Bovine Tuberculosis and Its Control (original) (raw)


A small collection of James Law correspondence has been removed and rehoused as its own collection.

Approximately 1 linear foot of material created by Norman Moore has been removed and rehoused with the Norman Moore Papers (RMC # 51-01-1368).

Approximately 1 linear foot of material created by Mary Moore Shackleton has been removed and rehoused with the Shackleton Family collection (RMC # 37-05-3133).

A collection of reprints authored by Veranus Moore has been separated and housed in the Historical Veterinary Reprint and Pamphlet collection.

A collection of reprints and pamphlets by other authors has also been removed. Most have been rehoused in the Historical Veterinary Reprint and Pamphlet collection. Some have been discarded. A full list of what has been removed is available below.[ Some of the material in this list is obviously from Norman Moore's work. These items are included in the list but may not be available in the reprint collection.]

No Author

"Koch's tuberculosis conclusions." American Veterinary Review, September 1901.


Abel, John. "Chemistry in relation to biology and medicine with especial reference to insulin and other hormones." Reprinted from Science, October 1927.

Abel, Mary Hinman. "Sugar as Food." U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmer's Bulletin No. 93, 1899.

Ackerman, E. B. "Administrative Control of Glanders." Department of Health of the City of New York, Reprint No. 16, April 1914.

Alvord, Henry E. "Statistics of the dairy: Compiled from the United States census for 1890, and from other reliable sources with explanatory notes." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 11, 1896.

Alvord, Henry E. and R. A. Pearson. "The Milk Supply of Two Hundred Cities and Towns." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 46, 1903.

Armsby, Henry Prentiss and J. August Fries. "Energy values of red clover hay and Maize Meal: investigations with the respiration calorimeter, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania State College agricultural experiment station." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 74, 1905.

________ and J. August Fries. "The Available Energy of Red Clover Hay." U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 101, 8 January 1908

Arup, Johannes. "Viehversicherungen in Danemark." VIII. Internationaler Tierarztlicher Kongress in Budapest, 1905.

Atwater, W.O. and Chas D. Woods. "The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials." U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin, No. 28, 1896.

________. "Foods: Nutritive Value and Cost." U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin, No. 23, 1894.

Atwood, George E. and George Hassletine. "Undulant Fever in Ware County, GA." Reprinted from Public Health Reports, 13 June 1930.

Aujeszky, Aladar. "Die Bedeutung der saurefesten, tuberelbacillenahnlichen stabchen bei der beurteilung der untersuchunern auf tuberkulose." VIII Internationaler Tierarztlicher Kongress in Budapest, 1905.

Ayers, Henry S. "The present status of the pasteurization of milk." U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 342, 8 January 1916.


Babes, V. "Rapport sur les recherches plus recentes concernant la transmission des maladies des animaux domestiques chez l'homme." VIII. Congres International de Medecine Veterinaire, Budapest, 1905.

Bailey, L.H. "Dr. L.H. Bailey on the Farm-Bureau Movement." An address by the former director of the New York State College of Agriculture before the Erie County Farm Bureau Association of Buffalo, NY, 17 March 1914.

Baker, J.C. and L.L. Van Slyke. "The Determination of the Keeping Quality of Milk." From Technical Bulletin, No. 72, June 1919.

________. and L.L. Van Slyke. "A Method for the preliminary detection of abnormal milks, No. 71, June 1919.

________. and L.L. Van Slyke. "The reaction of milk in relation to the presence of blood cells and of specific bacterial infections of the udder." Technical Bulletin, No. 80, July 1920.

Baldwin, Edward, R. "The Ophthalmo-Tuberculin diagnotic test." Reprinted from The Journal of the American Medical Association, 14 December 1907.

________ and P.A. Levene. "The action of proteolytic enzymes on bacterial toxins." Reprinted from Journal of Medical Research, Vol. VI, July 1901.

_________. "The problem of immunity in tuberculosis." Reprinted from Transactions of the Sixth International Congress on Tuberculosis, 28 September and 5 October 1908.

Bancroft, Wilder D. and J.E. Rutzler. "Reversible coagulation in living tissue." Reprinted from the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 17, April 1931.

Barach, Alvan, L. "The therapeutic use of oxygen in heart disease." Reprinted from Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol. 5, October 1931.

Barker, Lewellys, F. "On the study of anatomy." Reprinted from The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Vol. XII, April-June 1901.

