England. Apply to
WILLIS, MERRY, cfc CO., Melbourne ;
4415 WILLIS, MERRY, & CO., Sydnoy.
To sail positively on tho loth July, with her
rpHE well-known Aberdeen clipper
J. Jnmsen, commucdor. For freight
or passage, having tuporior accom-
Spring-streol, 19th Moy, 1853. 5322
sL=--K rpHE fine Al British-built Brig
?9|g|||p^ will bo ready for sou in u few
[rSSSSSi? Apply to ". " '
HT HE ábovd stennier will disohurgo alongside
.L Mooro'« Wharf, on Monday, thc 30ih instant.
Consignees aro requested to p-iss their entries ¡mr
mediately, and get an order tor their goods, which
will be given by tho Agents upon présentation of
I Rills of Lading initialled hy tho Customs Agent
I who lins piisicJ tho entry.
All goods not tu ken a wa v when landed will bo
I stored nt the expense and risk of the consignees.
ALT* accounts ngninst tho schooner Catherine
' Brown,. Captain H. D. Brown.'.from Kan
[ Francisco, are requested to bo forwarded for pay-
ment, in duplicate, by Noon, this day, to Hie
Tacket Office, 480, George-street. . 5020
Chairman, T. W. Smnrt, Esq.,
Deputy Chairman, Charles Kemp, Esq. :
R. Towns, Esq. I J. R. Young; Esq. \
Tbos. Holt, jun., Eeo. | W. R; Scott, Esq.
Surveyor, James Hume, Esq.
Secretary, Goorgq King, Esq.
Tho Directors of tho Sydney Fire Insurnnco
Company call tho altontion of tho public' to tho
following reduced Scnlo of their Rates of Pre-
SECTION A.-Slated buildings, 03. to 12s. per
SECTION B.-Shingled buildings, 8s. to- 18s.
SECTION C.-Wenthor-bonrdcd building?, 15s.
FIFTY PER OENT.'of tho Premium will , bo
returned on tho renown!, for twelve months, on
nil yearly policies, so THAT TUB AOTOAL cost of
Insurance will be ONE-HALF only of the above
Application for Insurnnco to bo tnado to tho
Säoretuay, at tho Office of tho'Company, No. 397('
This Company is established upon tho prin-
cipios of tho Snxo Goethn Company, which is ono
of tho leading and tho most popular Fire Insurance
Company in Germany, and willoh established, on
tho ocossion of tho great Uro in Hamburg, tho
i soundnoss of its principies. It then paid all
losses in full without inconvenience to its mem-
AH parties desirous, of insuring in this Com-
pany may 'satisfy themselves by previous in-
spection of- tho register book us to tho ability of
members to mnko good tho amount of their
respectivo contributions.
|R3* N.B -In enso of firo, parties aro rsqucsted
togivo notice to Mr. T. J. Bown, Engineer, Nt-,
280, Gcorga-strect, Superintendent of tho Fire
Brigade, in "whoso promises tho cngino is
CONSIGNEES of Gold Du-.t, or of Money,
«.hieb arrived por Escort, from tho Ovens,
ito., yesterday,' aro respectfully informed that tho
samo will bo dcltvoted at tho Australian Joint
Sto:kBnnk, Pltt-stroot'fon production of receipts
given by tho Agenta of tho Company), This Buy,
Uotwoou tho hours of 10 and 2; or uu any subsé-
quent (hiv, in the mimi business hours of tho
! ' May 28th, 1853. 55U0 ¡
A CHEQUE, dated New South Wales Savings
Bank, Sydney, 30th May, 1853, signed E.
Deas Thomson, Vice-President, and John
Brown, Trustee, payable to George Miller, for
£5000, was lost on Saturday, 28th May.
The cheque is nut negotiable till countersigned
by George Miller, accountant. It is made pay-
able to George Miller, and not to bearer or to
order, and the bank on which it was to be drawn
is not filled in, the cheque is therefore of no value,
and this notice is given to prevent imposition.
APUBLIC MEETING will bo held nt tho
. Exchango Rooms, at lu o'clock (noon) of I
MONDAY, tho 30th Instant, for tho purpato ol'
presenting Captain W. Parfitt, of tho P. mid Ü.
