Page 275 | A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. By various writers. Ed. by William Smith. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood. | Making of America Books (original) (raw)
AREITHOUS. ARENE. 275 A'RDEAS ('Ape'as), a son of Odysseus and hand of the Arcadian Lycurgus, who drove him Circe, the mythical founder of the town of Ardea into a narrow defile, where he could not make use in the country of the Rutuli. (Dionys. i. 72; of his club. Erythalion, the friend of Lycurgus, Steph. Byz. s. v. "Avresa.) [L. S.] wore the armour of Areithous in the Trojan war. A'RDICES of Corinth and TELETPHANES of (Hom. II. vii. 138, &c.) The tomb of Areithous Sicyon, were, according to Pliny (xxxv. 5), the was shewn in Arcadia as late as the time of Paufirst artists who practised the monogram, or draw- sanias. (viii. 11. ~ 3.) There is another mythical ing in outline with an indication also of the parts personage of this name in the Iliad (xx.487). [L.S.] within the external outline, but without colour, as AREIUS ('Aplos), a surname of Zeus, which in the designs of Flaxman and Retzsch. Pliny, may mean either the warlike or the propitiating after stating that the invention of the earliest form and atoning god, as Areia in the case of Athena. of drawing, namely, the external outline, as marked Under this name, Oenomaus sacrificed to him as by the edge of the shadow (umbra ihominis lineis often as he entered upon a contest with the suitors circumducta, or pictura linearis), was claimed by of his daughter, whom he put to death as soon as the Egyptians, the Corinthians, and the Sicyonians, they were conquered. (Paus. v. 14. ~ 5.) [L. S.] adds, that it was said to have been invented by AREIUS or ARIUS ("Apteo), a citizen of Philocles, an Egyptian, or by Cleanthes, a Corin- Alexandria, a Pythagorean or Stoic philosopher in thian, and that the next step was made by Ardices the time of Augustus, who esteemed him so highly, and Telephanes, who first added the inner lines of that after the conquest of Alexandria, he declared the figure (spargentes lineas intus). [P. S.] that he spared the city chiefly for the sake of ARDYS ('Apous). 1. King of Lydia, succeeded Areius. (Plut. Ant. 80, Apophth. p. 207; Dion hlis father Gyges, and reigned from B.c. 680 to 631. Cass. li. 16; Julian. Epist. 51; comp. Strab. xiv. lie took Priene and made war against Miletus. p. 670.) Areius as well as his two sons, DionyDuring his reign the Cimmerians, who had been sius and Nicanor, are said to have instructed Audriven out of their abodes by the Nomad Scythians, gustus in philosophy. (Suet. Aug. 89.) He is took Sardis, with the exception of the citadel. frequently mentioned by Themistius, who says (Herod. i. 15, 16; Paus. iv. 24. ~ 1.) that Augustus valued him not less than Agrippa. 2. An experienced general, commanded the right (Themist. Orat. v. p. 63, d. viii. p. 108, b. x. p. wing of the army of Antiochus the Great in his 130, b. xiii. p. 173, c. ed. Petav. 1684.) From battle against Molo, B. c. 220. [See. p. 196, b.] Quintilian (ii. 15. ~ 36, iii. 1. ~ 16) it appears, He distinguished himself in the next year in the that Areius also taught or wrote on rhetoric. siege of Seleuceia. (Polyb. v. 53, 60.) (Comp. Senec. consol. ad Marc. 4; Aelian, V. H. ARE'GON ('Ap'oywv), a Corinthian painter, xii. 25; Suid. s. v. Oliw.) [L. S.] who, in conjunction with Cleanthes, ornamented AREIUS, LECA'NIUS (AEscdvis "Apetos), a the temple of Artemis Alpheionia at the mouth of Greek physician, one of whose medical formulae is the Alpheius in Elis. He painted Artemis riding quoted by Andromachus (ap. Gal. De Compos. on a griffin. (Strab. vii. p. 343.) If Cleanthes be Medicam. sec. Gen. v. 13, vol. xiii. p. 840), and the artist mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. 5), Aregon who must therefore have lived in or before the must be placed at the very earliest period of the first century after Christ. He may perhaps be the rise of art in Greece. [CLEANTHES.] [P. S.] same person who is several times quoted by Galen, ARE'GONIS ('Apqyeovis), according to the Or- and who is sometimes called a follower of Asclephic Argonautica (127), the wife of Ampycus and piades, 'AoXichred6Eos (De Compos. Medicam. sec. mother of Mopsus. Hyginus (Fab. 14) calls her Locos, v. 3, vol. xii. p. 829; ibid. viii. 5, vol. Chloris. [L. S.] xiii. p. 182"; De Compos. Medicam. see. Gen. v. AREIA ('ApEda), the warlike. 1. A surname 15, vol. xiii. p. 857), sometimes a native of Tarsus of Aphrodite, when represented in full armour like in Cilicia (De Compos. Medicam. sec. Locos, iii. 1, Ares, as was the case at Sparta. (Paus. iii. 17. ~5.) vol. xii. p. 636; ibid. ix. 2, vol. xiii. p. 247), and 2. A surname of Athena, under which she was sometimes mentioned without any distinguishing worshipped at Athens. Her statue, together with epithet. (De Compos. Medicam. sec. Locos, x. 2, those of Ares, Aphrodite, and Enyo, stood in the vol. xiii. p. 347; De Compos. Medicam. see. Gen. temple of Ares at Athens. (Paus. i. 8. ~ 4.) Her v. 11, 14. vol. xiii. pp. 827, 829, 852.) He may worship under this name was instituted by Orestes perhaps also be the person who is said by Soranus after he had been acquitted by the Areiopagus of (Vita Hippocr. init., in Hipp. Opera, vol. iii. p. the murder of his mother. (i. 28. ~ 5.) It was 850) to have written on the life of Hippocrates, Athena Areia who gave her casting vote in cases and to whom Dioscorides addresses his work on where the Areiopagites were equally divided. Materia Medica. (vol. i. p. 1.) Whether all these 'Aeschyl. Eum. 753.) From these circumstances, passages refer to the same individual it is impos-:t has been inferred, that the name Areia ought not sible to say for certain, but the writer is not aware.0 be derived from Ares, but from dpd, a prayer, or of any chronological or other difficulties in the rom dp6&u or dptwccw, to propitiate or atone for. supposition. [W. A. G.] 3. A daughter of Cleochus, by whom Apollo be- ARE'LLIUS, a painter who was celebrated name the father of Miletus. (Apollod. iii. 1. ~ 2.) at Rome a little before the reign of Augustus, Cor other traditions about Miletus, see ACACALLIS but degraded the art by painting goddesses after Ind MILETUS. [L. S.] the likeness of his own mistresses. (Plin. xxxv. AREI'LYCUS ('AplmAvtcos). Two mythical 37.) [P. S.] ersonages of this name occur in the Iliad. (xiv. ARE'LLIUS FUSCUS. [Fuscus.] 51, xvi. 308.) [L. S.] ARENE. [APHAREUS.] AREI'THOUS ('Ap'O^oos), king of Arne in!oeotia, and husband of Philomedusa, is called in * In this latter passage, instead of 'Agefov ie Iliad (vii. 8, &c.) eopMVYrijs, because he fought 'AcrrtAprLdov we shosuld read 'Agoov 'Aor-cA1rta"ith no other weapon but a club. He fell by the esoeu. [ASCLEPIADES AREIUS.] T2