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Where to go for help

Note: SIL International no longer manages XeTeX development. Please refer to the following paragraphs to find excellent sources of help.

XeTeX Home

For questions or discussion about installing or using XeTeX and related packages, please go to the XeTeX mailing list hosted by the TeX Users Group, where experienced users and developers are likely to be able to help.

For bug reports about the XeTeX software itself, or specific feature requests (rather than general discussion), there is an issue tracker hosted at SourceForge.

The comment form on this page is available for general comments about the software or the web pages themselves (yes, I know they need updating!), but please do not expect technical support through this channel. You are much more likely to get useful responses on the mailing list.

Update — September 2013

The latest release of XeTeX is version 0.9999.3, which is included in TeX Live 2013. XeTeX is a standard component of the complete TeX Live distribution. This includes all major TeX-related programs and a huge range of additional fonts, macro packages, and utilities, with ready-to-use binaries for around 15 computer platforms including Mac OS X (PPC and x86), Windows, and various Linux and Unix-like systems on a range of CPU architectures.

The TeX Users Group hosts a XeTeX mailing list where interested users are welcome to discuss bugs, workarounds, wishes, etc.; while no commitments can be made as to future development, all feedback is greatly appreciated.

This is where to get information about XeTeX, a typesetting system based on a merger of Donald Knuth's TeX system with Unicode and modern font technologies.

The Mac OS X release of XeTeX runs on Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" or later; it may run on earlier OS X releases but has not been tested there. (There are reports of success on OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" with some versions of XeTeX, but this is not considered a supported platform.)

XeTeX itself is a command-line tool, like standard TeX and pdfTeX processors. It is most commonly used via a graphical environment such as TeXShop (Mac OS X), KILE (Linux), WinEDT (Windows), or others.

For new users on Mac OS X, the MacTeX-2007 package is the simplest way to install all the required software, including a broad selection of widely-used packages all preconfigured and ready to use.

Alternatively, I also recommend using Gerben Wierda's i‑Installer to install the TeX package. i‑Installer downloads additional packages from the internet as needed, so the TeX installation can be extended or customized in various ways. The current gwTeX package includes XeTeX as a standard component of the installation.

To provide a graphical user interface (rather than running tools from the command line), I recommend Richard Koch's TeXShop, which can be configured to run the XeTeX tool; see Using XeTeX with TeXShop or the Read Me in the XeTeX installer for further information. Advanced TeX users may prefer iTeXMac; there are some notes on configuration here.

Warranty and support

As SIL International no longer manages XeTeX development, please do not expect technical support through this channel. You are much more likely to get useful responses on the mailing list or through the XeTeX bug tracker.

Examples of use

A few screenshots showing XeTeX being used within TeXShop are available. (Some of these example documents are included in the Sample Files download here.)

To experiment with a new XeTeX installation, some basic sample files are provided as a separate download. Note that some of the samples also serve to illustrate and document new XeTeX features, in the absence of a real User's Guide.

Note: the opinions expressed in submitted contributions below do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our website.

jonathan, Fri, Apr 11, 2008 04:50 (EDT) [modified by martinpk on Fri, Apr 11, 2008 05:01 (EDT)]
Where to get help

Please Note!

The comment form on this page is available for general comments about the software or the web pages themselves, but please do not expect technical support through this channel.

For questions or discussion about installing or using XeTeX and related packages, please go to the XeTeX mailing list.

For bug reports about the XeTeX software itself, please go to the issue tracker.

"Dario", Sat, Jul 14, 2007 05:17 (EDT) [modified by jonathan on Sat, Jul 14, 2007 05:42 (EDT)]
The Beauty of LaTeX

A recent article I wrote illustrating the power of XeTeX made it to most popular link at reddit/delicious.

The Beauty of LaTeX

The sources and compiled PDF's of all the examples are available for download. I thought you guys might be interested, feedback and suggestions welcome.

"Mark Dancer", Fri, Oct 26, 2007 01:12 (EDT)
Re: The Beauty of LaTeX


The first example (kerning) is wrong. Word will kern based on the kerning tables built into the font, it's just switched off by default (bad choice of default by MS). To turn it on (in Word X anyway), select the text, select Format -> Font..., choose the Character Spacing tab, and check the box "Kerning for fonts").

Overall, the premise behind your web page is great, but where it falls down is that you're comparing apples to oranges.

Comparing a typographic system like XeTeX to a work processor like MS Word on the basis of their typographic capabilities is a like comparing a calculator to a computer and complaining the calculator can't browse the web, play music, or typeset my thesis.

