Advertising - The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901) - 24 May 1882 (original) (raw)
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Wed 24 May 1882 - The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901)
Page 2 - Advertising
4A9|pM» JL be despatched, as above,
Saturday morning, at 10.15.
Special Notice ! Special Notice ! !
5*Ar?K fTHEMACEDON'S departure
Uw^^l deferred to Saturday
'' — flftfltfifr^ 'T*HE Steamship
^J£gsgS&wil] ** desp*tehed irom
the*hove ports as under : —
MELBOURNE, Tuesday, Jane 13th.
ADELAIDE, Saturday, June 17th.
JPreight SLates per Steamship
»? , /Albany ? 30s. per ton.
5-«3 1 Fremantle ... 35s. —
Oaxs, Bban, and Poulard taken at
SOOOIba. to the ton. No extra freight
charged on Pbessbd Hat, Pressed Chaff,
or Potatoes (excluding Ports of Bunbory
: socLYasae, where lighterage has to be
,'^j^^. rTHE Company's Steam
^DEMKKHggX X Ships, under con
«JP|3EflBpw tract with the Victorian
Government for the conveyance of Her
' Majesty's Mails, will be despatched from
this port (Albany) as onder: —
Sate. f^''** Tns- Captain. tion.
tUj IS Bolull» 3500 Barratt ^ Bombay
„ 99 Cartilage ... 5013 Hector Z Galle
Jnne 12 Hydaspes 8981 Haner o Bombay
.'? „ -Se Peshawar 8900 Baker '2 CImbo
J«3j 19, HUwa 8959 Atkinson o Bombay
... » Sottej «*» ~T ^Chnboi
Mag. 7 Kxzapore 3887 Pemns o „
- ffST Transfer of Company's Business
The public are hereby informed that the
above change will commence with the out
ward steamer leaving London on the 24th
May, and those Teasels corresponding with
it from aHportB which Me doe at Ceylon
on tiie 22nd Jnne, after which date none
of thm Company's Steamers will call at
With regard to the Homeward Traffic
the first Steamer which will go to Colombo
from the Colonies Trill be the S.B. Hydaspes,
leaving this port on the 12th Jane, 1882.
The general rates of passage money have
been very greatly reduced, and are now
Betern tickets (available for 9 months)
are now issued from London, Venice, or
Brjodiai, to King George's Sound, Glenelg,
Melbourne, and Sydney, and back — First-
class, £105 ; Second-class, £75.
Cargo and parcels are taken at very low
rates. Special arrangements can now be
made for the conveyance of wool to
For all information, apply at the Com
Agent, Stirling Terrace, Albany.
Tbe schooner PLANET will be des
patched for the above ports in a few
days, taking cargo for the Aehbotton and
WANTED a situation as a gardener ;
thirty years' experience. Address
E. J. Harris, Inquirer office.
WANTED, Bollock Teams to haul
logs. Pieckwork, Jankers found.
Jarrahdale Timber Company.
W A N TE D.— Experienced B00K
Apply to Richards & Hawi^t, Cooper's
looey's Timber Yard, Perth, or on the
front fifteen to sixteen years of age as
AppoenticeB to the Coachmaking and
Joinery. Apply at the « Waterloo Steam
Joinery and Carriage Factory, Wellington
AHTED, by a middle-aged man, em
ployment as a Law Writer; can
engross or ingross, and execute ornamental
penmanship. , . Quick hand on parchment
or paper. Or engagement in a Commen
cial House as Clerk and Storeman or
AcMoasta^ sad Correspondent. References
to former employers. State salary given.
HATING had more than 11 years' ex
perience in Crown Land transac
tions, as an officer in the Survey Depart
ment, and having an intimate knowledge
of nearly the whole, of Western Australia,
is prepared to select and arrange the
boundaries of any lands required ; to
arrange for payment of rents ; undertake
sales of estates and leases; to negotiate
loans and mortgages; to report on, survey,
and value properties, and generally to
transact all business connected with land.
JS.B. — Having explored and mapped
the whole of the country between Nickol
Bay and Pert Darwin, the attention of
settlers in the North and Kimberley
Districts is especially invited to this notice.
