Advertising - The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 27 Oct 1856 (original) (raw)
TUESDAY, 28th, and WEDNESDAY, 29th
Monster Sale of Slops and Manchester Goods
Just Landed from the Jacob Badger'
To the order of Messrs. Montefiore, Graham,
To Warehousemen and Drapers,
, Outfitters and SlopseUers,
Tailors, Storekeepers, Dealers, and Buyers for
Sydney and Other Adjacent Markets.
T WADE, of Wade and Gowan, has the
al « pleasure to inform the trade and public
that he has beon favoured with instructions
from the importers, Messrs. Montefiore, Gra-
ham and Co., merchants, to sell by public auc-
tion, at his rcoms Vlotoria-buildings, 80 Collins
Btreet east, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th
and 29th inst., at eleven o'clock sharp.
The most extensive assortment of stops and
ready-made clothing that have been offered i
for public competition this season. These !
foods are from the celebrated houses of
[cssrs. Moses, Levy, and Co., and Favill and
Bonsfields, London, and shipped by the above
The whole comprise one hundred and eight
200 doz men's blue* serge shirts, doable
200 do do do elo, D B, N S, and pockets
400 do do twilled regatta do, lined baoks
200 do do fancy do do, washed
150 do do F B white do, washed and boxed
1,000 pairs men's stout drab moleskin trou-
sers, doublo-stitched and taped
1,000 do do millors' mole do, w f & S B Q
4O0 gent's assorted coloured grogram Ox-
600 men's fine blacklustre alpaca shooting
300 gent's black grogram oxonian coats
200 pairs men's arab and slate gambroon
300 do do white drill do, wf and ff
500 do do brown drill do, wf and ff
400 gent's assorted wove quilting waist-
500 do do fancy figured cashmere do,
100 do do shepherd's plaid doe shooting
dOO do do plain and fancy silk waistooats,
100 do do shepherd's plaid shooting and
400 do do fancy thibet waistcoats, SBRO
400 do do coloured and black grogram
100 do do shepherd's plaid doo oxonian
100 do do do shooting suits '
100 do do do doo clarendon suits '
800 pairs men's white camtoon trousers,
100 dozen mon's kersey drawers
72-inoh, 86-inch,and80-inch greysheeting«
J. W c.innot but invite a full attondanoo of
tho trade to this large and important sale.
Tho whole have been selected at the above
wdl-known houses expressly for this market.
Lots suitablo to', all buyers will bo put up.
Countro Storekeepers-Remember the (Sale
Days aro next Tuesday and Wednesday, the
Commence Each Day at Eleven o'clock sharp.
Pickles, Split Peas, Pimento, Hysonakin Tea,
Cider, Old Tom, Port Wino, Shorry Wine,
AT the stores of Messrs, Dalgety, Cruik
shank, and Co., Little Collins-street
west, on Tuesday, 28th inst., at twelve o'clock
The following lots of imports, suitable for
the present up-country demand, will be
offered for public competition and positive
130 oases, each 4 dozen pints, pickles
6 do, each I dozen quarts, do do
320 boxes and 1 half-ohest hysonskin tea,
67 half-chests do, ex Rajaathan, ,
10 cases sardines, i and £ ti OB t>
3 C4?23 presWea 'owl, Mb and 2-lb tina
70 cases salad oils, pints and half-pints
20 cuses Fronen capers, J and \ pints
6 cases raspberry vinegar, pints
31 cases, each 2 dozen, Guava jelly
10 cases, each 8 dozen quarts, finest
S do, ouch 0 dozen pinta, do
' 88 do Lowndes's old tom, in bond
100 do, oaoh 1 dozen, finest port wine
247 hílela. Hoare's stout.
Intending purchasers are requested to ex-
amine the samples of the goods, which will
he on view on and after Friday till day of
Bale, at the broker's rooms, 31 Qucon-street.
WT. BELL is instructed by Alexander
a Thompson, Esq., to sell by auction, on
the promises. Launceston, on Tuesday, 11th
November, at erne o'clock,
The Launceston Club Hotel,
Unrivalled in Tasmania for situation and ac-
commodation, and doing the best business in
The premises have a frontage on Brisbane
Btrcet of 168 feet, and a depth of 216 feet.
The hotel contains suites of apartments
(three rooms in each) for families, sitting
rooms and bedrooms. Singlo bedrooms, coffee
Tooms, bar and bar parlour, ballroom and bil-
liard-room ; together with a splendid kitchen
(fitted up with Btoves and overy requisite),
Bcnllory, oootB' room, larder, and every other
convenience necessary in such an establish-
ment. Also, cellarage for 200 tona of goods.
Tho other piemises, consisting of the tap,
doing splendid business, coach office, ostler s
cottage, stable, and. a laige conch-shed.
3fhe> Launceston Club Hotel is the terminus
on. the nôlthorù Side for Lord's Royal Mail
Iii the hotel fifty beds can bo made up with-
out inconvenience and in the-first-class style,
Tlio i urchasor of the premises may have the
furniture at a valuation.
