Advertising - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) - 4 Jun 1853 (original) (raw)
JL daily from Sydney at 10A.M.,
nnd 4 P.M. From Parramatta
at 8 A.M., ami 1 -45 r.M.
A capacious Omnibus atienda at Fnrrnmntta
for tlio con voyance of passengers (o tho Stoam
packet Wharf, without any extra charge 5479
Going right up to tho Wharf.
"Will bo despatched nt 3 r. M" on SATURDAY
next, tho 11 tl« instant.
aHIE splendid Iron Clipper
Al at Lloyds, 40G tons register,
1'. Greig, commander, will bo
despatched from tho Phoenix Wharf, nt 3 p.m., on
SATURDAY' next, tho nth instant, and will
land her oirgo upon tho wharf in Melbourne.
For freight or passago, huving excellent accommo-
Tacket Olfioe, 480, Georgc-slroet.
No bonded goods omi bc received. 0815
riUIE magninciont nacl imii
X vailed now iron sorew 8 toa m
1800 tons, 300 horno power,
Frnncis Cadell, Commander, will nguiu bo de-
spatched on or about Wednesday, tho 8th in-
« For passage only, apply to
Packet Office, 480, George-street. 5337
Guaranteed Quickest Routo Homo.
(28th) 28th day of July, 1853.
.ailinn: nt WELLINGTON-, New Zealand ; Iiio
TH II E magnificent and un
JL rivalled swift uow iron
1800 tons, 300 horse power,
Franois Cadell, commander, will be despatched
On tho 10th day of July ;
On Munday, tho 18th day of July;
On Thursday, the 28th day of July.
Tho Cleopatra wliilo employed in tl!o inter-
colonial trade, has proved herself lo be tho fastest
Btenm-ship yet mri ved fruin England, having
tnado tho shortest pnsFnges on roccrd, between
Sydney, Melbourne, nnd Adelaide
Bates of rns.mgo. including1 Stoward's fee3, but
Cliiel'Snloon mid Cullin 100 guineas
Second Class Cabin .. CO ditto
(40 Guineas) Third Class Cabin_ 40 ditto
Beds, Bedding, Linen, &c, provided by thc
ship for all tho passengers (except those in tho
third cabin) ; and no expenso will bo spared to
Erovido provisions, winos, liquors, J.e., of tho very
est quality. Tho rabin Saloons and staterooms
oro largo und elegant, nnd every improvement in
the arrangement, ventilation, Ac., has been
adopted, to secure tho health, com lort, omi ac-
commodation of passengers. Music on board;
carries an experienced surgeon ¡ nnd Stewardesses
attend tho Ludios' Cabin. Is furnished with
Phillip's tiro annihilator.
For passage, or i'roiglit of specie onlv, apply '°
4542 Pucket Office, 480, George-street.
Tho Screw Steam-ship ANN, just arrived from
"".HIS Vessel was built of wood,
nt Littlehampton, in 1 839 ;
lengthened, March, 1851, by
Messrs. J. and John White, of j
Cowes, Islo of Wight ; and at
tho same limo received new boilers (Lamb's and
Summer's patent), cxlcndod on Class A1 for four
years ; will slow ntont 40 tons ol' coals in her
bunkers. Consumption of cools, about 4 cwt.
3 qrs. per hour. Un» a small neat eulin and
berths. Will carry 100 bend of cattlo und 4B0
ghoop, or will stow about 240 tons measurement
Length, 117 feet 3 inches
Breadth, 10 feot 4 inches
Tho nlovo vesicl was, in December Inst, fitted
?with now Engines of 50-horso power, hy Sum-
mers, Day, mid Itnldock ; and ibo vosscl has ulso
boeu surveyed by her MnjeBty s Surveyors tor tho
Board of Trude, «nd pronounced pot foot in every
respect, ns per Government certificate, which
can bo inspected on application to
Moore's Wharf, Juno 2. 5830
Tu sail on MONDAY, tho Gib of June.
William, conimandor, will sail as |
. - mn,-»,. above. For freight or passago
Balls on Thnrsdny noxt, tho Otb instant, nnd will
land every pvokuge on tho Wharf, without
250 tons, John Thomas Rolls, com-
Tliia splendid vossel, purohnaod
in England expressly lor tho Melbourne truda
hos just arrived, with upwards of 100 tons cargi'
nnd hallnst, at a draft of six foet only. Will load
lmmodlttto;y nt tho Flour Company's Wharf.
For freight or passage, apply to the Com- |
N.B.--60 tons new 180 gallon Walor Cask*
For Cabin Passengers only,
->EING now rendy for sea wU
" > olear ot tho OuBtoms This
T- For Cabin passngo only, at ron .
