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ディアボロス//悪魔の弁護人! By Jim Kirwan +

ディアボロス//悪魔の弁護人! By Jim Kirwan ジム・カーワン 10-14-8

同名の1997年の映画[The Devil's Advocate]から

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そして、我々は次から次への取引へと急発進。奴の目は地上に釘付けさ! 空気は濁り、水は酸っぱい。蜂蜜でさえ、放射能の酸っぱい味がする。


ディアボロス//悪魔の弁護人! By Jim Kirwan +_c0139575_755241.jpg

我々は、暴走列車野郎になった! みんな未来に向けてひた走る大量のエディさ。



お前さんの腹は太りすぎで、股間は痛い、目は真っ赤に充血し、誰かに向かって「助け」を求めて叫んでいる。だが、そこには誰もいやしないさ! お前さんは独りぼっちさ、エディ、神の特別な小さな創造物さんよ!

多分それは本当さ、多分神はかつてサイコロを振ったのさ、あまりにしばしばな! 多分奴は、皆を見捨てたのさ。

自由な赤ん坊は、決して申し訳ないとは言わなかった。 これは「革命」だ。

ケビン:「なぜ法律? たわごとはやめよう、おやじさん、なぜ弁護士、なぜ法律?」

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ディアボロス//悪魔の弁護人! By Jim Kirwan +_c0139575_648121.jpg


That world 'we lost' it's still there you know, we just deserted it to chase these impossibly vile dreams of personal wealth on the fringes of an empire that doesn't give a damn about us. We have ignored the fact that these people NEED us far more than we need anything from them. Yet now we're screaming for someone-anyone-to HELP us. "But guess what-there's no one there" because we have helped them to kill what could save us from ourselves and from this collective madness! This is the nightmare world that we are living second by second: but we can end it: All we have to do are all those things that they've spent decades trying to keep us from knowing!

We are the people in "We the People" this is our country-not theirs! But if we want it back then we must rediscover that it belongs not to each of us as a solitary being, but to all of us! That would mean that we must remember that we're all in this together; which is ironic, because our owners have mortgaged our futures to prevent us all from realizing that simple fact. We are united by sweat and by fear, by blood and by sacrifice and especially by our dreams for a better tomorrow: Yet we have let these bandits steal those dreams and crush that hope, and now we are about to let them use our own troops against us, in a final act, that could see the population surrender to these creatures that are not human in any real sense of that term.

We need to re-discover how to say "NO!" We need to discover how to start over-completely. But most of all we need to remember who we are by talking to other people about both these crimes against us all and more importantly, we need to begin to try and figure out where we go from here! This was our world and if we want it back; then we have to be willing to take care of ourselves and each other first-in order to deal with those that have plotted, almost from the beginning, to steal our very existence!

"Yesterday is Gone" in so many ways! Innocence, pride, honor, law, all of it has gotten swept up with the illegal profits and the invasions of other countries-invasions that number over 200 in the 232 years of our official existence.

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That's a huge weight, something that is far too heavy for any one nation to bear, and yet this administration still hungers for more blood, more stolen counties, more collateral damage and of course for still-more profits that we have not earned.

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Our owners do this they say, to protect us: to keep America and Americans "safe" in a hostile world. Yet every day we murder innocent people and call them terrorists. Everyday we pass more laws to infringe upon the lives of American citizens-and now we are finally being subjected to the ultimate shame-as our money and our reputation as a nation are both made worthless-in the eyes of the rest of the human race, as this shall come to be known to our children's children as Our Great Refusal to defend ourselves!

In the bogus campaigns the candidates want the public to believe that their criticisms of each other are "not personal"! Why NOT! When people lose their jobs, their homes, their savings and their way of life and most of what they thought might be their future- how is that not personal!

From John Neihardt in The Twilight of the Sioux: listen to Sitting Bull's wife; when the blue-coasts come to drag the Chief to certain death.

"Whither do you go? There is a name that you have carried far, my man! Have you forgotten who you are that cowards come and drag you out of bed? It would be well if Sitting Bull were dead and lying in his blood! It would be well! But now what story will be good to tell in other winters?" The president, in Washington, was terrified that Sitting Bull might lead a rebellion against the whites ­ so like today they came in secret to arrest him.

In our case it appears that we have forgotten who we were, so apparently we cannot know now, just who it is that we might be today! Do we really want to change this for the better; or is it just too much trouble! Maybe we might begin to talk about the things we never talk about, instead of all the mindless slop we chose to fill our time with now? If we don't begin to do this, then those rather stark words from the film, back at the beginning of this;,might well come back to haunt us all. What does the future hold for any one of us-especially now?