Telegrams immediately acted on.
THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1S82.
f SHALL sfcll at the Guildford Sale Yards
L oil the above date, comtueucing at 2
p.m. (after arrival of mid-day train), in lots
35 Head Fat Cattle (H. Brockman)
Right of ail horses miming on Helen n
br.m.led and unbranJed (belougiuy
to he late Richard Smith's lepre
f.- ? i as numbering 400 head as
sold v» Thomas By field to James
i ^../Cowaud Calf (B.Duffy.)
gSgT* Gentlemen wishing stock sold at
one ur other of the sales will please forward
particulars, naming date of sale at which
they wish their stock sold, in order that
same may be advertised. Printed forms
for tilling up can be bad on application
Auctioneers, Valuers, and Estate Agents,
Early in May — Latpe sale of Produce
Labge Sale of Hay. Bakxet, White akd
Brown Oats, Potatoes, Onions,
have received instructions to offer by
public auction immediately after arrival of
Victor and Dolphin, from Melbourne : —
50 bags brown Oats for seed
ALSO— Brandy, Pale and Dark, and
For date of Sale Bee Advertisement in
rpHOMPSON, SENDEY & CO. beg to
JL inform the public that their Auction
Booms, Hay St., Perth (opposite Mr. Sum
mers' Coach Factory), will from this date
be open for the reception of goods for
disposal from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.
Oilmen's stores, &c (wholesale only), will
Sale by Auction of Valuable Fbeehold
Properties Situate en the Cbnxbjs
of the Town of Albany, King
has received instructions from the
owners to oner for sals by Public Auction
at the Freemasons' Hotel, Albany, on
MONDAY, the 5th Jnne next, at 3 p.m.,
the following Valuable Town Grants, all
fronting Stirling Terrace, and containing
half an acre each more, or less. Subject to
the conditions then produced : —
Lot 1. Albany Town Lot S 170
The above properties will be offered
separately, so that intending purchasers
may have the opportunity of securing a
central Building Site, which will not
occur again for some years to come.
For plans and further particulars apply
years' lease of the ALTA GAB
DENS HOTEL. Terms Liberal.
THE undersigned has for sale, ex Annie
Lisle, daily expected from Adelaide,
25 tons Eureka Mill Flour
rpHE undersigned begs to announce that
J- he has a few dozens of Free Stone
Peach Trees, of Superior Quality.
Also, — Apple worked upon Blight-proof
stock for Sale. Price 20s. per dozen.
Terms — Cash on delivery.
mENDERS will be received by the
_L above Board for the performance of
the following work, up to noon of MON
1. For keeping in repair from Gingin
road to 40 mile post, till 31st
December. Specifications at Mr.
2. For keeping in repair from 40 mile
post to 56 mile post, and for clearing
the road from 40 mile post to where
the clearing left off last winter,
south of Poison Hill, Specifications
3. For keeping in repair from Long
Bridge to 56 mile post Specifica
tions at Mr. Atkinson's, Bindoon.
4. For making about 20 chains new
road through the sand near Mr.
Macpherson's vineyard. Specifica
tions at Mr. John Brown's, Victoria
Tenders to be addressed to the under
signed, from whom any information can
ATNOTICE is hereby given that all
due to the above Board must be paid on or
before the 5th JUNE, 1882, after which
date defaulters will be prosecuted.
GOT in off my run, one bay HORSE,
about 13 hands ; branded on off side
neck something like TH (conjoined) ; off
hind foot white ; near front foot white.
If not elaimed according to law, will be
Canning, May 10th, 1882. [8s
IMPOUNDED in the public pound, one
dark brown mare PONY, age nearly
2 years, black points, white slar in fore
bead, about 12 hands high. Branded on
the near shoulder a blotched brand something
like 6M. If not claimed within the time
Perth, 9th May, 1882. £9s- GdVJ
Government Advertisements.
Department of Public Works,
L AND SUPPLIES.— Tenders are
invited for the following Public Works
aud Supplies. For full particular*
see Oovcrinnent Gazette, a file of which
is kept at every Police Office in the
No tender will be taken into con
sideration unless the terms A the
notice are strictly complied witn.