________. "The unveiling of the cell." Reprinted from The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1 March 1902.

________. "Progress of Neurology." Reprinted from The Philadelphia Medical Journal, 1899.

Barnes, Arlie R. and Merritt B. Whitten. "Study of the R-T interval in myocardial infarction." Reprinted from The American Heart Journal, December 1929.

Bassett, S.H., Evelyn Holt and F.O. Santos. "The Influence of meat upon physical efficiency." Reprinted from The American Journal of Physiology, May 1922.

Beach, J.R. "The effect of feeding bacillus acidophilus, lactose, dry skim milk, or whole milk on the hydrogen ion concentration of the contents of the ceca of chickens." Hilgardia: A Journal of Agricultural Science published by the California agricultural experiment station, October 1925.

________. "Infectious bronchitis of fowls." Reprinted from Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, February 1926.

________. "Observations on the occurrence of fowl cholera in California." Reprinted from Poultry Science, August - September 1922.

_______. "Suggestions to poultrymen concerning chicken-pox." University of California College of Agriculture Berkeley Circular No. 145, December 1915.

_______ and J.C. Corl. "Studies in the control of avian coccidiosis." Reprinted from Poultry Science, Vol. 4, February-March, 1925.

_______. and D.E. Davis. "Coccidiosis of chickens." University of California College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Circular 300, October 1926.

_______. and D.E. Davis. "The influence of feeding lactose or dry skim milk on artificial infection of chicks with eimeria avium." Hilgardia: a journal of agricultural science published by the California agricultural experiment station, October 1925.

Beal, F.E.L. "Some common birds: in their relation to agriculture." From the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin, No. 54, 1897.

Bela, Kovacsy. "Az istalloza es legeltetes elettni es allattenyesztesi szempontbol." From VIII. Nemzetkozi Allatorvosi Kongresszus Budapesten, 1905.

Berry, John M. "A Comparison of the phagocytic action of leukocytes in amphibia and mammalia." Reprinted from the Transactions of the Twentieth Annual Meetings of the American Microscopical Society held at Toledo, Ohio, 5-7 August 1897.

Biggs, Hermann M. "Milk-Borne Septic Sore Throat: A New Health Problem." New York State Department of Health, 1915.

________. "Preventive Medicine in the City of New York." The address in public medicine delivered at the 65th annual meeting of the British medical association, in Montreal, Canada, September 1897.

Birch, R.R. "Hog cholera." Cornell Reading Course for the Farm: Livestock Series, Lesson 150, October 1919.

________. "Garbage feeding, and the care of garbage fed swine." Reprinted from the 1918 Report of the New York State Veterinary College.

________. and H.L. Gilman. "Handling Bang Abortion Diseases; a program for the veterinary practitioner." Reprinted from the Annual Report of the New York State Veterinary College at Cornell University, 1927-1928.

________. and H.L. Gilman. "The agglutination test as an aid in handling bang abortion disease." Reprinted from the 1929 Annual report of the state veterinary college.

________. and H.L. Gilman. "Bang abortion disease in cattle." Cornell extension bulletin published by the New York State college of agriculture at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Bulletin 137, April 1926.

Bissell, William G. "Municipal water-supplies and their examination." Reprinted from The Philadelphia Medical Journal, 30 August 1902.

Bitting, A.W. "Bovine tuberculosis in Indiana." Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 63, December 1896.

Bolton, B.M. "The bacteriolytic power of the blood serum of hogs." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 95, 12 March 1907.

Bongert, J. "Uber die art der infection bei der tuberkulose der haustiere." VIII. Internationaler Tieraztlicher Kongress in Budapest, 1905.

Bourne, Wesley. "What constitutes an efficient anesthesia service for hospitals." Reprinted from American College of Surgeons, March 1930.

Bowen, John T. "The cost of pasteurizing milk and cream." Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, No. 85, 27 April 1914.

Blanchard R. "Substances toxiques produites par les parasites animaux." VIII. Congres International de Medecine Veterinaire, Budapest, 1905.

Breed, Robert S. and James D. Brew. "The control of bacteria in market milk by direct microscopic examination." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 443, December, 1917.

Brewer, F.W. "Tuberculosis." Agricultural College of Utah Experiment Station, No. 41, 31 December 1895.

Brooks, Paul B. "Two Milk-borne septic sore throat epidemics." Reprinted from American Journal of Public Health, September 1929.

