(original) (raw)

CONTAINER LIST 1 1 Family History 1 2 Personal History

includes photos

1 3 Army Correspondence 1917-1933 1 4-7 Army Correspondence 1914-1957 1 8 Hay Diary 1919-1920 1 9 Hunting Club 1945-1955 1 10 Aptitude Test Service 1950-1953 1 11 Hay & Associates - Articles for Men and Management

no date

1 12 Hay & Associates - Clients 1949-1957 1 13 Hay & Associates - Correspondence 1945-1957 1 14 Hay & Associates - Financial 1947-1956 1 15-16 Hay & Associates - Men & Management 1953-1954 1 17 Hay & Associates - Philadelphia City Rpy

no date

1 18 Hay & Associates - Phoenix Indemnity Co. 1957 1 19 Hay & Associates - Sales Promotion 1953-1954 1 20 Hay & Associates - Staff 1947-1957 1 21-22 Hay & Associates - Staff - Cardall I & II 1943-1950 1 23 Office of Price Administration - Correspondence & Memoranda 1942-1943 1 24 Office of Price Administration - Manuals & Rates 1943-1944 1 25 Pennsylvania Co. - Correspondence 1934-1945 1 26-27 Pennsylvania Co. - Policies & Procedures I & II 1937-1950 1 28 Personnel Psychology 1947-1955 1 29 Personnel Journal - Articles to be written 1950-1953 1 30-31 Personnel Journal - Correspondence 1947-1957 2 1 Reconstruction Fincance Corp. 1933-1934 2 2 Salary Administration 1947-1950 2 3 Salary Administration - Material for Article 1954 2 4 Supervisory Development 1946-1954 2 5 Job Evaluation - Articles 1943-1951 2 6 Job Evaluation - Banking 1946-1952 2 7 Job Evaluation - Benge Manual of Procedures 1941 2 8 Job Evaluation - Clients 1951-1957 2 9-10 Job Evaluation - Descriptions 1948-1951 2 11 Job Evaluation - Factor Definitions

no date

2 12 Job Evaluation - General Electric 1950-1956 2 13 Job Evaluation - General Motors Job Manual

no date

2 14 Job Evaluation - Hay & Co. Articles 1945-1954 2 15 Job Evaluation - Hay Manual of Procedures 1946 2 16 Job Evaluation - Pennsylvania Co. 1934-1938 2 17 Job Evaluation - Reliability 1946-1949 2 18 Job Evaluation - Reliability - Hay Articles 1951-1957 2 19 Job Evaluation - Statistical Methods 1953-1954 2 20 Labor 1955-1958 2 21 Merit Rating - Articles 1941-1951 2 22 Merit Rating - Industrial Psychology Inc 1947-1953 2 23 Merit Rating - Plans 1940-1951 2 24 Merit Rating - Rating Forms 1948-1956 2 25 Performance Rating 1946-1951 3 1 Personnel Journal - "Editor to Reader"

no date

3 2-3 Personnel Journal - Ideas for Articles 1947-1957 3 4 Personnel Journal - Misc. Reprints 1947-1952 3 5 Personnel Journal - Promotion 1951-1957 3 6 Testing - Activity Vector Analysis Study 1953-1954 3 7-8 Testing - American Bankers Assn. 1950-1954 3 9 Testing - American Gas Assn 1951-1954 3 10-12 Testing - Articles 1943-1953 3 13 Testing - Briggs - Myers Type Indicator 1948-1950 3 14 Testing - Clerical Research 1940-1953 3 15 Testing - Conference on Personnel Measurement 1951 3 16 Testing - Critique on Clerical Testing 1952-1953 3 17 Testing - Cross Validation "Key Punch Study" 1949 3 18 Testing - Estimated vs. Actual I.Q. 1955 3 19-22 Testing - Humm - Watsworth Study 1939-1945 3 23 Testing - Measurement 1949-1957 3 24 Testing - Milwaukee Plan of Aptitude Testing 1948-1949 3 25 Testing - Miscellaneous 1947-1950 3 26 Testing - Prediction of Clerical Success 1951 3 27 Testing - Sales of Tests 1949-1955 3 28 Testing - Scott Paper Co 1950 3 29 Testing - Statistical Methods 1951-1952 3 30 Testing - Test Norms 1951-1952 4 1 Testing - Test Preparation Manuals 1941-1942 4 2 Testing - Test Service Bulletin 1947-1955 4 3 Testing - Tests to be Developed 1951-1954 4 4 Testing - Validity 1949-1954 4 5 Testing - Warm - Up Test 1947-1948 4 6 Testing - Wherry Test Selection Method