?-.raw^JSfi^ sonnblo rates, without wines, beor,
or spirits, apply to Captain Johnson, at the
Flour Compnnv'a Wharf; or to '
Paeket-oulco, 480, Geor¿o-strcot. 5813
'AS still room for a few tons ol
light freiiiht, il'scut down nt
one». For which, or cabin passage,
-j-~- "pply on board to Captain Ful
SSSöSSil lcrton, nt Deloltto's Wharf ; or to
Tacket Ofiice, 480, George-street. 5714
For passengers only-Sails on Tuesday
NO .AV just completing hor
loading ; lina room only for
n few passengers, with splendid
^.j. accommodations-beds, bedding,
_ ._§? winos, beer, spirits, Sse., provided.
free of chnrgo-nnd will suil on TUESDAY
Apply^ to Captain Georgo Bennett, on bonni,
at tho Flour Company's Wharf ; or to
racket Office, 480, George street. 5842
Clears al tho Customs' on Monday,
NOW just completing her loading,
lins room for n few passengers
only willi excellent accommoda-
tions, bodi, bedding, wines, beer,
¡S&S spirits, Ac. found. Apply lo
Ciiptnin Quail, on lourd, at tho Flour Company's
Tnokot Office, 480, George-street) 5844
Going up to tho Wharf without Lightering a
"TfcT?.-. fP H 13 splendid clipper
150 tons, Captain Thomas Stewart
having been expressly purchased
for this trade (on account of her
light draught of water when fully loaded, nnd
extremo fitness in nil other respects), is now
Sho will be most comfortably fitted and found
throughout, besides hods, bedding, winos, beer
and spirits, Aa., and haring much of her cargo
engaged will have immediate despatch. For
freight or passage, ripply on board, nt tho Flour
Pocket Cilice, 480, George-street. 5715
T. E. Robinson, commander, will go
to ton this day. liai still room
_¡¿¿¡a for cabin sud steel nge passengers.
t'or passnue only, npply on board, at the Flour
Port Phillip Pmkot Office,
J. M'Lean, commander. Shippers
oro requested lo completo their
eti^rfe&iSs^ shipments and send in Bills of
For passage only, npply on board, nt the Flour
Port Phi lip Packet Office,
? Y>'^$?§bf ^' Sm'tni commnnder, is now
?P'liisdfcj!* fist loading, nnd «ill go to sou on
Fur freight or pnssngo apply to rnptniti Smith)
on board, nt tho Flour Company's Wharf: or to
Port Phillip Packet Oflico,
Unavoidably dciained till Tilia D.iv.
li. Brown, Commander (luto of the
Phantom, when In tho Adelaide
.jti^yt^S Hude), 135 tons register, is now
Shippers desirous of securing rcom for n fow
tons nie requested to apply immediately, either
j on board, nt tho Flour Company's Wharf, or to
For cabin passage, having excellent and com-
fortable accommadation, u spacious Ludios' cabin,
mid every comfort, npply immediately to
np II E PAC K E T VJ R I 0
284 tons, Captain Howden, will
fV-V^ic l'o»'tively sail on WBUNBSDAY
tA^BS MOUSING, tho 8th Instiint.
For freight or pnssngo apply to
_Atr}. rp u K fino first-class Brig
/iftaJ^^K^r 148 tons, R, Hcott, Commnnder ¡
xi^;/^^ will meet with quick despatch.
¡p3ííSgg|£3:" For freight or pnsüigu, njiply to
Captain ¡Scott, on board, or to
5713 IlaiTington-s'.reet.
"Ivrlr- fpllE bouuliful clipper Brig
jç^V 100 lons register, Alfred Brook?,
coliimaudei', »ill Imvo iminediutu
liiSSSÄSii despatch. For lïciglii or passage,
having most superior accommodations, with every
requisite for tho onmibr t nud convoiiienoo of pas.
gougers, npply on board, at tho Flour Company's
Pucket Ofiico, 480, Gooigo-sttoot. 5477
rp II E FINE B A R Q U ii
Al, COO tons, burthon, Captain
Ferrers, is now open for charter to
i Auckland or Wollingtou. Apply to
Pnekot Office, 480, Gcorge-strcot. 5025
ASSENGEItS mo requested nt
enco to pay up their balances
ns^thoro ni ny bo no delay.
:/iif vessel has noir finished lontl
? ?»-1-B-.-.-,_? *"K "ll?r t"0lul n'c*fLt. For pas
!u»^u,ior-'iTgh"t freight only, npply to Cnptnin
Thomas Gunnel), on board, nt tho Pheonix Wharf,
bottom of Erskinb-strcet ¡ or to
Packet Office, 480, George-sire«t. 4904
-" rp H E splendid A1 Ship
1435 (ons register, O'Neill, com-
mander, will suit on discharge of
^SKHMB, inward cargo. The cabin accom-
modations of this magnificent voscet aro elegantly
titted and repleto with every comfort and con-
Fur freight or rnssago, npply on board, nt
Ouchnlinii's Wharf, to Cnptnin O'Neill, or
rPHG splendid Al clippor Skip
807 tons register, A. Gray Esq.,
commander, linville lier "inward
cargo nearly dischargod, will »ail
»bruit tito IStli instant.