Brower, A. Blaine and Walter M. Simpson. "Antianemic influence of desiccated whole hog stomach." Reprinted from The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, September 1931.

Brown, Charles W. and Kurt Peiser. "Keeping qualities of butter v. pasteurization and its influence, (contribution) a study of the factors which influence the resistance of lactic acid bacteria to heat." Michigan agricultural college experiment station division of bacteriology, Technical Bulletin, No. 30, October 1916.

Bugbee, Henry G. "Diverticulum of the ureter: a report of three cases." Reprinted from The Journal of Urology, August 1931.

________. "Multiple fractures of the pelvis with rupture of he bladder." Reprinted from Transactions of the American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, 1927.

________. "Postoperative care of urological cases." Reprinted from The American journal of surgery, July 1931.

________. and Arthur J. Murphy. "The value and limitations of uroselectan as an aid in urological diagnosis." Reprinted from The Journal of Urology, March 1931.

________. "Silent ureteral calculi." Reprinted from the Transactions of the American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons for 1930.

________. "Cases of unsuspected carcinom of the prostate discovered on microscopic section." Reprinted from The Journal of urology, October 1929.

Bullard, Margerite J. "Study of the Bacterial Flora of the Intestinal Mucusa of the Normal Rabbit." American Medicine, 4 October 1902.

Burnett, Samuel H. "The control of an outbreak of anthrax." Reprinted from American Veterinary Review, May 1908.

_______. "Noted on the clinical examination of the blood of the domesticated animals." American Veterinary Review, December 1903.

Busey, Samuel C. "The duties of physicians to the profession and their relation to the medical charities of the district of Columbia." Reprinted from Transactions of the medical society of the District of Columbia, 15 December 1897.

_______. "Compulsory Reports of Zygotic Diseases; Milk Legislation; Medical Practice Law; And Society Publication of its Transactions." Annual Address of the President of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia, 18 December 1895.

Buxton, R.H. "Bacterial Purification of Sewage." Reprinted from The Philadelphia Medical Journal, 5 April 1902.


Calvin, Joseph K. and A.H. Goldberg. "Plasma Proteins and Edema: Their relationship in a group of children presenting the nephritic syndrome" Reprinted from the American Journal of Diseases of Children, August 1931.

Campbell, H.C. "Leucocytes in Milk: Methods of Determination and the effect of heat upon their number." U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin 117, 1909.

Campell, S.B. Boyd and S.I. Turkington. "Right bundle-branch blook. An analysis of the clinical records of fifty-six cases with typical electrocardiograms" Reprinted from Quarterly Journal of Medicine, July 1931.

Cannon, Walter B. "The dog's gift to the relief of human suffering." Reprinted from Hygenia, January 1926.

Carpenter, Charles M. "Brucella abortus in udders of vaccinated and naturally infected cattle." Cornell Veterinarian, April 1926.

Carter, Edward P. and Benjamin Baker Jr. "Certain aspects of syphilitic cardiac disease." Reprinted from Bulletin of John Hopkins Hospital, May 1931.

Carter, H. R. "Methods of the conveyance of yellow fever infection." United States Treasury Department, Bureau of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Yellow Fever Institute Bulletin No. 10, 1902.

_______. "Shipment of merchandise from a town infected with yellow fever." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, 1899

_______. "Train inspection in yellow fever epidemics." Reprinted from Annual Report Marine-Hospital Service, United States Treasury Department, 1899.

Carter, William Wesley. "The importance of nasal plastic surgery." Reprinted from The Larynogoscope, July 1930.

_______. "Transposition of Section from the Auricle for the Correction of a Nasal Defect." Reprinted from the Archives of Otolaryngology, August 1930.

Cary. C.A. "Bovine tuberculosis." Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 67, November 1895.

Cattell, J. McKeen. "Some psychological experiments." Reprinted from Science, 1 January and 8 January 1926.

Celi. A and R. Fiocca. "Beitrage zur Amobenforshung. Zweite vorlaufige Mitteilung. Ueber die Klassifikation der Amoben und einige gezuchtete Species." Pasoerorean, May 1894.

Chapin, Charles V. "Some Sanitary Problems." The annual address before the Rhode Island Medical Society, 26 May 1908.

Chester, F.D. "Protective inoculation against anthrax." The Proceedings of the Seventeenth meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Agriculutural Sciences, August 1896.

