Advertising - South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851) - 21 Apr 1846 (original) (raw)
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Tue 21 Apr 1846 - South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851)
Page 1 - Advertising
AT thu Establishment printing of every descrip-
tion ¡s executed in a style not tobe surpassed
tn dis Colony, and at the most moderate prices.
" JL eoMplept n**orta*eiii cf Colored Pa^t,
Thomas, master, will sail on Friday
For freight or passage, apply to
35 tons register, ready for immediate
'HB fine fast sailing schooner
r Irring, master, will leave for the
Labore port, calling at Portland Bay,
For freight or passage, apply on board, pr to
"POR eaî« roir-xliatteyrtkw fin« fast schooner
Alpha. For particulars, apply to
Grand Musical Entertainment.
MR. RAVAC has the honour to announce
that he purposes to provide a grand musical
entertainment at the Freemasons' Tavern, in
Adelaide, on the evening of Tuesday next, April
21st, upon which occasion the assistance of Mr
Jmberg has been most kindly offered, and when
the performances will be in accordance with the
1. Overture to Massaniello - Mr. Jmberg
2. Souvenir de Bellini, fantasia for violin,
3. Fantasia for piano, theme by Bellini, exe-
4. MA Céline, fantasia for violin - Mr. Ravac
5. Ecco ridente, fantasia for piano, theme by
6. La Mélancolie, pastorale for violin - Mr.
7. Air varie, for piano - Mr. Jmberg
8. Le Carnaval de Venise - Mr. Ravac
Tickets of admission, 5s. each, nay be had
at Mr John Stephens's, Bookseller and Sta-
tioner, Hindley-street; and at Mr. Platts's library,
The doors will be open at seven o'clock, the
performance commencing at eight o'clock pre-
TOHJS advertiser, whp has had mnchpractfcal ex
pwienee in the'management pf aheep,is désirons
of receiving a «lean fioekon shares* , ; . ..
.Apply by letter, pest paid, to L. M., Mr Platte's
Library, flindley street.
A B,ior R, or K, on the neck», - The owner
»»y n*a> ,pf it by applying to Mr Sayers,
Unless claimed within a month from this date,
the jnare wilibe sold to defray expenses. '
Adelaide, April 7th, 1Ö46.
a FEMAÙS as Cook, ¿kc. Respectable re
A fetew^ wiU be rsquiredf M5 a liberal
' For farther parttéuláré, apply to -Capt; Sturt,
or to Mr Stuckey, Baker, tus,, Hindley-atreet,
nPHE undersigned will be preparad to supply
?.ry superior tampia* of grain, selected ex-
rpm UNDERSIGNED ¡> a purchaser of
grinding samples, for Cash. -,
'ARE purchasers of wheat, oatt, barley, and
*T*HE undersigned are purchasers of wheat, bar-
ley, oats, and gum-for cash.
Grenfell-street. Feb. 14, 1846.
.T^HR undersigned will purchase Gum at the
á\f every description bought for CASH, by
npHE UNDERSIGNED are purchasers of
WHEAT and GOBA, for Cash.
-HnHE UNDERSIGNED U á^rehaser of
OF the subscribers who entered their names at
Brooke's, in order to form a Mining Associa-
tion, will be held at the "White Horse," Currie,
street, next Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock.
Adelaide, April 16, 1846.
George James, late of the Flagstaff
"DEGS to announce his removal to the above
well-known establishment, where every
attention will be paid to the comfort and
accommodation of his old customers and the
Commodious Stock-yards, and Stabling.
Ai th* Office of thé « South Austredian,"
Distress Warrants and Inventories
Forma of application for Timber Licenses
Forms, of Returns for Wine and Spirit Re-
Notice of protecting Unfenced Land.
Th* Office of.the "South Auetrotte», "
' .^^MANACK for 1846, containing the
«?».I; «««»dar, chances of «he moon, rïswg and
setting off the »un, anmrertaries, festivals, &c,
A list of the principal GoTeromeot OfEcers.the
places of wonhjp in Adelaide, the signals naeA
at the Flagstaff, Weat Terrace, th« Iel ¡psi. ia
1846, the arrival ind dispatch of emails, suo^rates
of postage, public holidays, law teresa mmé sit
At this Office, ondea Plattíe, Hindley^treet,
By A. and A. Jaffrey, Waterloo House,
SUPERB lot of towelling and table linen,
colored Dunfermline table covers, and three
yard wide Scotch twilled linsn sheeting.
On gale at the Office of the «South Australian,"
and at the shops of Mr C. Plaits, Bookseller,
riMZlS Almanack, the publisher will venture to
say, contains more information respecting
the colony, and of a more particular and detailed
nature, than any hitherto published. The greater
part of the statistics is brought up to the end of
the year 1845, and the whole are derived from
offieial or authentic sources.
The following is an enumeration of the principal
Engraved plan of Port Adelaide, as designed bj Lieutenant
Colonel Gawler, with list of proprietors, ¿cc, &LC.
Introdoetory notice of tbe Colony
Daily Calendar, and direction* for garden, orchard, and
Civil and Military estabUshtnents,comprehending
Governor, and his establishment
Colonial Secretary's Department
Department of Public Works
Colonial Treasurer's Department
Auditor General's Department
Registrar General's O See
Justices of the Peace for (be Province .
Constitution and Government, embrcaing
Preliminary historical notice
Act of Parliament, intituled "An Act to provide for
the Batter Government of South Australia.*'
Do., intituled "An Act for regulating; lite sale of
Sumnury of Acts passed in the years IRS7, 18S8,
1839, 1840, 1641, 1842, 1843, 1844, and
Fees, common law and equity
Barristers, Solicitors, otc.
