Vol 6 n. s. (June 2020) | RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (ISSN 2035-794X) (original) (raw)

Pellegrini e crociati tra Europa del Nord e Mediterraneo (secoli XI-XIII). Seminario di studi (Roma, 13 giugno 2019) / Pilgrims and crusaders between Northern Europe and the Mediterranean
(11th-13th centuries). Study seminar (Rome, 13th June 2019).
A cura di / Edited by Francesco D'Angelo

This monographic booklet, edited by Francesco D'Angelo, hosts the papers presented at the homonymous seminar that took place on 13th June 2019 at the Sapienza - Università di Roma. The workshop, organised by the Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea of CNR in collaboration with the Department of History, Anthropology, Religions Art and Show of Sapienza - Università di Roma, was an opportunity for discussion and dialogue on the Mediterranean as a place of passage, exchange, encounter and clash between different peoples and cultures. In particular, the booklet wants to emphasize a theme that is often considered marginal: the presence and role of the Nordic peoples in the Mediterranean Sea between the 11th and 13th centuries.

In recent years, in fact, historiography has progressively re-evaluated their contribution, perhaps definitively dispelling the idea of their extraneousness to Mediterranean culture. In line with these new orientations, the booklet has therefore set itself the objective of bringing to light the dense web of networks, relations, communications and mutual influences intertwined between the Nordic and Mediterranean worlds in the Middle Ages.

The booklet contains three other contributions: an interesting and detailed historiographic review on the world of the Crown of Aragon and Sardinia, and two book reviews: one of a recent publication dedicated to the archival history of relations between the Crown of Aragon and the "Italian" Mediterranean, and another on the private documents of the aragonese king Peter IV the Ceremonious.