Church, H.R., M.F. Barnes, W.H. Ridge and F.A. Marshall. "Infectious abortion and sterility" Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, December 1921.

Claypole, Agnes Mary. "The enterion of the Cayuga Lake lamprey." Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society, 1894.

________. "New method for securing paraffin sections to the slide or cover-glass." Proceedings of the American Microscopial Society, n.d.

Claypole, Edith J. "An Investigation of the blood of necturus and cryptobranchus." Extract from Proceedings, 1893.

Coit, Henry L. "The work of medical milk commissions in the campaign for the betterment of milk production and distribution." Reprinted from Transactions of the Fifteenth International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, 23-28 September 1912.

Connaway, J.W. "Hog Cholder and immature corn." University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 174, September 1920.

Cope, E.D. "On the characters of some Paleozoic fishes." Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 1891.

Cope, C.L. "the excretion of creatinine by the human kidney in health and in nephritis." Quarterly Journal of Medicine, July 1931.

Councilman, W.T., F.B. Mallory and R.M. Pearce. "Diphtheria: a study of the bacteriology and pathology of two hundred and twenty fatal cases." 1901.

Crawley, Howard. "Studies on blood and blood parasites." U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 119, 1909.

Curtice, Cooper. "The cattle tick." Reprinted form the Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives, July 1891.

________. "The oxwarble of the United States." Reprinted from the Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives, June 1891.

_______. "Fowl typhoid." Rholed Island College of Agriculture and Mechaic Arts, Bulletin No. 87 September1902.


Davies, Daniel T. "Studies on achlorhydria and anaemia." Reprinted from the Quarterly Journal of Medicine, July 1931.

Dawson Charles F. "Epithelioma contagiosum." Florida Agricultural experiment station department of veterinary science, 1 October 1902.

________. "Hog cholera and swine plague." Florida Agricultural experiment station department of veterinary science, 15 March 1902.

_______. "Lumpy Jaw." Florida Agricultural experiment station department of veterinary science, 15 June 1902.

_______. "Moon Blindness." Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Veterinary Science, Bulletin No. 28, 15 July 1902.

_______. "Parturient paralysis." Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Veterinary Science, 15 April 1902.

_______. "Roup." Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Veterinary Science, 1 June 1902.

________. "Some Poultry Pests." Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Veterinary Science,, 1 January and 15 January 1902.

Day, L. Enos. "Embryonal adenosacromoa of the kidney in swine." Reprinted from the Twenty-Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, 1907.

Dearborn, Ned. "Rabbit Growing to Supplement the Meat Supply." Separate from Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture, 1918, No. 784.

De Forest, Henry P. "Blindess of the newborn." Reprinted from the New York Medical Journal, 29 May and 5 June 1915.

_________. "Prostitution personal observations of police methods of dealing with prostituion in Germany." Reprinted form the New York State Journal of Medicine, October 1908.

De Jesus, Zacarias. "The Germicidal Properties of the Mixture of Kerosene and Coconut Oil." Philippine Agriculturist, February 1928.

De Schweinitz, E. A. "The War with the Microbes." Reprinted from Science, 9 April 1897.

_________, Marion Dorset and E.C. Schroeder. "Experiments concerning tuberculosis." United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin, No. 52 pt. 2, 1905.

D'Herelle, F. "Annual Graduate Fortnight: bacteriohage as a treatment in acute medical and surgical infections." Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, May 1931.

Dikmans, G. "Two new lungworms form North America ruminants and a note on the lungworms of sheep in the United States." Reprinted from Proceedings of the United States National Musuem, 1931.

Dixon, Samuel G. "Koch's method of treating tuberculosis." Medical News, 17 January 1891.

_________. "Law, Foundatoin of state medicine." Reprinted from the Journal of American Medical Associations, 8 June 1907.

Doan, Charles A. "The clinical implications of experimental hematology." Reprinted from Medicine, September 1931.

Dorset, Marion. "Experiments concerning tuberculosis." United States Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 52 pt.1, 1904.

_________, C.N. McBryde and W. B. Niles." Further experiment concerning the production of immunity from hog cholera." U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 102, 1908.

Douglass, Stephan A. and William C. Jensen. "Experience in finding tuberculosis cases in Cattaraugus county." Cattaraugus County Health Demonstration, 1 September 1926.

