Chess Problem Database Server (original) (raw)

18 problem(s) found in 1023 milliseconds (displaying 18 problem(s)). [COMMENTDATE>=20250115] [download as LaTeX]

1 - P0008940
Unto Heinonen
R019 Probleemblad 03/1998
(8+11) C+
BP in 20,5

  1. Sf3 b5 2. Sd4 Lb7 3. Sxb5 Lxg2 4. Sxa7 c6 5. Sc8 Txa2 6. Sc3 Txb2 7. Ta8 Da5 8. Sa2 Dxd2+ 9. Kxd2 Sa6 10. Kc3 Sc5 11. Dd4 Txc2+ 12. Kb4 Txe2 13. La3 Txf2 14. La6 h5 15. Ta1 Lf1 16. Dxg7 Txh2 17. Dxg8 Th4+ 18. Dg4 Lh6 19. Ka5 Lc1 20. Da4 Th6 21. Sa7#
    play all play one stop play next play all

Keywords: Unique Proof Game, Ornament
Genre: Retro
Computer test: C? First 17.5 moves ok in Euclide (~29 hours) (2014) C+ Natch 3.3 in 302 Std. 48 Min. Lösung 1 (Stellung 3391) (2022) C+ Stelvio 2 mins (2025)
FEN: R3k3/N2ppp2/B1p4r/K1n4p/Q6r/B7/N7/R1b2b2
Input: Gerd Wilts, 1998-06-26
Last update: A.Buchanan, 2025-01-15more...

2 - P0500749
Alessandro Belleli
8209 The Fairy Chess Review 08/1949
(2+12) C+

  1. d1=D+ Kxb2 2. Da1+ Kxb3 3. De5 fxe5 4. h1=D e6 5. Dh2 exf7 6. Dc7 f8=D#
    play all play one stop play next play all

Keywords: Promotion (Ddd), Minimal (B), Promotion key, Checking key, Entblockung, Antiphönix, Phoenix, Promotions to queens, konsekutive Umwandlungen 3 (ddD), Promotion in the mating move, Block, Model mate, Switchback (b/d), Rückkehr nach Umwandlung
Genre: h#
Computer test: (Popeye C-Version 3.52 (2048 KB))
FEN: 3k4/3r1p2/8/2p2p2/4pPb1/1p1p4/1r1p3p/K7
Input: Gerd Wilts, 1996-06-06
Last update: Gunter Jordan, 2025-01-14more...

3 - P1018241
Barry Peter Barnes

2. Preis

BS Problemid: 3074
Authors: Barnes, Barry Peter
Sources: Barnes about Chess Problems 2001
Years: 1964

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (3074)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 7N/3pKN1p/R6P/R2B4/5pk1/3P3b/4p1pQ/4B1n1
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12

4 - P1025442
Peter Gvozdjak Ludovit Lacny
Phénix 1993
1. ehrende Erwähnung
(8+11) C+

  1. Ld7! droht 2. Dxf6#
  2. ... Dxd6 2. Tg3#
  3. ... Dxe3,Df3 2. Sf3#
  4. ... Txa5,Te5 2. Sh3#
    play all play one stop play next play all

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (10320), pin-mate (Drohung+Spiel), ambush key
Genre: 2#
Computer test: Juel: Popeye 4.61
FEN: 8/5pKb/3Q1p2/RB3rkp/3N1q1p/3pR3/3B1N1b/6r1
Reprints: A69 FIDE Album 1992-1994 , p. 25, 2001
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12
Last update: Dieter Berlin, 2025-01-15more...

5 - P1028130
Barry Peter Barnes

3. ehrende Erwähnung

BS Problemid: 13015
Authors: Barnes, Barry Peter
Sources: The Two-move Chess Problem: Tradition and Development 1966
Barnes about Chess Problems 2001
Years: 1964

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (13015)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 3R4/1BN5/5p2/4kpp1/1pK4n/1p2N3/3B2pr/7Q
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12

6 - P1028174
Barry Peter Barnes


BS Problemid: 13060
Authors: Barnes, Barry Peter
Sources: The Two-move Chess Problem: Tradition and Development 1966
Years: 1965

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (13060)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 8/8/2p4p/4R2R/rp1k3n/1Q1p4/Np3n2/bK2N3
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12

7 - P1033440
Alfreds A. Dombrovskis
Sachove umeni 1987
2. Preis

* 1. ... Sh2,Se3 2. Dxd2# 1. ... Txc6,Te8 2. Lxc4# 1. ... c3 2. Sf2# 1. ... Lxd4 2. Sb4#

  1. d8=D,T? Txe4!

