NMRFAM Software Downloads (original) (raw)
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Software | Version | Download |
ADAPT-NMR | V 3.0V 2.0 | |
ADAPT-NMR Enhancer | Build 04/08/14 | |
Newton | V 1.4.10 | |
NMRbot | V 20140226 | |
NMRFAM Virtual Machine NMRFAM-SPARKY / Enhanced PyMOL / NMRmix Ponderosa Client / Ponderosa Analyzer This is the "Integrative NMR" VM | Build 04/18/17Based on Ubuntu Mate 15.04 ID/PW: nmrfam/nmrfam | Get VirtualBox |
NMRmix | Build 11/30/15NMRFAM VM Ver. is newer | |
NMRFAM-SPARKY (Video Tutorials Available) The "Integrative NMR" local installation | Build 07/08/20 Build 04/22/21 Build 04/22/21 Build 04/22/21 | -XQuartzmaybe needed. For Linux users << MUST READ For Mac users << MUST READFor Windows users << MUST READ |
NMR Structure Tools for PyMOL | V 20140820 | |
PACSY PACSY Maker PDBSEQ_DB expansion PACSY Analyzer CSV-formatted PACSY DB PACSY definition (MySQL) PACSY RAMA | Build 10/14/14Build 11/03/15Build 10/14/1428th day (Monthly) | For Linux users << MUST READ |
PONDEROSA-C/S Ponderosa Client Ponderosa Server Ponderosa Analyzer Ponderosa VI Ponderosa Example (Video Tutorials Available) | Build 01/21/20 Build 03/21/18 Build 01/21/20 Build 08/06/15 Build 10/26/18 | For Linux users << MUST READ |
rNMR | V 1.1.9 | |
NMRFAM workshop material | 2019 |
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