For freight or passnge, having very superier
Iloop accommodation«, apply to tho Captain, on
5824 Mort's Buildings, 1'itt-strcet.
GOO tons register, Henry Hsnnnod,
Esq., RN.; commander, will sail on
'-"-V-C-fJSs? tho 20lh June, and givo guarnn
tco to that effect, ship full or not full. Intending
Passengers aro invited to inspect her accommo-
dations, and Shippers of Gold may rely on lier
Application to be made lo
For Gold Dust and Passengers only.
I II E fine first-class Ship
William E. Maurice, commander,
now hut loading, omi having tho
n,wholo of her cargo engaged, will
sail positively on tho 10th June. Has very supe-
rior mid roomy accommodations fur Cabin mid
?Apply to tho Captain, on board ; to
Spring-street, May 21, 1853. 5393
nPlIE receipt of tho following sums, from an
JL unknown donor, ;is hereby ncknowlodgcd,
Account Biblo Society. ¿£5 0 0
Account South Sea Mission 5 0 0
Under tho Patronngo of tho Committee of the
Monumental City Rcliof Fund.
GRAND CONCERT in aid of tho Funds for
the relief of tho sufferers hy the wreck of
THIS EVENING, Saturday, Juno 4th.
The fallowing eminent artistes liavo kindly
volunteered their valualdo services :-Mr. Cole
innii Jacoby l'innist to H. R. II. tho Duohoss of
Gloucester, his -third appearance in Sydnoy, who
will perform for this night only, on Erard's
grand i l'ianoforto j M. Henri Durant, Cornct-n
Piston; AL.Edward Tucker, Violin; Air. Henry
Mandi, Mr. John Gregg, mid Miss Flora Harris.
Most positively the last appearance of Winter
Conductor-M. Winterbottom.
Tickets FivoiShillings each, to ho lind of Wool-
cott lind Clarke, Royal Hotel, nnd Henry
Doors open at Seven, Concert to commence at
Overture-Fra Diavolo.. .. Auber
t.oicd in honour of tho lier
Majesty's Visit to Ireland.. Jullicn.
Solo Violin - Curnivnl do
~ Venice-M. Edward Tucker Paganini.
Symphony-Amianto Surprix Haydn.
Song-I Love tho Merry.Sun- -:- -
ehino-Miss Flora Harris.. Glover.
' Solo, Coinot-ft-Piston-Hay of ¡ J
Song-iVniuleror - Mr. John
March-Dead Jlnroh in Saul. Winterbottom.
Overture- Guy Mannering .. Bishop.
Quadiillo - Bloomer- Intro
.d ticing fnvoiivt to" A nienenn
Spangled Banner " .. .. Jullicn.
Song-Vnlo of my Childhood
-Air. John Gregg .. ? Winterbottom.
Solo, Pianofoi'to-Mr. Coleman
Jacob», pupil of Thalberg,
his third spponrnnoo .. .. Thalberg.
Flora Harris . ... Bishop.
Polka-Tba Lndics of Scot-
Solo, Bassoon-In hnppy Mo-
ments-M. IV in tot bottom,. Winterbottom.
Galop-Tho Homebush Races Jullicn.
Description :-No. 1. Dcpnrturofor tho Downs
-" With Spirits Ony I mount tho llox." No. 2.
Tho Courso-tho Grund Stand-tho Saddling.
No. 3 Tho Start-tho Race-Out of Sight-the
Winning PoH-Triumph of Sampson.
Finale-God Save the Queen._5355
Y 0 U K - S T ll 1> li T .
EN T IRE C ll ANGE in tho-Programme
Daring feats of Horsemanship. Soenes in
tho Circle. Olympian mid Gyinuiuinn Gamos.
Somersaults. Battot Leaps, and other Novelties.
Concluding with tho laughable Farce, called THE
flllllS Australia's Star Rider, MASTUR Mut
J_ VILMS, bejis to intimate that lils BHXKNT is
fixed for MONDAY EVENING, Juno Otb, 1853,
when ho hopes for a Bharo of publia patronage.
Jin. BKLFIKI.D, from tho flattering reception
which has been nwnrdod to his previous dra-'
niatio productions, presumo* to express a hopo
that thc ono ho now proposes to submit to his
friends, will bo found equally prolific of into-'
rest, fraught as it is with LOCAL INOUIKNTS.
THE Evening's Entertainments will commence
nilli thc interesting Drnuia, foundod on
facts, in Time Acts, dramatised by Mr. Belfield,
Pas Soul, Alias Colllus. S«ng, Aludntno Sara
Flower. Natal Hornpipe^ Alaster' P.. Jialfiold,
only six years old, pupil of Mr. J. Hall. Tho
Old English mid Irish Guntlumoh, Mos ir». Rogers
mid HcRluld. Irish Jig, Mrs. M'Gowon. Teddy
To conclude with the luughnblo Fnroo of
Ticket* und Boxes (o be had of Air. Belfield, at
hts residence, No. 9, Castlcreagh-street South j
Air. Torning, Box Ofliee, Victoria Hotel j mid of
Airs. Borton, Cricketers' Arms, Pltt strect. ,5794
NA DERB, oomposod of Alessrs. Rainer.