The Government does not biti'i
itself to accept the lowest or any
N«ure of Work. u.d Supplies. ££^ -^
Hospital, Williams River | June 25.
Acting Director of Public Works.
'PHE bite train leaving Fremantle at 10
J- p.m. and returning from Perth at
10-50 p.m. will run to aud from such
Acting Commissioner of Railways.
Commissioner of Railways Office, I
Perth, 24th April, 1882. j
rpENDEES (endorsed ' Tender for
X Timber, York bridges,)' will be
received at this Office until moos of
Wednesday, the 14th June, from persons
willing to contract for the delivery of
Jarrab or White-gum for repair of York
Specifications may be seen at the Police
Office, York, and Public Works Office,
The Government do not bind them
selves to accept the lowest or any tender,
and will require the guarantee of two re
sponsible persons for the due performance
Forms of Tender may be had on ap
plication to the various Resident Magis
trates, and at the Public Offices, Perth ;
and no tender will be entertained unless
rendered on the prescribed form.
Acting Director of Public Works.
'VTOTICE is hereby given that His Eicel
1\ lency the Governor will hold a Levee
at Government House, Perth, on Wednes
day, the 24th instant, at 12-30 o'clock.
Gentlemen attending the Levee are re
quested to appear in uniform or evening
costume? and. to bring wiili ^jji*»m tswo cavds,
with their names clearly written thereon,
one to be left with, the Officer on duty in the
Kail, and the other to be delivered to the
Private Secretary, who will announce the
Gentlemen from the Country, or else
where, who would be inconvenienced by the
regulation as to evening dress, may attend
the Levee in visiting' costume.
Gentlemen having tfae entr&t are request
ed to arrive a few minutes before the hour
Government House, Perth, )
To the Worshipful the Justices of the
Peace acting in and for the district of
Toodyay, in Western Australia.
holder of a Wise and Beer License for the
house and premises now occupied by me,
formerly occupied by John Cooper,
situate in the town of Newcastle, in the
district of Toodyay, do hereby give uotice
that it is my intention to apply to the
Justices sitting at the petty sessions to be
holden at Newcastle Court House the
5th day of June, 1882, to remove the
license to the premises now occupied by
me as a general store, situate in the town
of Newcastle, in the district of Toodyay.
Given under my hand this 20th day of
To the Worshipful the Justices of the
Peace acting in and for the district of
Toodyay, in Western Australia.
holder of a Wine and Beer License for the
house and premises now occupied by me,
situate in the town of Newcastle, in the
district of Toodyay, do hereby give notice
that it is my intention to apply to the
Justices ? sitting at the petty sessions to
be holden at Newcastle Court House the
5th day of June, 1882, to be the holder of
a Billiard and Bagatelle License, in the
premises now occupied by me as a general
store, situate in the town of Newcastle, in
Given under my hand this 20th day of
Application for an Eating, Boarding
and Lodging House License.
To the Worshipful the Justices of the Peace
acting in and for the District of Perth,
I CHARLES CLAYDON, stonemason,
, now residing in St. George's Terrace,
in the city of Perth, do hereby give notice
that it is my intention to apply at the
next licensing meeting to be holder for
this district for an eating, boarding, and
lodging house license in the shop or rooms
which I now occupy, situate in St. George's
Terrace, containing one sitting room, one
dining room, and six bedrooms, not used
by myself. The house is not now licensed,
but was formerly licensed to Louis Peter.
Given under my hand this 9th day of
May, one thousand eight hundred and
To the Wbrdiipful the Justices of the Peace
acting in and for the district of Williams,
married, now residing at Marline on the
road between Williams and Bunbury, in
the district of Williams, do hereby give
notice that it is my intention to apply at
the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden
for this district, for a Wayside House
License for the sale of Fermented and
Spirituous Liquors, in the house and
appurtenances thereunto belonging situat
ed at Marine on the Road between Wil
liams and Bunbury and containing 2 sit
ting and three bedrooms, exclusive of those
required by my famiiy. My own pro
perty, and which I intend to keep as an
1 have not held a license before.
Given under my hand this twelfth day
of May, one thousand eight hundred and
Will be held in the above Hull on WED
NESDAY Evening, MAY 24, 1882, in
celebration of ' Her Majesty's Birthday.'
