PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 1/21: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including the reveal of the name of Wade Barrett's new group. (original) (raw)


WWE Smackdown review January 21, 2011 Taped 1/18/11 in Bossier City, La. Aired on SYFY By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist

- A video package about Wade Barrett and his new group opened the show. They aired clips of his match with Big Show from last week, and the subsequent beating that took place.

- In the arena, Barrett walked out with his three cohorts. Josh Mathews called them “this group of renegades.” Michael Cole questioned what Ezekiel Jackson’s deal was in all of this. Barrett got the microphone and announced that Big Show would not be there. Instead, he wanted to take time to introduce themselves to the Smackdown audience. He went first, saying he assisted in revolutionizing Raw as the leader of Nexus. He did mention he was “dismissed” by the group. Barrett said Nexus should never have been just about him, but about the entire group. He said that his group is the Corre. Jackson went next and said that Teddy Long has been promoting his arrival on Smackdown for weeks. He said he’s excited about being on Smackdown, but more excited about being in the Corre. Heath Slater introduced himself, calling himself the One Man Rock Band. He took credit for Nexus’s domination. Has his voice gotten more grating? Justin Gabriel spoke, eliciting some cheers from a few women. He said he’s from South Africa, but now, he’s calling Smackdown his home. He also plugged his 450 splash. Barrett said the original Nexus’ beat-downs and take-overs will pale in comparison to what they’ll do on Smackdown. Long’s music interrupted.

The Smackdown GM came onto the stage and said the four of them need to understand that he is the general manager and he is in charge. He said if they’re going to play outside the rules, there will be a problem. And that means they’ll have a problem. Barrett questioned “why the hostilities?” He said they respect Long and said they want to assist Long. He said the four of them will be competing at the Royal Rumble, representing the Friday night show. Barrett said they want to work with Long, not against him. Long said he wasn’t born yesterday, and didn’t believe in working together with the Corre. Barrett said there is no leader in the Corre: they’re all equals. Long said he’s not an anonymous general manager or a chirping computer. He said Barrett better not bring their destruction to Raw. They ganged up and beat up Big Show last week, and that’s going to be the last time they do something like that. Jackson got the mic and said they’re disappointed they weren’t welcomed with an open mind. Long said they can either like Smackdown, or leave it. Holla holla, playa. Corre discussed the happenings with each other in the ring. Then Alberto Del Rio’s music played, and he drove into the arena. Someday, WWE is going to find a way to get him into every segment on either Raw or Smackdown, I can just see it.

From the ramp, Del Rio introduced himself to the new Smackdown four. He said they are welcome on Smackdown, but they need to know that Smackdown is his show, and he’s going to win the Royal Rumble. Mathews said that next, Del Rio will face R-Truth. Again?

[Commercial Break]

- Matt Striker plugged’s second annual Mattel Royal Rumble.

- Ricardo Rodriguez was in the ring to formally introduce Alberto Del Rio to the live crowd.


Del Rio backed Truth into the corner and kicked him in the ribs. Truth caught Del Rio with a clothesline out of the corner. Del Rio fled to ringside, where Truth came after him. Back in the ring, Truth worked Del Rio into an arm-bar. Backstage, the camera was running into Teddy Long’s office. Doctors, Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero…and is that Michael Tarver standing over an apparently unconscious Long? They called for paramedics as the camera went back to the ring. Hurricanrana off the top by Truth. Mathews brought up Long’s past heart issues as Del Rio rolled to ringside, trying to recover.

[Commercial Break]

Back with Del Rio in control out of break. Mathews touched on the “developing situation” with Teddy Long backstage. Cole said EMT’s have arrived backstage. No one has mentioned Tarver, or whoever that was, with Vickie and Ziggler in Long’s office. Rear chinlock by Del Rio. Truth fought out but fell victim to a drop toe-hold. Back to Long’s office, where Teddy was strapped onto a stretcher. Vickie was nearly in hysterics, but a doctor said Long has a good pulse but is unconscious. One of the EMT’s looks like Jamie Noble. Tony Garea ushered Tarver out of the office at the behest of the doctor. Cole said he’s hearing that Long has suffered severe trauma to the back of the head. Enziguiri by Del Rio, but he was then backed into the corner. Big hip-toss by Truth. Rodriguez grabbed Truth’s foot, and Del Rio came from behind and draped the arm of Truth over the top rope. Cross arm-breaker in the ring, but Truth was close to the ropes. He couldn’t reach, and had to tap out.

WINNER: Del Rio, at 10:48. Just kinda there, as a back-drop to a discussion of the Corre, and Long’s health. Does he really need Rodriguez to help him beat Truth?