White, Browor, Bryant, Foulis, «nd Aloran, will
arrive in tho steamer Cleopatra, from Melbourne,
and will uivo three Grand Concerts next week,
ings, June 7th, 9th, nnd loth. Tho Hist Grand
Concert will tnko placo ou Tuesday, June 7lh, nt
the Royal Hotel, Ooorgc-strcct. Tho entertain- !
tttcnts ('tiered bv this talented mid celebrated
company of Musicians ami Ethiopian Dollnontors
cannot hu equalled hy any other bund in tho
colonies. For parlioulurs «eu programma of ? tho
On FRIDAY EVENING, tho 24th Juno, 1853,
Under tho specinl' patronage of the Right Wor-
who has signified his intention of honouring tho
" B. A. COOrER. " L. MORGAN.
" J. P. EGAN. " F. N. RUSSELL.
Hon. Secretary mid Trcnsuror.
Tho Commitleo have much pleasure in an-
nouncing tlmt they buvo secured the services of
Mr. John Gibbs, of the Theatre Royal, and his
Band, whose musical talent in this colony needs
no comment. He has arranged, cxprossly for this
occasion, n Quadrille, and composed a new Polka,
entitled " Tho Bachelor,'' dedicated to the Com.
Mr. William Clark will officiato as Master of tho
Double Ticket', to admit a lady and gentleman,
30s. ; gentlomnn's singlo Ticket, 20s. ; ladies'
Refreshments will bo provided, including ten,
coffee, wines, &o., &o. .
Application for Tickets to be by letter, with
full nnmo and'address of both ladies and gentle-
men, addressed to tho Commilte,' under ooror to
tho lion. Secretary, nt his residence, Hopo Cot-
Tho Commitleo beg further to sinto that only
a limited number of Tickets will bo issued, for
which early application is necessary, nud no party
will bo, admitted unless in full evening dress.
Dancing to commence nt 0 r. M.
Tickets not transférable.
By command of ¿he Committee,
5849 ' Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.
rp HE Board of Directors will despatch an
_L Escort for tho Ovens Gold Fields,on Monday
ucxt, Otb instant. Parties desirous of milking
remittances aro respectfully iaformed. that hunk
notes or specie will bc received at tho offico until
The charge for conveyance of bank notos is J
per cont. ; of gold coin, I por cont. ; of silver
THE next Matriculation Examination will be
hold on Monday, tho 3rd of October
Tho next .Scholarship Examination «¡ll bo held
on Monday, tho 5th December proximo.
Tho subjects fixed for those examinations m ny
ho learned from the Sydney University Cnlcndur
for 1852-53; or by" application personally or by
letter to tho undersigned, at tho University
5248 W. LOUIS IIUITON, Registrar.
PROPRIETORS of Shares in this Bank nro
requested to take notice, Hint a fifth cull of
Ono Pound per share has, in ncoordanco with tho
provisions of the Deed of Settlement, been de-
termined upon, psyablo nt tho Bunk offices, 397,
Pitt-stroet North, on or befbro WEDNKSDAY, the
fifteenth day of Juno next ensuing.
By order ol' tho Board of Director?,
DRAFTS on Loudon, Melbourne, and Gee-
long, bought and sold by this Bank at tho
current rates of Exchange. .
Sola Drafts ~im .London of "XS caobrpaynMo'
! on demand, may lie obtained on application nt
tho Bunk Offices, 397, Pilt-strcot.North, Sydney.
853, Pitt-street, Sydney.
Ai. E. MiniNiN, ESQ., Deputy Chairman. .
F. Enswonrir, ESQ. DU. J A M KS MITCHELL
Ni. METOALFK, ESQ. W. H. CtintsTiK, ESQ,
. LIVES, from £50 to £2000, imroodinto and
defbrrod annuities, mid endowmonts (sums piiy
nble'to children ou their attaining a certain
¡ago). Tho premiums may bo paid, ycArly, half
yearly, or quarterly, at tho option of tho assured.
No Entrance fee is required, thu only oxpoiiBO
boy on d tho prouiiutus, being a clinrgu of 5s.
Loans mado in security of tho policios, to tho
extent of one-half of tho promiums paid.
Parties wishing to surrender their policies, will
rcoeivo tho full value from tho Society.
All the profits aro divided among tho assured.
Evory information and faoility will bo a Horded
to assurers, un application at tho Society's offices,
whero tho necessary forms will bo lilied up if
required, between tho hours of 9 and 4. o'clock,
HHS Association has boon established for tho
JL purpose of providing annuities to tho Shnro
nod Policy holders, in tho event of peauiiiary
misfortune, incapacity, or old agc-which nro not
linblo to forfeiture itt casos of Bankruptcy, lu.
solvency, or Fail uro sf any description-and also
securing EUUOATION, ArrauNTiucsiiir Fu», or
ENDOWMENTS to their Children.
Combination Policies, pnyablo in tho event of
cnsnnlitics of nny kind, totally disabling tho
assured, or death, ara issued at moderato rates.
This important addition to tho principio of ]
Assurnnco deserves the serious consideration of |
persons in all positions of lifo.
