The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954) - 1 May 1936 - p14 (original) (raw)

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Brisbane is soon to have a permanent studio broadcasting orchestra of 15 performers; support is to be given by the Australian ...
Article : 673 words 3. #### House of Representatives
House of Representatives to-night was in magnanimous A mood, as in future all candidates who stand for election to Parliament will be able to deduct their election expenses from their taxable Federal income. ...
Article : 707 words 4. #### £1400 HOLD-UP CASE BEFORE COURT
Charges arising out of the Cracow mail hold-up, in which £1400 in notes Were stolen, were commenced before Mr. J. Murray ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,228 words 5. #### WILL FIGHT TO LAST
IN a statement which Haile Selassie communicated to the Addis Ababa correspondent of "The Times" be reiterated that he ...
Article : 573 words 6. #### £1,000,000 Worth of Wool
It is estimated that the value at wool sold in Brisbane this week aggregated £1,000,000. The realisation yesterday, the last dav of the ...
Article : 436 words 7. #### Higher Wages For Women
The Government took action today to upset the decision of the Industrial Commission reducing the basic wage for women by 1/6 a ...
Article : 183 words 8. #### MANGOES WORTH £5 EACH
MANGOES worth to each in india may soon be flourishing near Mackay, Queensland. Mr. H. Ivers, a Northern horticulturist ...
Article : 87 words 9. #### BIG OIL POLICY ANNOUNCED
Aimed at investigating every means of giving Australia some independence in oil supplies, important plans by the Commonwealth ...
Article : 536 words 10. #### 100 COMMUNIST DEPUTIES
After an all-night discussion the Radical—Socialist Party decided that its candidates at the second ballots at the general election should stand ...
Article : 121 words 11. #### "THE WHIP GOT OUT"
Strong support for a duty of 8d per cwt, on British cement was expressed by the Chairman of Committees (Senator Sampson, U.A.P. Tasmania) ...
Article : 405 words 12. #### FEDERAL MEMBERS ANSWERED
Death Sentences.—"The matter is entirely beyond the control of tho Commonwealth, and is definitely one for the New South Wales ...
Article : 394 words 13. #### HOME FOR STATE ARCHIVES
The Government is favourable to the establishment of a department at which the State archives may be housed and registered. ...
Article : 147 words 14. #### A TRULY NATIONAL LEGISLATURE
Sir FredericK Stewart (U.A.P., N.S.W.), the former Under Secretary for Unemployment, amid a chorus of Labour "Hear, hears," in the House of ...
Article : 99 words 15. #### LABOUR DAY OBSERVANCE
The Master Butchers' Meat and Allied Trades' Federation Australia advises that Labour Day will be observed by its members or follow to ...
Article : 93 words 16. #### MORE FALLS THAN GAINS
Easier conditions developed on thee Change to-day, and falls exceeded gains in all sections. Dealing, however, was on fairly quiet lines. Australian ...
Article : 98 words 17. #### BAN ON ECKENER LIFTED
It is understood that what has become known as "the von Eckener affair" has been settled, and the Ministry for Propaganda has ...
Article : 121 words 18. #### U.S.A. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN !
The primary Presidential voting in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts indicated that the Republican voters preferred the candidacy of Senator ...
Article : 103 words 19. #### ACTRESS AND ACTOR'S MARRIAGE ANNULLED
The marriage of Miss Greta Nissen, the dancer and film actress, and Ellon Heyburn, the actor, has been annulled, on the ground that when it ...
Article : 80 words 20. #### FRENCH-AMERICAN TRADE
It is expected that the France-American reciprocal trade agreement, which is rapidly nearing completion, will be signed not later than May 15 ...
Article : 76 words 21. #### A.B.C. LEADERS
What shall we do for Brisbane?"—Professor B. Heinze, Mr. W. J. Cleary, and Mr. C. Moses in conference at 4 QG last night. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 50 words 22. #### MEMBERS CHALLENGE MR. LYONS
Though safe in the Senate, the Government still faces a crisis in the House of Representatives over the cement duties. It will have a majority ...
Article : 216 words 23. #### RIOTOUS ARABS IN PALESTINE
As a consequence of yesterdays disturbances at Nazareth the Arab strike leaders have been arrested. One of five bombs, which were ...
Article : 66 words 24. #### NO AIR MAIL DEADLOCK
The Australian Attorney-General (MR. Merizles), in denying that a deadlock had occurred in the air mail negotiations, said he and Dr. Page ...
Article : 48 words 25. #### STINSON BEATS RECORD
The record of three Hours for a passenger flight between Brisbane and Sydney, which was established by the new Stinson three-engined monoplane ...
Article : 56 words 26. #### PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR TOURISTS
To encourage tourist traffic to Australia an amendment will be made by the Ministry to the Income Tax Assessment Bill now before the House of ...
Article : 56 words 27. #### PLANTER TO SEE SON AFTER 16 YEARS
Mr. F. J. Holloway, a tea and rubber planter, of Ceylon, arrived by the Mongolia to-day, accompanied by Mrs. Holloway. They are on their ...
Article : 58 words 28. #### £600 WORTH OF FURS STOLEN
Furs valued at more that 2800 were taken from David Jones's display windows at the Hotel Australia last night for early this morning. They were ...
In the final of the world's profession snooker championship of 61 frames, the scores are now:—Horace Lindrum 15 frames; Joe Davis (title ...
Article : 32 words 30. #### CANADA'S DEFICIT MAY BE £28,000,000
A deficit of 140,000,000 dollars £28,000,000 is expected to be disclosed a Mr. Dunning's budget on Friday. Few tariff changes are likely. ...
Article : 31 words