CENTRAL POLICE COURT.—WEDNESDAY. - (Before Messrs. Day and Hughes.) - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) - 2 Jun 1870 (original) (raw)
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Thu 2 Jun 1870 - Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875)
(Before Messrs. Day and Hughes.)
Several' drunkards were punished.
Mary M'Laughlin, an idlo and disorderly character
was sont to gaol for three months.
William Lancaster, apprehended by detective
Powell, was chirgcd -with having fraudulentlv
uttered a forged cheque for £7. Defectivo Powell
stated that ho apprehended the prisoner or
Tuesday night. When charged with tho offence,
he stated that ho had received the
choquo from a man named Day, who lived ul
Windsor, and who paid him the cheque on the Insl
day of Randwick races. Bernard M'Laughlin,
publican, residing on South Head-road, stated thal
on tho 14th May last tho priáonor asked him tc
chango the cheque, and he did so. Prisonor was
remandod for a week. Bail refused. Mr,
Thompson appeared for the defence. Tho same
person was charged with having fraudulently
uttered a oheque for £10 on Wm. Barry, bootmaker,
of George-street. Prisoner was remanded for n
Sarah M'Gue, charged with child-desertion, was
remanded until Wednesday next. Bail allowed
self in £30, and two sureties in £10 each.
Leopold Rawack, charged with having obtained
goods under false pretences, was, on the application
of his attorney, Mr. Roberts, remanded until Friday
next. Mr. Carroll appeared to prosecute.
. Henry; Rogerson was charged by his wifo with
nogleoting to maintain his wifo and children.
Mr. Roberts appeared to prosecute ; Mr,
Forstor to dofond. It appeared that thc
defendant had lately ..been ' committed to
take his trial at the central criminul court on a
charge of bigamy. He is now on bail, and MB wife,
Johanna Rogerson, sought to obtain maintenance
from him. He ia . employed at the now post office
building. The complainant atatcd that she was
married to the defendant on tho 9th October, 1859,
in Melbourne. Sho resided with him at Newtown,
in Victoria, ap to two years ago, when he desorted
her. She bore four children to him. Sho has
received soma support from defendant, but not
enough, and when sho came to Sydney and went
to. him at the post office, ho refused
to acknowledge her, or to provide a
homo. She had received £1 occasionally.
-once every six br eight weeks. WitnoBs was
married at the Wesleyan Church in Lonsdalo-strcct,
hy tho Rev. J. H. Waugh. Tho certificato now
produced, was signed by the clergyman and. two
witnesses'. Witness saw these persons sign the
certificate. She believed that defendant was corning
10s. or 12s. a day at his work at tho poBt office. She
believed also that ho earned money hs a musican.
£2 por week would be enough for tho support of
hersoiï and four children. . Witness received £1 last
Saturday-the first money for five weeks. When
witness* went to defendant at tho post office, he
wanted her to return to Melbourne. Sho
had hoard that he was married again, or was living
with some person and accused him ; hut he denied this.
-Sergeant Bloomfield dopoBod to having arrested
defendant on a ohargo of bigamy, when ho (defend-
ant) confessed to having written loiters produced,
nnd that they wero writton to his wifo Johanna
Rogerson. Ho also acknowledged that his name in
the marriage certificate was writton by him.-Tho
def/ondunt being sworn, stated that ho waa a stone-
mason, omployed at tho new general
post oflico, und earned 10s por day; hut
tor tho last two months thc weathor had hoon so wot
that full time was not obtained, the musons only
being paid for tho time they worked. Tho year
through, witness's incomo did not uvorago £2 ñs por
weok. Witness had mudo very little us a musician ;
he had averaged about £1 a quarter by this means.
Ho had not received any money ns a member of tho
yohmteor hand. It cost him 30s per week to live,
inclusivo ot clothing. He had no ready money. Tho
hench ordered tho payment of £1 weekly for twelve
(Uoforo Messrs. Bray, Chapman and Macintosh.)
__John Henry Earl, a bailiff, charged Thomas
Keenan with assaulting him in tho oxeculion of his
duty. Defendant was fined -10s and 5s Od costs.
Georgo Pucker, charged with having assaulted
j William Thomas Muston, was fined ls and 19s 'id
Sarah Moon sued James Moon, her husband, for
maintenance, lind tho bench ordered defendant^ to
pay 10B per wook for twulvo months.