Advertising - Launceston Advertiser (Tas. : 1829 - 1846) - 9 Jul 1846 (original) (raw)
Thu 9 Jul 1846 - Launceston Advertiser (Tas. : 1829 - 1846)
Page 1 - Advertising
The IiADKOBSTON Advertiser is publislied every Monday and Thursday afternoons, in time for the post. — Teems of Subscription : 10s. per quarter if paid in advance. The quarters end on the 31st March, 30th June, 30th September, and 31st
December, respectively; at which periods od\^ can subscriSers resign, by giving due notice. Orders fir the paper, advertisements, and communications for tlie editor, to be addressed to Mr. H. Dowling, at the office in Brisbane-street. Orders to discontinue
? the paper must in all eases be accompanied by payment to the end of the current quarter. Persons desirous of subscribing during the currency of the quarter mill be only eliarged from the date of their commencing. ? Terms of Advertising : Twelve lines
or under, 8s. 6d.; aiove that number, 3d. each hue. Tlie number of insertions required mist be written on the manuscript, other/vise advertisements will be inserted until countermanded. ? All instructions to be in writing.
(To sail on Friday, the 10th instant.)
ifiggTHE fine packet brig SWAN, Wit.
JjgJ^f Carder, commander. For freight
iSSjjk. In consequence of the temporary
Jsgj&witbdrawal of l'le Steam-Bliip
SHAMROCK, to undergo tier annual re
will leave Sydney for LauBCeslon,t*s Mel
bourne, on the 1st of each month ; and will
sail again from Launceston, for
- on or about the 13th of each month.
Fares to Melbourne, exclusive of provi
sions— Cabin £t, steward's fee 2s. Od.;
steerage, £1, steward's fee, Is. Od. Freight,
Fares to Sydney, including provisions
Cabin £8, steward's fee, 5s.; steerage £4,
steward's fee, &-. Oil. Freight, 40s. per
4Atik ATa meeting of the directors of the
JsaBlf above company, it was determined
that, having in view as far as practicable
the general appeal made by the public for
a reduction in the fares between Laun
ceBton and George Town, the following
reduced scale will come into operation on
and after the 1st of March, 1810:—
To Coulson's ? 4s. 2s. 0J.
— George Town and KelsoOs. Od. 4s.
Sydney-place, Feb. 10, 1816.
WANTED, for Portland Bay, A MAN
. AND HIS WIFE without iticum
brance. The man will be expected to un
derstand the management of sheep, and to
make himself generally useful; and the
woman to cook. Apply at the office of
W. b. S»mi,Esn, ,J.P G. Barnard. Esq.
Jus. Henty. Elq., J.P. K. Diy. Esq., J. P.
Henry l'rimiUVEjquire M. Kennedy, Esquire
U. A. C. G. W. Pugh, fiq ., M. D.,
J. A. Eddie, Esquire J.I'.
K. De Little. Esquire 3. Karen, E«qiiire
W. Henty, Etquire W.H.Breton,Esq.,J.l-.
J. Atkinson, Esq ? J.P. &c
Head Master: Mr. Henry P. Kune.
The Greek and Latin languages are
?taught on the Eton system. By the rules
of the school, each scholar must join the
Latin classes, the study of Greek is optional.
The Mathematical course comprises the
usual routine of Arithmetic, Algebra,
Practical Geometry, Euclid, Mensuration,
Trigonometry, and Navigation, if required.
The study of the English Language,
Composition, Elocution, &c; Geography,
Astronomy, and the usual branches of a
The French Language and the study of
Drawing and Perspective are included in
the course of instruction, but are optional
on the part of the parents.
The studies of the Scholar will be chiefly
directed as preparatory to entering the
Parent College of Bishopsbourne, to which
Scholarships will be open for students of
two years' standing. For Youth, more
especially intended for commercial life, a
course of instruction will be followed
adapted to the pursuits for which they are
For Seniors (ages above 1 0). ... 13 guineas.
There are no extra charges. . Vacations will
be at the usual periods— Christmas and
Midwinter. TerniB for boarders may be
learnt on application to the Head Master.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a
MEETING of the creditors of James
Henty, lately carrying on buBineBsat Laun
ceston under the firm of Henty & Co,, will
be held on the 32nd of July instant, at the
counting-house of the late firm in Cimitiere
street, Launceston, to consider certain pro
posals for the adjustment of accounts from
Messrs. Henty, Brothers, and Mr. Matthew
Bahton, and on other matters.
