Burton K. Wheeler Videotapes from the UCLA Film and Television Archives (original) (raw)

Overview of the Collection


Burton K. Wheeler Videotapes from the UCLA Film and Television Archives


1925-1941 (inclusive)



4 items, (on 4 vhs cassettes (5hrs.))

Collection Number



The Burton K. Wheeler Videotapes from the UCLA Film and Television Archives consists of clips from Wheeler's varied newsreel productions of the day that were found in the UCLA Film and Television Archives. Subject references that were used for collecting the material include Wheeler, the America First Committee, and the Supreme Court debate of 1937.


Montana State University Library, Merrill G. Burlingame Special Collections
Montana State University-Bozeman Library
Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections
P.O. Box 173320
Bozeman, MT
Telephone: 4069944242
Fax: 4069942851

Access Restrictions

These videocassettes will be made available to interested researchers for on-site viewing only within our reading room. We will not reproduce the videos nor allow them to be checked out of the room, and persons interested in obtaining their own copies are referred to the UCLA Film and Television Archives as the exclusive owner of all reproduction rights to the films.



Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Burton Kendall Wheeler was a U.S. Senator from Montana from 1922-1947. In 1924 he ran unsuccessfully for vice-president on the Progressive Party presidential ticket. During his time in the Senate Wheeler served as chairman of the Interstate Commerce Committee and of the Indian Affairs Committee. In 1937, he successfully led the opposition to President Roosevelt's attempt to pack the Supreme Court with justices of his own political persuasion. Throughout his years in the senate Wheeler consistently opposed war and so supported neutrality legislation in the 1930s, spoke out against peacetime conscription in 1940, and fought against the Lend-Lease aid to Britain in 1941. After the United States decided to enter World War II, however, Wheeler gave his full support to the effort. He was defeated for reelection in 1946 and practiced law in Washington D.C. until his death in 1975.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

As a public figure Wheeler appeared on many newsreel productions of the day, including those done by the Hearst company. The images on these tapes represent gleanings from those films that were found in the UCLA Film and Television Archives through searches of their subject reference catalog for Wheeler, the America First Committee, and the Supreme Court debate of 1937. Film clips pertaining to Wheeler from the UCLA Film and Television Archives have been recorded onto VHS cassettes 1, 2, and 3. Most of the clips on these cassettes are unedited and much extraneous material is included. Cassette 4 has been edited to include only the relevant Wheeler images. The following inventory has been provided by UCLA to assist researchers who are interested in citing the material or who wish to order copies for broadcast purposes.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

These videocassettes are available for on-site viewing only. Montana State University is not authorized to reproduce the videos, and persons interested in obtaining their own copies should contact the UCLA Film and Television Archives as the exclusive owner of all reproduction rights to the films.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Multiple film clips appear on each VHS cassette. Films segments are identified by the name or location of the speaking event where Wheeler appeared and the cassette on which the clip is recorded.

Acquisition Information

Videotape duplications of original newsreel footage from the Hearst Metronome company held by the University of California at Los Angeles Film and Television Archive were purchased from them in 1992 and 1995.

