Obiymy Doschu “Svitanok” (2010) — single and video (original) (raw)

Obiymy Doschu “Svitanok” cover art

Single created by

Volodymyr Agafonkin vocals, acoustic guitar
Oleksiy Katruk electroguitar
Mykola Kryvonos bass guitar, acoustic guitar
Serhiy Dumler drums, percussion
Maria Kurbatova keyboards
Olena Nesterovska viola
Hanna Kryvonos vocals
Yana Shakirzhanova violin
Oleksandr Senkovych cello

Music and lyrics by Mykola Kryvonos.
Arrangements by Obiymy Doschu.
Design and photo by Volodymyr Agafonkin.

Recording by bp records, engineering and mastering by Oleksiy “Shaddar” Romanchenko on Blacklight Studio in Kyiv, Autumn 2010.

Released in December 10th 2010 online and on CDs (100 copies).

Support the band

If you think that this music is worth something and want to support the band, you may help us by doing the following things:

  1. Share the link on this page or the album page with people who may like it (in IM, social networks like Twitter and Facebook, etc.).
  2. Make copies of the single or the album and give it to friends.
  3. Write a review of the single or the album on your blog, forums, music-related websites, etc.

Generally we'd appreaciate any activity that spreads the word about our music very much.


You can contact us by e-mail: obiymydoschu at gmail dot com.

We're also available on our Facebook page.

Video created by

Idea, directing, writing, editing by Mykola Kryvonos.

Cast: Oleksiy Katruk, Mykola Kryvonos, Volodymyr Agafonkin, Hanna Kryvonos, Vasyl Zators'kiy, Serhiy Dumler, Maria Kurbatova, Olena Nesterovska.

Camera operators: Mykola Kryvonos, Oleksiy Katruk, Andriy Piddubnyak, Volodymyr Agafonkin.

Special thanks to Oleksandr Topilin and Svitlana Zators'ka.

© 2010 Obiymy Doschu, all rights reserved.