DR. KILGOUR desires to intimate
that be has HE MOVED from
Perth andted his residence at Longford,
where he will henceforth continue to
KERR. BOGLE, & Co. will in future
be purchasers of good MALT
ING BARLEY. They will also
confirm any purchases made by Messrs.
Henty & Co. on behalf of .Messrs. Robert
mild, most agreeable, and efficacious medi
cine, in bilious affections, indigestion,
habitual costiteness, gravel, Sec.— sold by
S. Hedblbwhite, Sydney ; H. Dowlikg
LaunceBton, in bottles, 3s. Oil. each.
[From the 'Edinburgh Literary Gazette.']
'Aperients.— We have been in the
frequent habit, when occasion required, of
using a variety of aperients ; but for the
most part we have found them incapable
oi producing the effects which it was our
object to obtain. Among the most effective
preparations of this kind we certainly rank
' Moxon's Effervescent Maguesian Ape
rient,' which, while it affords a grateful
and pleasant feeling to the palate, in every
case where we have tried it, has produced
tbe most salutary results. As a medicine we
have found it to be highly useful ; and as a
pleasant drink, carrying along with it a
medicinal power, we cau safely recommend
it to the public. Our opinion is founded
upon a practical use of it lor a considerable
length of time, when it never failed to
produce the desired effect.'
' Sir, — I feel great pleasure in adding
my testimony to the value of your Effer
vescent Magneeian Aperient. 1 can assure
you it is quite a favourite medicine in my
family, and I have no hesitation in recom
mending it generally, as a mild and
efficacious Aperient in Bilious affections,
&c. &c., and am of opinion it must be
approved wherever it is introduced.
' Sir,— I am assured from what I know
of your Maguesian ' effervescent,' that it
will prove of much service in Gout; and
also in all disorders which have their seat
iu tile di- gestive organs. Gout is in eveiy
case a local disorder, depending upon cou
stitutional indisposition, that is, upon
derangement of what physicians call the
primes via, in other words the stomach
und intestines ; and most certainly whatever
medicine tends to keep those organs clear
of improper accumulation, must improve
the secretions, (which your medicine joes,)
and will have great and sometimes sur
prising effect iu the relief and cure of
gout. I am, therefore, fully persuaded that
your * ISIagneBian ILnervesceul,' Is licit ouly
a much safer, but also a much more
effectual remedy in that disorder than
Wilson's or Reynold's Tincture, Meadow
Saffron, or any other medicine of that
class. Your powder, indeed, may not
always afford such speedy relief from
pain, under an attack of gout, as tbe pre
parations just named, but its good effects
nil! be more lasting, and ultimately more
salutary. T. J, Grauah, M.D.
In addition to the foregoing, the pro
prietors have valuable certificates Jrom
respectable merchants and private indivi
duals, but deem the preceding insertion
The 'Magnesian Aperient' is very
generally used in Sydney, and its value is
known a few persons iu Launceston.
A Light Two-horse Night Coach.
rTHO carry the mail, and four inside pas
M. sengers, leaves tbe General Post
office, Hobart Town, for Launceston, every
Tuesday and Friday evening, at 7 o'clock ;
and '.he Post-office, Launccston,for Hobart
Town,evcry Monday and Thursday after
noon, at i o'clock precisely.
N.B. No luggage will be allowed by the
mail, but will be forwarded by the day
Starts from the Ship Inn, Hcbart Town,
and from the Cornwall Hotel, Launceston,
every morning at five o'clock.
Fares— Inside, 30s. ; outside, 20s.
N.B. Fourteen pounds of luggage allowed
to passengers ; above that weight, car
riage will lie charged at the rale of! id.
per. lb. Packages above 14 lbs., not pas
sengers luggage, 2d, per lb.
Itooktog Qfficcs—Ship Inn, Hobart Town;
and at the residence of Mrs. Cox, St.
THE Proprietors of the Comet Day
Coach between Hobart Town and
Launceston, respectfully inform their nu
merous supporters that, in consequence of
the proprietress of the coach called ' The
Koyal Mail Day' having altered the time
of starting from four to five o'clock, the
' Comet' will for tbe future (from Monday,
tbe 25th May) leave Hobart Town and
Launceston every morning (Saturdays ex
JOHN MORRISON, begs to inform
his friends and the public, that his
vehicle for the conveyance of passengers
and luggage from Evandale to Launceston,
leaves Evandale at eight in the morning,
and returns from Launceston at four in the
evening. Every attention will be paid to
tbe comfort And safety of passengers; and
all commissions and parcels entrusted to his
carewill be punctually attended to.
