1040 (Svensk-engelsk fackordbok för näringsliv, förvaltning, undervisning och forskning) (original) (raw)

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trä|kil 1040 trä|skydd

tory of wood chemistry; ~kil wooden wedge;

(äv.) fillet, spacer, divider, filling; ~kitt

joiner’s (wood) putty, wood cement, antiseptic

asphalt mixture; ~klack wooden heel; ~

klamp round [wooden] stick, short piece of

wood; ~klave wooden calliper; ~kloss

wooden block (chock); wood paving block;

sprag; piece of wood; ~klubba [wooden]

mallet, beetle; (gjut.) rapping hammer

träkol charcoal; (äv.) common (black) charcoal;

[a] piece of charcoal; pulveriserat ~ powdered

charcoal; ~ning charcoal burning,

carbonization of wood; fabrik för ~ning

charcoal-burning (wood-distillation) plant

träkols|aska charcoal ash[es]; ~brikett charcoal

briquette, moulded charcoal; ~filter charcoal

filter; ~framställning charcoal-burning;

~-fyr charcoal fire; ~färskstål charcoal hearth

steel; ~förgasare (gengasaggregat) charcoal-gas

producer; ~gas charcoal gas; ~gjutjärn

foundry charcoal pig; ~grep charcoal fork;

~kross charcoal crusher (breaker); ~masugn

charcoal blast furnace; ~produkt charcoal

product; ~stybb charcoal breeze (dust);

~stål charcoal steel; ~tackjärn charcoal

[pig] iron; hässja charcoal hearth

träkonservering preservation of wood (timber),

wTood (timber) preservation (preserving)

träkonserverings|arbetare timber preserver;

~färg wood preserving paint; ~medel wood

preservative (impregnating agent)

trä|konstruktion timber (wooden, wrood)

structure (construction, design), structure of timber

(wood), timberwork; blandad stål- och

~konstruktion semi-metallic [coach]; ~korg;

personvagn med ~korg (järnv.) coach with wooden

body; ~kubb wooden block; beläggning med

~kiibb wood [en] pavement (paving); ~kugge

wooden cog; ~kärl wooden vessel, cask;

~kärna wooden churn; ~lamell wood slat;

(pappers.) spacer, filling, fillet; ~la min a i

laminated wood

trälast timber (US lumber) cargo; ~frakt timber

freight; ~linje timber load line

trä|lim wood cement; ~list wood moulding

(lath), wooden fillet, strip of wood; ~låda

wooden box, [wooden] case; ~manufaktur

manufacture (production) of wooden articles;

~mask woodworm

trämassa wood pulp, pulp; (äv.) stuff, stock;

försäljningskontrakt för ~ (Br) Standard Form

of Contract for Wood Pulp; (US) Wood

Palp Contract, Contract Note for Wood Pulp;

kemisk ~ chemical wood pulp; mekanisk ~

mechanical (ground) wood pulp ; torr ~ dry

mechanical wood pulp

trämasse|certeparti wood-pulp charter-party;

~fabrik wood-pulp mill; ~filt pulp felt;

~förening; Svenska T~föreningen the Swedish

Wood Pulp Association; Svenska Cellulosa- och

T’—föreningarna the Swedish Cellulose and

Wood Pulp Associations; Brittiska yföreningen

the British Wood Pulp Association;

~importörförening; Amerikanska ~importörföreningen

the Association of American Wood Pulp

Importers; ~industri wood-pulp industry;

T~industriens Centrallaboratorium, TCL the

Central Laboratory of the Swedish Wood

Pulp Industry; ~marknad wood pulp market;

~papp wood pulp board; brun ~papp leather

board; ~ved pulp wood

trä|mjöl wTood meal (flour, dust, powder);

~mjölskitt plastic wood; ~mjölsmaskin

wood meal machine; ~mosaik inlaid work,

marquetry; ~möbler wooden furniture

trän (tekn.) train

tränagel treenail, nog, peg; wooden pin

tränar|e trainer, coach, track mentor; professionell

~e professional coach; ~licens trainer’s


tränav wooden hub (nave)

träng (mil.) train, service force; transport;

baggage; supply vehicles pl.; (Br) army service

corps, (US) maintenance and supply troops

tränga to press, to force, to drive, to throng,

to push, to shove, to crowd; to jostle, to

hustle, to elbow; (äv.) to thrust; to suppress;

~ igenom to penetrate, to pierce; to push

through; ~nde urgent, pressing

träng|avdelning service force; T~inspektören

the Inspector of the [Swedish] Army Service

Troops; T~officers skolan (Br) [the]

Swedish Army Service Corps Officers’ School,

(US) [the] Maintenance and Supply Officers’

School, Swedish Army; ~soldat private in

the Army Service Corps

träning training, practice; (sport äv.) coaching;

(exercis) drill; praktisk ~ practical (on-the-job)

training; ~ inom företagen training within

industry; ~s|jacka training jacket; ~s|overall

training (track) suit, sweat-suit, warming-up

costume; ~s|period training period, period

of training

träns snaffle, braid, heald, lapping, loop

trä|olja wood (pine) oil; kinesisk ~olja tung

(Chinese wood) oil; ~oljefernissa wood oil

varnish; ~opal (min.) wood opal; ~panel

[wood] panel[ling], wainscoting; ~papp wood

(cellular) pasteboard; ~papper wood paper;

~parenkym wood parenchyma; ~plugg

wooden plug (pin, dowel), filler; ~polering

wood polishing; ~produkt wood product;

(koll. äv.) forestry produce; ~propp se

~plugg; ~provning wood test[ing]; ~påle

timber (wooden, wood) pile, wooden stake

(mast); ~ram wooden frame; ~reling

wooden rail; ~remskiva wooden belt pulley;

~ribba wooden slat, lath, edging* wood strip,

strip of wood; underlag av ~ ribbor slatted base

(platform); ~ring wooden ring; ~råmaterial

raw material [in the form] of wood; ~ränna

wood troughing (conduit); ~rör wooden

pipe; ~saker wToodenware; svarvade ~ saker

turned wooden ware; ~sandaler wrooden

sandals; ~skena wooden rail; ~skiva slab

of wood

träsko wTooden shoe, patten; (lädersko med

träbotten) clog; (fransk) sabot; ~botten clog

sole; ~dans clog dancing; (konkr.) [a] clog

[dance]; ~makare clog- (sabot-) maker;

~makarverkstad clog-maker’s workshop;

~maskin wooden shoe machine

trä|skovel wooden shovel; ~skruv wood

(wood-thread) screw; (av trä) wooden screw;

~skruvmaskin wood screw machine;

skruvsgänga wood-screw thread; ~skydd