Company's elcnm-shlp Shanghai, with a silver
salver and purso of sovereigns, ns n testimon'nl of
rospuct, .from tho Mciuhnnip, Bnnklng Coin
putiios, mid others, of Hui oily of Sydney ¡ íuul in
recognition of tho energy mid promptitude dis
played by him whilst In command of the
hWinosn, steamship, thereby cusin Inn* tho de-
livery lu London ol' tho Sydney Malls of the
8th Àovenibcr, 1852, lu tho short splice of sixty
Tlioso prominent and well adapted Frctnises,
presently occupied by Mr. J. G. Waller, Wine
Merchant, next to tbe Commissariat Office, io
George-street, having been purolmsed by tho
Bank, tho necessary altérations will forthwith be
set in progrers, so that business may bo com
meuced with the least practicable delay.
. Sydnoy, 20th Moy, 1853. 5270
Capital, £10,000 Sterling,Jn 2000 Shares of £5
? ? each, with power to inórense tho capital, if
At ' a General Meeting of tho Cruft it was
unanimously resolved that the timo bad arrived
to carry out tho proposed object, and tho follow-
ing brethren wore elected a Committee of Ma-
nagement for this purpose, viz. r
" Sir Ostrorno Gibbes, Bart., W.M., 843
" ll. Leworthy, Z.H.A.C., 200
" lt. W. Moore. W.M., 548
" 'J?. Turnor, Z.R.A.O., 207
,, J. Simmons, Sen., P.M., 548
" F. Callaghan, S.W., 207.
Tronsuror-Bro. lt. W. Moore, W.M., 548
Secretary-Bro. Henry King.
Bankers-Tho Commercial Rank.
Solicitor-Bro. William Thurlow.
Masonic Lodges and members of tho Craft
gcnerully (to whom alone shares in thc under-
taking will bo allotted), wishing to take shares,
will apply, In form following, to tlio " Committee
of Management, nt tho Offices of Bro. C. E.
Langloy, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, 310, Pitt
To the Committee of Management.
Gentlemen-I roquest you will allot me
Shares in tho above un dertaking ¡ and I hereby
agreo to accept tho same, Or such smaller number
ns shall bo allotted to mcjio piy the deposit, and
all instalments thereon, us they shall bo culled
for, and to exocuto tho Deed bf Settlement when-
ever called Upon to do so. Tn default of complying
with any of tho abovo conditions, thc deposit and
Numo and »umber or Lodge.
N.B.-Lodges applying for shares will forward,
with tho application, a copy of resolution ngrcod
to in open Lodge, and attested by tho Lodge
Seal, vesting tho interest in such snares in tho
W.M., and Wardens for tho limo being for tho
bonolit. of tho Lodge.-»- ".* .
Printed" applications to bo had at tho office,
"VJ OTIOE is hereby given that no applications
XS fur shares will bc received after 31st May
f PENDERS for tho Erection of a Gallery will
.L be received at tho Museum, on or bol'tro
Friday, tho 1st of July. .',';.
Thu plan and specification may bo soon ut tho
Museum, on application to tho Curator.
ViOTOUIA by tho graco of God of tho
United Kingdom of Ureat Britiin nud
Ireland Qucou Defender of tho Faith
To tho Widow (if any) and to tho next of kin
of Lawronoo Murray alias Thomas Murray
late of' Bundarra in the colony of New South
WHEREAS it has bcon represented unto bur
Supromo Court of Now South Wales hy
the.Proctor of David Cohen and Samuel Cohen
creditors of tho said decuased that tho suld
Lawrenco Murray alias Thomas Mutraylatoof
Bundarra nfurosn'd departed this lifo on or about
tho twouty-llfth day of April last having nt tho
time of his death goods chattels and credits
in tho colony aforesaid intostato
Wo do thcrcforo peremptorily cito you and
each of you to appear beforo our said Court at
tbs Court House In King-street Sydnoy on tho
thirteenth d iy of Juno next nt tbs hour of ton
o'clock In tho forenoon of tho samo day and
there to abide If occasion shnll requiro tim ing
the sitting of the Court mid thcnnml there to accept
or rofuso letters of udmlulsirntlou of all and sin
gular tho goods chattels and credits of tho snld
deceased othorwlso to show sullleicnt causo why
tho saino should not l o committed to tho suki
David Cohen and Samuel Cohen creditors of tho j
said docunsod on giving sullioiont security mid
further tto do and receive as to law and j URI ico
shall appertain nuder pnlu of such loiters of |
administration boluc gianto I to thu said David
Cohen and Samuel Cohen as creditors of tho sahl
Witness tho Hotiourublo Sir Alfred
.Stephen Knight Chief Justino of our
said Court this twenty-eight day of |
May in tho year of our Lord ono
thousand eight hundred and llfty-throe.
