Shipping News. - ARRIVED. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. - South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1868 - 1881) - 9 Aug 1879 (original) (raw)

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Sat 9 Aug 1879 - South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1868 - 1881)
Page 3 - Shipping News.


steamer, 179 tons, Alexander Inglis, fro-Ji

COORONG, steamer, 304 tons, John Dowell,

from Kingston, Rivoli, and MacDonnell Bays.

George Young, agent, Town and Port. Passea

Bengers— Mrs. Deardon and five children, Mrs.

Woolcock and six children, Mesdames Macinnes,

Hood, Misses Lewis, Biggs, McKay, Cun

ningham, Sanderson, MeBsrs. Higgenbottom, B.

Stewart, E . Miller, J. Mallin, G. L. George, J.

Cock, E. Davey, G. Clark, Stirling, A. Lane,

Felstead, Hartley, McLaren, Williams, Mclnnes,

O'HalloraB, Wright, Deardon, Watson and

son, Hood, and Woolcock in cabin; and 11 in

the steerage. Cargo— 9 pkgs. bacon. 1 cae, 1

bale, 230 bags chaff, SO casks, 14 pkgs.

COLLINGBOVE, ship, 861 tons, J. Sander

son, from London May 1; Gravesend May 2.

Eider, Smith, and Co., agents. Passengers

Miss Trew, Miss E. Midwinter, Messrs. John

Rennie, J. S. 'Williams, W. J. Taylor, S.

Georgna, and Alex. Anderson, MaryRiley,W.

Montague Luerd, A. P., Jessie, Catherine, and

J. Millor, Mrs. Wooley, Mr. Frank Winter

bottom, R.A.M., in cabin.

STABLING, schooner, 58 tons, N. Meyers,

from Lacepede Bay July 31. H. Muecke and

Co., agents. No passengers. In ballast.

LTJBRA, steamer, 223 tons, C.JPoynter, from

Port Augusta via Wallaroo. Passengers — Messrs.

H. Moyle, Cloud, and Witfcall, and Mrs. Rose.

Cargo— 75 tons flour, 22 b 31s. skins, and sun

KANGAROO, steamer, 185 tons, A. E, B.

Brown, from Wallaroo via Port Lincoln. Pas

sengers—Messrs. Follefct, Mortlock, Habbott,

Hammond, Simmons, Johnston, and Dr. Parker.

Cargo — 42 bags oysters, ISO tons copper ore, 22

bales skins, 32 hides, 1 bag bones, and sundries.

FLEETWING, ketch 44 tons, W. William

son, from Franklin Harbor and Port Broughton.

CLEMENTINA, ketch, 23 tons, T. Heritage,

BUCK, cutter, 20 tons, C.*Swanson, from

LADY D1LY, schooner, 68 tons, G. Koapp,

ECLIPSE, schooner, 78 tons, B. Arnold, from

MOONTA, schooner, Bay, from MacDonnell

Bay August 1. G. Wood, Son, and Co., agents,

Town and Port. Cargo— -85 tons potatoes.

ANNIE BBOWN, brigantine, 163 tons, J.

Malone, from Newcastle July 21 Jno. Bickers,

SMILING MOBN, barqueite. 244 tons, Jno.

Williams, from Newcastle July 18. Coal Com

LADY EMM A, barque, 202 tons, H. Bawden,

from Hobart Town July 22. H. Maecke and

PENOLA, steamer, 310 tons, F. P. Snewin,

from Melbourne, via outports. Geo. Young,

agent, Town and Port. Passengers— Mr. and

Mrs. Goddard and twa children, Mr. and Miss

Affleck, Mr. Hall, Mrs. Stokes, Messrs, J. G.

Pitcher, and Napper, in the cabin; and 9 in the

GAROKNE,steamer,2,648tons, Oswald Hill

kirk, Jfrom London Jane 17 ; Plymouth June

19; St. Vincent June £8; Cape July 15. J.

Stilling and Co., agents, Town and Port. Fas

eengers for Adelaide — Mr. James Anderson, Mr.

W. Langdon, Master P. Parker, Mrs. White,

four children, and servant, in the first saloon.

MALCOLM, ketch, 22 tons, W. J. Spells, from

YOUNG SURVEYOR, ketch, 23 tons, M.

Irvine, from Yorke's Peninsula.

THREE SISTERS, ketch, 15 tons, A. Pope,

ACTIVE, ketch, 24 tons, S. Gellento, from

EWBANKS, barge, 18 tons, D. Bird, .from

NEW ARRIVAL, schooner, 24 tons, C.

Seideberg, from Bivoli Bay via Kingston and

MOBNING STAB, ketch, 20 tons, S. J,

Bishop, from Port Wakefield.

METEOR, ketch, 33 tons, W. C. Smith, from

JAMES COMRIE, steamer, 75 tons, E. L.

Bartlett, from Edithburgh and Stansburjr.

WAKEFIELD, steamer, 53 tons, T. B.

Bichardson, from Ardrossan.