________. "Sanatorium-home treatment aids tuberculosis fight." Reprinted from The Nation's Health, March 1962.

Dugger, J.F. and W.F. Ward. "Experiments in beef production in Alabama." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 103, 27 Feb 1908.


Eager, J. M. "Yellow fever in France, Italy, Great Britain, and Austria, and Bibliography of Yellow Fever in Europe." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, Yellow Fever Institute Bulletin No. 8, May 1902.

Eber A. "Feststellung einheitlicher grundsatze fur die Beurteilung der Tuberkulinreaktion beim Rinde." VIII. Internationaler Tierarzlicher Kongress in Budapest, 1905.

Eccles, R.G. "Darwinism and Diabetes."

Egan, James A. "Facts and fallacies concerning interstate reciprocity in medical licenses." A paper read by invitation, before the Illinois State Medical Society at Springfield, 17 May 1906.

Ernest, L.B. and Elmer Lash. "Tuberculin testing of livestock." United States Department of Agriculture, Circular, No. 249, December 1922.

Ernst, Harold C. "Progress of Medicine." An oration delivered before the Norfolf District Medical Socity at the Celebratin of the Semi-Centennial of its organization, 8 May 1900.

Evans, Alice C. "Studies on brucella (alkaligenes) melitensis." Treasury Department United States Public Health Service, Hygenic Laboratory Bulletin, August 1925.

Evans, Walter C. "Copper supnate and germination: treatment of seed with copper sulpahte to prevent the attacks of fungi." U.S. Department of Agriculture Division of Vegetable and Physiology and Pathology, Bulletin No. 10, 1896.

Exelby, Paul A. "An analysis of the results of treatment of caes of type II arthritis in the Sanford clinic." Reprinted from the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, September 1930.


Fairchild, D.G. "Bodeaux Mixture as fungicide." U.S. Department of Agriculture Division of Vegetable Pathology, 1894.

______. "Experiments in preventing leaf diseases of nursery stock in Western New York." Reprinted form the Journal of Mycology, 1891.

Farrand, Livingston. "Health demonstrations in the United States." Reprinted from the American Journal of Public Health, February 1927.

Field, George W. "Notes on the mortality of incubator chicks." Agricultural Experiment Station of the Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Bulletin No. 61, December 1899.

Finlay, Carlos Jr. "President's Address." Presented before the American Public Health Association Hava, Cuba, n.d.

Fischer, Paul. "Bovine tuberculosis." Experiment Station of the Kansas State Agricultural College, Bulletin No. 79, April 1898.

Fish, Pierre A. "The brain." Extracted from The Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, Part III, 1899.

______. "Brain preservation with a resume of some old and new methods." Reprinted from the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, February 1894.

_______. "The central nervous system of desmognathus fusca. Reprinted from the Journal of Morphology, 1895.

_______. "The epithelium of the brain cavities." Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists, 1890.

_______. "The form and relations of the nerve cells and fibers in desmognathus fusca." Reprinted from Anatomischer Anzeiger, ca. 1894.

________. "Formalin for the preservation of brains." Journal of Comparative Neurology, July 1895.

_______. "The insidium of the callosum." Reprinted from the Journal of Comparative Neurology, June 1893.

______. "James Law." Reprinted from Cornell Veterinarian, July 1921.

________. "A new clearer for collodinized objects." Proceedings of the American Microscopial Society, 1893.

________. "Seventy years of veterinary service in the United States." Journal of the Amercian Veterinary Association, May 1929.

______. "The terminologyof the nerve cell." Reprinted from The Journal of Comparative Neurology, September 1984.

______. "The terminology of the nerve cell." Reprinted from Proceedings of Sixth Annual Session of Association of American Anatomists, 1894.

________. "Use of formalin in neurology." Proceedings of the American Microscopial Society, 1895.

Fisher, Irving and Emily F. Robbins. "Memorial relating to the conservation of human life as contemplated by bill (S.1) providing for a United States public-health service." Referred to the committee on public health and national quarantine and ordered to be printed, 5 April 1912.

Fitch, C.P. "Organisms morphologically resembling anthrax bacteria." Annual Report of the State Veterinary College, ca. 1905.

________. "A review of the principal methods used to standardize bacterin (bacterial vaccines)." Reprinted from The Journal of the American Medical Association, 13 March 1915.

Forbush, William Byron. "Amusement for Convalescent Children." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 19, 1920.

