Org Mode (original) (raw)

Org mode for GNU Emacs

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Org is a highly flexible structured plain text file format, composed of a few simple, yet versatile, structures — constructed to be bothsimple enough for the novice and powerful enough for the expert.

Get a glimpse of the expressive power Org offers in the example below. Click the headings and links to discover how Org intelligently folds structural content.


#+title: Example Org File #+author: TEC #+date: 2020-10-27


Headings and folding make structured editing a breeze. Plain text makes it easy to sync and version control Org files.


List todos across all your files. Filter content, and update it in place.

The /beauty/ of org must be shared.


share icon

** DONE Make screenshots

CLOSED: [2020-09-03 Thu 18:24]

** DONE Restyle Site CSS

Go through [[[file:style.scss][stylesheet]]](/resources/style/org.css)

** TODO Check CSS on main pages


Org makes easy things trivial and complex things practical.

You don't need to learn Org before using Org: read the quickstart page and you should be good to go. If you need more, Org will be here for you as well: dive into the manual and join the community!

** Feedback

#+include: "other/*manual" :only-contents t


Perform literate programming in org, with notebook-like live code execution in the buffer. Code

#+begin_src python

from pathlib import Path cssRatios = [] for css_min in Path("resources/style").glob("*.min.css"): css = css_min.with_suffix('').with_suffix('.css') cssRatios.append([, "{:.0f}% minified ({:4.1f} KiB)".format( 100 * css_min.stat().st_size / css.stat().st_size, css_min.stat().st_size / 1000)]) return cssRatios


Evaluated results


| index.css | 76% minified ( 1.4 KiB) | | org-demo.css | 77% minified ( 2.8 KiB) | | errors.css | 74% minified ( 4.9 KiB) | | org.css | 75% minified (10.7 KiB) |

Further reading

Beyond the quickstart and the manual, Org has a guide and a wealth of community-written documentation on Worg .

Nearly every Org user has a story to tell about how Org enables and empowers them — some have found it so useful that they have written(scientific) papers about the value of Org for conducting reproducible research. Some have produced third party tools to enjoy Org outside of Emacs, such as mobile applications.

More Org

The de facto mimetype for Org files is text/org. Org files use extension. Most operating systems don't know to open .orgfiles in Emacs, but they can be configured to do so without much effort.

While the reference implementation of Org in Emacs lisp is by far the most featureful, there are many additional tools that work with Org.

Project heartbeat

The Emacs starter kits Doom, Spacemacs and Scimax come with a curated set of packages and configurations that aim to enhance Org mode (and Emacs more generally) for particular use cases. They include Org along with integrations between org-mode and other modes (such asevil-mode). Here are links to the current packages included withDoom, and Spacemacs. Scimax is deeply integrated with Org so a good place to start is the manual. Doom installs a version of Org that is close to the development HEAD, while Spacemacs and Scimax track org elpa.

Starter kits often make significant changes to the default user experience for Emacs. If you are looking for something closer to vanilla Emacs there are popular configs such as Purcell's emacs.d that include org-mode customization and Org-related packages.

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