PROVEAN Protein (original) (raw)

This tool provides PROVEAN prediction for a protein sequence from any organisms.

Step 1. Enter a protein sequence

| Paste in your protein query sequence: [FASTA format] | | Example (upload example 1 upload example 2) >p53 isoform a Homo sapiens MEEPQSDPSVEPPLSQETFSDLWKLLPENN... ......... ......... ......... KGQSTSRHKKLMFKTEGPDSD | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Or upload a file containing protein query sequence:

Step 2. Enter amino acid variations

| Enter the variants of interest: [format] | | Example P72R G105C K370del H178_H179insPHP L22_W23delinsQS | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------------ |

Or upload a file containing variants of interest:


| Database: | | | --------- | |

Email (optional)

If provided, results will be sent via email.

Note: It may take 10-15 minutes because we will search your protein sequence against a database to obtain the sequence homologs. If you have submitted this exact sequence and database before, the sequence search will be cached which will be used for subsequent predictions and will speed up computation.