Planetary Names (original) (raw)

Basic Info

Feature Name C. Herschel
Clean Name C Herschel
Feature ID 950
Target Moon
Feature Type Crater, craters


Control Network

Coordinate System Planetographic, +East, -180 - 180
Northmost Latitude 34.71 °
Southmost Latitude 34.26 °
Eastmost Longitude -31.00 °
Westmost Longitude -31.55 °
Diameter 13.70 km
Center Latitude 34.48 °
Center Longitude -31.29 °
WKT String MULTIPOLYGON (((328.81873512268066 34.26912879943848, 328.76498222351074 34.25601768493652, 328.70729637145996 34.25864219665527, 328.63453102111816 34.269784927368164, 328.57422065734863 34.30584144592285, 328.52767753601074 34.34713935852051, 328.5021114349365 34.38516044616699, 328.4824466705322 34.421213150024414, 328.4581890106201 34.46120262145996, 328.45491218566895 34.4946346282959, 328.4654026031494 34.54707908630371, 328.49031257629395 34.59165382385254, 328.532922744751 34.63229560852051, 328.59126472473145 34.66900825500488, 328.64305305480957 34.69260597229004, 328.69025230407715 34.70440483093262, 328.76563835144043 34.70702934265137, 328.8429927825928 34.691293716430664, 328.9170665740967 34.6414737701416, 328.9688549041748 34.57919883728027, 328.9950771331787 34.5300350189209, 328.99901008605957 34.46447944641113, 328.99048805236816 34.419904708862305, 328.9681987762451 34.37991523742676, 328.92690086364746 34.334028244018555, 328.8797016143799 34.29666328430176, 328.81873512268066 34.26912879943848)))
Northmost Latitude 34.68 °
Southmost Latitude 34.23 °
Eastmost Longitude -31.01 °
Westmost Longitude -31.56 °
Diameter 13.70 km
Center Latitude 34.46 °
Center Longitude -31.31 °
WKT String MULTILINESTRING ((328.442419052124 34.4696483612061, 328.452907562256 34.5220928192139, 328.4778175354 34.5666694641113, 328.520427703857 34.6073112487793, 328.578771591187 34.644021987915, 328.630558013916 34.6676216125488, 328.677757263184 34.6794204711914, 328.753143310547 34.6820430755615, 328.830497741699 34.6663112640381, 328.904573440552 34.6164894104004, 328.956359863281 34.5542125701904, 328.982582092285 34.5050487518311, 328.986515045166 34.4394950866699, 328.977993011475 34.3949184417725, 328.9557056427 34.3549308776855, 328.914405822754 34.3090419769287, 328.867206573486 34.2716770172119, 328.806241989136 34.2441444396973, 328.752489089966 34.2310333251953, 328.694801330566 34.2336559295654, 328.622035980225 34.244800567627, 328.561727523804 34.280855178833, 328.515184402466 34.3221530914307, 328.489618301392 34.3601741790771, 328.469951629639 34.3962287902832, 328.445697784424 34.4362163543701, 328.442419052124 34.4696483612061))
Northmost Latitude 34.50 °
Southmost Latitude 34.50 °
Eastmost Longitude -31.20 °
Westmost Longitude -31.20 °
Diameter 13.00 km
Center Latitude 34.50 °
Center Longitude -31.20 °
WKT String POINT (328.8 34.5)
Quad LAC-24 [pdf]

Status and Origin

Approval Status Adopted by IAU
Approval Date 1935
Continent Europe
Ethnicity Great Britain
Origin Caroline Lucretia; British astronomer (1750-1848).
Reference [68] - World Who's Who in Science, edited by Allen G. Debus: Western Publishing Company, Hannibal, Mo., 1968: New York, 1973.
Updated Oct 18, 2010 12:00 PM
Satellite Feature(s) C. Herschel E C. Herschel U C. Herschel V C. Herschel C

The boundaries shown on the maps above are approximate and are intended only to portray the locations of named features and their rough extents.

Changes in the control network drop down are not reflected automatically on the map. You may wish to select a different layer on the map to match the control network for the geometry you are viewing.