A more valid comparison would be between XeTeX and a professional page layout program like InDesign (it took me about five minutes to duplicate all of your examples, mosts of which was spent on the Zapfino example figuring out how to access the alternate glyphs).

If you were going to compare apples to apples (XeTeX to InDesign), you would need to show XeTeX can mimic all the features of Adobe InDesign and/or Quark Xpress:

- optical margin alignment: creating visually (as opposed to mathmatically) correct margins, which involves hanging characters like "T" out into the margin;

- hanging punctutation: when punctuation like quotes start a paragraph, they are placed in the margin; when hyphens, em-dash and such like end a paragraph, they also are placed out into the margin;

- optical character kerning: automatially adjusting the kerning based on the actual shapes of the characters rather than the build in kerning table--very useful when the kerning table is incomplete (or worse, wrong);

- automatically import and format an XML document;

- anything that Xpress can do that InDesign can't.

Then you would need to show that there are things InDesign can't do that XeTex can.

[Note: I'm a casual user of InDesign and a complete novice at Tex]


"Dario", Sun, Nov 25, 2007 06:26 (EST)
Re: The Beauty of LaTeX


thanks for your feedback.

> Word will kern based on the kerning tables built into the font, it's just switched off by default

Good catch, I'll update the document, however the fact that it's switched off by default means that 99% of Word users will keep producing poorly typeset documents and using bad typographical conventions.

> you're comparing apples to oranges

Well, yes and no. I take your point about the category of applications (La)TeX should be properly compared to and I'm sure there's a lot to be said about how (La)TeX compares to InDesign and QuarkXPress in terms of layout composition features. I'm not an InDesign or QuarkXPress user so I wouldn't be able to make such a comparison, but I'd be very interested in reading more about this.

However I'm afraid what you're suggesting is more a consequence of the advanced features offered by (La)TeX rather than the original use (La)TeX was designed for. You can obviously use LaTeX for, say, professional book design (see for instance the amazing spreads from AAUP, but that's not its mainstream use.

For most users (especially in the academia) (La)TeX is a document preparation application, not an application for layout design. In this sense, LaTeX, MS Word and OpenOffice *are* direct competitors when it comes to writing a paper, a resume, a letter or dissertation.

My short article aims to provide a number of reasons (which by the way are not addressed by most LaTeX vs. Word Processors comparisons) why people should consider LaTeX instead of dumb word processors for document preparation. You are possibly underestimating the number of people (including people with a scientific background) who think that MS Word or OpenOffice are good solutions to write a doctoral dissertation or who write scientific papers in MS Word.

"Lawrence Bansbach", Wed, Jan 7, 2009 18:21 (EST)
Re: The Beauty of LaTeX

>However I'm afraid what you're suggesting is more a consequence of the advanced features offered by (La)TeX rather than the original use (La)TeX was designed for. You can obviously use LaTeX for, say, professional book design (see for instance the amazing spreads from AAUP, but that's not its mainstream use.

Not so. Knuth developed TeX specifically for the production of "beautiful books": "I guess I must have ink in my veins: When I first learned about the potential of digital printing technology, I couldn't resist putting the rest of my life on hold while I tried to adapt the typographic wisdom of previous centuries to the possibilities of the present day. I hope the reader will be able to share some of the excitement of my decades-long quest to produce beautiful books with the help of computers" (\~knuth/dt.html).

"Leonardo Boiko", Fri, May 22, 2009 09:59 (EDT)
Re: The Beauty of LaTeX

Not to mention the VERY IMPORTANT FACT that LaTeX/XeTeX are free (as in cash). InDesign costs *money*. Money is important. In many environments --- most of the ones I work with --- spending money in software isn't an option. For people without money, the question is "how can I write documents --- without losing money", and it boils down to Word (cause it's so widely available) vs. OpenOffice vs. HTML-based vs. TeX-based &c. Professional typesetting apps are the oranges here — if I suggest them to the public schools I went to or to my university or to the last couple small companies I worked for, I'll be laughed in the face.

Did I mention InDesign costs money?

"Mark", Wed, Mar 10, 2010 10:12 (EST)
Re: The Beauty of LaTeX

Well, MS Word is _supposed_ to cost money too, albeit less than InDesign or Quark. And you also have a free altrenative: Scribus. I don't know how it compares to commercial software, though. Comparing everything to Word is not wrong either, since that's the software that 90% of people will boot if they want to write anything.