no date

4 7 Testing - Worthington Personal History Analysis 1950-1954 4 8 Test - Bibliography of Tests 4 9 Test - Achievement - Blackstone Stenographic Proficiency 1932 4 10 Test - Achievement - California Reading Test

no date

4 11 Test - Achievement - California Test of English Usage

no date

4 12 Test - Achievement - Cooperative English Test

no date

4 13 Test - Achievement - Cooperative Vocabulary Test 1940 4 14 Test - Achievement - Iowa Silent Reading Tests 1931 4 15 Test - Achievement - the N.I.I.P. Clerical Test

no date

4 16 Test - Achievement - National Business Entrance Test 1949-1950 4 17 Test - Achievement - Otis Arithmetic Reasoning Test 1922 4 18 Test - Achievement - Progressive Achievement Tests 1937-1938 4 19 Test - Achievement - Seashore - Bennett Stenographic Test 1946 4 20 Test - Achievement - Test for Stenographic Skill 1950 4 21 Test - Achievement - Test for Typing Skill 1952 4 22 Test - Multi-Aptitude Battery - California Occupational Aptitude Test

no date

4 23 Test - Multi-Aptitude Battery - Factoried Aptitude Series 1948-1951 4 24 Test - Multi-Aptitude Battery - Flanagan Aptitude Classification Test 1953 4 25 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Clerical Aptitude Test 1943-1950 4 26 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Coding Test

no date

4 27 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Finger Dexterity Test

no date

4 28 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - General Clerical Test 1949-1950 4 29 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Hay Name Finding Test 1949-1955 4 30 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Hay Number Perception Test 1947-1951 4 31 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Hay Number Series Completion Test 1949-1955 4 32 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Hay Tests for Clerical Aptitude 1950-1951 4 33 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Letter Cross Out Scale

no date

4 34 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - L.O.M.A. Mathematical Test 4M 1938-1941 4 35 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Martin Office Aptitude Tests

