Frankenstein's Family (original) (raw)

Here is the tale of an unconventional family. Victor Frankenstein, originally named Victoria, identifies as a man despite having a female body. His assistant Igor has a deformed back. They decide to make a family together, because women just aren't interested in either of them, although both of them are heterosexual. So they wind up in a queerplatonic relationship. They use their knowledge of science to create a son, Adam.

This series also connects with The Bat Vampires, which you can find on the Serial Poetry page.

"Victor(ia) Frankenstein" 7-2-13
Prompted by LJ user siliconshaman and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 6-10-13
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette
Prior to the village

"What We Reap" 11-5-13
Prompted by DW user perfectworry and Origfic Bingo Card 10-6-13
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"The Proper Thermodynamics of a Warm and Happy Home" 9-1-15
Prompted by DW user chanter_greenie and As You Like It Bingo Card 8-31-15
Sponsored by DW user lynnoconnacht

"No One to Greet the Season" 11-16-13 (Creative Jam)
Prompted by DW user perfectworry and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 8-12-13
Free Perk
First Christmas in the village

"A Joy Forever" 11-16-13 (Creative Jam)
Prompted by DW user perfectworry and Origfic Bingo Card 10-6-13
Free Perk

"Grotesque Alterations" 12-3-13
Prompted by LJ user baaing_tree and Origfic Bingo Card 11-26-13
Free Perk

"The Feast of Saint Valentine" 2-4-14
Prompted by LJ users technoshaman, siliconshaman, rix_scaedu, janetmiles, aldersprig, the_vulture, Cotton Candy Bingo Card 2-1-14, and Genprompt Bingo Card 12-8-13

"Out of His Head" 3-28-14 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by LJ users technoshaman, johnpalmer, and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 8-12-13
Free perk

"Spectres of the Past" 6-17-14
Prompted by Shirley Barrette and Fanbingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by Shirley Barrette

"Walk in a Storm" 6-17-14
Prompted by LJ users janetmiles, rix_scaedu, kelkyag, DW user thnidu, and
Genprompt Bingo Card 6-1-14
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles

"The Little Things Citizens Do" 11-20-14 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by Origfic Bingo Card 9-29-14
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles

"The Children's Garden" 6-17-14
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer and Origfic Bingo Card 5-22-14
Free perk

"Sign of the Cross" 6-17-14
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer, LJ users janetmiles, siliconshaman, and
Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles

"Birthday Bread" 6-17-14
Prompted by LJ user janetmiles, DW user helgatwb, and Genprompt Bingo Card 6-1-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette
June 16, Adam's first birthday

"Sânziene" 6-17-14
Prompted by LJ user laffingkat, DW user dialecticdreamer, and Origfic Bingo Card 3-6-14
Sponsored by DW user technoshaman

"First Steps" 6-18-14 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ user lb_lee, DW user helgatwb, and Fanbingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette
Spans the length of Adam's second year

"When the Road Is Bent" 6-18-14 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ users paka, janetmiles, and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by LJ users little_lynnet, kestrels_nest, Anthony & Shirley Barrette, general fund

"The Nature of His Game" 6-19-14 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ users siliconshaman, moonwolf1988, and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles

"Echoes of Another" 6-19-14 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ users janetmiles, siliconshaman, and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"Who Finds a True Friend" 6-21-14 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer, LJ users janetmiles, siliconshaman, and
Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"Brewing Trouble" 10-7-14
Prompted by DW user perfectworry, LJ user westrider, Deb1789, and Origfic Bingo Card 9-29-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"My Tears in Your Bottle" 8-23-14 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted and sponsored by DW user dialecticdreamer

"A Gathering Ground" 11-20-14 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by Science Bingo Fest public card 10-31-14
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles

"Carnival Candy" 12-2-14
Prompted by LJ user janetmiles and Fanbingo Card 6-11-14
Free perk

"Dance on the Table" 7-3-14 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ users technoshaman, ellenmillion, DW user dialecticdreamer, and
Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 6-10-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"Because of the Moon" 9-7-14
Prompted by DW users helgatwb, lynnoconnacht, LJ users ellenmillion, technoshaman, laffingkat, and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 7-31-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"To See Your Soul" 11-20-14 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by Wordsmith Bingo card 8-29-13
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"An Inconvenient Proposal" 9-20-14 (Creative Jam)
Prompted by DW users dialecticdreamer, helgatwb, Fanbingo Card 6-10-14, and Halloween Bingo Fest Public Card 9-11-14
Sponsored by DW user dialecticdreamer

"Truth, Lovingly Told" 2-9-15
Prompted by DW users dialecticdreamer, redsixwing, Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 11-25-15, and
Trope Bingo Card 1-3-15
Sponsored by DW user technoshaman

"Measure the Abundance" 3-16-15 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by discussions with DW user dialecticdreamer and Genprompt Bingo Card 3-16-15
Sponsored by DW user dialecticdreamer
December, just before Victor and Igor's second Christmas in the village

"The Cold of the Winter" 3-20-15
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer
Bartered by DW user dialecticdreamer

"The Heat of the Fever" 3-20-15
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer
Bartered by DW user dialecticdreamer

"That Resurrection of Hope" 3-20-15
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer
Bartered by DW user dialecticdreamer

"The Gentlest, Loveliest Festival" 4-1-15 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer and Genprompt Bingo Card 3-16-15
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"Man's True Nature" 3-6-15 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ user rix_scaedu and Genprompt Bingo Card 12-17-14
Sponsored by LJ users janetmiles, zianuray, and EdorFaus