As for ligatures and kerning, Pages and Mellel, just to name a few, do manage them right and they _are_ word processors. The real advantage of LaTex is that, once you are through the quite painful (let's face it) training phase, you can probably work faster and in a more consistent way, especially with long documents or when there is math around.

To me, it would be silly to use a word processor when LaTeX can handle things better and it would be equally silly to go the other way around. Every tool has got it's use.

"Bud Spencer", Wed, May 6, 2009 02:49 (EDT)
Re: The Beauty of LaTeX


A more valid comparison would be between XeTeX and a professional page layout program like InDesign […] If you were going to compare apples to apples (XeTeX to InDesign) […]


TeX vs InDesign is really far from being apple to apple. If both can typeset text in a well formed and controled way, TeX's purpose is to build huge documents with a very minimum of layout process from the user while InDesign is best for display/flyers prints with manual design. The idea behind TeX is: type tons of content, TeX will take care of the rest. That doesn't mean you can't type huge docs with InDesign and nice displays with TeX, but it's a different approach of typesetting.


- optical margin alignment: creating visually (as opposed to mathmatically) correct margins, which involves hanging characters like "T" out into the margin;

- hanging punctutation: when punctuation like quotes start a paragraph, they are placed in the margin; when hyphens, em-dash and such like end a paragraph, they also are placed out into the margin;

- optical character kerning: automatially adjusting the kerning based on the actual shapes of the characters rather than the build in kerning table--very useful when the kerning table is incomplete (or worse, wrong);

< The microtype package in latex takes care of that (and pretty well)

For now and knowing well InDesign and LaTeX, I can't see anything InDesign can do and LaTeX can't (thus it's not always easy to do the same thing), but (La)TeX has many features InDesign can't reproduce (as it is not a word processor) like TOC, references, bibliography, and many big doc automation.

That's apple to meat ;)

"Thomas", Tue, Oct 7, 2008 04:43 (EDT)
Re: The Beauty of LaTeX

I have to say that I hate LaTeX with a passion and there's nothing beautiful about it as a system. However, your piece is interesting and I may investigate XeTeX based on it.

On the "apples to oranges" point, actually I use plainTeX (and emacs) for all my word-processing needs (over 250,000 words this year) and I have no issue with someone comparing it to Word. If I was designing magazines then I would be interested in comparing it to InDesign, and if I was writing computer programs I would be interested in comparing it to Perl. So, your comparison is perfectly valid, as would one based on InDesign be.

"Ven. Pandita", Sun, Jan 27, 2008 03:54 (EST)


I am a Buddhist monk who uses Lyx (1.5.3) and XeTex (part of TexLive 2007) on Ubuntu Linux (7.10) to type Pali, Sanskrit, phonetic symbols and English together in the same document.

The problem is that XeLatex would produce PDF files with seemingly random hyphenation in the middle of lines instead of at linebreaks. So I change the language setting of Lyx to Welsh, of which there is no language file on my system; my purpose is to force manual hyphenation. But that random mid-line hyphenation still appears.

What should I do to remedy it?

jonathan, Sun, Jan 27, 2008 04:08 (EST)
Re: hyphenation

I don't know exactly how language settings in LyX interact with XeLaTeX, so can't answer this directly. I would suggest that you ask on the XeTeX mailing list, and provide a small test document that shows the problem. With a sample to examine, someone on the mailing list can probably work out what is happening and suggest a solution.

"Adam Buchbinder", Sun, Apr 26, 2009 21:15 (EDT)
Re: hyphenation

If anyone's curious about the answer to this, the mailing list thread is here.

It seems that the text editor being used was inserting Unicode soft hyphens. The mailing list suggested (among other options) that the character in question be redefined as TeX discretionary hyphens.

"Manian", Mon, Jan 28, 2008 10:46 (EST)
difference between Miktex and texlive for using xetex


I have serious problem in using xetex in linux!

I have sample which is compiled with xetex in Miktex but when I typecast with xetex (from texlive) on linux output have some differences! specially on using itemize and enumerate!

on windows: This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.997 (MiKTeX 2.7) (preloaded format=xelatex 2007.11.27) 28 JAN 2008 14:27

on linux: This is XeTeXk, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.996 (Web2C 7.5.6) (format=xelatex 2007.12.8) 28 JAN 2008 18:31

I'm using xetex with arabxetex for typecasting Persian.

Thanks in advanced...

jonathan, Mon, Jan 28, 2008 10:57 (EST)
Re: difference between Miktex and texlive for using xetex

There was a bug in version 0.996 that affected certain types of formatting in right-to-left text; I think this would have affected the item labels in these environments, for example. This was fixed in 0.996-patch1 and in 0.997.

