BIGAMY ADMITTED - MELBOURNE, Thursday. - The Ballarat Courier (Vic. : 1869 - 1896; 1914 - 1918) - 16 Oct 1914 (original) (raw)
Fri 16 Oct 1914 - The Ballarat Courier (Vic. : 1869 - 1896; 1914 - 1918)
Arthur Brennan, who was charged be
fore Mr Justice Hood In the Criminal
Court to-day with having committed big
amy, pleaded not guilty, but on the ad
vice of Mr N. H. Sonenberg, who appear
ed for him, he afterwards withdrew the
plea and substituted one of guilty. He
was remanded for sentence. Evidence
was given that Brennan married Cathe
rine Prout, of Richmond, in May, 1902 at
Filtzroy, and thnt in January, 1910, while
his wife was alive, he went through the
oron of marriage with Alice Mary Pat
'ThIO ouperintendent of the Orphanage
acknowledgen with thanks the receript oi
a, hox of swerets from the Patriotic Con
Chturch. of JMlglhud : Grammar, Schal
Fete, 12th, I3th, and 14th Norember. to
: ailey's mansion. and grounds, Drum
mond street. Numerourns stas and other
Mieeting of dog-uwnoirs, Carver's botel,
Iaoveton street, Saturdal evoning, to forn
greyhoundi and fox-terrmer conursing club.
imtethodist Local Preaclrea' Aesaciattami
meeottig to-night, Lydiard stnret vestry.
3Mr Leloermam, hair apeciamist anld hal,
norker,. 30 Sturt stroet, aduortiae" ttat al
iunmplaints at the hair and oatp aru
treateid. Electroulysis for facial hail
girowthi is asm practire.d, and is reinm
pmeadei by hin as being tia only eertaii
rimedy. Mr Lederrmoan' hair mnanufae
turilng dtepartment i., Ihe states, tihe moo:
• umnpbtely fitted estabtihhment in the
. A very liue range of ladies' enamel col'
unid glocn kid omllit alid bar slloea Is nonr
eing shan by Oxhbrow andi Co. bootaunon,
,of lridge street. Thi firm aniounoe
daily arrnivals of all that is newon in tadiie.
light trap shors and boct in paten
Ileather and place kid; nona in white, pop
lin, canaran, aid snobuek. A rall of if
speutiou is worth while, and the firm or
i nalways plrao.d to stlow theil' goods.
SpTcial ttrentlion is directed in thi, an
vo ibi0 eolumnin by Miller 's t theil
magnificent lhow of man's and boyn' stnn
nlor wear. The waists of visitil:g ands
mecn and othen, are eteredl for by ail
excolusive showing of .rmirinmtimon strnua
and felt hatsli, coaol nergligo blouso sh.rt.
latest noveltos in necl?klasir, awl an i,
to-duto lot of mmen's lermsury, and theI
firm nadvrie loth nmen andi boys to ete;
ltillorwards if tl:y deaipe to be at thil
tanoen's show of tartan ailks is one that
Is especially appropriato at this seamnou t
the year, when t'ne skirl of tlhe, lugpilup
Is in the air. It embraces a very flie
eollcmtlin, and those interented in thi?e
richly-eolored fhabrics, which lmkbs ul so
artitiattlly, nshould ake the opiortunity
of Inspeting thelm. In crepe do Chinoes
anid colored voiles In various of tile latest
chlsnto toners, Janseni's fopils Iare wll
worth looking at; while mention may
als he maie of some of the most taste
ful and beunromig trimmted Imata to bo seen
Tlmia oourdnog Trunbrtdgn rm? ecnmo
lirtir great elyarnino s?lo of Rlobmers and
Sons' omnplete house furni-litvg stook
wclleh ial ie?eon bronght to Ballarat.- r
markeit in plain figure, and unrow. offered
to BIllarnt andi disttict furniture buyer
at hrler. that will ef te a speedy cleur
anre. Rfhlirts and t, uns were manufar
turra oas well no retailers, and tihe bedl
ran mnsuit in oak. blekwoodt, ash and
walnut, as Neit'us the diving nitesnIn batll
leather and mndillebaga are nil ef mender,
dlenigi mnanfencturod b tlionmhels.
In consemlence of cable meusages eonm
ing thtouglh announcing the solid inorenm,
iv price of all cotton'anrl lanon'oods ii
England. Cowdell, Tonner and Ellis an
nuiince that their buyers hiuve been buss
ikling tip jonh lots of Manchester good
lie firm say they are nowv in a position
to offer values whlich will prove to house
khepurs nid otnenrs that it nwill pay then,
hnnolomely to lay In a stork of ehretmlnes,
bath l'itule's and lnolly's. also sherttnlo
in other tnakm,. and tovelllngs, table do
mnoks, lace curtains, blankets, etc. Tim
film's prices are so raennmnble tlot thvn
epect a popnt Publi reupaiie to their
cie? fornl. ITme triui' say'tbe.c liars
dlerivd plan for Increnased trade by the
mca?s of l?so-cut prices.