no date

4 36 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Minnesota Vocational Clerical Test 1941 4 37 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Number Cross Out Scale 1947 4 38 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - PCI Selection Form 20 1942 4 39 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Posting Test 1941 4 40 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Primary Business Interests Tests 1941-1942 4 41 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Purdue Clerical Adaptability Test 1949 4 42 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - SRA Clerical Aptitudes 1947 4 43 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Short Employment Test 1953 4 44 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Simple Posting Test 1941 4 45 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Survey of Working Speed & Accuracy 1945 4 46 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Test of Clerical Aptitude 1948 4 47 Test - Aptitude, Clerical - Work Sample I 1953 4 48 Test - Aptitude, Executive - O'Connor Vocabulary Test 1941-1942 4 49 Test - Aptitude, Food Stores - the Store Personnel Test 1946-1951 4 50 Test - Aptitude, News Reporting - Reporter Situations Test 1951 4 51 Test - Aptitude, Selling - Sales Situations Test 1951-1953 4 52 Test - Aptitude, Selling - Salesability Exam & Analysis 1947 4 53 Test - Aptitude, Selling - Test of Sales Aptitude 1947 4 54 Test - Aptitude, Stenography - Stenogauge 1922 4 55 Test - Aptitude, Stenography - Stenographic Aptitude Test 1939-1945 4 56 Test - Aptitude, Stenography - Turse Shorthand Aptitude Test 1940 4 57 Test - Aptitude, Supervisory - How Supervise? 1948 4 58 Test - Aptitude, Supervisory - Test of Practical Judgment 1942-1948 4 59 Test - Aptitude, White Collar - Vocational Aptitude Exam 1946-1947 4 60 Test - Attitude Survey - SRA Employee Inventory 1952 4 61 Test - Intelligence - Army Alpha Exam 1940-1951 4 62 Test - Intelligence - Army General Classification Test 1947-1948 4 63 Test - Intelligence - The Business Test 1952-1956 4 64 Test - Intelligence - California Mental Maturity Test 1950 4 65 Test - Intelligence - Curtis Classification Form 1951 4 66 Test - Intelligence - L.O.M.A. Test No. 1, Form A 1936-1943 4 67 Test - Intelligence - Letter - Partington Adult Performance Scale 1949-1951 4 68 Test - Intelligence - Placement Guide I 1950 4 69 Test - Intelligence - Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale 1938-1948 4 70 Test - Intelligence - Ohio State University Psychological Test 1941 4 71 Test - Intelligence - Otis Self-Administering Tests 1922-1941 4 72 Test - Intelligence - Personnel Classification Test 1946 4 73 Test - Intelligence - Progressive Matrices 1938 4 73a Test - Intelligence - SRA Non-Verbal Form 1947 4 74 Test - Intelligence - Thurstone Test of Mental Alertness 1948 4 75 Test - Intelligence - Wonderlic Personnel Test 1945-1950 4 76 Test - Personality - N.P. - Activity Vector Analysis 1948-1955 4 77 Test - Personality - N.P. - The Adjustment Inventory 1934-1938 4 78 Test - Personality - N.P. - Briggs - Myers type Indicator 1944-1946 4 79 Test - Personality - N.P. - Contact Personality Factor Test 1954 5 1 Test - Personality - N.P. - Executive Personality Evaluation 1949 5 2 Test - Personality - N.P. - G - Z Temperament Map 1950 5 3 Test - Personality - N.P. - the Group Oral Performance Test 1952 5 4 Test - Personality - N.P. - Humm - Wadsworth Temperament Scale 1934-1940 5 5 Test - Personality - N.P. - IPAT Humor Test of Personality

no date

5 6 Test - Personality - N.P. - An Inventory of Factors STDCR 1940 5 7 Test - Personality - N.P. - Industrial Inventory - E

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5 8 Test - Personality - N.P. - Neurotic Personality Factor Test 1954 5 9 Test - Personality - N.P. - the Personal Audit 1945 5 10 Test - Personality - N.P. - the Personality Inventory 1935 5 11 Test - Personality - N.P. - Personality Record 1942 5 12 Test - Personality - N.P. - Scorable Interview - Application Form

no date

5 13 Test - Personality - N.P. - Shipley - Institute of Living Scale 1939-1940 5 14 Test - Personality - N.P. - Sixteen Personality Factor Test 1950 5 15 Test - Personality - N.P. - Social Intelligence Test

no date

5 16 Test - Personality - N.P. - Street Gestalt Completion Test 1942 5 17 Test - Personality - N.P. - A Study of Values 1931-1951 5 18 Test - Personality - N.P. - Thurstone Temperament Schedule 1949-1950 5 19 Test - Personality - N.P. - Work Preference Inventory 1946 5 20 Test - Preparatory - Test I: The Warm Up 1945-1955 5 21 Test - Vocational Interests - Kuder Preference Record 1948-1953 5 22 Test - Vocational Interests - Occupational Interest Inventory 1943-1946 5 23 Test - ? (Money & Motivation) ? - The R & G Inventory 1954 5 24 Hay Publications - Bibliographies 5 25 "Selecting New Employees" 1936