Possession can be given on tho 1st January,
Terms-25 per cent, cash doposit ; 12J por
cent, at nix months : 12J per cent, at twelve
months, bearing bank interest. The residue
of the purehoso money may remain on the
premises for a period not exceeding ^hroo
ycaTB, at 6 per cent, por annum, payable half
Any further particulars can bo obtained
upon application to the Auctioneer. ,
GK. JOHNSTON is favoured with ia
. stiuctions to sell by auction, on the
jnaniscsat Carlton House, Rathdowne-stroet,
Carito« Gardens, two doors from Victoria
street, ucar*Mialetoe Hotel, on Monday, 27th
Inst,; t¡ twolvc o'clock sharp,
Chaira, tables, sofas, loungers, cut-glass,
china, plated goods, &o, earthenware,
feather beds, bedsteads, mattresses,
bedding, sheetings, counterpanes, and
dressing-tables, stands, &c, also tea,
. sugar, and groceries, together with a i
miscellaneous collection of kitchen
furniture, brass taps, too numerous
Û. K. JOHN8TON, Auctioneer, 68 Eliza- I
Bottled Fruit, Jams, and Alo.
I H. KELSON viill sell by auction, at his
o rooms, St. Kilda, on Monday, the 27th
rast, at eleven o'clock sharp,
A largo assortment of household fur-
SO dozen bottled fruits, 6 coses j ama i
100 do bottled alo and porter, crockery,
Wapery, groceries, ironmongery, &o. I
Saddlery. Saddlery. Saddlery.
J PRINCE wUl sell by auction, by order
a of the importers, at his rooms, Bruns
wick-street, on Monday, 27th inst., af-tffo
A valuable consignment of saddlery
101-1 case of twelve saddles
12 doz. sorubbing-brushes
168-1 case of twelve saddles
169,223-2 caaes of saddles
187T-1 case of twelve saddles
80 assorted bridles, rollers, Seo. '
188-1 case of superior saddles. " l
Seidlitz. Seidlitz. Seidlitz.
JAMES PBINOE will sell by auotion, at
hiB rooms, Brunswiokstreet, on Monday,
An invoice of £109, consisting of
218 and 219-2 cases, 12 doz., effervosoing
220 to 222-2 do gingerade powders
107 to 112-6 do, 40 doz., bottled powders
114 to 118-88 doz. of Seidlitz powders
10 coses of chloride of zinc.
J PRINCE will sell by auction,' at his
a rooms, Brunswick-stroet, Monday, 27th
inst. at two o'clock, > '
A small stock of a wine and spirit mor
chant, consisting of ByasB's andDitn
bar's bottled stout, Allsopp's palo ale,,
port, sherry) and claret wino. Also
a variety of groceries, buttor, hams,
bran, split-peas, and tartaño acid.
To Brewers, Maltsters, Capitalists, and Spa
culators of Victoria, and the adjacent
Wü\ be Sold by Publlo Auction, in the town
Extensive Brewery and Mnlthouse,
With Dwelling-House, Stables, &o.
fT\ FORSTER has been honored with in
1 » structions from the proprietor, John
dutarning, Esq., who is desirous of retiring
from business, to soil by public auction, on
the promises, on Tuesday, 28th October, at
All those very valuable and extensivo pre-
mises, situate in Oorio-street and Oorio
now in full working order, together with
The Goodwill of tho Trade. ' j
The premises aro most substantially built !
of stone, and most complete in every respect. '
No expensejhns been spared to render the
plant convenient, every thin g having been done
to simplify operations and economise labor.
. The malt-mill, pumpa, mashing-maohlno,
&c, aro worked by a six-horse power steam
engine, and all tho utensils are nearly now
and of the very beBt description. . <
The business has been successfully con-
ducted by the proprietor for. the lost eleven
years ; lhere is consequently a first-rate con
oecticn, which can bo much increased.
The malt-house is ono of the ¿best and
strongobt buildings in doolong, and about 70
feet long by 80 feet 6 Inches wide, having four
(loora. The malt-kiln is a superior wire-oloth,
and ordered expressly fronl England, -The'
ärainage from the promises is very complete.
The yeast trade alone yields a considerable)
The dwelling-house contains five rooms and
The whole stands upon a half-acre allot-
ment, having a ftontage of 66 feet to Oorlo
tcrraco opposite to tho Wharfs, and a like
(rontage to Corio-streot. having a depth of 831
The following is a list of the machinery
and utensils belonging to the premises, viss.:
1 wrought-iron steam boiler, 17 feet by 3
1 six-hoise-power steam-engine, Oi inches
120-barrel open copper, with 3 inches
round way, discharge-cock witli curb
15 inch strong force-pump, fitted with
gun-metal, copper rod, &c, complete,
for cold liquor, with- about 160 feet
15 inch do do for hot liquor
1 force-pump, with iron piping in woll
1 maoh-tub of 2-iueh oakstaves and 2-inoh
fir bottomf with cast-iron false bottom,
and 2-inclí dlsohargé-cock .
