The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) - 10 Feb 1940 - p14 (original) (raw)

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{No abstract available}
Advertising : 885 words 3. #### Tennis AUSTRALIANS SHINE
AUCKLAND (N.Z.), Friday.—With only semi-finals and finals to be played in the New Zealand tennis championships, indications are that the Australians will ...
Article : 260 words 4. #### Billiards LINDRUM'S BIG BREAKS
Walter Lindrum, the world billiards champion, made two breaks of more than 1,000 hi his match last night at Earl's Court against H. Olsen, a leading jockey. ...
Article : 138 words 5. #### No title
CAN WITH CASTE DEFEAT THE MIGHTY AJAX? That question will be answered to-day when the horses meet in the C. F. Orr Stakes at Williamstown. In the pictures above Ajax is on the left. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 36 words 6. #### Football EXTRA TEAMS IN SECOND ROUND
Spirited discussion took place at the special meeting of the Victorian Football League last night on the suggestion by Mr. G. J. Cathie that, following the completion of the first round of matches, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth teams ...
Article : 737 words 7. #### The Argus
{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 78 words 8. #### OVERSEA
All available Finnish forces have [?] rushed to the Karelian Isthmus [?] attempt to prevent the Russians [?] breaking through the Mannerheim [?] ...
Article : 168 words 9. #### Croque[?] CROQUET RESULTS
SANDRINGHAM.—Open Tournament—Results:— Mrs. Jeffery d. Miss Burne, F. C. Jefery and Miss Gibson d. Mrs. Cutting and Miss McGlshan. Mesdanies Coley and Huggan D. Mesdames [?] ...
Article : 209 words 10. #### Amateur Athletics RECORD ENTRY FOR TITLES
A record entry of 554 has been received by the Victorian Amateur Athletic Association for its championships and junior cup sports at Olympic Park on ...
Article : 226 words 11. #### FOOTBALL DRAW FOR 1940
{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 738 words 12. #### QUIST AND HOPMAN FOR M.C.C.?
Although they are in camp at the moment, Adrian Quist, Harry Hopman, and George Holland are expected to compete in the M.C.C. autumn tennis ...
Article : 108 words 13. #### Life-saving REEL AND LINE TITLES
About [?]50 lifa-savers will engage in the elimination heats of the Victorian reel and line championships which will be the feature of live-saving carnivals to be held at Williamstown to-day and ...
Article : 146 words 14. #### AUSTRALIAN
Issue of a warrant for the [?] Major Walter Tasman Conder, a [?] governor of Pentridge, was ordered [?] Justice Lukin in the Bankruptcy [?] ...
Article : 243 words 15. #### Swimming WINCH'S CHANCE IN TWO MILE
Des. Farrington, the State 440 yards champion, who gained fastest time honours in the last two years, will have the 16-year-old Y.M.C.A. swimmer, Laurie ...
Article : 187 words 16. #### Boxing "IRON MEN" TO FIGHT TO-NIGHT
Two of the strongest fighters in Australia are Terry Reilly, welter-weight champion, and Bert Osborne, holder of the Victorian lightweight title. Neither has ever been knocked out, and each is ...
Article : 106 words 17. #### Bowls CHARITY TOURNAMENT
The V.B.a. charity tournament will be continued on Monday at 7.15 p.m. when two rounds will be played. The four winners on Monday will play in the semi-finals at the Victoria green ...
Article : 197 words 18. #### FORMER FOOTBALLER'S DEATH
Recognised as a fine footballer in his day, Mr. Frederick Jinks died in Melbourne yesterday. Mr. Jinks lived at California Gully, Bendigo, and played ...
Article : 105 words 19. #### "EVER FOREMOST"
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 43 words 20. #### Motoring HILL CLIMB CONTEST
Among the well-known racing drivers who will compete in the hill-climbing contest to be conducted by the Light Car Club of Australia at Rob Roy. Christmas Hills, on February [?] will ...
Article : 100 words 21. #### LURICH AT FITZROY
Tom Lurich will return to Fitzroy Stadium on Monday night to contest the main wrestling bout with King Elliott (New Zealand). On his previous appearance, Lurich showed that he had ...
Article : 71 words 22. #### LEAGUE TRAINERS
The Victorian Football League Trainers' Social club will hold its seventh annual meeting on Monday at 8 p.m. at the Duckboard Buildings, Flinders lane. ...
Article : 27 words 23. #### L. JONES AS COACH
Les. Jones, of the Melbourne Football Club, has been appointed playing coach of the Terang team for the coming season. ...
Article : 49 words 24. #### Golf CLUB GAMES
[?]EW Golf Club,—Guest Day—Mixed Four-boll. Best-ball. Bogey: N. Everett (10)-Mrs. J. M. Sutherland ([?]), H. J. McDonald (18)-Mrs. H. J. McDonald (18), P. J. Handbury (8)-Mrs. ...
Following on previous wars in which England has participated, numerous breeds of dogs were introduced for the first time into that country, and subsequently many of such breeds were exported to Australia. The question of the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 877 words 26. #### SHOWS TO COME
{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 51 words 27. #### PLAYER INJURED
GEELONG, Friday. — Eddie Tuohill, the Geelong footballer, is an inmate of the Geelong Hospital, receiving treatment for a leg injury sustained while playing ...
Article : 27 words 28. #### Question-box for Dog Owners
This section is available to readers of "The Argus" who desire information concerning breeding, the care of the dog, or kennel hygiene. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 454 words 29. #### CLUB AND KENNEL GOSSIP
A good entry of dogs has been received for the annual open parade of the Sunshine Kennel Club, to be held at Wirth's Park, Princes Bridge, Melbourne, this ...
Article : 485 words