THOMAS AND ANNIE, ketch, U tons, G.

AT.ATtAMA^ cutter, 12 tons, B. Amer, from

CECILIA, ketch, 30 tons, G. Sunmonds, from

ELSIE, ketch, 59 tons, W. Gsborae, from

ALPHA, cutter, 15 tons, David Bain, from

STOBMBIBD, ketch, 50 tons, D. Hunter,

ROSE, barque, 310 tons, M. Geerds, from

Mauritius July 5. C. Jacobs and Son, Town;

J5. Moeatta, Port, agents.

OTWAY, steamer, 271 tons, Fred. Chapman,

from King George's Sound August 1. S. Web

irter and Co., Town ; W. B. Cave and Co., Port,

agents. Passengers — Bev. Father Gibney,

Messrs. Evans. Bnssetl, J. M. O'&elly, W.

Mitehell, Miss Pearce, Master Price, Mrs. W. S.

Pearse, Mrs. T. Pearee, Mrs R. Evans, and three

children in cabin : and eight in steerage. ?

BIDGE PARK, s.s.,618 tons, S. Trevett, from

Sydney July 28 ; Newcastle July 30. H. Simp

con, Town and Pert, agents. Passengers— M .

and Mrs. Burcham and child, Mrs. Chester,

Messrs. J. B. Neales, H. Heytread, and Captain

Woodman in the cabin ; and one in ^steerage.

SAILOR PRINCE, ketch, 40 tons, A. Beid,

YOUNG GALATEA, ketch, 17 tons, P. Lamb,


steamer, 179 tons, Alexander Inglis, from the

PEBCY, ketch, 35 tons, C. Forster, from Port

MATHILDA, cutter, 14 tons, J.Taiash, from

WAKEFIELD, steamer, 53 tons, T. B.

Richardson, from Ardrossan.

FLINDERS, steamer, 278 tons, W.Crocker,

from Port Augusta. Passengers — Mrs. Knox

and family, Dr. Cotter, Messrs. F. W. Stokes, J.

Seer, Powell, J. Hunter, Holzberger, Misses

Marshall, Sawtell, Drake, Appleton, and Dank,

and Mrs. Skinning in the saloon; and 12 in the

steerage. Cargo — 20 bales wool, and sundries.

POBTONIAN, ketch, 36 tons, E. Dalby, from

Port Broughton Cargo — £00 bags wheat.

SEASIRD, ketch, 20 tons, J. Giles, from Port

LOCKIEL, barquette, 216 tons, David Ewan,

from Newcastle July 21. Barry, Town;

SIGNAL, barque, 492 tons, A. Whitney,

from Newcastle July 21. J. W. Smith, agent.

Passengers— Mrs^Wbitaey and Miss Lewis in the

VICTORIAN, steamer, 718 tons. Wm.

McLean., from Melbourne, August 5. Jno.

Turnbull. agent. Passengers— Mrs. Stawe and

two -children, Misses Stabb, Miss Fauer, Messrs.

J. Higginson, Hauer, Stone, Bignell, Willis,

Miller, De Young, CaUagban, Dawson, Avers,

Butcher, Wiseman, Tanistein, Copeland in the

cabin ; and 30 in the steerage.

STBATHMOEE, ketch, SO tons, W. Del

mont j from Hobart Town July 28. H. J.

Wicksteed and Co., agents.

TULLOCHGORUM, barquette, S. Massam,

from Newcastle, July 21. Bury,Town; Paqoalin

RESOLUTE, schooner, 39 tons, J. McLeod.

NAPPEBBY, ketch 70 tons, J Martin, from

EDITH ALICE, ketch. 40 tons, J. Heath,

POSTBOY, schooner, 65 tons, W. Sfceel, from

X#cened6 ^a MaoDonnell Bays.

EMU, steamer, 622 tons, B. W, Osborae,

from Port Pirie via Moonta Bay. Passengers —

Mesdames P. M. Heriot, Tamblyne, Fame, and

Miss Fame, in the saloon; and six in the

steerage. Cargo— 1,650 bags flour, 1,633 bags

bran, 35 bales sheepskins, 1 cask and tin tallow,

44 hides, and a quantity of sundries.

ANNIE WATT, ketch, 42 tons, G. McKay,

WAKEFIELD, steamer, 53 tons, T. B.

Richardson, from Stansbury and Port Vincent.

Per Coixingbovb, from London —

For G. Phillips and Co.— 8 casks Vielle Mon

For Good, Toms, and Co.— 80 pkgs. drapery.

For D. and J. Fowler— 978 pkgs.

For H. KauSmann, 67, Bundle-street— 4

Lipp's upright grand pianos.

Per The Murray, from London —

For A. W. Richardson, Mount Barker — 10

casks drugs and chemicals, 1 bale paper, 2 cases

Per Sooth Australian, from Melbourne—

49 coils New Zealand rope

Per Victobian, from Melbourne—

For S. De Young and Co. — 120 pkgs. merchan

dise, 45 bdls. oakum. 202 bales fibre.