. 2 w orking tuns of 1 j-inch oakstaves, con«
1 huge tun for rain-water >
1 wrought-iron wator-tank, contents 1,503
18-inch deal cooler, 41 feet by 17 foot
, 1 wove-wire malt-kiln, 16 feet by l8 foot
7 inches, with oirders. rods. &c.
1 malt-mill, with rollers, &o.
The auctioneer, in directing attention to
this very important sale, feels that the limits |
of an advertisement would fail fully to de-
scribe the property, and moreovor that it
requires1 no comment from him ; but for the
information of thoso at a distanco, would
merely remark, that tho season is just com-
mencing when an immense consumption may
bo expected, and .from the extent of agrioul
tural operations an abundance of barley will
bo obtainable, theroby obviating the neces-
sity pf importing malt from England, and
thus onablo the brewer successfully to com-
peto with the manufacturers of English ales,
by producing a first-class beverage from good
coloniul malt, for the making of whioh tho3e'
promises offer great faculties.
The railway to Ballaarat is to bo oom
monccd immediately by the Govorñmont, the
completion of which will moro fully open up
that extensive district to the manufacturer
It may also bo noted that a Government
Commission is now engaged in taking steps
to bring water into the town.
Intending purchasers are particularly re-
quested thoroughly to examine the premiso3
for themselves previously to the day of sale,
which can lie .done at any time on applica-
tion to the proprietor, on the establishment,
who will bo happy to afford every informa-
Terms aro exceedingly liberal, Viz.: one"
third cash, one-third in twelve months, and
one-third at two years, bearing 8 per cent, in
¡8347 sop 19 and 24 and ocfc 1 8 15 22 and 27
Churoh-street, Richmond, near the Govern-
CRITCHLEY"and BANKS have received
instructions from Mr. Bonar, and E. B,
Critchley is directed to sell by auction, on the
promises, Church-street, Richmond, on Tues-
day, 28th jnst.. at twelve o'clock,
Tho entire oiïeots and stock-in-fïfide of the
oil, colour, and paporhanging establishment,
amongst which will bo found
Oils, lamp-raw and boiled '
White und red load, umber, oohro, whit-
Brashes of all descriptions
Faperhanglngs in variety and of every dû'
Ladders, stops, trussols, and the whole ol
Handsome Household Furniture.
CRITCHLEY and .BANKS have receivec
instructions, and E. B. Critohloy is di
xccted to sell by auction, on the premises. No
LonBdale-strect west, near Queon-street, or
¡Monday, 27th inst., at twelve o'clock,
The very valuable and handsome householc
furniture, consisting of- i
, A suite of walnut furniture
' Couches, superior chairs and tables
Firet-rate cottage piano (Collard and Ool
, Oil-paintings, proof engravings, clock
. , Handsome stone bust, carpets, rugs, &o.
Iron bedsteads and bedding, dressing
glasses and tables, waahstands auc
services, 6 chests of drawers'
To Farmers, Maikot Gardeners, and Others.
First-rate Investment, Seven Milos from
. Melbourne ¡Good Road and Rich Soil.
CRITCHLEY and BANKS have received
instructions, and E. B. Orltcbley is di-
rected to soil by auction, at tho Essendon
Hotel, on Wednesday, 29th inst., at two
80 ae.rcs of excollent farm laud, on the
Mount Alexander-road and Moonoe Ponds hy-
the Deep Creek, little more -than one milo
The land will be'sold in lots to BUit'pur-
chasers of not less than six acres,' with the
fPossession Immediate. . Terms Easy.
.For fait'ier particulars apply at the office
pt the auctioneers, 47 Chancery-lane. Q1Q
Extensive and Important Sale at St. Agnes,
To Agriculturists, Butchers, Dealers, Dairy-
EROW and Co. beg to announce that
. they have received instructions from
the proprietor, Edward Argyle, Esq., to hold
the second annual spring sale at St. Agnes.
Kyneton, on Wednesday, 6th November, at
eleven o'clock, when they will have the plea-
sure of submitting to public competition
A variety of stock, briefly enumerated as
150 head of superior fat cattle
Unbroken colts and fillies
- Fat and store pigs, &c.
The auctioneers would especially call atten-
tion to ,tho fat stock at this sale. ;
The cattle will undoubtedly be first-rate,
and purchasers will be able to place them on
the diggings with little troublo or expense.
Terms Liberal on Approved Bills.
Í7\ BOW and CO. will sell by auction, at
'j' their yards, Bourke-street, on Monday,
th inst., at twelve o'clock, . ,
i 14 heavy draught horses,
Ex Royal Shepherd from Launceston.
85 Unbroken Colts and Fillies, Direct from
Ï71 ROW and CO. will sell by auction, at
Um their yards, Boutke-street, on Monday,
A mob of 35 head of colts and fillies,
unbroken. Among them are several
upstanding horses suitable for heavy
draught, giç, and saddle. They are in
gopd condition, and direct from the
_breeders' station, Sydney side. 1778
i To Farmers, Carriers, and Others.