PRIZES will be awarded by the Judges
lor the best Historical Cosrvux, the
most Eccentric Costume, and the Hand
somest Costumb, and other Priew will be
awarded according to Merit.
Will discourse a New and Varied Selection
of the Most Popular Dance Mono, and
the Committee will spare no pains to make
the evening's entertainment enjoyable.
MASKS and DOMINOES provided.
Refreshments may be had in the Lobby.
ADMISSION .—Double Ticket, 4s.;
Single Ticket, Gentleman, 2s. 6d. ; Lady,
2s. ; Visitors to the Gallery Is. each.
ISP Proceeds to be devoted to the
Doors open at 8 p.m. ; Dancing to com
200 bags Superior Seed Oats
2 cases Fancy Goods, Ac, &o., &o.
200 cases Adelaide Fresh Apples
1 case Fancy Goods, &c, «fce., &a.
12 packages Glassware, Fancy Goods, &o
1 package Stevens' Fringed Birthday
Prime Victorian Cheese ; Adelaide Con
fectioney ; Adelaide Butter, in tins ; As
sorted Crockery; Barton & Cot's Condi
Chambers' Washing Machines ; Brad
bnry & Co.'e World Renowned Sewing
and Kilting Machines. &c.
Cross' Indigestion Drops, &c., As., &c
110° SwaUow & Ariel's Biscuits.
Hay Street, opposite Mr. Summers.
ALL that property known as the Can
ning Timber Station, lately carried
on by Mr. Fronds Bird, under the style
of Mason, Bird & Co., comprising the
Government concession for timber cutting
purposes, Timber Mill, Engines, Boilers,
Horses, Carts, Tramcaro, Tramway, and
Tramway rights, and all Plant connected
with the Hewing, Hauling, Sawing, and
delivery of timber, together with ' Can
ning Location, No. 75' of 200 acres, with
Workmen's Houses, Shops, and Sheds
thereon; together with a portion of
a Canning Location, No. 5,' containing
;bout 25 actes, at Qua River end of the
Tramway, and known as ' The Landing,'
with the Workmen's Cottages and other
Buildings thereon, and two Cargo Boats
used in connexion therewith for the de
livery of Timber, with all their gear an-i
This property has recently been put in
to good repair, aud is now in fair
working order. It has advantages
seldom to be met with in the timber
trade, and is well deserving the atten
A valuation has recently been made of
the property by one of the most em
inent valuers in the colony, but as an
immediate sale is desired, the Vendor
will be prepared to accept an offer of
about one-third less than the amount
of such valuation, and time payments
may be arranged on reasonable terms
of interest and security.
The ' Woodloes' Estate, on the banks
of the Canning River, together with the
substantially built House and Buildings,
Paddocks, Gardens, and Fields, lately oc
cupied by Mr. FranciB Bird, being part of
'Canning Location No. 5,' containiug
The position, completeness, and finish
of ' Woodloes' render it a most de
Brrable investment, and auy gentle
man who desires to combine die plea
sures of farming with a town busi
ness has hero on opportunity rarely
to be met with. The property is sit
uate 7 miles from Perth, and the
main line of road runs through the
estate, and within a very short dis
tance of the house. The house is in
first-class order, and the whole estate
is fenced and subdivided, and die
garden is admirably stocked with
vines in full bearing, and healthy
fruit trees of all sorts.
If not sold, the Vendor will be giad to
treat for a tenancy or tenancies of the
above properties, or either of them.
For further particulsre and to treat
St. George's Terrace, Perth.
If USCATEL BASINS in 61b. boxes.
JH CHOICE WINES in quarter casks.
A Magnificent DRAWING BOOM
SUITE. Cost £120. 90 Members,
400 bushels BROWN SEED OATS
ALE of the following brands:—
Flower's, Blood's, Tennent's, Bass'.
BOTTLED STOUT, Blood's Tennent's.
BRANDY (in wood and bottle), Hen
nessy's Hemery's de Longueville's,
United Vineyard Proprietors.
PORT & SHERRY, very fine.
All the above on sale at lowest rates.