All Polloica ure indisputable, whereby tho
power on tho part of tho Otlicc in resisting a
claim under any circumstances whatever is ro
Tho general business of this Association em-
braces granting Policies from £50 upwards.
Loans in connection with Lifo AsBiirnnco.
Immediate and deferred annuities on favourablo
Endowments nnd evory risk contingent on
Independently of tho Promiums nrising from
Policies, tho transactions of this Association aro !
guaranteed by n Subscribed Capital of £250,000 J
y nearly 1100 Shareholders, whoso names mid
addresses aro published with tho - Prospectus, as-
suring thereby most perfect responsibility.
Detailed Prospectuses containing tho rntcs of |
Promiums, explanations of tho system, &c, &c,
muy bo had on application to
Agents for tho Australasian Colonies,
^_July 20tll, 1JB32._3323
DR. CAMPBELL, SURGEON, .to., lalo of |
Glasgow, hus tu Intimate that ho lins com-
menced tho prnutleo of his profession^ ut Mrs.
Cousin's 84, Eliiaheth-streot, corner ol' Liverpool«
streut, lineo Course South. Dr. C. bau tho honour
to slate, that ho was a pupil of Dr. Mackenzie's, ,
Surgeon Oculist to lier Mujcsty.
Advice gratis, to the poor, from 8 io 10 a.m.
FOR SALK, by tlio undersigned, somo very
bcnutifully-finisbod rosewood Scmi-Cottngo
Pianos, by Í* Kirkmnn and Son," of 3, Suho-squaro,
London, willi nil tile lntest improvements.
Also, a fewof "Alexandre ot Fils's" patent Har-
moniums, with percussion, from Twenty Guineas
: Among tho stock of new music will bo found
many now mid beautiful pieces.
W. J. J. nnd Co. have just recoived an invoico
of soma of the above, which will bo shortly
THE undersigned lins lately received nn oxlon
sivo consignment of DICKENS'S HOUSE-
HOLD WORDS, 5 vols., cloth, 37s. Cd., or sent
freo by post ou receipt of a remittance of 8s. per
volunto in postago stamps.
We linva considered what nn ambition It ls to bo ad-
mitted Into niuuy howes with affection nnd confldeneo ;
to bo regarded us a friend by children amt old paoplo ; to
un thought of tn ntlllctlon and In happiness ; to ponplo
tho sick room with airy simpes that "give, delight and
burt not," and to bo aiiBo-ltttcd with tho hnrmlexa
laughter and tho gentío toara of ninny hearths.-rJ'rrjacl.
Bookseller and Stationer.
JUST RECEIVED by tho undersigned, ex
Hellespont, a large assortment of now
BOOKS ; comprising works in every department
of Literature, amongst which tho following may
Scolt'o Proso Works, 28 vols., fop. 8vo.
Waverley Novols, 25 vols., fop. 8vo.
-Library edition, vol?. 1 to 0
Talos of a Grandfather, l vol., imp. 8vo.
- ? 4 vols., fop. 8vc, or
Scotland 3 vols., France 1
Lady of the Lake, elegant illustrated edition
Illustrated London Newe, vol. 21
Chambers's Journal, vol. 18
--Information for tho People, 2 vols.
--- - Cyclopedia of Literature, 2 vols.
Pictures from Sicily, beautifully illustrated
Lord Gaorgo Bentinck, a political Biography, by
An Enquiry into Human Nature, by Rev. Dr.
The Funnel's Assistant, by John Grieve, Engi-
British mid Foreign Evmigolicnl Roview, vol. 1
Burrow on tho Suprcmnoy of tho Pope, witli intro-
duction and notos hy Rev. Dr. MoCrio
Sufferings and Glorios of tho Messiah, by Rev.
Rainy Afternoons, or Talcs and Sketches by tho
Howard Family, by R. Bnllar.tyno ,
McCulloch's Commercial Dictionary "
Dictionary of Domestio Modicino, by Dr. Spencer
Tho Colloquies of Edward Osborne
Memoirs, ito. of Thomas Moore, edited hy Lord
Lifo of Daniel Webster, hy Charles Lanmau
Dr. Cumming's Church before the Flood
Free Church Magazine, new series, vol. 1
Tho Hiding Place, hy Rev. Dr. Macfarlane
Monachologin, or Handbook of tho Natural
History of Monks, by a Naturalist, with
numerous coloured lithographs
M'Lagau's (Rev. Dr.) Lectures nnd Sermons
Drown (ROT. D.; on tho Sooond Advent
Tho Ten Years' Conflict, being tho HiBlory of tho
Disruption of tho Church of Scotlaud,
bountiful unique odition, 2 vols.
Tho Old Forest Ranger, by Major W. Cumpboll
Rumbles in North und South America, by E.
A Stranger Here, by Rev. Horatius Bonnr
Outlines of Moral Science, by Dr. Alexander
Family Friend, new Buries, vol. 2
Treatiso ott Tuberculosis, by H. Ancell
AVhitccross's Moral and Religious Anecdotes
Lcttors and Diarios of Philip Saphir
Katie Stowart, a truo story -
MncfUrlnno'ti Jnpnn, Geographical mid Historical
Foi tune's Toa Districts of China
Ybuntt's complote Grazier
Sketches in tho Fields, ti continuation of Drawing
Copies from Pleasant Pages
Pilgrimages to English Shriuos, hy Mrs. S. C.