Therefore, the most likely explanation is that you're seeing the correct behavior in MikTeX, but the older TeX Live release is giving incorrect output. If you're able to rebuild from current TeX Live sources, or use a distribution such as Debian, which I believe has applied "patch1" to 0.996, you should get better results.

TeX Live 2008 will of course have an updated release of XeTeX.

If you have further questions, I recommend asking them on the mailing list; you will find several users of Persian and Arabic script there, as well as other experienced users and developers.

"Bruce V C", Thu, Mar 27, 2008 17:48 (EDT)
Arabic sample

The Arabic sample above has a mistake---the laam-alif with hamza ligature is represented in the editor window but not the pdf.

jonathan, Thu, Mar 27, 2008 17:56 (EDT) [modified by jonathan on Fri, Apr 11, 2008 07:04 (EDT)]
Re: Arabic sample

So it did. That was a limitation of the font that was used for the typesetting operation; many (especially older) fonts don't support lam-alef ligatures with marks.

I have generated a new image using the current version of Scheherazade, and the ligature now appears correctly.

"meho_r", Tue, Apr 1, 2008 08:36 (EDT)
FontFolio 11 and XeTeX...

Hi, I have few questions:

1. How to make OpenType fonts from Adobe FontFolio 11 do OldStyle numerals? E.g. Adobe Garamond Pro from FontFolio 9 does this fine, but from FontFolio 11 I just can't get it work. Other fonts too.

2. How to make footnote markers be OldStyle numerals too? I can't get OldStyle nums for superscript nums in XeTeX. (Fonts are .otf from Adobe FontFolio 9 and 11)

3. How to use mathpazo font generaly (shiped with TeXLive 2007) and XeTeX features only in some part of doc (some Arabic text in particular)? If I use it the usual way (\usepackage[osf]{mathpazo}), it renders "bitmaped" font in .pdf output which doesn't look good.


jonathan, Tue, Apr 1, 2008 08:51 (EDT)
Re: FontFolio 11 and XeTeX...

1. I don't have the Adobe FontFolio product, but I know that some recent Adobe fonts use a different form of the OpenType tables and require a fairly recent build of XeTeX to support these features. So you might need to update to a newer version than shipped (for example) with TeX Live 2007.

2. Is this feature supported in conjunction with superscripts in these fonts? If not, you'd have to disable the use of "real" superscript digits, and fake them with scaling and shifting instead. I think the fontspec package can do this; check the documentation and/or ask on the mailing list.

3. You should be able to use the fontspec package to change fonts as needed. But in any case I don't think you should be getting bitmapped fonts; this suggests a configuration problem with the font map files.

It's not really practical to provide detailed support via comments here; try the XeTeX mailing list for more advice.

"meho_r", Mon, Apr 7, 2008 11:55 (EDT)
Re: FontFolio 11 and XeTeX...

Thanks. But, I have no clue how to disable "real" superscripts and make scaling and shifting. I looked at fontspec.pdf but didn't find how to do it. Can you point me in right direction, suggest some links or doc, please?

jonathan, Tue, Apr 8, 2008 04:53 (EDT)
Re: FontFolio 11 and XeTeX...

I thought I'd seen something about this previously, in connection with the fontspec and/or xltxtra packages, but I don't recall the details, sorry. You might have to redefine the macro that prints the footnote numbers. The XeTeX mailing list or a general TeX/LaTeX list (maybe ask on texhax?) is the likeliest place to find such help.

"Nhâm Ngọc Tần", Thu, Apr 10, 2008 22:52 (EDT)
How to insert pdf file (> 1 pages) in xelatex

How to insert pdf file (> 1 pages) in source file?

Thank you!

jonathan, Fri, Apr 11, 2008 03:06 (EDT)
Re: How to insert pdf file (> 1 pages) in xelatex

With xetex 0.997 (from MikTeX, W32TeX, or other up-to-date packages), you can use the pdfpages package to do this. With older releases, you'd have to use a separate \includegraphics command for each page, with the 'page' option to select each in turn.

Please take questions like this to the mailing list, as this comment mechanism isn't really suitable for technical support questions.

"panayotis", Sun, May 4, 2008 02:19 (EDT)
xetex linux installation


I installed xetex from scratch on my linux box (ubuntu 8.04, tl2007). Installation with the scripts included was really painless.

However, when I tried to invoke xelatex, bash told me it could not find it! The texlive version of xetex has a symlink from xetex to xelatex, which was missing on my build. I don't know whether this is a bug or related to my environment.