Freiberg, Joseph A. "Arthritis-the allergic type." Reprinted from American Medicine, October 1930.

__________. "The allergic joint." Reprinted from the Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, August 1930.

__________. "Allergy as a Factor in the Production of proliferative arthritis." Reprinted from the Archives of Surgery, February 1929.

Frothingham, Langdon. "The Rapid Diagnosis of Rabies." Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, April 1906.

_________. "Impression preparations and the van gieson stain for negri bodies." Reprinted from the American Journal of Public Hygiene, February 1908.

Furtuna, M. "Etablissement de principes unifromes pour l'estimation de la reaction de la tuberculine et de la malleine. VIII Congres International de Medecine Veterinaire a Budapest, 1905.


Gage, Simon Henry. "Life-history of the vermilion-spotted newt." Reprinted from the American Naturalist, December 1891.

_______. "Marker for indicating the position of objects or parts of objects in microscopial preparations." Proceedings of the American Microscopial Society, 1894.

_______. "Notes on Historical methods including a brief consideration of the methods of pathlogical and vegetable histology." For the use of laboratory students in the anatomical department of the Cornell University, 1885-86.

_______. "Relation of the ureters and the great veins in the cat." Reprinted from Proceedings of the Association of American Anatomists, 28-30 December 1898.

______. "The importance and the promise in the study of domestic animals." An address given to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 21-26 August 1899.

_____. "Sketch of the life of John Henry Comstock, Professor Emeritus of Entomology in Cornell University." Reprinted with the permission of the National Council of Boy Scouts of American from Boy Scout Booklet, Insect Life, by J. Chester Bradley and E.L. Palmer.

Gage, Susanna Phelps. "A three weeks' human embryo with especial reference to the brain and the nephric system." Reprinted from the American Journal of Anatomy, 15 September 1905.

Galloway, B.T. "Report on the experiments made in 1891 in the treatment of plant diseases." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 3, 1892.

Geschickter, Charles F. "Laboratory aids in surgery of the bones and joints." Reprinted from The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, May 1931.

Gibier, Paul. "Serumtheraphy in poisoning by the venom of snakes." Bulletin of the Pasteur Institute, 1897.

Gibson, H.B., S. Clavert and D.W. May. "Dietary studies at the universityof Missouri in 1895 and data relating to bread and meat consumption in Missouri." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin No. 31, 1896.

Gilbert, Ruth and Marion B. Coleman. "Recent cases of undulant fever in New York state." Reprinted from the Journal of Infectious Diseases, October 1928.

Gill, Theodore. "Notes on the genus chonerhinus or xenopterus." Proceedings U.S. National Musuem, 1884.

________. "Notes on the genus hiatula of lacepee or tatoga of mitchill." Proceedings of U.S. National Musuem, 1884?

_______. "Notes on the tetraodontoida." Reprinted from Proceedings of the United States National Musuem, 1892.

______. "On the genus gnathanacanthus of bleeker." Reprinted from Proceedings of the United States Natoina Musuem, 1884?

Givens, Amos J. "Prevention of nervous and mental diseases through extension of medical inspection of schools." Read at the Stamford Medical Society, January 1911.

Gray, John W. "Classification and treatment of chronic arthritis." Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, May 1935.

______, Fendrick and Gowen. "Rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis/ rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis from the laboratory point of view." Texas State Journal of Medicine, July/ September 1932.

______ and Cecil H. Gowen. "The role of the streptococcus in arthritis deformans." American Journal of the Medical Sciences, November 1931.

Gruenberg, Benjamin C. "The chains of Prometheus." Reprinted from The Scientific Monthly, December 1927.

Guild, Harriet G. "The prognosis of acute glomerular nephritis in childhood." Reprinted form Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, April 1931.

Greene, Carl H., Albert M. Snell and Waltman Walters, "Functional tests in the surgical diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver and bile ducts." Reprinted from The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, May 1931.

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Gruber, Th. "Die Milch und deren Behandlung mit besondere Rucksicht auf die Reform des melkens, entsprechend den hyienishen anforderungen." VIII Internationaler Tierarzlicher Kongress in Budapest, 1905.


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_______. "Effect of temperature of pasteurization on the creaming ability of milk." University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 237, December 1921.

______and L.L Van Slyke. "Chloroform as an aid in the study of milk enzymes." New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin No. 6, December 1907.

