DUNDAS. - Alderman P. E. Spurway Re-elected. - The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950) - 14 Feb 1914 (original) (raw)
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Sat 14 Feb 1914 - The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950)
Page 11 - DUNDAS.
Alderman 7. E. Spnrway Bo-elected.
A special meeting of the council was
held on. Wednesday for the purpose of
electing a Mayor for the ensuing term. A
full council 'was present.
On the motion . of Alderman Neil, se
conded by Alderman Tunks, the Mayoral
allowance was fixed at £10.
Two nominations were received for
,Mayor, one by. Alderman Neil and one by
Alderman A. H. Edwards. Each proposed
Alelemidri F. IK; Spurway for another
term, and there being no i response for
further - nominations, the Mayor declared
In thanking the- aldermen, for the- honor
again conferred upon him, the Mayor said
lie had not sought the position, but had
consented to pressing requests to again
act from aldermen and ratepayers of the
three wards of tho, municipality. lie- felt'
the. honor more on this occasion than ever
before, on account of the- unanimous sup
port ho had received, and- he hoped to be
able to retain the confidence reposed In
him until his term expired. He had made
up his mind not to contest the chair afe'srin;
believing as he did now that the positisa
should 'so round the tablo:!'
'Yes,: this will be my last go,' added)
thq: Mayor. Ho asked for the loyal -supt
port And co-operation' of his fellowalder
.Alderman Noll, in congratulating; tli-r
Mayor-elect, said it was satisfactory to
the Mayor to know that he had 'tlie'oonr
fldence of not only the aldermen, but ai
vast majority of the ratepayers. Tho
ideals of the Mayor wore, courtesy and
;even-handed justice to alii. (Hoar, hoar.)'
!Ho also extended a welcome. to.- tlio new.
;aldermen,' and expressed tho- hope and:
belief that, all would worlc in: ai cordial
Alderman Taylor said ho- coulel. assure
tho Mayor of his loyalty, and- support.
The choice made would be popularly re
ceiveel in East Ward, he was;coritain:
Alderman Greenwood al«o congratulated
the Mayor. Personally, lie felt, the wishes
of the ratepayers had been carried out ini
putting Alderman Spurway back again;
Aldermen Catt, Auchterlonleand TiUnku
each returned thanks, endorsing, all! that
had been saiel regarding tho . Mityor's: fit
Alderman Neil moved that. Alderman.
Auchterlonio be Deputy Mayor.- Socsondoel
by Alderman Catt, and carried.
The Mayor and others spoke in-i eulogis
tic terms of Alderman Auchterlonio!9
services as alderman anel citizen; and. ox-
pressed the hope that he would: bo suc
cessful, and fit himself for: tho.- higiiec
Alelerman Auchtorlonie returned : thanks,
and stated that the district, was- making;
rapid ;progre»B.' ' ? , --