42 (Svensk-engelsk fackordbok för näringsliv, förvaltning, undervisning och forskning) (original) (raw)

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armé|råd 42 artilleri|eldledningsflygplan

armé|råd Army Council; A~staben the [-[Swedish]-]

Army Staff; Chefen för A~staben the Chief

of the [Swedish|Army Staff; ~tygförvaltning;

Kungl. A~tygförvaltningen, KATF the Royal

[Swedish] Army Matériel Administration;

Chefen för Kungl. A ~tygförvaltningen the Chief

of the Royal [Swedish] Army Matériel

Administration; munderingenj ör Second

Lieut-nant, S. A. E. M. E. C. (Swedish Army

Electrical and Mechanical Engineers’ Corps);

överdirektören the Inspector of the [Swedish]

Army Matériel Field Repairs; (Chefen för

Tygtekniska kåren) the Chief of the [Swedish] Army

Electrical and Mechanical Engineers’ Corps,

(äv. med tjänstegrad) Brigadier (US Brigadier

General), S. A. E. M. E. C.; A~överläkaren

the Surgeon-in-Chief of the [Swedish] Army;

(äv. med tjänstegrad) Brigadier (US Brigadier

General), S. A. M. C. [: Swedish Army

Medical Corps]

arm|fäste (fästanordning) bracket; ~stöd

elbow-rest; the arms of a chair; ~system spider

arom|garanterad flavour-sealed,

flavour-(aroma-) guaranteed; ~glas balloon glass

Arosmässan the Aros Conference

Arragonien Arragon

arrakspunsch arrack punch

arrangemang arrangement; preparation;

provision; setup; layout, make-up; installation;

plan, planning; appearance; get-up (finish) [of

a book]; system; disposition; disposal;

organization; grouping; placing; scheme,

design; presentation; outline, draft; pattern;

furnishing; adaptation, adjustment; execution;

drawing up [of]; contrivance

arrangera to arrange, to organize; to group;

to place; to design; (iscensätta) to stage;

~ en tävling to arrange (stage, promote) a

competition (meeting)

arrendator tenant farmer; (äv.) tenant,

leaseholder, lessee

arrende (kontraktsförhållande) lease, leasehold,

tenancy; (-avgift) rent, rental; ~ avslutat

(avtal träffat) innan det gamla utgått concurrent

lease; efterskänkning av ~ remission of rent;

perpetuellt ~ perpetuity; ömsesidigt uppsäghart

~ tenancy at will; uppsäga ett ~ to give

notice to terminate a tenancy (lease)

arrende|avgift rent, rental, rent money;

~belopp se arrendeavgift; ~fri rent-free;

~förlängning lease renewal; ~försäkring farming

comprehensive insurance; ~handling

(dokument) leasehold (lease) deed; ~inkomst rent;

~innehav tenancy, leasehold, tenure;

tidsbegränsat ~innehav tenancy for [a certain

number of, five, ten, twenty-five, etc.] years;

~intäkter leasehold (rent) receipts, rents;

mjord leasehold [estate], leasehold property;

~kontrakt lease, contract of lease, tenancy

agreement; standardformulär för ~kontrakt

standard form of lease, standard form of

tenancy agreement; ~område leased land,

acreage (area) under tenancy

arrendera to lease, to take on lease, to take

a lease of, to rent; ~ ut to let out on lease,

to lease out

arrender|are; ut ~are lessor; ~bar leaseable

arrende|system tenancy system; ~tid term of

lease, lease period, period of tenancy, term

(period) of lease tenancy, tenure; tidens

utgång lease expiration; ~villkor tenure;

~-värde rental (lease, letting) value;

~överlåtelse assignment of lease

arrest custody, detention; (mil.) arrest; (lokal)

gaol, (US) jail; prison; (mil.) guard-room,

detention barracks

arreter|a to block, to clamp; ~ingsanordning

blocking device, stop

arrendera (jordegendom) to concentrate, to

consolidate; to locate

arsenat arsenate; ammonium~ ammonium

arsenate; magnesium~ magnesium arsenate

arsenik arsenic; metallisk ~ arsenic metal

arsenik|behandla; ~behandlat papper arsenical

paper; ~blomma arsenic bloom, arsenolite,

pharmacolite, white arsenic; ~blände

orpiment; ~bromid arsenic bromide; ~fri

arsenic-free, non-arsenic; ~fyndigheter

arsenic deposits; ~förening arsenic compound;

~haltig arsenical, containing arsenic; ~jodid

arsenic iodide; ~järn iron arsenide;

leuco-pyrite; lollingite; ~kis arsenical iron (pyrites),

arsenopyrite, mispickel; ~klorid arsenic

chloride; ~malm arsenic ore; ~oxid

arsenious oxide, white arsenic; ~pentoxid

arsenic pentoxide; ~sulfid arsenic sulphide;

~syra arsenic acid; ~tribromid arsenic

tribromide; ~triklorid arsenic trichloride;

~trioxid arsenic trioxide, arsenious acid;

~väte arsenic hydride, hydride of arsenic

artesisk; ~t tillstånd artesian condition; ~t

tryck artesian pressure; ~ tryckhöjd artesian


artificiell; ~ insemination artificial insemination

artig polite [to], courteous [to]; affable [to,

with, towards]; ~hetsvisit courtesy visit


artikel (tidn. etc.) article; essay; (vara) article,

product, commodity; (i avtal) Article; in

Article 9 of the Agreement; de ha icke något

intresse av denna ~ för närvarande they are not

in the market for this article at present;

elektriska artiklar electrical (electric) appliances;

emaljerade artiklar enamel-ware; sätta ned (upp)

priset på en ~ to mark down (up) the price

of an article; denna m författare the author

of this article; hans noter arbetades in i

his notes were worked into (embodied in)

the article; enligt ~ 12 i berörda avtal pursuant

to (in accordance with) Article 12 of the said

Agreement; med undantag för vad som säges i

~ 21 except as stated in Article 21; ~serie

series of artides

artikulationspapper (odont.) articulating paper

artilleri artillery, ordnance, guns, gun armament;

(vetensk.) gunnery; avståndsinriktning av ~

telecontrol of guns; tungt (lätt) ~ heavy

(light) ordnance (artillery)

artilleri|ammunition artillery ammunition;

batteri artillery battery; ~division (Br)

Field Regiment R. A. [Royal Artillery]; (US)

artillery battalion; (äv.) artillery brigade;

~dueil artillery duel; ~eld artillery fire

(bombardment), shelling, gunfire, guns in

action; (spärreld) artillery barrage;

~eldledningsflygplan spotting plane, artillery ob-