?»? All parcels for Evandale to be left at
the Plough Inn, LaunceBton, and directed
'per Morrison's conveyance.'
' Prince of Wales,' Evandele,
Mr Jackson having arrived from Sydney
on the invitation or the London Agency
Committee, the committee have invited
him to meet them at a PUBLIC BREAK
FAST, on Friday the 10th July instant, in
St. John's school-room, in Elizabeth-street,
at half-post tiine for ten o'clock.
The supporters of the Agency and the
public are respectfully invited to attend.
Tickets, 2s. Od. ; to be had of the stewards,
and at the newspaper offices in Launceston.
T7I0R SALE, a consignment of highly
JD illustrated WORKS, (just received
from London, by the barque Fanny), com
prising ANNUALS for 1840, and other
Books, adapted for presents, amongst
China Illustrated, 4 vols.
Mrs. Ellis's Works, 4 vols. .
Buckingham's Slave States of America
Botanical Dictionary, 2 vols.
Life of William IV., with portraits
Scott's Bible, 3 voIb., bound extra,
A larsje ditto, with fine plates, bound
Young Mairs Best Companion
Wilberforce's Practical View
Pilgrim's Progress, highly illustrated
Bogauky's Golden Treasnry.
And numerous other publications of a
minor character — Spring's Hints to Pa
rents— Scott's Force of Truth— Death of
Abel— Bride's Book,— &c, fee.
XjL Canning-Street, with attics and
cellars. The bouse is furnished, which can
be had at a valuation, if required.
Application to be made to llr.W'EEDON,
Launceston, June 10, 1846.
FOR such term as may be agreed upon,
upon tbe estate of St. Johnstone, Mac
quarie River, seven miles from Campbell
The house is most delightfully situate
on tbe bauks of tbe Macquarie, near the
Scotch church, and possesses every requi
site for a family of the highest respect
The domestic offices are arranged with a
view to comfort; there is an excellent
coach-house and stable, with a large and
well-stocked garden; also a convenient
Possession can be given in a month.
For further particulars application can be
made to the proprietor, John Taylor, Esq.,
ONE thousand seven hundred bags
Eighty-four cases, 3 dozen each, ' Cock
Four casefi hats, brooms, grass cloth, &c.
Fifty thousand Manilla cigars Nos.3 & 4
Twohuudred and twelve bags sun dried
One hundred boxes colonial soap
Oue hundred boxes colonial candles
Colonial tweed, saltpetre, ginger,mats, &c.
MojaBses, arrowroot, curry powder, castor
Boiled and raw oil, turpentine
Martell's and Hennessey's brandy.
THE ADVERTISER being occupied in
an office during the day, is anxious
to employ one, two, or three hours in the
evenings in PoBting Books, and making
out Accounts &c, &c. Tradesmen wish
ing to engage blsservices, are requested
to leave their address with Mr. Dowlino,
Printer and Stationer, Brisbane - street,
when the advertiser will wait upon them.
126, Bishopgatcilrul, corner of Comhill. London;
CAPITAL, £400,000 IN 2000 shares.
Edward Barnard, Esq. J. H. Capper, Esq.
Banlicrs. — Union Bank of London.
Messrs. Maples, Pearse, Stevens, & Maples.
Actuary ^-Secretary.— Edward Ryley, Esq.
Hon. C. D. Riddell, M. C.
William Walker, Esq., (of the
John TJmcker, Esq. A. W. Young, Esq.
Hon. C. D. Riddell, M. C.
Physician.— Dr. Nicholson, M.C.
Solicitor. — James Norton, Esq.
Secretary.— Robert Styles, Esq.
Bankers. — For Sydney, Melbourne, Ade
laide, LaunceBton, iind Hobart Town,
advantagp.s of the institution.
A large subscribed capital in England
and ample funds to pay losses within the
Very low rates of premium, without
profits, per Table, No. 4, and a Table of
rates, No. 1, with profits, on which the
assured have the option of paying only
two-thirds of the premium for the first Hye
years, the interest on tbe remaining one
third being paid annually at the rate of 6
No extra premium for one voyage to
Europe and back, or for voyages in ap
proved vessels to, or residence in, any part
of Australasia, in approved situations.
Policies may be made payable in Aus
tralasia or London, and altered by endorse
Specimen of Sates, without profits.
Specimen of rates with profits per table
No. 1, for the whole of life
I55T|~ LIES. | ACS. | LIFE. | ACE. | LIFE.
25 I 2 2 1 | 35 I 2 15 2 I 45 I 3 15 -i
3D 1 2 B 2 1 40 | 3 4 0 | 50 I 4 II 6
All extra premium of £1 per cent, per
annum will be charged for risk of death
from casualty by collision with the abori
gines, which may be assured or not at tbe
Prospectuses, with full tables of rates,
and nil needful information, may be oh
the Rev. A. Stackhouse. — Some
copies remain on hand. Price, One Shilling
and Sixpence. To he had of Henry
Don-ling, printer and publisher, aud all
1\ or, tlie system of cares by means of
water. A list for subscribers' names lies at
the Stationery Warehouse, Brisbane-street.
The number of copies to be issued will
be limited, therefore early application is
It is proposed to Publish, as soon as a
sufficient number of subscribers names
are obtained, in One Volume, octavo, at
-*? upon some of the most important
subjects of Christian Faith and Duty ;
delivered during the year 1846, in the
church at Perth, Van Diemen's Land,
by the Reverend Alfred Stackuousb,
Subscription lists are opened at Mr.
Dowling's, the publisher, Launceston; and
ac Mr. Browne's, stationery warehouse,
Liverpool-street, Hobart Town.
JUST PUBLISHED, a new edition
of ' Dowling's Progressive Primer,'
a bighly-approvi-d FIRST BOOK
FOHCHIIDBliN, in which great
attention has been paid to the progressive
arrangement, and to the character of the
lessons. Price, SixrEKOE.
GAGE, in sums of from £500 to
£1000, at 7 per cent. Apply to
Launceiton, June 9, 1840.
Commission Warehouse, Brisbane
Vathck, Castle of Otranto,
rp A S M A N I A N Fire, Life, and Ma
Fire-engine alnays ready on application
ptUrriNGS and SEEDS fordistribution
V_7 can be obtained from the Gardens us
Annual subscribers of one guinea may
have to tbe value of five shillings.
Life Governors (subscribers of ten
pounds (lo the value of one pound.
Annual subscribers can only choose
from the following list, viz. —
Vine cuttings (about 20 sorts) 3d. each.
White, crimson and other roses ~\ hilf the
Redandyellowfloweringcurrants | rooted
Life Governors can select from the
above, and also from tbe following : —
Thirty sorts of flower seeds.
Cuttings of Laurestinus, Vincus, Olean
der, Fuchsias fulgens and gracilis, Datura
arborea, Pomegranate, and otherherbaceous
About 40 Almond trees, Is. Od. each.
Suous of tbe following imported trees
at 2s. Cd. each, but no member to have more
tbau oue uf a. kind, nor more than two
BetirreDiel (ibis pear is figured in
the Gardeners' Chronicle, Dec.
Hughes'a Golden Pippin ? 20
Siberian Bitter Sweet ? 9
This list will be extended yearly both
to annual and life subscribers.
All applications for any of tbe above
must be Jell in writing at die lodge lor tbe
gardener; who will also attend personally
every Wednesday from two to five o'clock.
TH E undersigned has constantly on sale :
Forms for hiring probation servants
Bills of lading and bills of exchange
Foreign bills of exchange
Custom-houBe forms of all kinds
Ship's articles, and seamen's advance
MR. HAVAC will have tbe honour of
THIS EVENING, (Thursday,) the 9th
July, 1840, in tbe Infant School-room,
Fredeiick-street; tbe nett proceeds of which
he will place at the disposal of a committee
of gentlemen, for charitable purposes,
1. Introduction— Marino Faliero, Military
2. Concertinode Beriot— Violin, Mr. Ravac.
3. Tutto Sciolto— Cavatiua, ' La Soninam
4. Overture, 'La Maritaua' — Piano, Mr.
6. MaCeline— Fuutasia — Violin, Mr. Ha vac
1. Polo «1 Tenore— Donizetti, The Band.
2. Fantasia— Stir uu Theme de Donizetti,
3. Finale, 'Lucrczia Borgia,' Donizetti,
4. La Carnival de Venizc, Mr, Ravac.
' God save the Queen,' by the Band.
Tickets, Ss. each ; family tickets to ad
mit five, 21s. ; to be had at Mr, Dowling's,
printing office, Brisbane-street ; at Mr.