"Between Power and Vulnerability" 3-8-15 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ user rix_scaedu and Origfic Bingo Card 5-22-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"The Noblest of All Animals" 3-8-15 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ user rix_scaedu
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"A Better Mousetrap" 3-31-15 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer and Genprompt Bingo Card 3-16-15
Sponsored by janetmiles

"Into Habits of Companionship" 3-28-15 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by DW users lynnoconnacht, redsixwing, technoshaman, and dialecticdreamer
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"Polishing Winter" 3-11-15 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer
Bartered with DW user dialecticdreamer

"Carrying On" 5-4-15 (outside fishbowl)
Prompted by DW users dialecticdreamer, tresta, and Genprompt Bingo Card 6-1-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"Borrowed Thyme" 4-7-15
Prompted by DW users moongoddessgirl, lynnoconnacht, kelkyag, alexseanchai, and Genprompt Bingo Card 3-16-15
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"The Curse of Frankenstein" 10-6-15
Prompted by LJ user book_worm5, DW user librarygeek, Shirley Barrette, Halloween / Samhain Bingo Card 10-1-15, Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 11-25-15, and Trope Bingo Card 10-1-15
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"To Raise New Questions" 8-15-15
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer and As You Like It Bingo Card 8-31-15
Free perk

"Tag Ends and Tapestries" 1-16-16 (Creative Jam)
Prompted by DW user alexseanchai
84 lines, Buy It Now = $42

"Life Is an Improvisation" 1-5-16
Prompted by LJ users technoshaman, tigerbright, DW users kelkyag, freshbakedlady, and Genprompt Bingo Card 9-4-15
Sponsored by LJ user technoshaman

"A Significant Threat" 3-20-16 (Creative Jam)
Prompted by DW user alexseanchai, Villain Bingo 2-29-16, and Halloween / Samhain Bingo Card 10-1-15
Sponsored by DW user technoshaman

"The Backbone of Society" 4-5-16
Prompted by LJ users eseme, paantha, DW user alexseanchai, Archetypal Characters Bingo Card 4-1-16
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles

"The Cat Blanket" 6-8-16 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by LJ user paantha and Cottoncandy Bingo Card 6-1-16
Free perk

"Shrovetide" 7-10-16 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by DW user technoshaman and Winter Fest in July Bingo Card 7-1-16
Sponsored by DW user technoshaman

"A Monster So Hideous" 10-4-16
Prompted by DW users ari_the_dodecahedron, capriuni, sweet_sparrow, and Survival Bingo Card 8-1-16
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles

"Not Behind the Bars" 10-5-16 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by DW user technoshaman and 4x4x4 Worldbuilding Festival Cards 9-2-16
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"The Soothing Sound" 9-2-14
Prompted by DW users dialecticdreamer, stardreamer, LJ user book_worm5, and
Birthday Bingo Fest Public Card 7-29-14
Sponsored by LJ user janetmiles
June 16, Adam's second birthday

"To the Least of My People" 8-6-14 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by DW user dialecticdreamer and Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card 7-31-14
Sponsored by Anthony & Shirley Barrette

"The Red and the Yellow" 3-5-15 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by DW user technoshaman
Sponsored by DW user janetmiles
December, shortly before Victor and Igor's third Christmas in the village

"Learning and Growing" 9-10-17 (fishbowl spillover)
Prompted by DW users sweet_sparrow, technoshaman, readera, gingicat, ari_the_dodecahedron, librarygeek, and callibr8
Sponsored by DW user janetmiles

"Dreaming Idiots and Trusting Fools" 5-1-18
Prompted by DW users torc87, ng_moonmoth, librarygeek, alatefeline, and bairnsidhe and fills Pro Wrestling Bingo "General" Card 5-1-18
Sponsored by DW user ng_moonmoth

"These Tiny Little Steps" 5-5-15
Prompted by LJ users janetmiles, tigerbright, DW user dialecticdreamer, and Wellness Toolbox Bingo Card 5-2-15
Sponsored by LJ users tigerbright, lone_cat, zianuray, book_worm5, clockworklady, ng_moonmoth, DW user lynnoconnacht, general fund, Anthony and Shirley Barrette

I have written a post collecting links to my work that deals with sexual assault and associated resources, including the incident between Artúr and Csilla.

Read the poem "A Children's Chant of Smiths" by DW user zeeth_kyrah, inspired by "When the Road Is Bent."

Read the demifiction "Medicinal Uses for Extract of Digitalis" by DW user dialecticdreamer.

Read the story "Buttons, Beads, and Books" by DW user dialecticdreamer, fleshing out Bogdana the seller of used clothing.

Read the story "Over-wintering" by DW user dialecticdreamer, in which Bogdana makes gifts.

Read the story "Urgent Business" by DW user dialecticdreamer, in which a new trader, Vladimir, comes to the village with important messages. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.

Read the story "Marketing Day" by DW user dialecticdreamer, as Vladimir offers his goods for sale. This follows "Urgent Business" and preceeds my poem "The Cold of the Winter."

Read the story "To Market, to Market" by DW user dialecticdreamer, directly following "Marketing Day." People shop with Vladimir and enjoy the wares. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

Read the story "Finding Pieces" by DW user dialecticdreamer in which Lazslo talks about his past.

Visit the main Serial Poetry page to see more series.