Macaulay's Essaye, uew edition, 3 vols.
Letters to tho Protestants of Scotland, by Sir
History of tho High School of Edinburgh
Prisoners of Hope, tho Alndial Cnso
Tlio Two Voontions, or tho Sisters of Mcroy at
Anderson's Wundorings in tho Land of Israel
Lectures to Young Men, 1849, 50, 51, and 52
Dr. Cumming's Readings on Gonesls
Kitchincr's Cook's Ornóle
Sliorwood'B Fairchild Family
Personal Recollections of Charlot! o Eliziibolh
Wood's Illustrated Natural History
Principalities and Power« in Heavenly Placos, by
My Homo in Tnsmnnin, by Mrs. Charles Morodith
Tho Geld Discoveries and thoir probable couso
niicitcus, hy P. J. Stirling
Ae., hy Lady E. Stuart Wortley
The Sheltering Vine, hy tho Co un toss of Not llicek
Kaliranu, by Rev. F. Fluming
I Your Book of Fhcts, 1853 .
Pnris after Waterloo^ by Simpson
Oliver aud Boyd's Edinburgh Almanao
lllenk House, by Dickons.
Tho Little Siva go, by Cup tain Marryat
Thu Drunkard's Progress, being a Panorama of
tho Overland Routo from tho Stutlon of
Drouth to tho Oenoral Terminus in tho
Dead Sea, in a series of thirteen sketches
A Tramp to tho Diggings in 1852
Hidden Treasures, by F. Hardman
Tho Fuded Hopo, hy Mrs. Slgournoy
Abercrombie on IiitoUeolual Powers
D'Aublgiio's Reformation, oloth aud morroco
Humboldt's Aspects of Nature, 2 vol».
Snored Going. Anolont and Modern
Ffolffer's Italy, Egypt, und the Holy Land
North- nritlsh nnd Quarterly Reviews, Punch,
Family Herald, Evangelical Mngazlne,
Hogg's Instructor, World of Fashion,
Household Word«, Ac., ¿co., received
0BC2_'_ 14, Hunter st rcpt.
1DOLAR OIL, Auioth-nn caught, of superior
JUST LANDED, aud on sato by tho tinder,
Carriage. Harness, Flated and Brass Mounted
Ladies nnd Gouts' Saddles, Enamelled Tra-
velling Bags, Antigropelocs, Bridles, Japanned
and Enamelled Loather, Hogakius, &e.
And daily oxpeoted, per Anna Davis and Oliven,
A largo assortment of Gig, Carriage, Tundom,
Four-Horse, Jockey, and Hunting Whips, Harness,
Saddles, Ac, from one of tho first houses in
Importer aud Manufacturer,
Ex Duko of Wellington and Sara Johanna.
JLUBLIN has just received mid opened, by
. tho nbove vossols, 30 cases of hats and caps,
from tho eolebrated houso of Christy and Co.,
Loudon, nnd ns tho above- tiavo been purchased
for cash, thoy will bo sold at tho lowest possible
Gent's black and drab bearer hats, drab shell
In caps a splendid assortment
In ladies' riding lints, J. L. lins just opened a
now style-the latest London fashion, with a
largo vnricty of children's blnck and drab lints,
handsomely trimmed, feathers, ito. With nn as-
sortment of gold and silver laco, gold navy
5847 Corner of George and Hunter-streets.
WILL bo oxposod for Salo, for Ono Week only
from TO-MORROW, at No, 1, PARK
STREET, a magnificent assortment of Rich Silk
Morning aud Evening Dresses, Velvet Mantles,
Silk China Orapo and Circular Shawls, Silk
Drawn nnd Plush Bonnets, Chemisette0, Collars,
Ribbons, «te., tte. Tho wholo being of tho
nowost London Fashions, and just imported, will
bo offered nt luvoico Price. Early application is
JUST RECEIVED, ex fresh nrrivuls, a largo
supply of Hearth Rugs, of tho very best de-
scription, and tie~\vestdo«igiis, from 8s. up to 100s.
Also a largo eupply of Gig Mats, tho ouly lot in
tho market at present. Au early call is requisite
for securing a cheap nrticl«, at
The old Furniture mid Rug Warehouse.
OFFEY, HILL, AND CO., Produce Biokors,
and (louerai Commission Merchants. Mel-
bourne, aro prepared to rccclvo aud mnko liberal
cash advances on nil kinds of produce consigned
to them, mid will provide store room for ono week
free of ohnrge. To avoid dolny, keep down
ahurgos, and do thc for pe'rishablo goods,
they will hold weekly auction sales nt their
spacious mid convenient stores ou the Wharf, so
that shippers may rely on obtaining thc best
prices, mid receiving their account snlcs with tho
Melbourne, 5th February, 1853. 1C55
From Bond-streot, London.