- Long was loaded onto an ambulance as Tarver, Garea, Ziggler, Rosa Mendes, JTG, Hornswsoggle, referee Justin King, Trent Barreta and Kaitlyn looked on. That’s certainly an eclectic group of backstage folks.

[Commercial Break]

- Vickie and Ziggler were discussing the Teddy situation as they went into his office…where the Corre was waiting. Gabriel said he heard about Long’s head trauma, and said they had nothing to do with it. Jackson offered their services if Vickie needs anything tonight. Guerrero said Ziggler faces Edge at the Royal Rumble, but tonight, one of them will face Edge. And she hoped they’d live up to their reputation.

- The announcers discussed on camera Corre’s denial of having anything to do with the attack, plus one of their members taking on Edge tonight.

- Striker threw it to the video package on the Royal Rumble numbers.

- Striker hyped the “biggest Royal Rumble match ever.”

- Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes lock horns tonight.

[Commercial Break]


Layla kicked at Beth’s legs, but Beth caught her in the giant swing. She just ran over Layla, garnering a two count after that. Layla countered a powerslam, and took Beth down while working the arm. Cover by Layla for two. Modified key-lock applied by Layla. Cole admitted he had no idea what Striker was talking about. That’s a great thing for your lead announcer to admit. Phoenix came back with rights, then a clothesline. She looks like she’s actively trying not to hurt Layla. Slingshot suplex for a two-count. Phoenix was still favoring her arm. Layla tried another arm-bar, but Beth countered, and a Glam Slam followed.

WINNER: Phoenix, at 3:35. A lot of losses piling up for LayCool…I can see this leading to the recruitment of Awesome Kong.

- Rey Mysterio was walking backstage…he faces Cody Rhodes next.

[Commercial Break]

- They showed the exterior of the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

- The announcers discussed WWE winning two Mashable Awards for the Stand Up for WWE Campaign.


Our new HD TV always has trouble during Rey’s entrance. Rhodes got the early advantage with a hard clothesline, but Rey came back with a headscissors take-down. Back to Rhodes, who kicked at Rey’s leg. The announcers discussed the Rumble match early on. Rhodes tossed Rey under the bottom rope, but Rey just rolled and landed on his feet. Rhodes went to the outside and received a drop toe-hold into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Mysterio dropped the dime off the top for a two-count. Cole announced that we’d get an update on Long’s condition in a matter of moments. Springboard cross-body for a two-count. Side Russian leg-sweep from Rhodes for two. Why are the announcers not asking the obvious question about Tarver’s presence? Mysterio kicked Rhodes into position, then connected on the 619. In the face! Off the top rope, a splash by Mysterio, followed by a three-count.

WINNER: Mysterio, at 4:00. Nice match while it lasted, but ultimately didn’t mean a whole lot.

The referee and trainer checked on Rhodes’ nose after the match, as it appeared Rey’s knee-brace may have caught him in the face.

- The announcers sent it to Todd Grisham backstage. He was about to give an update on Long, but Alex Riley interrupted. He told Grisham to stop talking about people not on the show. The camera panned to reveal Miz standing on the other side of Grisham. Todd asked why Miz was here, and he said he could do whatever he wanted, as he’s champion. He said after what he did to Orton on Raw, he wanted to share it with the Smackdown world.

- Edge takes on one of the Corre.

[Commercial Break]

- Rhodes was being examined by a doctor backstage. We could only see from behind Rhodes. The doctor said the nose was broken and he’d have to set it. Do we get to see Cody wearing a face-guard next week?


Striker described the rules before the match. Ten seconds in to the first three-minute round, he got a two-point take-down. It was 2-1 at the :40 mark. Another take-down for two points by Swagger. Swagger was letting Kofi get up, giving him another point. Swagger even had the amateur head-gear. Two points for Swagger, and he may have been able to pin him, but his ego again getting in the way. Another point for Kofi in getting up. Swagger argued that he should be awarded two more points because Kofi was on his back for two seconds. They changed the ruling to an 8-4 score. Another take-down with 30 seconds to go. Swagger was on Kofi’s back and did some trash talking. Take-down for Kofi with ten dseconds to go. He kept Swagger on his back and the clock ran out with Swagger up 10-9. I guess that’s the only round. Swagger did get the win.

WINNER: Swagger, at 3:00, by a score of 10-9. The format was not really well executed, and the whole bit felt tacked-on.

Swagger shoved Kofi after the match, and Kingston fired back with a Trouble in Paradise, then a splash.