3rd Clock uf tho Supremo Court.
John Turnor Proctor for snlil David
Cohen and Samuel Cobon hy'his
ngont Thoinns leoton Custlureugh
J1MAIONDS AND CO., Commission Merchunts
3 nud Goncrnl Agents, fi, Bargo Yard, Lou-
don, established 15 yeaiv, continuo to truusaot |
every deteriplli'ii ol' Agency BusinosH for rosi
dents in Aiistralln. Consignments rcaelved,
yoods supplied, newspapers hud puriodluaU fur- I
wardell, nnd commissions ol'all kinds exuouted, on 1
tho receipt ol' accompanying remit tunees.
Agents in Louden lor the /:'wj>tre | mid all tho ¡
Australian pupers Hied for ninny yeurs past.
COFFEY, HILL, AND CO., Produco Brokors,
J /iud Guiiornl Coiiimia.-ion Merchants, Mel-
bourne, uro prepared to receive anil uinltu liberal '
cash nd vaneen un nil kinds of produco consigned
'ti them, und will próvido »toro room lol'ono week
roo of charge. To avoid delny, keep down
hnrgep, and do thu best l'or perishable gootls, '
hey will hold weekly uuulluii Hales nt lliulr
i iiaious and cskveNient stores un thu Whnrf, so,
lint shippen) muy 'rely on obtaining tho best
. rices, und receiving their account salea with tho
JMelboui'iiu 5th February, 1653. 1055
on TUESDAY next, 'May; 31, 185a
Stalls, Hulf-a-Crown ; Promenade, Ono Shilling.
rnHLS EVENING (Monday), Tu.-sday, Wcd
JL': nesduy, Tliursdav, and Saturday.
In consequence of its immenro success, tho
StuRs-Half-a-Crown. Promenade-Ona Shil-.
Hug. Commence at Eight o'olosk. "¿¡' .
Overture-Barber of Seville ... Rossini.
Valse-Prima Donna .. ;. '.. Jullion.
Song-Tho Blacksmith-Mr. John
.Gregg .. ... .. .. Cherry.
Solo Cornet-a-Pistoti - Standard
Bearer. '.. .. Lindpalutcr.
Quadrille-Hibórnians.'. .. .. JuIlienJ '.
New Galop-The Homebush Races.
Description :-No. 1. Departure for the Downs
-" With Spirits Gay I mount tho Hos." No. 2.
Tho Course-the Grand Stand-tho Saddliug.
No. 3 The Start-tho Race-Out of Sight-the
Winning Post-Triumph of Cossack.
Quadrille-Ibrahim racha. D'Albert.
Song-Simon tho Cellarer-Mr. J.
Valso-Dew Drop.. .. .. .. D'Albert.
Polka-"Presentation" .. ... Kalodzy.
Solo Bassoon-Vive Tu . Douizetti.
M. WINTERBOTTOM has the honour to
announce that at tho repeated requost of
several families of distinction, ho has been in-
duced to pospone his visit to Melbourne, lu order
On FRIDAY Evening, June 3rd, 1853,
(Last day of the Races,) -
It is with great pleasure, the director an-
nounces, that from his repeated attendance at the
PALACE STATE BALLS, "Almacks," and other
distinguished assemblies, he will be enabled
to render this the most distingue of the season.
will have the honour of performing the choicest
compositions of Jullien, Koenig, D'Albert, Bos-
siseo, Strauss, and Launer.
Will to of tho most recherché character, comprising1
every delicacy ef tho'season.
Singlo Tickets, Fifteen Shillings, Supper in-
Double Tiekete, Ono Guinea, Supper included.
Oblninablo of Marsh nnd Co., Woolcott and
Clarke, Muslo Sellers, mid of Mr. WinterbotUm,
nt. the Royal Hotel, betwecu tho hours of 2
and 4 o'clock overy day. M. Winterbottom re-
spectfully intimates that no exertion will Ho
spared to rendor this assembly entirely select.
Principal M. C., M. PARIS. 5054
MISS HOWARD has much pleasure in an-
nouncing that her Benefit takes place This
Evening, Monday, when she respectfully solicits a
share of public patronage.