_____and J.K. Wilson. "A study of the udder flora of cows." Technical Bulletin No. 27, n.d.

Haring, C.M., W.A. Sawyer and D.N. Morgan. "Bovine tuberculosis investigations." Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Forty-sixth Annual Convention of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1909.

________and Ralph M. Bell. "The intradermal test for tuberculosis in cattle and hogs." College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station, Berkeley, California, Bulletin No. 23, March 1914.

Hardenbergh, J.B. and Fred Boerner Jr. "Vaccinations against hemorrhagic septicemia, no. 2." Reprinted from The Journal of American Veterinary Medicine, March 1917.

Hassall, Albert and C.W. Stiles. "Strongylus rubidus, a new species of nematode, parasitic in pigs." Reprinted from The Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives, April 1892.

Hasseltine, H.E. "Current studies of undulant fever." Reprinted from the Public Health Reports, 12 July 1929.

Hatcher, Robert A. "The work of the council on pharmacy and chemistry." Reprinted from The American Medical Asssociation Journal, 4 November 1916.

Heard, Dwight B. "Public grazing lands: the range homestead." Reprinted from The American Review of Reviews, September 1915.

Henkel, Alice. "Wild Medicinal plants of the United States." U.S. Department of Agricuture Bureau of Plant Industry, Bulletin No. 89, 1906.

Hewitt, Charles N. "Infectious Diseases of hogs: a paper describing some of these diseases as they appear in swine." State Board of Health in Minnesota, 1894.

Hickman, Richard W. "Description and treatment of scabies in cattle." U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 40, 1902.

Hill, R.L. "The physical curd character of milk and its relationship to the digestibility of food value of milk for infants." Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 207, June 1928.

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Yard, W. W. "Hog cholera and its control." State of Colorado Bulletin No. 1, ca. 1918.

Miscellaneous New York State Department of Health Publications

"Annual report of the Division of Laboratories and Research." Extract from Fiftieth Annual Report of the State Department of Health for 1929, 1930.

"Cancer: facts which every adult should know." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 20, 1919.

"The conduct of an isolation period for communicable disease in a home." New York State Department of Health, 1919.

"Diphtheria." New York State Department of Health, Division of Communicable Diseases, n.d. "Diphtheria: information for parents, physicians and health officers." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 23, 1919.

"The Division of Laboratories and Research: A short account of its history and present status." New York State Department of Health, n.d.

"Extract from twenty-ninth annual report." New York State Department of Health, 1908.

"Laboratories approved for public health service." New York State Department of Health, 1930.

"Measles." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 17, 1919.

"Measles and whooping cough." New York State Department of Health, Division of Communicable Diseases, n.d.

"poliomyelitis, acute anterior: information for parents, physicians and health officers." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 25, 1920.

"Scarlet fever." New York State Department of Health, Division of Communicable Diseases, n.d.

"Scarlet fever-scarlatina: information for parents, physicians and health officers." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 15, 1921.

"Smallpox." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 11, 1919.

"Statement in regard to state aid for count and municipal laboratories." New York State Department of Health, February 1924.

"Typhoid fever: information for patients, physicians and health officers." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 16, 1919.

"Vaccination: what it is, what it does, what its claims are on the people." New York State Department of Health, 1908

"Vaccination." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 12, 1919.

"Venereal diseases." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 26, 1917.

"Whooping cough: information for parents, physicians and health officers." New York State Department of Health, Circular No. 18, 1919.

Health News, New York State Department of Health, 5 August 1929.

Health News, New York State Department of Health, 21 October 1929.

Health News, New York State Department of Health, 14 July 1930.

Health News, New York State Department of Health, 23 February 1931.

Miscellaneous New York State Department of Farms and Markets Publications

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"The foot and mouth disease in New York State." State of New York, Department of Agriculture, n.d..

"A partial list of owners of pure-bred live stock in New York State." State of New York, Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 17, 1910.

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"Summary report of farm bureau work in New York State for the calendar year 1914." Farm Bureaus of New York, Bulletin No. 6, June 1915.

Miscellaneous United States Department of Agriculture Publications

"The control of bovine tuberculosis." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry ,Circular 175, 1911.

"Control and eradication of tuberculosis in cattle." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, List No. 1, 1 July 1918.

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"Directions for use of blackleg vaccine." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Circular No. 21, 1897.