Processing Note

This collection was processed 2009 May 22

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
1 Washington, DC - Senator La Follette of Wisconsin, Long Stormy Figure in National Politics, Dies at the Age of Seventy [Burton Wheeler] 1925
1 U.S. Senators Give Their Stand on America's Entry Into World Court - U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC [Josiah Bailey; Alben Barclay; Robert Reynolds; Hendrick Shipstead; Burton Wheeler] 1935 February 4
1 Senators Wheeler and Nye and Congressman Gassaway Talk - Washington, DC [Percy Gassaway; Gerald Nye; Burton Wheeler] 1935 May 15
1 Congress Hears From The Nation on Supreme Court [Burton Wheeler; Washington, DC] 1937 February 24
1 Democratic Preview - John N. Garner; Paul V. McNutt; Burton K. Wheeler - Senator Wheeler and Family; James A. Farley; Cordell Hull; Washington, DC - Wilkie on Vacation [Wendell Wilkie] 1940 February 22
1 Senator Wheeler and Family - Washington, DC [Burton Wheeler] 1940 February 22
1 Washington, DC - Candidates for 1940 Presidential Nomination Get Together at National Press Club [Bruce Barton; Champ Clark; Thomas Dewey; Bob Jackson; Jesse Jones; Paul McNutt; Norman Thomas; Arthur Vandenberg; Burton Wheeler] 1940 March 2
1 Washington, DC - Candidates For 1940 Presidential Nomination Get Together at National Press Club [Bruce Barton; Champ Clark; Thomas Dewey; Bob Jackson; Jesse Jones; Paul McNutt; Norman Thomas; Arthur Vandenburg; Burton Wheeler] 1940 March 2
2 Aid-to-Britain Debate Stirs the Nation! - Senator Wheeler Speaks on President's Proposed Lend-Lease Bill - Washington, DC [Burton Wheeler; Wendell Wilkie] 1941 January 13
2 Senator Wheeler Speaks on President's Proposed Lend-Lease Bill - Washington, DC [Burton Wheeler] 1941 January 13
2 Women Back U.S. Defense - Atlantic City, NJ - General Federation of Women's Clubs Hold 15th Annual Meeting - New Jersey [Claude Pepper; Burton Wheeler] 1941 May 21
2 Washington, DC - Candidates for 1940 Presidential Nomination Get Together at National Press Club [Bruce Barton; Champ Clark; Thomas Dewey; Bob Jackson; Jesse Jones; Paul McNutt; Norman Thomas; Arthur Vandenburg; Burton Wheeler] 1940 March 2
2 Washington, DC - Candidates for 1940 Presidential Nomination Get Together at National Press Club [Bruce Barton; Champ Clark; Thomas Dewey; Bob Jackson; Jesse Jones; Paul McNutt; Norman Thomas; Arthur Vandenburg; Burton Wheeler] 1940 March 2
2 Aid-to-Britain Debate Stirs the Nation! - Senator Wheeler Speaks on President's Proposed Lend-Lease Bill - Washington, DC [Burton Wheeler; Wendell Wilkie] 1941 January 13
2 Senator Wheeler Speaks on President's Proposed Lend-Lease Bill - Washington, DC [Burton Wheeler] 1941 January 13
2 Women Back U.S. Defense - General Federation of Women's Clubs Hold 15th Annual Meeting - Atlantic City, NJ [Claude Pepper; Burton Wheeler; neutrality story] 1941 May 21
3 America First Rally at Madison Square Garden - New York City [Charles Lindbergh; Burton Wheeler; Cudahy; crowds] 1941 September 11
3 Senators Wheeler and Nye and Congressman Gassaway Talk - Washington, DC [Burton Wheeler; Gerald Nye; Percy Gassaway; 1936 election story; Huey Long story] 1935 May 15
3 Washington's Newsies Happy! 9th Annual Washington Times-Herald News carriers Banquet - Washington, DC [David Hearst; Randolph Hearst; J. Edgar Hoover; Eleanor Patterson; Marvin McIntyre; T.J. White; Burton Wheeler] 1936 December 29
3 Washington, DC - Senator La Follette of Wisconsin, Long Stormy Figure in National Politics, Dies at the Age of Seventy [Burton Wheeler] 1925
3 U.S. Senators Give Their Stand on America's Entry Into World Court - U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC [Josiah Bailey; Alben Barclay; Robert Reynolds; Hendrick Shipstead; Burton Wheeler] 1935 February 4
3 Democratic Pre-view - John N. Garner; Paul V. McNutt; Burton K. Wheeler - Senator Wheeler and Family; James A. Farley; Cordell Hull; Washington, DC - Wilkie on Vacation [Wendell Wilkie] 1940 February 22
3 Senator Wheeler and Family - Washington, DC [Burton Wheeler] 1940 February 22
4 Edited Wheeler footage from the previous cassettes

Names and SubjectsReturn to Top

Subject Terms

Personal Names

Corporate Names

Geographical Names