OBWELL, brigantine, 168 tons. W. Cough,

FLINDERS, steamer, 278 tons, W. Crocker,

for Port Augusta via Wallaroo.

WAKEFIELD, steamer, 53 tons, T. B.

Richardson, for Ardrossan.

JAMES COMBIE, steamer, 75 tons, E. L.

Bartlett, for Edithburgh and Stansbury.

COORONG, barque, 354 tons, J. Macdonald,

EMU, steamer, 622 tons, R. W. Osborae,

QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, steamer, 120

tons, G. Johnson, for Goolwa via Port Victor.

PERCY, ketch, 35 tons, C. Foster, for Port

ABBEY HOLME, barque, 518 toas, W

NIAGARA, brig, 292 tons, John Taylor, for

GARONNE, s.s., 2,468 tons, O. Hillkirk, for

METEOR, ketch, E4 tons, W. C. Smith, for

LOTUS, ketch, 86 tons, F. Debney, for

Port Augusta via Wincely Island. ;

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN, steamer, 412 tons,

T. W. Lockyer, for Melbourne. Passengers

Messrs. John .Turnbull, Baley, Jordan, Brocke

bank, B. Smith, Learmonth, Crouch, Stiff a, L.

Gould, Gould, S. Davenport, Gersche!, (J.

Moffatt, G. Rignold, J. Allison, Mrs. and Master

Harry, Mrs. and Master Shoobridge, Misses

Watt-Tanner, Phillips, Fisher, Mrs. and Miss

Nairns, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, Mrs. and Miss

Uhlman, Miss Kentish, Mr. aud Mrs. W. Cook,

Mrs. Morris, in the cabin; and 54 in the

NATAL QUEEN, barque 230 tons, G. A

Phillips, for Newcastle. In ballast.

LOUISA, brigantine, 123 tons, J. Foster, for

Circular Head, Tasmania. In ballast.

SOUTHERN BELLE, barque, 333 tons, D.

MORNING STAR, ketch, 20 tons, S. J.

Bishop, for Port Wakefield.

ANNIE WATT, ketch, 42 toas, G. McKay,

YOUNG LION, ketch, 39 tons, A. Aniersan

THOMAS AND ANNIE, ketch, 24 toas, G.

D.Mitchell, for Ardrossan.

EDITH ALICE, ketch, 40 tons, J. Heath,

TAM CSHANTER, cutter, 15 tons, J. Mac

COORONG, steamer, 304 tons, J. Dowell, for

Rivoli Bay via Kingston and MacDonnell Bay.

BUCK, cutter, 20 tons, C. Swansen, for Port

KANGAROO, steamer, 180 tons, A. 3. B.

Brows, for Moonta and Wallaroo Bays, Pi-rt

Lincoln and Louth, and Tumby Bays. j

WAKEFIELD, steamer, 53 tons, T. :B.

Ridbardson, for Ardrossan.

PENOLA, steamer, 810 tons, F. P. Snewin.

for Melbourne, via Kingston, Robe, Rivoli and

MacDonne 1 Bays. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs.

Bridges, Messrs. Stephens, Jones, J. Cock, T.

EURO, steamer, 208 1»ns, T. E. Creer. for

LUBBA, steamer, 223 tons. C. Poynter, for

JAMES COMBIE, steamer, 75 tons, E. L.

Bartlett, for Edithburgh.

OTWAY, steamer, 271 tons, Fred. Chapman, ;

for Melbourne. Passengers — Messrs. J. A.

CKelly, Russell, Evans, wife, and three chil- ;

dren, Messrs. fsaac Gidney, sen. and jun., ;

Mesdames W. S. and F. Pearce, Miss Pearce, '

and Miss Ivens-m the cabin; and 13 in the ;

JOLIBA, barque, 310 tons, O. Gramkie, for

HELENA, ketch, 30 tons, L. Garnaut. for

MAYFLOWER, ketch, 33 tons, J. Connolly,

ENTERPRISE, cutter, 15 tons, A, D. Phillips,

LADY ROBINSON, schooner, 98 tons, W.

Kranee, for Moonta Bay. ,

XJLLIB HAWKINS, ketch, 84 tons, R.

Glenn, for Moonta and Waterloo Bays.

WAKEFIELD, steamer, 53 tons, T. B.

Richardson, for Stansbury and Port Vincent.

WAVERLEY, brig,216 tons, H. C. Spraifc, for

YOUNG SURVEYOR,ketch, 23 tons, M*gaus

Irvine, fer Yorke's Peninsula.

MALCOLM, ketch, 22 tons, W. J. Spells, for

YOUNG GALATEA, ketch, 17 tons, A. Pepe,

for Stansbury and Port Julia.

SAILOR PRINCE, ketcn, 60 tons, A. Reid,

ECLIPSE, -schooner, 78 tons, R. Arnold, for

HUNTRESS, barquette, '227 tons, J. Gann,