The Evening's entertainments will commence
with a Drama of intense interest, from the pen of
J. B. Buckstone, Esq., called THE DREAM AT
SEA. Mr. Trevanion, Mr. Mason ; Richard Pen-
drell, Master Melvllle ; Launce Lynwood, Mr.
Raymond ; Black Ralph, Mr. Lawrence ; Tommy
Tinkle, Mr. Maynard ; Red Norris, Mr. Green ;
Trewoof, Mr. Jones ; Ally Croaker, Mr. Ham-
mond ; Biddy Nutts, Mrs. Howard ; Margaret
(Black Ralph's wife), Signora Cardoza ; Annie
Trevanion, Miss Howard ; Boy, Miss M. L.
Fawcett ; Pirates, Smugglers, &c., by the Com-
Part second will commence with Miss M. L.
Fawcett's graceful evolutions on the TIGHT
Jester to the performance, Mr. Raymond.
To be followed by a daring bare-backed act of
Equestrianism by Miss Howard, horse at full
Signor Cardoza will enter the arena in a laugh-
able rural act of equestrianism entitled THE
After which, Master Gaynor will go through
astounding feats on THE CORDE ROIDE.
To be succeeded by Miss Maria Louisa Faw-
cett, in a beautiful act of Equestrianism, entitled
LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM, with the Ballet and
New Sylphide Dance, Miss Howard.
Australia's Star Rider, Master Melville, will
amuse the lovers of sport, riding his bare-backed
Arab charger, carrying Masters Ord and
Horatio in various positions, and leaping various
The whole to conclude with a Farce, for the
second time, called PLOTS FOR PETTICOATS.
Sir Andrew Grayling, Mr. Hammond ; Frank
Finish, Esq., Mr. Raymond ; Harry Atherton,
Mr. Maynard ; Waiter, Mr. Green ; Thomas, a
footman, Master Melville ; Rose Everton, Miss
Howard ; Caroline Grayling, Mrs. Howard ;
Bailiffs, Servants, Countrymen, by the Com-
Tickets, to be had, and Boxes taken, at the
Adelphi Hotel, of Mr. Malcom.
N.B.—Doors in future will open at seven
o'clock, performance to commence at half-past
Dress Circle, 3s. ; Side Boxes, 2s. ; Pit, 1s. ;
half-price at nine o'clock to the Circle and Side
Carriages will be in attendance at the Hotel at
No smoking allowed in any part of the
Cloak Room provided for Ladies.
Riding School open daily. 5027
Congregational School, i'ltt-stroof, Sydnoy.
MR. MILES (authur of a Dictionary' of
Scripture Geography, tho Lives tf Dr.
Isaac Watt* and Samuel Jiretc, Continuation of
Goldsmith's History of langland, Rotes on thc
Immateriality and. Immortality of the Human
Soul,- The Three Wives, ito., &o.,) has commenced
u courte of Los<ous on ".Scientific Knowledge of
Things Fnmilinr,'' to tho senior scholars attending
tho Congregational School; which will bo oon
tlmiod on Monday, Wednesday, und Friday,
weakly.. Pu ron ts aro onrnestly soliultvd lo ou
deavour to pvovuiit tho absence, of their ch I kl ron
fc'oholurs (ublo to rend tho New Tostamout
fluently) will bo admitted to tho Senior Class
until thu 13th day ol' Juno next. Scholars cnn
ba admitted weekly to tho other divisions ol' tho
Mrs.'M. is desirous that tuothors attend when'
their daughters nco entered us tcholars.
'Iboro will bo no MUl-wlutor Vacation during
tim eui rent ' i ? . .
Mr. M. is i emly ta rceeivo tinea hoyp, us
boarder.', Jo bj.educated ulong nilli lils sou,1
cither for Coiiiniorcliil or Professional Life. Aga
not tu exceed twelve years.
Turms i-Forty Guineas per ntiinim. Washing
from I hu Bunk of Revelation, 12mo. doth.
Shirley, ii Tale, hv Cnrrer Bell, 12iuo.
ïo Colloquies of Edward Osborne, Citizen und
For trutliful painting, exquisita tauuhes of feeling, of
quaintness, mid of beauty-for power of delineating
variety lind distinction of charnctor-and for sustaining
Interest without departing from nature and simplicity,
this volume has probably, In its way, no superior.