"|TT ' W. ANSLO W, of Anslow and Burdon,
VV . is instructed hy Messrs, M'Donald, of
Maneroo, to sell at tho yards, 61 Bourke-street
?west on Wednesday, 29th inst., at twelve
45 very superior colts and fillies.
The auctioneer hogs to state that they aro
all in first-rate condition, and being direct
from the breeder, thoir coaracter may be tho-
One Mile fiom tho Town Boundary.
SBOTTOMLEY has been favoured with
a instiuctions, to soil by auction, at 103
Elizabeth-street, on an early day, duo notice
A very superior and well-finished ,sevon
roomed house, with five acres of rich land,
Terms and Particulars at the Booms.
SBOTTOMLBYwill sell by auction, at
« 103 Elizabeth street, on Wednesday,
29th insc, at eleven o'clock,
,One four-roomed brick dwelling-house,
having slate roof, and a three roomed brick
house, both of which are substantially built
and spouted. The land!has a frontage of
about 70 feet to Belfaat-road and Gardner-row
Title Good. Terms Liberal. Sale Unreserved.
A Comfortable Homestead and Farm Under
SBOTTOMLEY. will sell, at 103 Ellza
a beth-street, on Monday, 27th iuflfc, at
A very substantial house and seven aores
of rioh land, fenced-in with stone wall,
under crop with wheat In promising order.
Good supply of water. Distance about four
The above is not far from Ballway station
between Williamstown and Melbourne.
Particulars to be had at the rooms.
In tho Supremo Court of the Cplony of
Between Frederick Thompson, Plaintiff, and
Frederick T. Russell, Defendant."
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Sheriff
for the Colony of Victoria, will cause to
be sold by publie auction, on the premises,
No. 176 Elizabeth-street, in the city of Mel-
bourne, at the hour of one o'clock in the
afternoon, on Wednesday, 29th inst., under
All the right, title, and interest of the
dofendant in and to his stock in trade
consisting of Bottles, Globes, Patent
Medicines, ^Perfumery, Glasa Oases,
Counter, Shop-fittings, &c, j with all
the effects on the premises too nu-
merous to mention, situate in the
county; of Bourke, in the colony of
Unless this execution be previously satis-
Terma-Cash on the fall of the hammor.'
Dated the 25th dav of October, 1856.
ANTHONY BRADY, Sheriff's Officer. ,
N KINSMAN has received instructions
. from Mr. Rodgers, who is leaving for
Sydney, to sell by auction, on thô'prerniaes,
Gcorge-streot, Collingwood, opposite the Cas-
tle Inn, on Monday, 27th mat., at olevea
Household furniture, consisting of
Double iron bedstead, largo round dining
table and other tables, cane-Boated
rocking chair, twelve cane-soatei
and otbor chairs, all new; iron
stretcher, sofa, fire-guard, washstand,
toilet-çlass, American stove, moit
_safe, kitchen utensils, &c,_25
To Gentlemen in Want of a First-rate Hook or
?pvOUGHARTY and CO. will sell by auction.
JJ at their yards, corner of Queen' ano"
Bourke streets, lato Bear's Horso Market, on
Monday, 27th inst., at twelve o'clock,
20 good-conditioned saddle and light
ha rnesshorscB, direct from the breeder.
To Builders, Publicans, Private Gentlemen,
Splendid Corner Allotment, suitable for an
Hotel or Private Besidence.
A TKINSON, ALSOP, and CO. announce
A that T. J. Atkinson haä received posi-
tivo instructions from the vendor to sell by
auction, on the ground, at the risk and ex
pcnso of the former purchaser, Mr. Grimwood,
builder and contractor, Collingwood Flat, on
Monday, 27th inat, at one o'clock,
All that piece or parcel of land, in tho
pariBh of Jika Jika, having a frontage to tho
main Government road. Johnston street, of
99 feet, by a depth of 66 feet to Patterson or
Francis street, being the next allotment to
the new bridge, ana exceedingly eligible for
where the whole of the traffic of the rising
Townships of Kew, Hawthorne, Boroondara,
and all the villages on the east side of the
Yarra, must inevitably pass for the diggings
and the interior. The situation of the ground
Btands unsurpassed in the colony for beauty
and scenery, also'its healthful locality, being
on the banks of tho Yarra, and fronting the
romantic Studley Park, must at once reoom
mond itself as being a first rate investment,
cither for the building of a first clasä hotel
and pleaBuro-grounds, or villa residence, and
will, without doubt, return a handsome and
speedy fortune to the speculator,
British Auction Mirt, Collingwood. 21
Horses. Horses. Horses.i 1
Important to Sportsmen, Horso Fanciers,
And Gentlemen In Want of a Good Family
MM'OAW and ANOTHER will sell by
a anction, at the Royal Horse Bazaar,
on Tuesday, 28th in3t" at twelvo o'clock,
46 Horses, of a description superior to any
offered this season, cemprifdng
10 splendid stylish saddle, gig, or carriage
noraes, 10 hands high and upwaids ;
10 do do, 16 do do, all bioken to sad-
dle, and anumbei of them to harneas £
10 of tho same description, unbroken
nlso.lSheavy draught oolts, unbroken
We have seen tho hoises, and can vouch for
the above dcsciiftion being coi root.