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"How to distinguish the different mosquitoes of North America." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, Circular No. 40, 1900.

"How to select good cheese." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Circular No. 11, n.d.

"Investigations concerning bovine tuberculosis." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin No. 7, 1894.

"Milk as food." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 74, 1908.

"Mycotic stomatitis of cattle." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Circular No. 51, 1904.

"Proceedings of a conference of federal and state representatives to consider plans for the eradication of the cattle tick." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 97, 1907.

"Regulations concerning cattle transportation." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 8, 1897.

"Regulations governing entrance to the veterinary inspector examination." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Circular No. 150, 1909.

"Regulations governing the interstate movement of live stock." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 263, 1919

"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 137, 1906

"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 150, 1908

"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 211, 1914

"Regulations governing the meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Order No. 211, revised, 1922.

Reports of experiments with various insecticide substances, chiefly upon insects affecting garden crops, made under the direction of the entomologist." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology, Bulletin No. 11, 1886.

"Service Announcements." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, No. 30, 1909.

"Special report on the market for American horses in foreign countries." U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1898.

"State sanitary requirements governing admission of live stock." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, 1911.

"Tuberculosis: A plain statement of facts regarding the disease, prepared especially for farmers and others interested in live stock." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 473, 1916.

"Tuberculosis in live stock: Detection, control and eradication." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers' Bulletin No. 1069, 1919.

Miscellaneous United States Department of Public Health Publications

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Public Health Reports, Volume 26, No. 14 (7 April 1911)

"Report of commission of medical officers detailed by authority of the President to investigate the cause of yellow fever." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, 1899.

"Yellow fever: its nature, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis and quarantine regulations relating thereto." United States Treasury Department, Marine-Hospital Service, 1899.

Venereal disease information. United States Treasury Department, Public Health Service, Vol 12, no. 10 (20 October 1931).


United States Bureau of the Census. "Tuberculosis in the United States [ prepared for the International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, Fall 1908]. Census Publications on Mortality Statistics, V.S. pamphlet No. 109, ca. 1909.

A number of complete journals were also discarded

American Journal of Pathology Vol. 1, no. 5 (Sept 1925)

American Medical Association Bulletin Vol. 25, no. 4 (April 1930) Vol. 26, no. 10 (Oct 1931)

Centralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten Vol. 31, no. 6 (Feb 1902) Vol. 31, no. 9 (Mar 1902) Vol. 31, no. 21/22 (Jul 1902) Vol. 31, no. 25 (Jul 1902) Vol. 31, no. 26 (Aug 1902) Vol. 32, no. 2 (Aug 1902) Vol. 32, no. 5 (Sep 1902) Vol. 32, no. 10 (Oct 1902) Vol. 32, no. 11 (Oct 1902) Vol. 32, no. 14 (Nov 1902) Vol. 32, no. 16 (Dec 1902) Vol. 32, no. 17 (Dec 1902) Vol. 32, no. 18 (Dec 1902) Vol. 32, no. 20 (Dec 1902) Vol. 32, no. 21 (Feb 1903)

Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 83, no.3 (19 Jul 1924) Vol. 83, no.4 (26 Jul 1924) Vol. 83, no.6 (9 Aug 1924) Vol. 83, no.7 (16 Aug 1924) Vol. 83, no.8 (23 Aug 1924) Vol. 83, no.9 (30 Aug 1924) Vol. 83, no.10 (6 Sep 1924) Vol. 93, no.12 (21 Sept 1929) Vol. 93, no.25 (21 Dec 1929) Vol. 96, no.4 (24 Jan 1931)

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association Vol. 76/new series Vol. 29, no. 5 (May 1930) Vol. 78/new series Vol. 31, no. 4 (Apr 1931)

Journal of Bacteriology (the year Moore was an Advisory Editor) Vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1918) Vol. 3, no. 2 (March 1918) Vol. 3, no. 3 (May 1918) Vol. 3, no. 4 (July 1918)

North American Veterinarian Vol. 11, no.3 (March 1930) Vol. 12, no 3 (March 1931)

Science Vol. 73, no. 1883 (30 Jan 1931) Vol. 73, no. 1884 (6 Feb 1931) Vol. 73, no. 1888 (6 March 1931) Vol. 73, no. 1891 (27 March1931) Vol. 73, no. 1892 (3 April 1931) Vol. 73, no. 1899 (22 May 1931)