HENRY WOOLLEY solicits an inspection of
his STOCK OF FURNITURE, whioh ho
believes is unrivalled in this colony, both for
quality as woll as design and execution. Hu Inn
both a largo and well-selected Stuck of Colonial,
Rosewood couches, tete-n-tetes, viï-n-vis,
lounges, nelsons, ottomans, centre and side, co-
vered nilli Fut hi si ripe and India damask. A
variety of Sutherland, Rorgorc, mid Albert easy
e.linirs", rocking nud nursing ditto, sots of rose-
wood, Spanish mahogany, nnd ccdnr chairs.
Elegant ditto ditto ditto and papier mucliC fly
chairs, priedteti and twisted back Tudor chairs.
A variety of oval and fancy shaped occasional
mid centro tables, work tublos-richly inlaid, and
Whatnots, centre, angle, andhulf-in-cciitroditlo
Musia stools, rosowood, walnut, mid cedar, best
Just opened, ex Patrician, tlirco cases of ¡rou
superior four-post, tent, mid other bedsteads.
- Four-post state beds, Arabian, French, &o. ;
wa^h-stundsmid dressing tables, and sotuo very
fine marble top ditto, with elegant chamber ser-
vices, ironstone, unique shapes.
Wardrobes, attests of drawors, ito.
A variety of chairs, ti fow light wood ditto with
willow aoats, Swiss stylo, ^ ,,.:n
Cheval und dressing glastos, .n largo assort-
Bedding of tho host English horso-ltuir miulo
up on tho shortest notice, twill cm-pots', and india
matting, 2s, 4d. per yard, G quarter.1
A groat vnricty of every kind of chimney nnd
labio ornaments, glass centros, bouquet stands
A lbw elegant India vases, nnd sots of chimney
ornnmonts, dojotiuör, groups ot' figmos, brackets,
Iilatontis ol' tho Parian marule. A few sots of chi
lorutely carved ivory oliess-meii, backgammon
boards, and Russian bngntello boards, drawers,
&o. ; chiiunoy, bracket, and bunging oloolts mid
Papier macho blotlors, inkstands, card boxes,
tea caddy, oolloo tables, screons.
Desks, work boxes, travelling cases, dressing
ditto, Russia loather ditto ditto.
Just opened, a caso of tho most elognnt and
christo clcotro-plated tablo lumps, ? ground gluts
shades, opnl, Sovrcs China, crinóla mid brour.u
steins, French regulators.
A casu of tablo inkstands, with alarums, most
elegant and novel in design
Also soma ulegant glass pitpor weights, with
most ohoico. gold and silver chased ornaments
A fow elegant ormolu candió chandeliers, opnl
mid ortinmontat pondants.
Umbrella stands, bronzed.
Toilet sets of double-blocked tin, a very supe-
A few vory largo glasses, in richly earvod and
Groat variety of dressing glasses, all sizes and
prices, hand glasses, &c.
A few splendid German silk brocades, figured
Fringes, gimps, laces, bands nnd slides, iiclt
German thread damask, for hanging walls of
A caso of Ano notuurtnius, negligees, &o., Swiss.
Gilt pules, window cornices, &o. A fow very
rioh nnd olubornto gold and white and gold cor-
nices, ditto mounted on velvet.
Gilt poles, plain bonded, nnd mahogany mid
gilt collar ditto ditto, ends, rings, braokot*, &o.
French pulley rods, laths, &o., oomploto.
A fino largo oflieo tablo.
An iron snfo 2B hy 20, spring took, brass
Swing cots, trayH, portnblo chests of drawer»,
wa-h-slunds, portnblo water closets, «So.
Some very olegnnt gold nnd silver pnpors,
Hooks, satins, paimollod pnpors, stair ouse, mar-
Storekeepers mid Port Phillip buyers would do
woll to look over tho stock, as a liberal nllowaiiou
will bu mndo to whcdosnlo purchasers.
A good «look ol'iron stretchers, portable tnbleii
drawers, and ohnlrs, always on hand. 5850
COMPANY, Offices, Goorge-streot,
LAU A. AND CO., Wholesale, and Retail
Jewellers, Foroign Coin and Bullion Ollie
and Commission Agents, City Mart, 474,
Jewellers, mid Hallion Brokers, 488, George
CONSTABLE AND CO., Importers (Agents
for tho Trafalgar Assurnuoo Association),
O WAN RICHARD, Wholesale Grocer,
Wino and Spirit Mcrchaut, George-street*,
Sydney, (down the Archway,) three doors south
ot' tho General Tost Office.
CROUCH G. J., Importer and Manufacturer
and Wholesale Dealer . in.-, Toys, Fancy
Ooods, Perfumery, and General Merchandise, 33(J,
Gcorgc-stroct, opposite tho Old Burial Ground.
UMMINS IL. Registry Office for Sortants
and Poulterer, 112, King-street East.
