EYRE TELEGRAPH STATION. - LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION STONE [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Eyre, Tuesday. - The Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 - 1954) - 29 Jul 1897 (original) (raw)

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Thu 29 Jul 1897 - The Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 - 1954)



The monotony of life in the bush was

pleasantly relieved to-day fay an interesting

ceremony, when, at the invitation of Mr.

Walter Han ison, the contractor, Mrs,. Wm.

Graham, the wife of the telegraph station

master, Eyre's Patch, laid the foundation

stone of the new telegraph station. Mrs.

Graham deposited a bottle containing the

names of the principals interested and coins

of the realm, and then artistically plumbed

the stone, and declared it tiuly and well

laid, and expressed the hope that the build

ing would be completed without accident.

Three cheers were then given for " The

Queen," when Mr. Walter Harrison, con

tractor, proposed " Lengthened Power to the

Fprrest Government," coupling the Work6

Department with the toast. Mr. Bansom,

supervisor, in a neat speech, responded, *»

ing that he had always found **- w ~¿!

Department considerate '"1, ir

proposed "Tb«* *~ , reasonable. He

Qfgfcvr- " - wealth of Mr. and Mrs.

~.m,'' whose recent acquaintance he had

made, and whom he was glad to enumérate

amongst his friends. Mr. Graham acknow

ledged the compliment on behalf of Mrs.

Graham and himself, and added that 20

years in the W. A. service had convinced him

that an officer had as fair treatment when

deserving as could be obtained in any colony.

He proposed " The Health of the Postmaster

General," who was an important contribut

ing factor to the present ceremony. Mr.

Miller proposed " The Contractor," with

whom, he aaid, he had been associated for

some time, and bis registered mark was A 1

at Lloyds, and if the Government were

always served as faithfully by contractors as

Mr. Harrison served them they would receive

full value for -their money. Mr. Harrison,

in responding, said he was somewhat blunt

of speechVbut that did not prevent him from

doing honest wera, and no fault bad been

found with any job he undertook, and be was

-sute the Government, through their ex

perienced-supervisor, would have no fault' to

find with the present job. He proposed

« The-Workmen," in whom he had the most

thorough confidence. Mr. Charles Buggins

acknowledged this, and a pleasant function

closed with light -refreshments.


the near approach of the opening of Parlia

ment there is much activity at present in

political circles, and speculation is rife as to

the course of events next session. Parties are

in process of formation, and we understand

that Mr. .'George Leake, the leader of the Op

position, . has arranged for a meeting next

'week of those members who are opposed to

the present food duties.-Herald.


resignation of the Mayor of Coolgardie (.Mr.

MacDonald), who is now confined to his bed

through a buggy accident, a Mayoral election

takes piace on the J3th August. Two candi

dates are in the field Mr. Arthur G. Jenkins

and Mr. George Bellingham. The former

has the honor of being tha first solicitor

practicing on the Coolgardie Goldfields and

is son-in-law of the present Attorney-General,

while Mr. Bellingham is the pioneer sur

veyor. Both are well-known on the fields.

Mr. Jenkins chances are considered the better.

Pears Soap is pure, delightful and refresh ng.

TO THE DEAF.-A gentleman who cured himself

of deafness and noises in the head after li ypar»

Buffeting, will glad'y send full i-articulara jx>st freu'.

-Address, H. CLIFTON, Norfolk House, Xorfolk

street, Strand, London, lEugland.

F. A. H. Weston's African predica! Vfen-Ser cures

Chronic Constipation, Kidney, Liver, Blood and Skii

Diseases, and is the best Nerre Fûad tte world or

?botany can produce. "Its cu.-ative action or the

liver, elegant but gentle aperient properties, anr

wonderful Tonic quJities, have cc.mnen«jed »hem

selves to myself and wifa (nee Di-cy Stewart.)"

Signed, Henry B_ Harwood, late Harwood & «Jo.,

proprietors Theatre Royal, ilelbourno. Price, 3s. Cd.;

dose, IO drops. Read th« ad»erti«etB«nt.*