Banking, December, 1936. pp. 79-80

5 25 "Organization." 1938

(unpublished) January, 1938. 5 pp

5 25 Practical Rating Plans 1937

New York: American Management Association. 11 pp

5 25 "Payroll Control" 1937

Banking, May, 1937. pp. 30-31

5 25 "Philadelphia Personnel Association" 1937

Personnel Journal, Vol. 15, No. 10, April, 1937. 4 pp

5 25 "School, Business and Life" 1938

Business Education Observer, Vol. 10, No. 1, November, 1938. pp. 21-24

5 25 "The Personnel Function" 1936

Banking, October, 1936. pp. 86-88

5 25 "Constructing Salary Scales" 1936

Personnel Journal, Vol. 14, No. 10, April, 1936. pp. 350-356

5 25 How to Finance a Business 1926

New York: American Management Association. 12 pp

5 25 How to Finance Your Business 1925

Philadelphia: Brooke, Stokes and Company, 19 pp

5 25 "Increasing Production and Wages by Paying Bonus," 1917

Industrial Management, November, 1917. pp. 184-190

5 25 "Hiring an Advertising Assistant" 1937

Personnel Journal, Vol. 15, No. 10, April, 1937. pp. 377-378

5 26 "The Compa-Ratio: A Means of Control of Salary Expense" 1940

Advanced Management, March, 1940. pp. 9-11

5 26 Inaugurating a Test Program 1940

New York: American Management Association, 1940. 12 pp.

5 26 "Profitable Ideas for Management of Personnel" 1940

(a section of Business Ideas for Increasing Profits) New York: Prentice Hall, 1940. (70 pp.)

5 26 "Banks Under Wage-Hour Act: Four Methods of Calculating Overtime Legal Under Law" 1940

American Banker, Vol. 105, No. 173, July 25, 1940. pp. 1 & 5

5 26 "Man-Power Development for Trust Work" 1940

Trusts and Estates, Vol. 70, No. 6, June, 1940. pp. 593-598

5 26 "The Right Pay for the Job" 1940

Banking, March, 1940. pp. 22-23

5 26 "Wage-Salary Classification to Build Good-Will and Control Payroll Costs" 1939

Philadelphia, November, 1939. pp. 10-11

5 26 "Planning for Fair Salaries and Wages" 1939

Personnel Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, October, 1939. pp. 141-150

5 26 "Arranging the Right Pay" 1939

Personnel Journal, Vol. 17, No. 10, April, 1939. 7 pp

5 26 "Pre-Selling New Internal Policies" 1939

Executives Service Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 4, April, 1939. pp. 5-6

5 26 "Leadership" 1939

Personnel, Vol. 16, No. 1, August, 1939. pp. 39-40

5 27 "The Relationship Between Clerical Experience and Scores on the Minnesota Vocational Test for Clerical Workers" 1943

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 27, No. 4, August, 1943. pp. 311-315

5 27 The Office Supervisor's Functions and Responsibilities 1944

New York: American Management Association. 20 pp

5 27 Punch Card Methods in Payroll Work 1944

New York: American Management Association. 18 pp

5 27 "A Successful Job Evaluation Plan" 1944

The Burroughs Clearing House, August, 1944. 6 pp

5 27 "Proper Use of Personnel Departments" 1944

Personnel Journal, Vol. 22, No. 8, February, 1944. pp. 281-288

5 27 "Predicting Success in Machine Bookkeeping" 1943

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 27, No. 6, December, 1943. pp. 483+.

5 27 "Testing Clerical Applicants" 1942

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 6, December, 1942. pp. 852-855

5 27 "Comparison of Otis and Alpha Test Scores Made by Bank Clerks" 1942

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 6, December, 1942. pp. 850- 851

5 27 Establishing a Central Machine-Transcription Office 1941

N.O.M.A. Forum, Vol. 17, No. 1, October, 1941. pp. 4-9

5 27 "How We Established Written Employee Policies" 1941

Personnel, Vol. 18, No. 2, September, 1941. 4 pp

5 27 Psychological Aids in the Selection of Workers 1941

New York: American Management Association

5 27 "Predicting Success in Routine Bank Work." 1944

(unpublished) 8 pp

5 27 "Bank Personnel Work Under Wartime Conditions" 1942-1943

(in three parts), Bankers Monthly, I. "Finding New Employees," December, 1942. II. "Use of Tests," January, 1943. III. "Personnel Policies," February, 1943