MM'OAW and ANOTHER will soil by
a auction, at the Royal Horse Bazaar,
on Monday, 27th inst,, at half-past eleven
Six very superior draught horses jus
landed from Sydney, also a number
ot first-class saddle and harness
Reduction of Bates-Thepublio is re-
spectfully informed that this Company is
prepared to effect insurances on fire risk in
Merbourno at a considerable reduction on the
rates hitherto charged. ^
WILLIAM GREEN, Managing Director.
No. 9 Collins-street west,
8th August. 1856._24 deo 6 alt
I Cupiial-£100,000 in 2000 Shares.
I Policies gi anted in triplicate, and losses
paid in London, if required.
| JAMES HENTY and CO., Agents.
Subscribed and Divested Capital, £I,600.00i
I 68 Little Collins-street weBt and
84 Bourke-street weBt. 1002 month o
Incorporated bv Act of Parliament
Fire and Life Policies issued on the moat
favorable terms. No reference home ; all
claims sottled In Melbourne and guaranteed
by the unlimited liability of 1,000 share-
Agent for Victoria, WM. L. CHALMERS1
107 Collins-street west, next to Bank of New
South Wales. 9 mon wed fri feb7
Capital, £2,000,000 Sterling.
Pafd-up Capital, £276,000.
The amount of the capital of this Com-
pany, the woll-known character of its Direc-
tors, the high respectability of its proprietors,
and the standing which it takes among the
Fire Insurance Establishments of the British
Empire, enable it to rank with the moBt
eligible offices now in existence either in
Europe or elsewhere, with respect to the ad-
vantages offered to the public.
The undersigned having been appointed
the Agents of this Institution in Melbourne.
are prepaicd to issue Fire and Life Policies at
moderate rates ofpreminms,
Capital-£200,000, in;40,000 Shares of £5 each.
Charles Vaughan, Esq, M L.O., Chairman.
William Montgomerie Bell, Esq., Deputy
The Hon. the Collector of Customs.
F. J. Sargood, Esq., M.LO.
Agent at Geelong, A, O. Macdonald.
Agents at Portland, Trangmar and Orouoh.
Agent at Warrnambool, N. Billing.
Agents at Belfast, Cowlan ancLBland.
Agent at Castlemaine, O. E, Glass.
Agent at Beechworth, A. B. Pritohard.
Agents at Sandhurst, Mackay and Co. ..
Agents at Kilmore, M'Pherson and M'Donald
8 deo 11 J_Managing DtreotorT
Head Office-80 Queen-street, Melbourne.
John Greenlaw Foxton, Esq.
William Patterson Muir, Esq.
John Greenlaw Foxton, Esq.
William Patterson Muir, Esq.
> Henry Pownall Sawell, Esq.
John Broadhurst Tootah Esq,
Deposits may begin with £1, or with any
amount of capital, and it may be increased at
The Managing Director especially invites
those persona who have never yet habituated
themselves to the reproductive "deposit of
Bavings, surplus and unemployed moneys, to
avail themselves of tho advantage, security
«Provident Institute of Victoria.
A liboral interest, freehold security of abun-
dant value, a legitimate distribution of money
and the general well-being, aro" the grounds
upon which this invitation is based,
Tho Bank Department receives savings,
surplus income,-and non-trading moneys, and
it noals the same on, and only on, freehold
estate, thus realising a liberal interest for
depositors, and extending important accom-
modation to the owners of freehold property
Depositors are privileged to have their let-
ters addiessed " To the care of the Provident
Institute, Melbourne." All Buch letters will
be received, .registered, and placed in the
strong room till called for,
Each depositor may nominate a relation or
friend to whom paymont shall he made
at a fixed time, should the deposit not be
drawn or otherwise appropriated during the
£10,000 to bo loaned in one sum, or in sums
of not less than £100 each. Interest is
charged only for the time money is wanted
It is payable quarterly, and only when duo;
and the charges, for Biirvey and mortgage are
upon an economical scale.
The Agency Department effects the pur-
chase, salOj or mortgage of land, buildings,
&o. ;t and collects and pays rents, dividends,
interest, fro., on commission; receipts paid
over, or deposited in the Bank Department.
By order- of the Board of Management,
1 JOSEPH MAOARDY, Managing DirectorJ
Castlemaine...,. Mr. Christophers
Sandhurst . Messrs. Boyd and Harris
Woolshed Creek.Mr. Burbank. 164 oot 29
Elizabeth-street south. 80th July. 1856.
On and after this date a Considerable Re
ductlonwill be made in the Rates of Preminm
for Insurances in Melbourne.
Resident Secretary, W. MURRAY ROSS.
Head Office-Stone Buildings, Hobart Town.
Henry Hopkins I Thomas Y. Lowe
Thomas Giblin William Crosbie
Manager-Thomas MacDowell.
Agents at Melbourne-DOWNING!. GRIF
- , PITH, and CO., Queen-street.