C'/turcJi ault State Gazette.
The Court Album : Twelve Portraits of tho Fo
malo Aristocracy. Engraved from draw-
ings by thu Hist artists.
A " book of beauty" - beauly positivo and
beauty comparativo - with genealogical notices. In
thia closant volume, as to lt« predecessors
of like character, th» iudcfatigablu delineator
of female charms. Mr. John Haytor, ls thu chief
contributor, supported by Messrs. Grant, Durham,
Kglcy, and Wclgoll,junlor.
The Hietory of Henry Esmond, Esq, a
Colonel in the service of hor Majesty
Queen Anne, by Thackeray, 3 vo's, 8vo.
Mr. Thackeray has sclcctuil for lils hero a very noble
type or tho cavalier softening Into tho man of tho
eighteenth century, and for hts heroine ono oftho sweetest
women that over breathed from cauvoss or from book,
slncuKaflacIlo painted and Shakspoarowroto. "Ksniond"
will,, wo think, rank higher as a work of art than
"Vanity Fair" or " Pendennis."- Spectator.'? ???
Niebuhr's Lift» and Letters, edited and translated
by Susannah Wink worth. With Essays
on his Character and Influence, by the
Chevalier Bunsen and Professors Brandis
One of tho most valuabto contributions to our bio-
graphical literature which hos been mado in recent
Acton on Diseases of the Urinary lind Generativo
. Mr. Acton's work must bo diligently studied by every
practitioner who would dcslra to benoflt Instead of
injuring lils patient; it has a distinctive and pre-emi-
nently diagnostic value.-Medical Gazette.
Tho present edition of Mr. Acton's work ls very much
enlarged, and contains a most valuublo collection of
Australia as it is, its Settlements, Farms, nnd
Gold Fields, hy F. Lauttcelott, Esq., 2
Homo Scenes and Hoart Studies, by Grnco
The Mother's Itceomponso, bv Grace Aguilar.
. Tho Marvels of Science, and" their Testimony to
Holy. Wilt: A Popular Manual of tho
Sciences, hy S. W. Fulloin, Esq. _ Dodi
.> coled, by psrinissiou, to the King of
Tho skill displayed in tho treatment of the sciences ls
not tho least marvel in tho volume lt ls moro than a
moro literary triumph.-Glube
Lewis Arundel, or the Railroad of Life, by Frank
Tho task of thu reviewer lwcomos a ploasant ono when
such works as tho ono hofnro us ls forced upon lils
perusal. Wo must onco moro commend tim taste and
talent of tho author of" J.OWIH Arundel"-Weekly Time.
Pictures from Sicily, by tho Author of "Forty
Kays in tho Dosert." Illustrated willi 33
engravings on steel, and several wood-cuts.
AH a work nf reference, lt ts of tho highest utility; ns
an ornamental book it ls unsurpassed ¡ andas a guido
tn tho tnivollur, it lins uo equal In tho Kngllsh language.
Spirits of tho Past, by N. Mitchell
lfo has evoked with groat success tho Illustrions dead
of all ages, gliding from epoch to epoch, and from cha-
racter to character. This work luis singular variety,
fascinating grace, ttud thrilling power. - Wetktl¡i
Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, ISmo., cloth
Harry lllcovor's Treatise on tho Propor Condition
Memoirs of Dr, Blonkensop, author, of Puddiana,
The Hiding Place, or tho Sinner Found in Christ,
by Rev. J. Macfarlane, Glasgow
The History of an Adopted Child, by Miss
Money and Morals ; a Book for tho Time-', by ;
This work is distinguished by vigorous and vlvhl
literary power, by a high mid generous spirit engaged on
matters of vital concern to tho British public, and by a
political economy searching and striking, though fre-
quently questionable.-Spectator.
Claret and Olives, from tho Garonne to tho ; or, Notes, Social, Picturesque,
and Legendnrv, by the Way, by Angus
A racy, vigorous book, full of now remarks and clovor
painting.-Chamberí'* Eilintiutyh Journal.
Talcs of tho Mountains ; or, Sojourns in Eastern
Thc conversations, tho descriptions, tho Incidents, fall
Into that mlxturu of tho essay and tho novel which dis-
tinguish thu talas of Washington Irving.-Spectator.
