Dictionary of Runic Inscriptions -> Viking Studies -> university of nottingham (original) (raw)


CISP - The Celtic Inscribed Stones Project
Includes a few with runic inscriptions.

Danish runic inscriptionsA research project of the University of Copenhagen and the National Museum.

Gotland inscriptions
The latest volume of Gotlands runinskrifter is now available to download.

Jan Owe's runic pages
News and links, including an online version of his Svensk Runbibliografi. In Swedish.

News about runes
Online version of Nytt om runer, with additional information and useful bibliographies. Mostly in English.

Nordiskt runnamnslexikon
A downloadable dictionary of proper names in Scandinavian runic inscriptions. Instructions in Swedish.

Old English runes project
At the University of Eichstätt.

Personal names in older futhark inscriptions
A downloadable dictionary of Ancient Nordic personal names, partly from the older futhark inscriptions.

Runenprojekt Kiel
A linguistic database of runic inscriptions in the older futhark. Mainly in German, partially in English.

The Swedish National Board of Antiquities' runological division. In Swedish.

Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Download a nearly-complete database of Scandinavian runic inscriptions. The instructions for downloading are in Swedish, but the database itself can be used in either Swedish or English.

The Sixth International Symposium on Runes and Runic Inscriptions
Held in August 2005.