RRUFF Database: Raman, X-ray, Infrared, and Chemistry (original) (raw)

REFERENCES for Genthelvite

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record]

Anthony J W, Bideaux R A, Bladh K W, and Nichols M C (1990) Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson Arizona, USA, by permission of the Mineralogical Society of America.[view file]

Glass J J, Jahns R H, Stevens R E (1944) Helvite and danalite from New Mexico and the helvite group, American Mineralogist, 29, 163-191[view file]

Fleischer M (1945) New mineral names, American Mineralogist, 30, 548-550[view file]

Kingsbury A W G (1961) Beryllium minerals in Cornwall and Devon: helvine, genthelvite, and danalite, Mineralogical Magazine, 32, 921-940[view file]

Morgan W C, (1967) Genthelvite and bertrandite from the Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland, Mineralogical Magazine, 36, 60-63[view file]

Dunn P J (1976) Genthelvite and the helvine group, Mineralogical Magazine, 40, 627-636[view file]

Hassan I, Grundy H D (1984) The crystal structures of sodalite-group minerals, Acta Crystallographica, B40, 6-13

Hassan I, Grundy H D (1985) The crystal structures of helvite group minerals, (Mn,Fe,Zn)8(Be6Si6O24)S2, American Mineralogist, 70, 186-192[view file]

Burt D M (1988) Stability of genthelvite, Zn4(BeSiO4)3S: an exercise in chalcophilicity using exchange operators, American Mineralogist, 73, 1384-1394[view file]

Finch A A (1990) Genthelvite and willemite, zinc minerals associated with alkaline magmatism from the Motzfeldt centre, South Greenland, Mineralogical Magazine, 54, 407-412[view file]

Hettmann K, Wenzel T, Marks M, Markl G (2012) The sulfur speciation in S-bearing minerals: New constraints by a combination of electron microprobe analysis and DFT calculations with special reference to sodalite-group minerals, American Mineralogist, 97, 1653-1661[view file]

Zito G, Hanson S L (2017) Genthelvite overgrowths on danalite cores from a pegmatite miarolitic cavity in Cheyenne Canyon, El Paso County, Colorado, The Canadian Mineralogist, 55, 195-206