- The announcers talked about the Ziggler vs. Edge situation, specifically, their segment last week. Then we saw clips of the most heated portion of it.

- Another plug for Edge vs. a Corre member tonight.

[Commercial Break]

- Cole thanked Finger Eleven for providing the theme song to the Royal Rumble.

- Mathews said last week’s Smackdown was the most-watched show on the SyFy network on Friday night in the last five years.


During Drew’s entrance, they showed the attack on Barreta backstage last week, and Kelly Kelly telling McIntyre to take a hike. “He cannot let this woman cloud his career,” said Cole, presumably of Kelly (but it could be WWE’s way of talking about Tiffany). McIntyre got the advantage, but Barreta nailed McIntyre with a big dropkick. Kicks to the chest from Barreta. He tried a springboard move, but McIntyre caught him and powerbombed him. Somehow, that got only two. McIntyre put Barreta on the top rope, but Barreta fought back. Barreta set up from the top, but McIntyre climbed the ropes and hip-tossed him off. Mathews predicted that would finish it and surprisingly, it did.

WINNER: McIntyre, at 2:06.

After the match, McIntyre stuck around and tried to shake Barreta’s hand, but Barreta punched him in the face, sending him out of the ring. McIntyre came back in and assaulted Barreta, then set him up for the Future Shock. Kelly walked to the ring and told McIntyre to stop. He shrugged Barreta away and tried to plead his case to Kelly. Instead, Kelly walked over to Barreta in the corner to check on him. McIntyre tried again, saying Trent hit him in the face. Kelly yelled for him to leave her alone.

- Edge vs. a member of the Corre, still to come.

[Commercial Break]

- The Miz and Alex Riley came out to the live crowd. “Awesome is as awesome does,” said the Awesome One himself. He said it means being awesome is doing awesome. Last Monday, he said he proved how awesome he was by doing awesome to Randy Orton. He even showed a clip of Orton beating Ziggler, then being attacked by Miz and Riley. He was about to say his catchphrase when Edge’s music interrupted and he walked out. He was even wearing the World Title! “You’re the Miz, and you’re done,” said Edge. He said he’s sick of Raw rejects coming out and wasting people’s time. He said Miz neglected to mention that his attack on Orton came after a grueling match with Ziggler. Miz promised that what he did to Orton is nothing compared to what he’ll do to him on Monday. Edge said Miz is #27 on his list of things to do. He certainly could’ve worded that better. Edge told Miz to get out of his ring. Miz left the ring and Riley went to do so, but he came back in and began yelling at Edge. It didn’t last long though…Edge speared him. Miz feigned coming into the ring and even got on the apron, but thought better of it. The main event is next.

[Commercial Break]

- Before the match, Vickie Guerrero introduced Dolph Ziggler as special guest commentator.


I love how they never bothered to clarify what Grisham’s update on Long was going to be when he was interrupted by A-Ri. Edge hammered away on Gabriel. Gabriel missed a kick and Edge hit the Edge-O-Matic for two. Gabriel came back by choking Edge in the corner with his foot. Edge sent Gabriel crashing to the floor, while the rest of Corre watched from ringside. They went to break under 3:00 into the match.

[Commercial Break]

Gabriel had the advantage, and got it during the break by kicking out Edge’s leg when the champ was on the apron. Edge elbowed out of a rest-hold and both men struggled to get to their feet. STO by Gabriel, who then went to the top rope. Edge rolled out of the way then got up. He tried to dive at Edge, but Edge dropkicked him. Once both men got up, Gabriel again found himself crashing to the floor. Edge kept an eye on the rest of Corre while he put Gabriel in the ring. Gabriel met Edge at the top rope and attempted to suplex him down. Edge held on and headbutted Gabriel down. He perched himself on the top rope, then came down with a cross-body for a very near-fall. Edge wet up for a Spear, but took out Barrett, who got on the apron to distract. While the ref dealt with that, Edge speared Slater, who was also on the apron. He couldn’t avoid a hard clothesline by Jackson though, and Gabriel picked up the pinfall win.

WINNER: Gabriel, at 10:30. Decent enough match, with a Corre/Nexus member finally getting a win in a meaningful match, even if it was due to distraction.

The Corre circled Edge in the ring. He tried to attack first, to no avail. Slater gave Edge his finisher and Barrett gave Edge Wasteland. Gabriel followed with the 450 splash. They left him lying in the ring. Ziggler left the announce table and entered the ring. He put one foot on Edge’s chest and looked around as his music played. Vickie held the belt at ringside while the camera focused on Ziggler’s foot atop Edge.

Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for since January of 2007. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to

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