Patient-Derived Models Repository (PDMR) (original) (raw)

Background of the PDMR

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is developing a national repository of Patient-Derived Models (PDMs) comprised of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs), in vitro patient-derived tumor cell cultures (PDCs) and cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) as well as patient-derived organoids (PDOrg). , These models will serve as a resource for public-private partnerships and for academic drug discovery efforts. These PDMs will be clinically-annotated with molecular information available in an easily accessible database and will be available to the extramural community.

In April 2012, the NCI hosted the Target Validation Meeting with academia and pharma participants to discuss the current state of preclinical models in cancer research. Several needs were identified at that meeting as well as in follow-up discussions with intramural and extramural investigators, academia, and pharma, including:

Following this meeting and several discussions with intramural and extramural investigators, the NCI began evaluating and planning approaches to improve the ability of preclinical model systems to predict therapeutic success in the clinic. The PDMR is a key component of achieving this goal.

Goals of the PDMR

The NCI is generating PDMs from primary and metastatic tumor tissues and blood specimens supplied by NCI-supported clinical trials and NCI-designated Cancer Centers and will provide these models to the research community. These models will include a limited amount of patient data including previous clinical therapies, smoking history, and race/ethnicity and will have representative sequence for a sub-set of PDXs for a targeted gene panel, whole exome, and RNASeq. The PDMR also accepts previously derived PDX models developed at external sites. The features and services of the PDMR are as follows: