Scripts.Indisguise.Org - a hobbyist's blog and scripts archive (original) (raw)

Scripts update, and the move to GitHub

Entry posted on 2011-03-01 10:15 am

A couple of weeks back, I finally caved and got myself a GitHub account and uploaded my work there. In addition to all of that, all scripts currently found here have been moved to GPLv3 licensing, with pretty much no changes save for a couple things with Enthusiast.

If you’re interested in the Enthusiast changes, if Enth works for you now, you don’t have a reason to update to 3.1.16. However, if you have been keen on getting it to work with WordPress, this will help with that. I am still testing out a barebones WordPress plugin, but hopefully I’ll get it tested well enough and put that up as well (likely GitHub and not the WordPress plugin directory, but we’ll see).

For most of you, the change of licensing does not mean a thing. You will still be able to use Enthusiast for whatever use you may see fit. For some of you who like to tinker with code, well, this means you can modify and release your modified version of Enthusiast (under the same license), provided I am credited.

Moving forward, I will be updating Indiscripts and removing the downloadable files from here soon, while everything else continuous on at GitHub–with the username angelasabas (please note, I am not the usual angelamaria on there!). You can download the scripts by clicking on the “Downloads” button on the project page. Separate upgrade zips are not needed nor available–config file samples have been renamed for your overwriting pleasure (and safety).

If you’re interested in finding out why and how this change came about, I’ve just posted about it on my blog. :)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 at 10:15 am, is filed under Enthusiast, Important!, and tagged with . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

A brief update

Entry posted on 2010-09-08 3:52 pm

Hello everyone :) If you’ve been here before (in the past years when the website has been on hiatus, pretty much) you have probably noticed the slight changes in the home page: an inclusion of the major scripts available here. Yes, it is an indication that I have stopped “ignoring” my scripts archive. Rejoice!

I will not be getting back into hobby coding just yet, but I’ve been coming back slowly to work on some of my websites. As Indiscripts has been broken in different ways over the past few years, naturally it was the first one I came back to fix. I haven’t finished with it yet–there will be a couple more fixes incoming–but if you see anything amiss right now with the website, let me know anyway :)

Please note that this does not change the “status” of my scripts, which is basically “what you download is what you get”, and unsupported by myself. I will be relatively protective of my revived interest in my hobby websites and so I cannot let myself rush headlong into any support capacity. I hope you understand. Thanks!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 at 3:52 pm, is filed under Website, and tagged with . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

End of an Era

Entry posted on 2009-08-26 1:28 am

If anyone has been following this blog, it’s been rather obvious for a while now that there has been no updates, and script development seems to have stopped. And that’s true: I’ve not touched Enthusiast 4.x, or any other of my scripts, for a few months now. There are a lot of reasons for this, but now isn’t really the time to get into that.

I am moving over to a new host, a new main domain; and I’m consolidating my blogs. This change does affect my scripts, but hopefully not to an alarming degree: was merely a scripts archive way back when–and it’s going back to its roots now. I will be keeping the site up for some time yet, while I prepare the new archive and whatever documentation I can still keep around; but comments are now disabled on all pages.

It’s been a long night porting everything over to the new blog, so I will have to get into details at a later date; but please feel free to drop by Whimsical.Nu and ask if you have any questions. I’d love to see you there. :)

All downloads are still available at the quick download page. Please head on there to get any script(s) you may need. Thanks!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 26th, 2009 at 1:28 am, is filed under Website, and tagged withchanges, Website. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

Enthusiast 3.1.5 – Urgent Security Upgrade

Entry posted on 2008-11-13 10:23 pm

A security vulnerability for Enthusiast 3 has been detected a few days back, and I’ve been notified just tonight about it. I do have a security fix up, and with that said — Enthusiast 3.1.5 is an important security upgrade, most especially if your server has register_globals on.

Please download the upgrade zip or the full zip if you prefer. The upgrade will be slightly more painful than the previous upgrades.

Before I get on with the upgrade instructions after the cut, I would like to take this time to say I apologize for the lack of updates and the sudden hiatus of Frontend Friday — I’ve moved houses and things have been rather crazy the past couple weeks. I haven’t forgotten this blog, I swear ;)

And now for the upgrade instructions. This is all in the upgrade zip, not to worry. :)

Important notice: the upgrade is not as simple as the previous upgrades, hence the additional instructions. Do not blindly overwrite your config.php file!

Read the rest of this entry »

This entry was posted on Thursday, November 13th, 2008 at 10:23 pm, is filed under Enthusiast, and tagged withEnthusiast. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Enthusiast 3.1.4 Released

Entry posted on 2008-06-01 11:11 am

I’ve been testing Enthusiast 3.1.4 on Aking Mahal for a few weeks now, and now I’ve released Enthusiast version 3.1.4, which incorporates a number of bug fixes plus a special feature — special because it gets added at a bugfix-level upgrade.

This update includes:

I’ve been vocal about not adding a mass-rejection feature for Enthusiast, but in the interest of helping those of us whose fanlistings get spammed, and the goal to make sure Enthusiast caters to an ever wider audience due to its openness and flexibility, I’ve finally added the feature in. However, as this is just one additional feature, I decided not to bump up the version to 3.2, as it feels rather sad that way ;)

You can download the full 3.1.4 release, or get an upgrade zip file instead.

If there are problems with regards to this upgrade, please feel free to leave comments, however all regular troubleshooting requests and support-related questions should be directed to the Enthusiast support forum at CodeGrrl. Thanks!