Upper Ocean Heat Content Anomaly (original) (raw)

Upper Ocean Heat Content Anomaly

Analyzing the heat content of the world's oceans

Graph of annual 0-2000 m Global Ocean Heat Content Anomalies (OHCA) from Random Forest Regression Ocean Maps (RFROM)

Shown above are annual 0-2000 m Global Ocean Heat Content Anomalies (OHCA) from Random Forest Regression Ocean Maps (RFROM) trained using in situ ocean temperature profile data with satellite sea surface height (SSH), satellite sea surface temperature (SST), time, latitude, and longitude as predictors. (Lyman and Johnson 2023). Click on the plot for larger version.

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Recent estimates are based primarily on Argo profiling CTD float data. Historical data are from XBTs, CTDs, moorings, and other sources. Satellite altimeter data from Aviso are used in the mapping. Additional displays of the 0-2000 m OHCA are available in the Plots section.

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