Head Office-Stone Buildings, Hobart Town.
Askin Moirison, I Henry Hopkins
William OroBbio | Thomas Giblin
Thomas MacDowell, Manager.
Michael Evans, Accountant.
Agents at Melbourne-Downing, Griffith, and
' Agents at Launceston-James Peters.
AgentB at Adelaide-F. J. Beck and Co.
Agents in London-Fenwick, La Roche and
Co, 36 St. Mary-at-Hill. '
f-Thls Company having made,arrangements
for the payment in London of claims fo
loss or avenue on polioles effected hy them to
England, ana now propnied to issue policies
payable in Loudon, the same, if required,
Act of the Legislative Council. Esta
Head Office: Insurance Buildings, 82 Col-
Henry Miller, MJj.O., Chairman.
William B/ Burnley, M.L.O., Deputy
Marino Surveyor-Cant. A. Hancock.
Agent at Geelong.Colin M. Smith.
Agent at Portland.G. G. Crouch.
Agent at Wannambool...Thomas Dcnney.
Agent at Castlemaine.Henry Christopher.
Agents at Sandhurst .Boyd and. Harris.
Agent at Amherst.Alfred Wills.
Agent at Ballaarat.W. 0. Smith.
JOSEPH COLLIE, Acting Secretary.
Parties insured in this company against
fire whose polloles expire on this quarter are
respectfully informed .that the same can|]be
renewed on application at this office at
reduced Tates of premium:
JOSEPH COLLIE. Aoting Secretary.
82 Oollins-Btreet east 1194 o
A DYING APPEAL.-Jno. Eldridge, jua.,
and Co., General Dyers, Scourers, Pres-
sera, &c, Rockly Cottage, Brunswick-street,
AVERAGE STATER.-Arohibald J. .Gar-
nock, Average Stater and adjuster of
Ships' Accounts, at Mr. Khull's, 69 Oollins
BOOKS, Watches, Guns, Musical and
Mathematical Instruments, anything
and every thing Purchased. Ninnis, 88 Little
.Bourke-street east._872 nov 1
DON'T Pledge your Goods, but get their
highest value at Ninnis's, 83 Little
Bourke street east._371 nov 1
GEORGE PECK, Carver and Artist in Or-
namental Design, 14 Lonsdale-street
west. Carvers Wanted. 382
GLEDHILL, Estate Agent, Accountant, &c'
Rents and Debts Collected. 32 Lona
dale-street weBt, Melbourne, and Emerald
NOTICE to Drapers.-Spotted Silks or
Satina restored without discolouration
of selvage by John Eldridge and Co., goneral
dyers, Rockly Cottage, Brunswick-street,
NOTICE.-Having let my Shop, opposite
the Union Bank, to Mr. J. Blundell,
during the alteration of his premises, I re-
quest that all communications may be ad-
dressed to me at Mr. Long's auction room,
THE best Bread Supplied in Melbourne^
Collingwood, and Richmond, lid. the
4-lb. loaf. Jas. Mason, Wellington-street.
WOOD CARVING, Figure or Ornament,
executed in the first style. 14 Lons-
WATCHES, English and Geneva, Musi-
cal Boxes accurately Repaired: mo-
derate -charges. Ninnis, watchmaker, 83
Little Bourke street east._373 nov 1
For continuation of Trade Addresses-see
ADVANCES to any amount on Jewellery
Clothing, &c. Cohen and Marks, Pawn-
broker, 29 Little Bourke-street, near the
Arcade, and 128 Bussell-Btreet. 00 nov 2
ADVANCES Made on Personal Securities
at the Melbourne Loan Office, 74 Chan-
ANK of Victoria Shares Purchased
by Mr. Winter, 48 Bourke-street west.
B BOWNING, Pawnbroker and Jeweller,
establiahed 1850, at 167 and 169 Eliza-
beth-street : the loweBt rate of interest in
CASH on Loan.-Any sum, frpin £10 to
,£500, on Deposit of Deeds. Melbourne
Loan Office, 74 Chancery-lane. 194 oct 30
ONEY.-£20, ¿630, £40, £50, £100, to £503
on Deposit of Deeds. Gledhill, 32
MONEY.-Parties having Money for Loan
can obtain at my offices good Securitioa
and high Interest. Gledhill, 82 Lonsdale
M ONE Y.-Several sums to be Advanced on
Mortgage. W. U. Tripp, solicitor, 8
OHEN and MARKS, Pawnbrokers, Rus^
Bell-street. Advances to any amount at
half the inteiest charged elsewhere.
CASH-£50 to £6,000 Ready on Deposit of
Deeds : terms moderate. Buchan, money
broker, 85 Little Collins Btreet east, and 19
Palmer-street, Collingwood._3lâ oct 31
DISCOUNT BANK, 7 Collins-street west.
-Bills from £6 to £500 Discounted daily
Offices u|,stairB._79 oct 80
J? vanced on Mortgage in one amount or
In seveial sums of not less than £600 eaoh.