Visiting my Relations and its Results ; a Series
of small Episodes in tho Lifo of a Rociase
Wo have not lately read a vnluino of this kind nilli
greater relish. Calm sense, quiet humour, ami niuo per-
ception of character, distinguish lt lu uo common
Tho Pilgrims of New England, a Tale of tho
Edgar Clifton, or Right and Wrong, a Story of
Lee's Anecdotes of Birds, Reptiles, and
Thomson's Dictionary of Domestic Medicino and
Lives of tho Brothers Humboldt, translntod from
tho Gorman of Professor Kloneke, 12mo.
Tho Philosophy of tho Senses, or Mun In Con-
nection with n Mutorlal World, 12mo., by
Tho A myatt Family, or Life in Childhood, 12mo.
Manco, tho Peruvian Chief, or an Englishman's
Adventures in tho Country of tho
Memoir of tho Rev. W. A. Johnson, by Rev.
Petor Parley's Annual, 1853
Dickens's Child's History of England, 2 vols. .
Jullicn's Musical Album, for 1853, with heiialiful
Jullicn's Codean of Music
British Alinunao and Companion, cloth
Qucoohy, by Elizabeth Wothcrall, 2 vols.
Tho Wido Wido World, by Elizabeth Wothcrall
Tho Pioturo Ploasuro Boole
Tho Keepsake, 1853, highly finished lino en-
tilinda as it was, ip, and may be, by Sir J. Alo.t
Tho bust l'urllniiiontiiry History of Cottada.
Alison's fSIr Archibald) History of Europe, from
Lamartino's Monarchy in France, val, 4
Mayhew on tho Horse's Mouth, showing tho ugo
by tho Tooth, coloured plates
Lectures on Midwifery, by E. W. Murphy, M IV
Professor nt University Collego, Loudon'
Crosoy's Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering, lurga
Lovoll's Digest of liq II i ty, Common Law, Bank-
ruptcy, Ecclesiastical and Criminal Cases,
including thuso of tho Privy Council mid
House of Lords and Irish and Scotch
Sophisms of Freo Trade, by Sorjonnt Byles, KOW
Bugstcr's Analytical Greek Lexicon, with a gram-
matical annlysls of cadi word, ntul lexioo
giMphiaal Illustrations of tho meanings
Arnold's First Latin Book
Wardrop on Diseases of tho Heurt, Bro.
Brui th wal Io's Retrospect of Medicine, vol. 2C.
CusTfnl's History of tho American Episcopal
Jcffi'oy'B Lifo muí Correspondence, by Lord Cock-
Macaulay's History of England, 2 vols.
Wobttci'-B Dlctlonnry or tho English Language,
Lntirlo's interest Tublo", 8vo.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, vol. 18
Household Words, hy Dickens, vols. I tn 5, In
Bookseller und Stationer,
ON SALE, tho latest ports, containing tho
largo Plates nf the Funeral of .tho Duke of
Wellington. Subscribers' names received in
"So great wero tho oublie curiosity and eager-
ness to receive early copies of tho Illustrated Actos,
especially during last week, that instances btivo
bcou reported to, us' in which copies wero sold at
sums ranging from half-a-crowu to fivo shillings.
Wo may state, too, as an interesting fact in the
history of newspapers, that for our double num-
bers and gratis supplements of tho last two weeks
wo required tho unprecedented number of newrly
two millions stamps."-Illustrated News, 4th De-
Bookseller and Stationor.
rpHE lntcst part* of this inimitablo treasury of
JL fun and humour, now on Bnle.
Subscribers names received in either town or
Bookseller and Stationer«
485, Gcorge-strcot. ,'._ -¿ 5Û63
DRAFTS on. London,. Melbourne, and Gee-
long, bought and sold , by this Bank nfc .tho
current rates of Exchange. ',
Sola Drafts on London. of JE5 ooob, -.payable
on demand, maybe obtnlnod on application at
ho Bank Offices, 397, Pitt-stroot North, Sydney.
No. 77, King.stroot West, Sydney.
THE abovo firm have, nt tho request of ninny
parties, established a Land Agcnoy Odien,
upon tho same system as professional mon in
London and Dublin condnnt them, to fnoilitato
the salo, purchase, and letting of lands and
houses,' stations ' with or without stock, and bor-
rowing money on. mortgage, Ao. ; as also for tho
roaeipt of rents nod interest ou moneys lent in
the city of Sydney mid its neighbourhood, for
parties absent from the colony, ol' thoso whoso
avocations require such agents.