5 28 "The Duties of the Office Supervisor" 1947

Personnel Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, October, 1947. pp. 146-149

5 28 "The Attitude of the American Federation of Labor on Job Evaluation" 1947

Personnel Journal, Vol. 26, No. 5, November, 1947. pp. 163-169

5 28 "Postscript to Predicting Success in Machine Bookkeeping" 1947

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 31, No. 3, June, 1947. p. 235

5 28 "A Program of Salary Administration" 1947

Personnel, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1947. 15 pp

5 28 "How to Create Salary Grades" 1947

Personnel, Vol. 23, No. 5, 1947, 15 pp

5 28 "Assuring Equal Pay for Equal Work" 1946

Proceedings, National Office Management Association. 15 p

5 28 "Salary Administration" 1946

National Auditgram, Vol. 22, No. 8, August, 1946. 7 pp

5 28 "Four Methods of Establishing Factor Scales in Factor Comparison Job Evaluation" 1946

Personnel, Vol. 23, No. 2, 1946. 11 pp

5 28 "Procedure for Installing a Plan of Salary and Wage Management with Job Evaluation." 1946

(mimeographed) February, 1946, 5 pp

5 28 "Training the Evaluation Committee in Factor Comparison Job Evaluation" 1946

Personnel, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1946. 14 pp

5 28 "Characteristics of Factor Comparison Job Evaluation" 1946

Personnel, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1946. 7 pp

5 28 Control of Salary Expense 1945

New York: American Management Association. 14 pp

5 28 "Union-Management Cooperation in Job Evaluation" 1945

Conference Board Management Record, June, 1945. 3 pp

5 28 "Job Evaluation for Trust Companies" 1945

Trusts and Estates, July, 1945. 3 pp

5 28 "The Characteristics of Salary Grades" 1946

Personnel, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1946. 14 pp

5 29 "Techniques of Securing Agreement in Job Evaluation Committees" 1950

Personnel, January, 1950. 7 pp

5 29 "Fit the Pay to the Job" 1950

Banking, October, 1950. 4 pp

5 29 "A Warm-Up Test" 1950

Personnel Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 2, Summer, 1950. pp. 221-223

5 29 "Getting the Most for Your Payroll Dollar." 1948

(unpublished) September, 1948. 3 pp

5 29 "The Application of Weber's Law to Job Evaluation Estimates" 1950

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 34, No. 2, April, 1950. pp. 102-104

5 29 "Prediction from Selected Cutting Scores." 1949

(mimeographed) June, 1949. 14 pp

5 29 "Setting Standards of Value for Executive Compensation" 1949

The Controller, March , 1949. pp. 116-118.

5 29 A Flexible Method of Salary Cost Control 1948

New York: American Management Association. 8 pp

5 29 "Creating Factor Comparison Key Scales by the Per Cent Method" 1948

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 32, No. 5, October, 1948. pp. 456-464

5 29 "Cross Validation of Clerical Aptitude Tests" 1950

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 34, No. 3, June, 1950. pp. 153-158

5 30 Your Pay 1951

Philadelphia: Edward N. Hay Associates. 13 pp

5 30 "A Note on Small Samples" 1953

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 37, No. 6, December, 1953. p. 445

5 30 "The Validation of Tests" 1953

Personnel, May, 1953. 10 pp

5 30 "What Should a Personnel Department be Doing" 1953

Personnel Panorama, Vol. 6, No. 1, January, 1953. 3 pp

5 30 "Validation of Tests." 1952

(mimeographed) October, 1952. 7 pp

5 30 "How You Administer Salaries Goes Deep" 1951

Management Review, May, 1951. p. 271.