  2. Lxd2? Txc6!

  3. Txc4! droht 2. Tc3#

  4. ... Txe4 2. Sb4#

  5. ... Txc6 2. Sf2#

  6. ... Lxd4 2. Txd4#

  7. ... Kxc4 2. Db3#
    play all play one stop play next play all

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (18351), Dombrovskis theme, Pseudo-Le Grand theme
Genre: 2#
FEN: 6Bb/3P4/2N1r3/2P3B1/R1pPN3/K2k1P1b/3p4/3Q1n2
Reprints: A108 FIDE Album 1986-1988 , p. 37, 1995
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12
Last update: Dieter Berlin, 2025-01-15more...

8 - P1033516
Peter Gvozdjak
Probleemblad 01-02/1989
Jan Hartong MT 1988
1. Lob

  1. play all play one stop play next play all

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (18427)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 8/2r5/3N4/q4N2/pP2pP2/2k1BB1R/Q1P4K/8
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12
Last update: Dieter Berlin, 2025-01-15more...

9 - P1033553
Alfreds A. Dombrovskis
? 1988

BS Problemid: 18464
Authors: Dombrovskis, Alfreds
Sources: FIDE Album (1986-1988) 1995
Years: 1988

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (18464)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 7Q/8/1n1N1rNB/2npp3/1P1kp2R/5R2/1P1P4/1K6
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12

10 - P1045335
Alfreds A. Dombrovskis
? 1960
1. Platz

BS Problemid: 30345
Authors: Dombrovskis, Alfreds
Sources: FIDE Album (1959-1961) 1966
Years: 1960

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (30345)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 6KB/7B/4p1R1/5kP1/1R4b1/N1p3p1/2NbP3/2nr1q2
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12

11 - P1045337
Alfreds A. Dombrovskis
Probleemblad 1961

BS Problemid: 30347
Authors: Dombrovskis, Alfreds
Sources: FIDE Album (1959-1961) 1966
Years: 1961

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (30347)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 2R2q2/1b4Q1/p2R2p1/np1pPp2/1Bpk1P2/r1N1NK2/5P1b/1Bn4r
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12

12 - P1045340
Alfreds A. Dombrovskis
Suomen Shakkilehti 1961
1. Preis

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (30350)
Genre: 2#
FEN: 8/B2Kp3/3nBR1R/3Pkp2/1p2bNp1/pp1p2P1/1n1N4/2Q5
Reprints: 180 FIDE Album 1959-1961 , p. 47, 1966
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12
Last update: Dieter Berlin, 2025-01-15more...

13 - P1065404
Peter Gvozdjak Cornelis Groeneveld Henk Prins
? ? 1986
Claude Goumondy-40 JT 1986
2./3. Preis

Keywords: Brian Stephenson Collection (50496), Lacny cycle, Dombrovskis theme, Hannelius theme (zyklisch)
Genre: 2#
FEN: Q7/1PPBpp1r/K4PPN/R1N1k2p/2P4P/4P3/8/4B1R1
Reprints: A162 FIDE Album 1986-1988 , p. 55, 1995
Input: Brian Stephenson, 2004-08-12
Last update: Dieter Berlin, 2025-01-15more...

14 - P1247484
Zdenek Libis
212 Ceskoslovensky Sach 12/1997
A. Fica zum 50. Geburtstag gewidmet
2. Preis
(10+4) C+
b) sBh5 nach a6

a) 1. Kf3 h4 2. Kg2 h3+ 3. Kh1 h2 4. Df8+ Kd7 5. Dc8+ Ke7 6. Sd5+ Lxd5#
b) 1. Kd4 a5 2. Kc3 a4 3. Kb2 a3+ 4. Ka1 a2 5. Df8+ Kd7 6. Se5+ Lxe5#
play all play one stop play next play all

Keywords: Chameleon Echo
Genre: s#
FEN: Rb2k1b1/1P4P1/1B1Q2P1/2P4p/4KN2/3N4/8/8
Input: Frank Müller, 2012-08-21
Last update: Olaf Jenkner, 2012-08-21more...