A book is kopt for entering tho description
of tho properties for salo or security, tte. ; and
it is advisable that full particulars should be
communicated. Oflico hours, from nine to four
Tho only charge, professional or otherwise,
for entering tho description of tho properties
for silo or purchase, or money to bo lent or
borrowed, will bo 2¿ i-cr cent, on tho nmount
realised, should n salo or lunn bo effected; hut
no ohnrgo will be mudo if a salo or loan be
not oflbatod. If thc transaction should amouiit
to ii largo sum, li per cent, only will bo oharged
It must be apparent that a General Land
Agency thus conducted, in connexion with gene-
ral professional business will afford grcnt facili-
ties for effect ing and expediting sales, purchases,
5571 77, King-street West, Sydnoy.
¡J1C, l'itt-strcct, Sydney. ' .'.*
HOUSES and LANDS for Sale in tho City of
Sydney, Subutbs, nod nil parts of .Hie
Registers kept both for Salo and Lease, which
aro always open for inspection. 4G2ä
TP II E undersigned aro prepared to MELT
JL GOLD into INGOTS, and ASSAY the sumo
if required, by.cqraiiotcut anti experienced per-
sons recently arrived from England.
125 353, Pitt-strcot, Sydney.
TENDERS aro required for repairs to tho
barqno FORRES, now lying nt Mooro'H
Wharf. Specifications of tho work may ho seca
on lippiioation to tho undersigned on board, on or
after Moudav, UicttOlh instant.
fil HE Cargo of frosh American FLOUR, - cac
X Albus, direct from Now York, is now land-
ing, und is now odored to tho tritdo and private
families at moderato priées. Bakers and othni's
wishing to bnvo a puro nrtielo will now lmvo nit
opportunity of doing so. A trial wilt bo given,
when its superiority over all other now sending
Circular Qa ny, May 25, 1853. 5452
E. R. M. BROWN has for Salo by privnto
25 Hogsheads Abbott's do nhl o brown stun'.
3 Ditto ditto Royal Diamond, strong Aie, at
£8 per hogshead, filled up mu! just lauded.
Samples cnirtio hail at Mr. Nuw lou's Rooms,
who will take orders for tho sumo. 31 .'
SAUCE having obtained universal favour
by tho excellent relish it communicates to every
article of food, and thu healthy' (ono of stomach
Which its aromatic property induces, an oxton
si ve demand is now established, mid ninny imita-
tions endeavoured lo bo introduced.
L. and P. therefore deem it needful (knowing
how nitiuh tho linbituul usu of this saneo conduces
to health mid comfort) espuolnlly to ndyoriiso
purchasers in tho Australian Colonies, that tho
genuino Sanco has their Haines impressed upon
tho patent tnotnllia cup nu tho glass stoppnr, und
Hint it limy bu obtained from their wholcstilo
Messrs. Monlafloro, Graham, and Co., Sydnoy.
Messrs. A. R. Cruikshank, and Co., Melbourne.
Mr. E. M. Martin, Adelaide.
Export Warehouse, lt), Fetiohuroli-strcot, Landon.
December 23:h, 1852. 5403
rilHE iiiuloi'siguod begs to inform parties rc
JL quiting Smiths' WuiU, Hint orders eau tho
oxcontcd in overy branch, with piinoluiillty, gosil^
workmanship, und despatch. Also, Hoiinlrs of
every kimi, nt thc lowest passible prices. Lihcvdte,
tho Mnuuhiuturu of Tin, in till its various brunches,
.Mn mi factory, No. ¡120, Pitt-street-, . ,
35 ' Neiir King-street, Sydney.
rpiIE undersigned ls now landing, ox tho l'oj
JL ham, mundell, l'ntiiobtu, and Ilnrblugin*
Hleamer, Twenty Cuses of Hie very hist quality
of .London.mudu Hut", with nil tho lalo impi ovo«
incuts mid newest styles, consisting nf-.
Ventilated light French huts, black urn! drub . ;
Heaver hats, hluuk and drab
Kreuch mci Ino huts, black mid drab ?>'... ? I
Fells, BulcniniH, Cuiistir.-i, Kossuth*, Californian,
and Spring huts, lu ovary variety or quality
Every desoriptiort of hutu and cap mudólo
A Hf ti allan Hut Warehouse,
4E7, O'.ciTO-lticet, und 77, Mut hut-struct.