5 30 "Some Research Findings with the Wonderlic Personnel Test" 1952

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 36, No. 5, October, 1952. pp. 344-345

5 30 "The Analysis and Description of High-Level Jobs" 1953

Personnel, January, 1953. 12 pp

5 30 "Reviewing Expense Accounts: A Study in Character" 1952

Management Review, July, 1952. pp. 455-456

5 30 "Banks, No Less Than Industry Have Communications Problems" 1952

Bankers Monthly, April, 1952. p. 38+

5 30 "The Profile Method of High-Level Job Evaluation" 1951

Personnel, Vol. 28, No. 2, 1951. 11 pp

5 30 "Aptitude Tests Reduce Operating Costs." 1951

(unpublished) 6 p

5 30 "Investigation of the Use of Tests as a Predictor of Leadership and Group Effectiveness in a Job Evaluation Situation" 1953

Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 38, 1953. pp. 109-119

5 30 "Predicting Success in Routine Bank Work" 1951

Banking, June, 1951. 2 pp

5 30 "Prediction of Clerical Success in a Life Insurance Company - 1951." 1951

(mimeographed) May, 1951. 4 pp

5 30 "Validating Clerical Tests in a Branch Bank." 1951

(mimeographed) April, 1951. 2 pp

5 30 "Efficiency of Bank Bookkeeping Departments." 1951

(mimeographed) April, 1951. 2 pp

5 30 "Mental Ability Tests in Clerical Selection" 1951

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 35, No. 4, August, 1951. pp. 250-251

5 30 Analysis and Evaluation of Executive Positions 1951

Berkeley: California Personnel Management Association. 12 pp

5 31 "The Bethel Way of Acquiring Group Skills" 1956

Personnel Journal, Vol. 35, No. 5, October, 1956. pp. 178-181

5 31 "Some Problems Faced by Corporation Executives in Connection with Executive Salaries." 1957

(draft for Harvard Business Review) January, 1957. 11 pp

5 31 "Something Has Been Done About Developing Salary Standards for Executive Positions." 1957

(mimeographed) April, 1957. 8 pp

5 31 "Overtime Pay for Engineers" 1957

Personnel Journal, Vol. 36, No. 3, August, 1957. pp. 90-92.

5 31 "A Simple Method of Recording Paired Comparisons" 1958

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 2, 1958. pp. 139-140

5 31 "Civil Liberties Union Shadow-Boxes on Compulsory Unionism" 1956

Foreman's Digest, August, 1956. pp. 17-19

5 31 The Guide Chart-Profile Method of Job-Man Evaluation 1957

New York: American Management Association, 8 pp

5 31 "Employee Relations in England" 1956

Personnel Journal, Vol. 35, No. 1, May, 1956. pp. 16-20

5 31 "Good Salary Administration." 1956

(mimeographed) May, 1956. 7 pp.

5 31 "Effective Salary Administration." 1956

(mimeographed) March, 1956. 4 pp.

5 31 "A New Method of Job Evaluation" 1954

Personnel, July, 1954. 11 pp

5 31 "Comparative Validities in Clerical Testing" 1954

Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 38, No. 5, 1954. pp. 291-301

5 31 "Bank Salary Administration for Employees and Officers." 1956

(mimeographed) 8 pp

5 31 "Your Boss is Your Training Director" 1956

Personnel Journal, Vol. 35, No. 6, November, 1956. pp. 220-221

5 32 "Cutting Correspondence Costs"

American Business, 5pp

5 32 "Predicting Success in Routine Bank Work."

(unpublished), 9 pp

5 32 Current Problems in Wage and Salary Administration.

Berkeley: California Personnel Management Association, no date. 7 pp.

5 32 "The Guide Chart-Profile Method: An Explanation."

(mimeographed), 10 pp.

5 32 "Three Studies in Intra-Group Rating."

(unpublished), 15 pp

5 32 "Do You Need a Systems and Procedures Section?"

(unpublished), 6 pp

5 32 "Job Evaluation Reliability."

(mimeographed), 13 pp

5 32 "Practical Rating Plans"

(unknown publication), pp. 17-29

5 32 "A Battery of Tests for Clerical Aptitude."

(unpublished), 16 pp

5 32 "Some Overlooked Responsibilities of Management Toward Employees."

(mimeographed), 9 pp