15 - P1258247
Ernst Baumgarten
A Wochenpost 17 1974

  1. Se2! droht 2. Sc3#
  2. ... f2 2. Lg2#
  3. ... fxe2 2. Lg2#
  4. ... Kd5 2. Sxe3#
  5. ... Tb3 2. Se7#
  6. ... Txf5+ 2. Dxf5#
  7. ... Te5 2. Txd4#
  8. ... Sd5 2. Sg3#
  9. ... Le5 2. Se7#
    play all play one stop play next play all

Genre: 2#
FEN: 1B6/6bQ/rn6/1r3N1K/p1RnkN1p/4pp1B/2P5/8
Input: Felber, Volker, 2013-01-04
Last update: Rainer Staudte, 2019-11-03more...

16 - P1272794
Paul Raican
Chess Composition Microweb 2004
nach W. Pauly (Dt. Wochenschach 1918)
3. ehrende Erwähnung
13. Thematurnier
(7+4) cooked
Zwei Lösungen

    1. Ke6 Kc4 2. Ke5+ Kc3 3. Lh7 Kc4 4. Txd4+ Kc3 5. Td8 Kc4 6. Lg8+ Kc3 7. Ke6 Kc4 8. Kf6+ Kc3 9. Kf7 Kc4 10. Kg7+ Kc3 11. De5+ Ld4 12. Kh8 Lxe5#
    1. Kf7 Kc4 2. Kg7+ Kc3 3. Lh7 Kc4 4. De6+ Kc3 5. De1+ Kc4 6. Txd4+ Kxd4 7. Dce5+ Kc4 8. De6+ Kd4 9. D1e3+ Kc3 10. D3e5+ Ld4 11. Dc8+ Lc4 12. Kh8 Lxe5#
      play all play one stop play next play all
      Cook: Nebenlösung:
  1. Lxc5 Kxb2 2. Dxd3 Ka1,Kc1 3. Lb3 Kb2 4. Ke5 Ka1,Kc1 5. Ke4 Kb2 6. Kf3 Ka1,Kc1 7. Ke2 Kb2 8. Kd1 Ka1 9. Dch7 Kb2 10. Db1+ Kc3 11. Kc1 d3 12. Ld1 d2#

Keywords: Echo, Obvious promotion
Genre: s#
FEN: 6B1/2Q5/5K2/2b5/3p1R2/B1kb3Q/1R6/8
Input: Frank Müller, 2013-06-22
Last update: Alfred Pfeiffer, 2020-08-08more...

17 - P1423727
Volodymyr Chornous
S555 Problemist Ukrainy 80 04-06/2024
(8+8) C+

  1. Kh2-g1! h6-h5 2. Dd6-h2 d7-d6 3. Td5xb5 d6-d5 4. Dh2-h1 d5-d4 5. Lh4-g3 h5-h4 6. Lg3-h2 h4-h3 7. Ld3-f1 d4-d3 8. Tb5xb6 La5xb6#
    play all play one stop play next play all

Genre: s#
Computer test: Gustav 4.2h
FEN: 8/3p4/1p1Q3p/bp1R4/kp5B/1p1B1P2/1P1P3K/8
Input: Marcin Banaszek, 2025-01-14
Last update: Marcin Banaszek, 2025-01-14more...

18 - P1423770
Ivan Soroka
The Macedonian Problemist 72-suppl 09-12/2023
2. Platz
TMP League 2023
(13+10) C+

Genre: s#
Computer test: Gustav 4.2h
FEN: 3BB3/R2R1pNb/P1k2P2/8/2pKpP2/2P1P3/1P1Ppp1p/6bq
Input: Marcin Banaszek, 2025-01-15
Last update: Marcin Banaszek, 2025-01-15more...

The problems of this query have been registered by the following contributors:

Gerd Wilts (2)
Brian Stephenson (11)
Frank Müller (2)
Felber, Volker (1)
Marcin Banaszek (2)