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has quality formed as result of valley SWEETRealm:Valley TGN:21425 Geonames:T.VALS gulch FTT:811 shelf valley EcoLexicon:valley lavaka FTT:418 Valleys are typically located between hills our mountains. glacial trough FTT:166 FTT:761 chasm moat vale strath hollow water gap FTT:949 TGN:21451 trench gully TGN:21452 TGN:21453 ravine glacial gorge Geonames:T.VAL coulee median valley graben glen seachannel goe re-entrant dale Geonames:T.GRGE FTT:158 A depression which has been formed as a result of erosion by water or ice and which is low-lying, bordered by higher ground, and especially elongate. gorge planetary erosion geographic basin elongated