Football Notes by (original) (raw)

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Fri 16 Sep 1949 - Williamstown Chronicle (Vic. : 1856 - 1954)
Page 8 - Football Notes by "Stab Kick"

SFootball Notes bY "Stab ickd" , '

Selectors' Responsibility

Of course, a heavy respo bility,

rests on the members of the se

lection committee. Every angle will

have to be discussed and weighed,

personalities will not count. In

addition to the team -selected to

take the field there is the import

ant question of the reserves, and

then tactics to be employed, count

ers that must be made and re

placements on accounts of any in

juries that may unfortunately be

our lot. The team will not have

been selected by the time we go

to press, but we publish herewith a

list of the players that constitute

Town's list and from which the

team will be chosen. The list can

be added to by the promotion of

Seconds or local juniors.

Age 23, Height 6ft., Weight 13.10.

By occupation Theo is a fireman

and is stationed at Newport. Orig

inally playing with Newport CY

MS he came to 'Town from South

Melb. 2nds where he played 20

games. Theo is also a professional

Age 23, Height 5.6, Weight 10.7.

John is a clerk by. occupation

and lives on The Strand. He first

played with Melb. Grammar as a

schoolboy and later two seasons

with Old Melburnians before com

Age 27, Height 5.10, Weight 13.0.

Another clerk. Jack is employed

at a local oil company. He came to

Town from South Melb. at the time;

Reg. Harley made the transfer. He.

is married with three children and

Age 24, Height 5.9, Weight 12.0.

By occupation Gordon is a dro

ver and is a local resident. He

played with success with Spots

wood before joining 'Town several

years ago. As a forward with the

junior team he kicked 50 goals.

Age 25, Height 5.101, Weight 12.0.

Reg is employed in the Public

Service and is a resident of Altona.

Before coming to Tovm he played

with Mentone, Williamstown .Dis-,

trict and the Railways in that

Age 24, Height 5.10, Weight 11.7.

On his discharge from the ser

vices Lou became a trainee car

builder. He is a resident of West

Footscray.. Coming to 'Town from

Footscray League team this season

he had played 20 games with that

club which he joined direct from

Age 23, Height 6.1, Weight 13.2.

Harold has just returned from 7

months in America. Before leaving

on this trip he was a clerk employ

ed in the Savings Bank. He came

to Town several years ago from

the Newport Methodist Club and

Age 22, Height 6.2, Weight 13.10.

Fred came to Town from Spots

wood where he played 60 games.

He is an engineer and a resident

Age 22, Height 5.101, Weight 12..8.

By occupation Bill is a pattern

maker. He came to Town from

Carlton last year. He is a resident

of West Brunswick but it is rum

ored that local interests may cause

Age 21, Height 5.8, Weight 11.7.

Max is a fitter in the Vic. Rail

ways and he represented Spotswood

Workshops in their inter-State.

side last year. He played for Spots

wood in the P.D.L. for several

years before coming to Town and

Age 21, Height 6.1, Weight 13.0.

Keith is a local resident, son of

the secretary of the A.N.A. at Wil

liamstown. He is a clerk and made

the senior side by way of the Sec

onds where he played over 50

Age 21, Heigh~t 5.9, Weight 10.10.

Keith is another whose occupa

tion is that of a clerk. He is a

brother of Andy and a twin of

Keith with the Seconds. He came

to 'Town from the Methodists,

where he won the most consistent,

trophy for 1948. He resides in Gel

Age 20, Height 5.7, Weight 11.0.

,aM olm cambfro4"'West F6it- -

scr in the F L+L .where i?iebn

best and f.irest' trophy der

-18. -He has h i,'rema?kaJE suc

cess since joining- ?.ow?n nd last

year won the Chronicle trophy. He

is employed as a clerk at an oil

company at Spotswood and resides

Age 20, Height 6.11, Weight 13.3.

Norman resides in Ferguson St.

and is also a clerk. He came to

'Town from Williamstown Method-.

ists where he played over 40 games.

Age 26, Height 6.1, Weight 14.7.

Bruce has been with 'Town for

some years now. He originally came

from South Melb. 2nds, where he,

had played 18 games. An electro

typer by occupation, he resides in

Age 28, Height 6.2, Weight 14.0.

Son of Gordon Salvas, a one

,time player with 'Town. He came,

to the locals from Auburn and he

played with Hawthorn in' 1943

when V.F.A. football was suspend

ed. Lou resides at Auburn and is

Age 32, Height 6.2, Weight '14.0.

Ron, as is generally known, came

to Town from Collingwood where

he had played 73 games and scored

327 goals. He is the proprietor of

a sports store in the city and

Age 33, Height 5.11, Weight 13.0.

Col learnt his football at Wod

onga and when he came to Mel

bourne he played with Melb. 2nds,

coming to Town in 1938. Col is a

motor mechanic and resides in

Age 27, Height 5.6, Weight 9.12.

A painter, Fred came to Town

from South Warrnambool, where'

he won the best and fairest trophy

in 1940. He won a similar trophy

with Town in 1945. He is married

Age 35, Height 6.1, Weight 12.8.

Alf has had a long career in

'football. He played first with Foot

scray, then with Newton (Tas.),

Port Torrens (S.A.), and back to

Footscray. It is of interest to note

that Alf is the present holder of

the Tasmanian goal-kicking rec

ord. He is a clerk in the public

service and resides at Maidstone.

Age 28, Height 5.10, Weight 14.0.

Bill is the proprietor of a milk

bar in Bay St., Port Melb., and

commenced his football W'ith North

Melb. in 1937. He has been with

St. Kilda and was captain and

coach of Murtoa in 1937 and East

Ballarat in 1948. He tied with two

others for ,the best and. fairest of

the Wimmera League when in that

Age 25, Height 6.1, Weight 13.8.

A younger brother of the fam

ous Strangs who played with Rich

mond some years ago. Alan played

with South Melb. last year and

was also in the League inter-State

team. 'He is a traveller.

Age 22, Height 6.21, Weight 13.8.

Murray, played with Spotswood

under 18 team in 1945 and trans

ferred the next season to Town

2nds. Murray lives in Osborne

Age 22, Height 6.2, Weight 13.4.

Charlie played with Parksides

(F.D.L.), which incidentally won

the premiership again this season.

He then went to Footscray 2nds

and transferred locally this. sea

son. He is another footballer/

clerk, and lives at Agg Street,

Age 27, Height 5.101, Weight 13.0.

Gordon is a fireman at Eastern

Hill. He came to Town from

Age 223, Height 5.101, Weight 10.10.

Age 25, Height 5.81, Weight 11.4.

Age 21, Heig t 6.0, Weight 11.10.