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Have we the individual courage to alter that, or are we going to remain spectator's even as our death's are not just being planned; but are eagerly being sought by the same people that have always hated us, because to them, we are the major threat to all they chose to do! It's up to us to change the subject now and to demand all our money back, with interest! Now that would truly be a new beginning!



The Devil's Advocate! By Jim Kirwan 10-14-8


なぜ、イルミナティは、彼らの陰謀を暴露するのか by Henry Makow Ph.D. January 19, 2012


イルミナティは、ただあなたの子供、配偶者、あなたの財産、そしてあなたの自由だけを望んでいない。 あなたの生得権は、これらの悪魔主義者には不十分である。

彼らは究極の賞が欲しい。 彼らはあなたの魂を求めている。

彼らは我々を不全にしたいが為に、我々に彼らの陰謀について語る。 ちょうど、低い位階のフリーメーソン、普通のユダヤ人、アメリカ人、あるいはヨーロッパ人が、戦争への彼らの支持によって不全になるように。 彼らは我々すべてが悪魔になることを欲している。



彼らは、神との賭けをしている。 彼らはルシファーへと我々に勝つことができる。しかし、彼らは我々に自由意志、選択の能力を与える必要がある。それが、彼らが我々に陰謀を暴露する理由である。

For example, the Rockefellers sponsored the John Birth Society. Their publication, The New American is still one of the best sources of information about the elite conspiracy. This controlled opposition has other functions. They are able to steer the blame and make sure no real resistance ever develops.

This is why many websites like David Icke's, Jeff Rense's and my own function with little difficulty. They want everyone to know. Others may actually receive support from the Illuminati.

Ralph Epperson, author of The Unseen Hand (1985) has been teaching about the New World Order since the 1980's. He told me that he had never encountered any push-back from the elite.

This is why they are so sloppy. Anyone can see that no planes hit the Pentagon or crashed at Shanksville.

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They want us to compromise ourselves by accepting these stories and abandoning the victims. Thus we become accomplices in their crimes.

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In the movie, The Devil's Advocate, based on the novel by Andrew Niederman and produced by Arnon Milchan and Arnold Kopelson, the devil (Al Pacino) tells Kevin Lomax, the ambitious lawyer played by Keanu Reeves:"I only set the stage, free will, you pull your own strings!"

He shows Kevin that he cannot blame anyone but himself. Kevin was driven by his own egotism and venality. He abandoned his wife in her hour of greatest need, and she committed suicide. He got many guilty people acquitted because he "never loses."

Then the devil provides us with the Luciferian manifesto: Essentially it is the belief that man is defined by his carnal appetites and desires (greed, power, lust) rather than by his soul and spiritual ideals. Man serves Lucifer by giving in to these temptations,

by being an accomplice in his own destruction. The Illuminati always has promoted indulging our basest instincts calling this "sexual liberation" and "open marriage." This undermines family. Their psychology always has been against "repression" (i.e. self-discipline.) This view that man is God, and the measure of all things, is called "Secular Humanism" aka "Luciferianism". John Milton (the devil): Who are you carrying all those bricks for anyway? God? Is that it? God? Well I tell you let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look, but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off! He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER!

Kevin Lomax: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven", is that it?

John Milton: Why not? I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I've nurtured every sensation man's been inspired to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections, I'm a fan of man! I'm a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mine."

The devil reveals that he is Kevin's father and demands Kevin have sex with his seductive half-sister in order to breed a successor. Rather than succumb to this temptation, Kevin kills himself.

Just saying "No" should have been enough. We will not be accomplices in our own destruction. We will not forfeit our soul.


Why Do the Illuminati Reveal Themselves? by Aspen December 13, 2011


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Why the Illuminati Expose the Conspiracy by Henry Makow Ph.D. January 19, 2012

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アーノン・ミルチャン[ארנון מילצ’ן‎, Arnon Milchan, 1944.12.6-] テルアビブ生まれ。ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスで学んだ。2013年にイスラエルのテレビ番組に出演し、諜報機関のために働いていたと告白した。

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JFK JFK (1991年)

真夏の夜の夢 A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999年)

デアデビル Daredevil (2003年)

TIME/タイム In Time (2011年)

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ダーケストアワー 消滅 The Darkest Hour (2011年)

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by oninomae | 2012-01-22 15:38 | イルミナティ

<< マトリックス 国民がダメだということを無理矢... >>

by oninomae