Insolvent Court-Fees bf Court and Messenger
General Sessions of the Peace
Resident Magistrate's Court and Sittings-Fees to
Court and Attorneys, and allowance to wit-
Post Offices-Distances and rates of postage
Waste Lands-Depasturing Regulations
Registration Act and Amendment do.
Registration of Births,'Deaths, and Marriages do.
PobKe Poonda and Poondkeepers, and abridgement
Vailing directions tot Gulf St. Vincent
Public Institutions in Adelaide
South Australian Marine Assurance Co.
Total Abstinence and Benaftt Societies
Mining Associations, and Mining Statistic«
Liabilities and assets of Buting Companies
Table of principal Colonial Statistics for seven
years, nearly all brought up to the end o
1845, and carefully revised, via.
A eses cultivated Public Houses
Grain imported Convictions for Crime
OA and bone Births, marriages, and deaths
Wool exported Places of worship
Valse of land seid Schools
Expenditure Buildings in the Colony
Particulars of Manufactories
Cultivation-Comparative return for fite years
Shipping-Tonnage and men, inwards and outwards,
with comparative table for 1844 and 1845
Immigration and Emigration, win comparative
Imparts and exports, tour tables, and comparative
table, with rates of increase
Consumption of wines and spirits, two tables
Revenue and Expenditure, fear tables, with ratios
Lands seid, surveyed, and reserved
Clisaste, means nighest sod lowest of barometer and
tbennometer in each month of 184S
Chronicle of occurrences Jn 1645
Distriet of Adelaide Mount Barker
A «jurassent totfaisfo »cw Us* Seles Weanlalieaif
Tenders far Mrontnongeru* 4»«% j
1*EÎ*DERS will be received at the office of the j
South Australian Miniug Aeaocation, until
noon of Tuesday, the twenty-first instant, for the
supply of a quantity of irou, nails, and other
ironmongery goods, the particulars of which may
be had on application at die office.
The teders^are to be endorsed ou the envelope,
** Tenders for Ironmongery.'*
Stephens Place, 'Adelaide, April 16, 1846.
.J1 HE Undersigned is prepared to treat with
parties willing to fence in a paddock, of
about 100 acres, at the Burra Buira mines, with
S. A. Mining Association.
Stephens Place, Adelaide,
(Opposite the Bank of Australasia)
11E6 leave respectfully to inform the in.
habitants of Adelaide, and the settlers in
general, that they have opened those spacious
premises w_*ll known as the Waterloo Hoese,
with a large and we}I selected stock of Dra-
pery, Haberdashery, Hosiery, and all sorts of
ready made clothing, suitable for town and
country wear, from the best houses in Loudon,
Manchester, and Glasgow ; and as they are de-
termined to keep-the best of goods, and sell
with the smallest possible profits, they lio- e to
merit a share of public patronage.
N. B. ~ The lowest price asked, and no
" ~ " MemovtU e>f Business
rpHE Boot and Shoemaking Establishment
and Leather-cutting Business of Mr George
Bean, of Rundle-street, are about being removed
i to the new premises in King William-street,
opposite Neales'* Auction Mart.
"DEGS to inform bis friends and the public
generally of Adelaide, that he has opened
a Registry Office for the accommodation of.
settlers, farmers, laborers, mechanics, &c, &c.,
immediately behind Mr Doran's, ** Eagle Ta-
vern," Hindley-street, Adelaide.
All letters addressed as above will be duly
and strictly attended to.
N.B.-The highest market price given for
gu», cash down on the nail.
Maya* .Admiral ítoeryi Bait,
* having jointly taken possession of the above
newly erected and commodious premises, beg to
inform their friends and the publie that every care
and attention will be paid to horses left in their
Conveyance* to and from the Port every day.
Saddle horses and gigs always ready to those
of their friends who may honor them with their
support. Horses broke in to saddle or harness. Good
They beg to say that the business will be con-
ducted by themselves, and every effort and exer-
tion used to obtain a shave of public patronage.
Hindley and Carrie-streets,
npHE undersigned has just received a quau
tity of sine guttering, stack pipe, &c, two
Window glass 28 * 24, down to 7 x 9 ; white
lead« ivory black, bine black, lamp black,
painters* and plasterers' brushes, oil, turps.
Erery article tn thSïtrade. '
Ont door Irons Haadley-street.
For the Sum of Fifty Pound*,
A G ARRI ER'S BUS IN ESS, including horse,
carts, and other articles belonging to die
same. Any industrious roan will find" this a good
opportunity for a small investment. Apply at the
fct" The present proprietor is compelled front
his bad state of health, to relinquish the business.
rw*HïZ undersigned being about to give up his
dairy, is ready to sell by private bargain the
whole of his valuable milking cows, now running
at his station, either together, or singly ; also, the
dairy utensils. Mr T. N. Mitchell, Grote-svreet,
is authorised to effeet eales.
/-GENUINE .sherry wine, in qr. casks
Rota Tinta, a "very superior sweet Spauistl
Wool bags, in bales of 100 each
Baltic deals, 9 x 3. 11x3
Patent axles, for caris and drays
Butter, in kegs, prepared for shipment.
np H E undersigned has 200 steers for sale o*>
reasonable terms', and will take wheat or
barley in exchange at market prices.
A VERY superior lot of HOOP IRON,
" ti om \\ inch to 24 indies wide
f}N Frida}' evening last, from Carrington sireet»
a red Steer, with snailey horns, willi suice
while, branded RN offramp; with a bow and half
a yoke on his neck. Whoever will bring him to
Mr W.Martin's, Carrington street, will be rewarded
A MAN and his Wife, without incumbrance.
Apply at Mr R. Sloman's registry office,
immediately behind the Eagle Taveru.