Tegg'fi, Brisbane-street; and at tbe Laun
ceston and Cornwall HotelB.
gag' Concert to commence precisely at
the Hereditaments hereinafter describ
ed will, by order of the mortgagees, be
sold by public auction, by
anctioneer, at the Cornwall Hotel, Caine
on-strect, Launceston, on SATURDAY,
the ISth day of AUGUST next, at one
o'clock in the afternoon, by virtue of a
Proviso contained in a certain Indenture of
Mortgage, made the thirtieth day of August,
in the year one thousand eight hundred and
forty-four.oetween MalthewCurling Friend,
of George Town in Van Diemen's Land,
Esquire, oT the first part; Thomas Hewitt,
of Hobart Town in Van Diemen's Land
aforesaid, Esquire, manager of the Derwent
and Tamar Fire, Life, and Marine Assur
ance Company, of the second part : and
John Ward Gleadow and William Henty,
of Launceston, in Van Diemen's Land
aforesaid, solicitors, (trustees for tbe pur
poses in the said indenture mentioned,) of
the third part ; default having been made
in payment of interest money by tbe said
All' those eight acres, three roods, and
twenty-five perches of land, situate and
being in the suburbs of George Town in
Van Diemeu's Land, and bounded as fol
lows (that is to say) on the south-nest by
nine hundred and forty-eight links south
easterly along Anne-street, on the south
east by nine hundred and forty links
north-easterly along Lot 2, on the north
east by nine hundred and forty-eight links
north-westerly along Lot 3, and on the
north-west by nine hundred and forty links
south-westerly along Edward-street to the
And also, all that Allotment or piece of
Land situate and being iu George Town
aforesaid, containing one acre, or there
abouts, anil bounded as follows (that is to
say)— On the north east by three chains
and sixty-four links south-easterly along
Anne-street from its angle with Arthur
street, on the south east by two chains
and seventy-five links south-westerly along
crown land, on the south-west by three
chaiuB and sixty-four links north-westerly
also along crown land to Arthur-street
aforesaid, and thence on the north-west by
two chains and seventy-five links north
easterly along that street to tbe point of
And also, all that allotment, piece, or
parcel of land situate lying and being at
George Town aforesaid, bounded in tlie
tront by Goulbourn-street, at the back by
a creek, on one side by Cimietiere-street,
and on the other side by unlocated ground
and originally located to Dr. John Smith.
—Hated at Hobart Town, this thirtieth day
of June, 1840. ANDREW CROMB1E,
Attorney for tlie Mortgagees.
at their Auction Rooms, the corner of
Charles and Cameron-streets, Launceston,
on TUESDAY, the21stdayof July, atone
o'clock, by order of the proprietor, Samuel
Comprises the ESTATE of STRATH
MORE, on the North Esk and Nile Rivers,
consisting of 2,000 acres, with 300 acres of
the finest marsh land in cultivation, and
irrigated in the driest seasons by the Nile
The dwelling-house and offices are of the
most subst»uti&l description, fronted by a
large sheet of water, and ornamented with
plantations, walled garden, and greenhouse,
&c. And in addition, are tbe Stratjimore
Mills, in excellent repair, supplied from
the River Nile, and driving three pair of
stones, having miller's house, huts, and
convenient paddocks attached.
The estate possesses great advantages
from the power of irrigation from the Nile.
Comprises Two Thodsakd Aches on
the Nile River, in two locations of 1000
acres each, to Price aud Crawley, formiDg
Comprises Six Hundred and Fiftv
Acres, adjoining the last, fronting on the
River Nile, and originally located to A.
A valuable Allotment, of one acre and
thirty-two perches, opposite the Bank of
Australasia, Launceston, fronting on Ca
meron-street, possessing a comfortable
family residence, in the occupation of a most
respectable tenant; the title of which is a
A valuable corner Allotment in Pat
terson and Wellington-streets, opposite the
' Prince of Wales' Inn, and lacing the
Court House, consisting of one rood ; the
title also being a grant from the crown.
A valuable Allotment, located to Geo.
Coulson, comprising half an acre, fronting
ou the Market Square, adjoining the loca
tions to Walkinshaw and W. Barnes.
The Allotment, known as the Black
Store, comprising half an acre, fronted by
tbe wharf, and on the other sides by Wil
liam-street and George-street, having a
large wooden store, counting-house, &c.
The title is a grant from the crown.
A large corner Allotment, fronting
the river near the Kains hulk and the new
wharf, comprising 2 roods and 21 perches.
The title is also a grant from the crown.
An A jlotment containing 10 acres, or
thereabouts, on the Windmill Hill, at the
back of Capt. Miller's house, and entering
from the road opposite Mr. Dry's.
This is let to a tenant for 18 months
The terms will be inserted in a future
advertisement, and can be learnt with fur
therparticularsofMe8srs.GIeadow& Henty,
or the auctioneers, where cards to view cau
also he had on application.