OllieP - Professional, Traditional Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)





Traditional Art


Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (17)

My Bio

Current Residence: Sag Harbor, NY
Favourite photographer: Serrano, Beard

Favourite Visual Artist

Andrew Shoultz, Jose Parla, Pollock,Rauschenberg, Jesse Reno, Shep Faire deKooning, Basquiat, Darger

Favourite Movies

Donnie Darko

Favourite TV Shows

The Tudors, Borgia, SOA, Mad Men

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

The Clash

Favourite Books

The Stranger

Favourite Writers

Bukowski, Baudelaire, Shane Macgowan, Hunter Thompson, Jim Carroll, DMX

Favourite Gaming Platform


Tools of the Trade

Burlap, latex housepaint, newspaper, Elmer's Glue

Other Interests

My wife, my dog, Art, the paranormal, writing, reading, Heroclix, Comics,Toys and assorted geekery..

So, following my two-man show in February 2013—which went really well—I took a long break from painting seriously. I was burned out from preparing the show and stepped away for a bit, but then found it difficult to return.It didn't help that I had ideas for new work and was planning to make a transition, but then attended the three Hamptons art fairs last summer and found that my ideas were pretty much exactly related to all the hottest new painting and art trends...and that kind of grossed me out. I had unwittingly been moving toward super slick, commercial work. Perhaps I was subconsciously trying to sell more paintings—w

So, my "Objects" two-man show with Ray Colleran on Feb 2-3 was a huge hit. We got a lot of really great press and a killer turnout, especially for the Hamptons in February. Sold a few pieces and got a lot of interest for possible future sales and/or commissions. People really went crazy for "Truth and Memory," which is a 5 x 6-foot commissioned piece (you can find it in my gallery) that I displayed more to show my commissioned work and what I can do for collectors interested in having a personalized painting. As far as sales, I sold mostly small ATCs, which are turning out to be a really great way for people to get some of my work withou

Hi, folks. I'm so excited to announce that I am having my second two-man show with Ray Colleran at Ashawagh Hall in Springs, which is in the town of East Hampton, NY. Here's the press release! Also look for articles about the show on Hamptons.com (right now) and SagHarborOnline.com (late in the coming week). OBJECTS: A Two-Man Show with Ray Colleran and Oliver Peterson Saturday-Sunday, February 2-3 Reception: Saturday, Feb. 2, 5-9 p.m. Open 12–5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Ashawagh Hall, 780 Springs Fireplace Rd. in Springs Objects marks Ray Colleran and Oliver Peterson's second two-man exhibition at Ashawagh Hall in Springs. The friend

Profile Comments 332

Hey Ollie, I really love your work. I am looking to get into traditional collages and
I was just wondering how you go about making them? Do you just collect every source of imagery you come across and scour through them later?

Hi, thanks for the kind words! Yes, I collect tons and tons of materials, as I find them, and usually the stuff I've collected dictates the composition, etc, of each collage. I rarely seek out materials to fulfill a need for a preconceived idea. Much like painting, I allow the process and the moment to take the image where it needs to go. I've heard it said that the difference between "art" and "craft" is that you don't know where you're going with art.

Craft is taking steps to accomplish a predetermined goal, while art is about the process.

I find one of the most important parts of doing good collage is learning how to properly glue all your materials. Try not to overuse or underuse your glue. Too much will ruin and wrinkle and distort the paper, fabric, etc, and too little will leave the piece vulnerable to damage and perhaps keep it from looking unified.

I don't check this every day, but feel free to send along any questions as you go. I'm happy to help!

thank you for joining BuckyBarnes-FC!

Your work is highly inspiring. Hope you don't mind a watch. :3

Of course I don't mind! You are very kind. Thank you.
Comment Drawing

Love the drawing. Very cool! :D

Thanks. It's an Anarchy Angel!