Apply to Joseph Collie, Acting Secretary, Vic-
toria Fire and Marine Insurance Com pony, 82
ColllnB-street east._, 1013 p
X1 low rate of interest on Cliy Property.
Thomas Miller, solicitor, 121 Swanston-streefc.
MONEY.-£20, £30, £40, £50, £60, £70.
£80, £100, to'£500.-Parties can be.
Accommodated with Cash this day. Thomp
son's, next City Police Court. 106 pot 29
MONEY.-Various Sums to beAdvanoei
immediately. Apply to Mr. Atkytt3.
solicitor, 82 Chancery-lane._42 oct 30
MONEY.-£20,000.-Uncle Tom's Pawn
Office.-T. Lewis, pawnbroker and
I watchmaker, No. 177 Lonadale-street east
near Spring-street. Advances to any amount
at a lower rate of interest than any other
I house m Melbourne. 66 nov 17
MONEY immediately Advanced for Bhort
periods, at current rates, in any sums
I from £20 to £300, on Deposit of the Deeds of
brick, stone, or wooden buildings, land under
cultivation, or any tangible real seourity:
£8,000 to Lena at 10 per cent, on Mortgage of I
suburban brick or stone freeholds, and £7,090, i
at 8'per cent., on' first-olnss city, property.
< Money from £20 and upwards invested upon I
¡ nndehiahlo freehold seourity, without risk or
I trouble to'the lender, returning to him a very
I remunerative interest. Apply to W. GARDI-
NER, Estate Agent, 60 Queen-street. '
MONEY at a (low rate of interest for in-
vestment on mortgage [by Mr, Winter.
jBourke-street. - _047 oct 31
MONEY.-Sums of from £1,000 to £5,030
to be Lent upon ;firBt-olass seourity, at
IO per cent. Selwyn and Klingender, 91
Little Collins-street._147 nov 4
MONEY to Lend in Sums from £2J.
upwards. R. R. Rogers, architect, Mo-'
Chrnic's Institution-Buildings. _122
Hob8on's Bay Railway Company's'shares
Melbourne Exehango Company's shares,
? Stock,' Exchange, and Bill Brokers,
Eldon Chambers, Bank-place. '
STOCK and Shares for Sale: -
l8 MelbournojDorporation Debenturo3,
50 Geelong Corporation Debentures, 6
82 Geelong Ballway Debentures, 8 per
100 Geelong Raliway Company
20 Hobson's Bay Railway Co.
1O0 River Murray Navigation Co. (Oa
200 City of Melbourne Gas and Coko Co.
10 Richmond Building Society
£1,000, £'2,000, and other Sums to Lend on
EDWARD KHULL, Stock and Share
Broker, 69 Collins-street west._147
mSN THOU8ÄND POUNDS.-£10,000 to bs
X Lent on Mortgage in one sum, or in such
' sums as moy be agreed on. Apply to T.'B,
\ Payne, 67 8 wunston-streot. 20 nov24
. to Lend on Mortgage of Real Property, in
sums to suit borrowers, at a low rate of in-
terest Hellicar and Comer, stock, exchange,
asd bill brokers, Eldon Chambers, Bank-place.
ANTED £300 on good security. Thomas
Warner, Esq., Messrs. Blundell, Muttle
bury, and Warner, 109 Swanston-street.
WANTED to Purchase Government De-
bentures, Bank of Victoria Shares.
Hellicar and Comer, stock, exchange, and bill
brokers, Eldon Chambers, Bank-place.
WANTED o Purchase Fmir Shares in the
Second Collingwood Building Sooiety.
Apply 19 ElUab th-street south. 25 oct 27
V V Money Adv» need I Money Advanced I
Amongst all J i lends and strangers.
All you that want money, call upon your
rich UNCLE TOM, No. 177 Lonsdale-street
east, where you can obtain a Loan of Money
to any amount, upon deposit of any artioles of
value, at aimuclrjfowoi rate of Interest than
any other house In the rolony.
Fireproof Safes and Closets
Erected on the premises for the security oí
goods. The strictest ' ecieoy maybe
relied upon at this establishment.
177 Lonsdale-street east, Melbourne.
THOMAS LEWIS, Watchmaker, &c. Li.
censed Pawnbroker. BBaorlï
ALE and PORTER.-AUspppV Byass's, and
> Marzetti's on sale. E. F. Sichel and Go.,
20 Flinders-lane west. 165 oot 28
BYASS'S Ale and Porter, and other brands,
on Sale. Charles Watson, li) FUndera
BYA3S'Sand Allsopp's Ale and^Stout, pints
and quarts, just landed ex Jaoob
Badger, from London, for Sale, by Francis
CAMPBELL'S Edinburgh India Ale, fresh
parcel, just landing. Callender, Cald-
well, and Co, 41 King-street. 208 oct 29
EVANS'S PORTER, 4-doz. casks, now land-
ing. Josephs. Langdon, and Co., 65 Little
Collins-street cast. 142 oct 31
GARVEY'S SHERRIES various qualities
and colours, on Sale hy his agents, White
MANDER'S Dublin Stout.-A fresh Ship
mont, in primo condition. H. M. Mur-
phy and Co, Wharf._97 oot 29
NOW Landing ex Blackwall and recent
. Nioholson's old tom, in bulk
West India rum, from 10 to 30 overproof
Burton Brewery Australian ale.