ADSWELL T. ()., Manufacturer of «ntl
Dealer in Boots and Shoos, Wholesale andi
Rotail, 20, King-street West, 5 doors from
II ARI', Artist, 481, Qcorge-stroct, adjoin-
ing tho Old B.'iuk of Now South Wales.
IRISHER H., Shipping Agent, Merolmiir, and
J General Warehouseman,. 480, .Qeorgc
Hlrcet, und Unwin** Bended and Free Ware-
IriOSS, SON, AND CO., Chemists and D7ug
} gists, General Importers, Ac., 313, Pitt-street
vX and China Merchants ; Agents Imperial
Fire Insurance Company of London, Spring
LANHAM I. O., Wino nndVSpirit Stores,
561, Gtorge-street, uext Exchange Build-
HAMILTON G., Bread and Biscuit Buke«,
AI01I W. H., Registry Oflico for Sorvniits,
4SI, George-street, Commission. Agent
ILL J., Juan., AND SON, Cabinetmaker*,
Upholsterers, and Undertakers, King-.
OF LONDON ; Grifliths, Fanning, and Co.,
Agents, Spring street, lluntor-stroet.
LL1DGE J. M., Importer and Wholcsalo
Manufaettifcr of Buots .and Shoes, 369,
Georgo-stieot, four doors from Murkot-slreet.
OIINSON W. J. AND CO., Musio Warehouso,
J"ONES IL, Tailoring mid Drupery Estnblieh
LAYTON E. W., Wiuo and Spirit Mcrolmnt,
KGGATT AND MAYO, Manufacturers of
Cordials, Liqueurs, &o.t Kent-street, corucr
ÍEN NON W. J., Stock and Sham Broker,
USTV THOMAS. Toy and Stationery Wnro
house, 285, Brioltfiold Hill.
'DONALD li., Wholcsalo and Rotnil Brush
ami Perfumery Wiirchouse, 438, Goorge
slreet, ono door north of King street.
ARKS JACOB, (billion Broker mid hm
porter of British Goods, Goorgo-strcot,
opposite new Hank of New South Walos.
ÖUNTCASTLE lt., Australian Hat Wara,
house, 487i George-struot ; Mnuufaotory,
RINO«, BRAY, AND OGG, Morohauts,
Gcorge-streot, near Post Oillce.
IDIJ1NOTON W. lt., Bookseller and Sta
tinner, 485, Georgc-strcot.
Ii ARK ES THOMAS, Importer of Fancy
Wares, 20, Hunter-street.
}J>ENNLNGTON W. 0., Solioitor, Wynyard
QÏiKPP.TRlTTNty~ALaiÎK, Merchants anti
IO Ship Agonis, Pauket Ollice, 480, George
QANliS AND KENNY, Wholusalo and Retail
IO Booksellers «nd Stationers, Guorgc-strcet,
SMYTH S. H., Insiirauco Broker, Sydney
Marino Assurance Office, Exchnngo Build-
ing0, 5C7| George-street.
Í PAYLOR THÔAfÂsi wiíolêslilô Grocery,
J. Wino, nntl Spirit Stores, George-street.
flHIOMl'rK)>rj.7T\r., AND S., "importers"^!
X Warehousemen, 2(il), Pitt-stroet.
/"AUGll J. W" Bookseller lind Stutlouor, 14,
Hunter-street, next door to tho Kmjtieo
WILLIAMS JOHN C., Coal Merchant and
Guncrul Commission Agent, Erskiue
YOUNGER CHARLES, Genoral Ironmonger,
. Smith, and Tin Manufactory, 320, Pitt
MR. COLEMAN JACOBS, from London,
Pianist, to li. R. H. tho Duchess, ol'Glou-
cester, begs respectfully to inform^ tho gentry ami
public ol' Sydney that Ito is now giving lessons on
Pianoforte Playing, and will bolmppy to rcceivo
or a'toud thoio Indios und gotitloiiioit who may
honour him with their favours. Address Mr. C.
JACOBS, 1 »7, Ellicabtfth-slrootSouth, Hyde 1'nrk,
Q1MMONUS AND CO., Commission Morohmils
(O nud General Agents, 5, Bargo Vnrd, Lon-
don, est nbllshed 15 year*, continuo to transact
avery description of Agency Busluoss for resi-
dents In Australia. Consignments received,
goods supplied, neivspnpcrs mid periodicals for-
warded, and commissions of all kinds oxoaulod, on
tho receipt of accompanying remittances.
Agents in Louden lor tho Umpire ¡ nntl all tho
Australian papers filed for many years past, ,
MBIRNST1NGL heine about to iirocecd to
. Europe, informs tua mercantile public,
that ho lins this day coiniuuiiaoU purtnombip with
Mr. Z. Ingold, who will conduct business in theso
colonies, under the firm of
I Consignments will ba received, anti strict at-
tention paid to tho Interest of their owners.
480, U corgi)-street, Sydney,
310, Pitt-stroet, Sydnoy.
HOUSES mid LANDA Tor Sula in tho Olly of
Sj dury, Suburbs, and «ll parts of tho
ltrgislurs kept, both for Fido nnil Lcnse, which
aro lawnys open fur inspection. 40211