Open Access Conference - News (original) (raw)

Berlin 6 is over! Since last Thursday we (i.e. the organizers) have taken time to recuperate and catch up on sleep and fresh air, both of which were somewhat in short supply after what constituted a quite work-intense, but also extremely enjoyable time. We would like to thank everyone who presented, attended, or supported us in other ways. The many contributions from around the globe made the event special and once more underlined (in our view) that Open Access truly is an issue that concerns all of us.

So what happens now? As previously announced, this website will not cease to be a helpful resource now that the conference is over. We will publishpresentation files and videos shortly (i.e. everything should be up by tomorrow) and the posters presented at B6 will also be made available, as previously announced.

For now, we want to take the opportunity to point to some of the great blog coverage that we’ve received in the past few days.

Kaitlin Thaney from Science Commons has blogged the conference extensively:

We also thank Leah Rosenblum for her on-site coverage on this site during the conference. Other coverage:

We’re looking forward to more discussion once the presentations and videos are available. Be sure to stay in touch!

- Cornelius Puschmann, B6 Team

Edit: I should also note that we plan to publish proceedings(OA, of course, in both print and digital format) and that in this vein contributors will be asked for concise summaries of their presentations shortly.