M'BEAN, HAYWARD, and CO., 49 Flin
WHISKEY. - Monthly shipments of
Daly's celebrated Cork Malt Whiskey,
received by Thomas S. Martin, Forrest, ana
Co., 122 Flinders-lane west. 029 nov l8
BRANDY.-The Undersigned are sole
Agents in the Australian colonies for the
above celebrated first class Brandy, and in
receipt-of direct shipments from London and
liam-stieot._ _ 6Í jan 10
OLD TOM.-Browning's and Swaine
Boords'London old tom in white bottles.
E. F. Sichel and Co., 20 Flinders lane west.
ON Sale hy the undersigned,
W. I. rum, a superior parcel
Bass's No. 3 ale, just landing
Old tom. in cases, various brands.
Josko Brothers, 2 Little Collins-street weat.
OLD TOM. - Hhds. Quarter-Casks, and
Cases, for Sale. Downing, Griffith, and
Co.. Queen-street. 250 oct 28
OFFLEY'S PORT WINES, various quali-
ties, on Sale by their agents, White Bro-
»ORT WINE.-Choice Port for Sale.
Downing, Griffith, and Co., Queen-stresJ
ON Sale by the Undersigned,
Taylor, Walker, and Co.'s stout
Byoss's, Porter and Co.'s : Marzetti's, and
Bryant and Davies'a bottled beer
W. I. rum, 10 o.p. and 30 o.p.
Islay whiskey, in hhda. and cases
Port wine in hhds., qr.-casks, and caS93
Sherry in qr.-casks and cases
Sparkling wines, still hock, and cherry
CLEVE BROTHERS and CO., 114 Lons,
dale-street west._053 nov 1
Old tom, Swaine Boord's, in case
Geneva, in cases, anahor brand
Port wine, double and treble diamond,
Sherry, palean quai tera and octaves
Champagne, hock, and claret *
Bottled beer, best brands.
JOSEPHS, LANGDON, and CO,, 55 Littlo
T the Stores of the Under
Ale m hhds., Bass's No. 3 Burton
Do. do., Worthington and Robinson
Porter and stout. Taylor Walker's
Do. do., Barolay Perkins's
Do. do., Sir H. Meux and Oo.'s
Byoss's ale and porter, in oases and oask
Tanqueray's pure white old tom, in hhds.
Case old tom, viz., Booth's, Swaine, Boord,
and Go's, Crosse and Blackwells, Pi-
Sandeman's choice port, 1, 2, and 3 dozen
Port wines, various qualities, in hhds.
r Sherry, 1-doz. cases, Gonzales Durbosq'3,
bottled by R. B. Byass and Co,,
Claret, super medoc, 1 and 2 dozen cases,
Ginger-wine, British, 1-dözen casos
Brandy. MartelL's and United Vineyard
Brandy in case, Olouzeau's No.'6, and
Champagne, 1-dozen cases /
i Davis Stoughton's bitters, 1-dozen cases
Geneva, 2 and 4 gallon cases '
Whiskey, Scotch, nhds., quarter-casks,
Rum, Jamaica, hhds. and quarter-casks
Ginger-brandy, 1-dozen cases, British.
SOLOMON and LEVY, Wine - and Spirit
Merchants, 103 Swanston-street, between
Bourke and Little Oollins-streetB, 67 feb 8
SPARKLING MOSELLE and'Hook, finest
quality. White Brothers and Co. 168
TORS' COMPANY, of Oognap, George
Salignac, »manager. - The Undersigned are
in constant receipt of the above Com-
pany's Brandy, direct from the London
Agents of the Company. White Brothers and
THE Undersigned, being agents tor Mol¿
bourne for Messrs. Tooth and Co., have
always on hand largo stocks- _
Tooth and Co.'s best quality Kent hops
¡ is the largest and most commodious building; In the Western District, and haB been erected and finished in the very best manner and at The accommodation now offered to gentle- men and ladies visiting this part of our un- rivalled colony has never before boen' at- Besides the long room, coflee-roonj, nume- rous single bed-rooms, servants' rooms, and other of those apartments usually provided, the Star of the West boasts an elegant and lofty saloon, 60 feet in length, admirably Buited for balls, concerts, .and public enter- tainments, and several private sitting-rooms for famdies, with bed-rooms en suite. All these have been comfortably carpeted and A covered balcony running along two sides of the hotel, and 180 feet m length, af- fords aulagreeable promenade, commanding; the finest scenery in the neighborhood, ana J. W. Taylor begs to acquaint those gentle\* »en who may honor him with their custom, that ther table and attendance are under his own personal management, and the stock of wines and spirits has been selected hy ex- cellent judges ; and while these will be found as pcriect as anything in the colony, that chftTge will be extremely moderate. N.B.-Stabling very complete, with loose boxes for racers and the better-Lrod nags.