Rio+20 Portal | Building the Peoples Summit Rio+20 (original) (raw)

Cumbre de los Pueblos frente al cambio climático COP20

Peoples’ Summit on Climate Change COP20

A new global agreement on climate change is to be reached at COP 21, programmed in Paris in 2015 after Lima in December 2014.

By People's Summit on Climate Change COP20

Segundo Diálogo tripartito entre sociedades civiles de China, Europa y Suramérica

China-Europa-South America civil societies Dialogue – ...

We feel that we are part of a worldwide community and believe that it is necessary to overcome borders and hegemonies of any ...

By Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic An...

Declaración de la Asamblea de los Movimientos Sociales - Foro social mundial 2013

Declaration of the Social Movements Assembly of the ...

We are now at a crossroads where retrograde and conservative forces want to stop the processes initiated two years ago with ...

By Social Movements Assembly

Manifesting a future beyond Rio+20: Seeding a global citizens movement

Manifesting a future beyond Rio+20: Seeding a global ...

A Global Citizens’ Movement is the collective response towards transitioning to a sustainable world and linking the local to ...

By Ashish KothariAshwani VasishthPeople's Sustai...

African Manifesto for 2060

African Manifesto for 2060

Secondly, we must assess the changes that have taken place on a continent not always the master of its destiny.

By Annual African Governance Days

Día de acción continental contra la industria extractiva canadiense

Action Day against Canadian Mega Resource Extraction

We are heeding a call from communities in the global south that have organized and are resisting the exploitive practices of the ...

By Campaign against Canadian Mega Resource Extra...

A Manifesto for Economic Sense

A Manifesto for Economic Sense

More than four years after the financial crisis began, the world’s major advanced economies remain deeply depressed, in a ...

By London School of Economics and Political Scie...

Zero draft and Rio+20 sustainable development goals

The Future we want: final document of the Rio+20 Conference

We, the Heads of State and Government and high-level representatives, having met at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 22 June 2012.

By United Nations Conference on Sustainable Deve...

Inscrições e metodologia da Cúpula dos Povos

Registration and methodology of the Peoples Summit

Registration of articulation self-organized activities and activities for the Territories of the Future is now open.

By Brazilian Civil Society Facilitating Committe...

Otro futuro es posible

Another Future is Possible

We must build a new paradigm of social, economic, and political organizations, whose actions will be enhanced by learning from ...

By Thematic Social Forum

Occupy the Earth Summit

Occupy the Earth Summit Rio+20

The Rio+20 Earth Summit Happening June 20-22 provides #Occupy the platform to join forces from all around the world.

By Occupy Wall Street Movement

Mudança de paradigma, por territórios justos, democráticos e sustentáveis: Pela reforma urbana e agrária, agora!

A paradigm shift for just, democratic and ...

Many popular movements and civil society networks are taking up the challenge of building a model for sustainable urban ...

By International Alliance of Inhabitants

Defendiendo derechos para una agenda transformadora en Río+20 y más allá

Transformative Agenda at Rio+ 20 and Beyond

Preparatory Latin America and Caribbean consultation on the lead up to Rio+20, including the People’s Summit events.

By Bolivian platform on Climate changeIBON Inter...

Draft Zero alternatif pour la Conférence Rio+20

Alternative Zero Draft for the Rio+20 Conference

The aim of this draft is to propose a coherent vision on the major stakes of this Conference and to allow questioning the current model ...

By Forum of Ethics and Responsibilities

II Trade Union Assembly on Labour and Environment

II Trade Union Assembly on Labour and Environment

The International Trade Union Confederation and Sustainlabour are organizing the II Trade Union Assembly on Labour and Environment ...

By Sustain labour

Rio+20 and the Green Economy: the need for a new paradigm

Rio+20 and the Green Economy: the need for a new paradigm

This seminar will focus on the need to develop alternative paradigms and development strategies capable of ensuring a decent ...

By Trust for community outreach and education

World Free Medias Forum and Rio+20

World Free Medias Forum and Rio+20

Hundreds of representatives of free media are getting ready to spread the voice of the peoples gathered at the Summit and hold the ...

By World Forum of Free Medias

La ‘Madre Tierra’ apareció en el texto de negociación de Río+20

‘Mother Earth’ has appeared in the Rio+20 negotiation text

Last night the G77 proposed language referencing Mother Earth and the interdependence between Human Beings, ...

By Anil NaidooCouncil of CanadiansPaul Quintos

Consultation on the African Agenda to the Rio+20 Summit

Consultation on the African Agenda to the Rio+20 Summit

IBON International and the People’s Coalition on Food Sovereignty are organizing an Africa-wide CSO Consultation that will ...

By IBON InternationalPeople’s Coalition on Food ...

Building Participation of Youth at The People’s Summit

Building Participation of Youth at The People’s Summit

We, young people that are part of the Civil Society Facilitating Committee for Rio+20, propose to set up an open process allowing ...

By Brazilian Civil Society Facilitating Committe...