Besides this minor annoyance, xelatex works great and with the latest version I can play around with unicode-math.

As a native greek I struggled for years with latex emacs and unicode. Editing multilingual texts was obviously not a top priority for the programmers. On the other hand, this combination (emacs + latex) has tremendous power. Now, with xftemacs and xetex all my troubles seem so far away ...


"Nhâm Ngọc Tần", Thu, May 8, 2008 21:21 (EDT)
Hown to up to date Xetex 997 for Texlive 2007

Hown to up to date Xetex 997 for Texlive 2007

thank you!

jonathan, Fri, May 9, 2008 05:26 (EDT)
Re: Hown to up to date Xetex 997 for Texlive 2007

Unless someone provides updated packages for your particular distribution, you'd have to check out a copy of the source and build it yourself; see the "build-xetex" and "install-xetex" scripts provided in the source tree.

If you're running on Windows, the W32TeX distribution offers a recent XeTeX build that can be used with a TeX Live installation.

TeX Live 2008 will of course include an up-to-date XeTeX release, but is not yet ready.

"Lãng du", Tue, Jun 24, 2008 04:57 (EDT)
Xetex and diagxy

Hown to use package diagxy in xetex?

Thank you!

jonathan, Tue, Jun 24, 2008 05:03 (EDT)
Re: Xetex and diagxy

Try asking for advice on the mailing list. I don't know anything about this package, but you might find other users there who can help.

"La Man", Thu, Jul 10, 2008 06:09 (EDT)
Cropping image/pdf file

Is it possible to crop a image(pdf) file with \XeTeXpicfile(\XeTeXpdffile). I have googled a lot but with no success!

thanks in advanced

jonathan, Thu, Jul 10, 2008 06:26 (EDT)
Re: Cropping image/pdf file

The mailing list (see above) is the best place to ask something like this.

"D. Venu Gopal", Thu, Aug 28, 2008 06:57 (EDT)
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

A few days back I updated my ProTeXt and I got XeTeX along with it.

By going through the beautiful fontspec I figured out how to typeset a document using XeLaTeX and typeset a sample Hindi document. I am sending a screenshot to I used the Mangal and Arial Unicode MS and Chandas and Uttara fonts. All are coming well. The fonts provided on the Ministry of Information Technology ( of Govt. of India are not Unicode compatible (though they proclaim them to be Unicode compatible).

If you like please keep this screenshot on the website, so that many more Hindi enthusiasts will be attracted to TeX/XeTeX.

I also prepared a Telugu document. But I am not lucky enough. I got only one Unicode compatible font, i.e., Gautami. Another font Pothana2000 is also available but I am getting rough edges on rightside (not getting right justification). As told for Hindi fonts, Telugu fonts available on MIT, GOI site are not Unicode compatible.

Thanks once again.

D. Venu Gopal

"Abhijit Sen", Wed, May 6, 2009 12:44 (EDT)
[XeLaTeX] includegraphics problem


My problem:

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex

%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 encoding





\font\GaramondI="Garamond Italic:weight=1.5;width=1.5" at 12pt

\font\Garamond="Garamond:weight=1.5;width=1.5" at 12pt


Garamond Roman

\includegraphics{Fig} % .eps

{\GaramondI Garamond Italic}


!LaTeX Error: File `Fig' not found.

Pls help me.

"eknath", Fri, Mar 19, 2010 23:03 (EDT)
Re: Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Can you send me a sample of your file illustrating how to use xetex and Pothana2000 fonts; I don't seem to be successful in getting this working.


"Dominik Wujastyk", Tue, Sep 2, 2008 11:29 (EDT)

Dear Dr Venu Gopal,

Like you, I'm starting to work with XeTeX (WinXP, MikTeX) and finding it very exciting.

For more Telugu fonts, have you seen\_Telugu.html


Dominik Wujastyk

"D. Venu Gopal", Wed, Sep 3, 2008 23:30 (EDT)
Re: Telugu

Thank you. I have already seen that page. Except Pothana, others are not Unicode compatible. Code2000 I could not try.

D. Venu Gopal

"G.B.SUBRAHMANYAM,hyderabad,Ind, Sat, Oct 11, 2008 21:30 (EDT)
creating pdf files thru latex in telugu language.

I am relatively not well experienced in linux. I am able to use latex for texts

and statistical /mathematical data. But I am not able to use them with Telugu

language. Can you suggest suitable way? I use Fedora7. Thanks in advance.

gbsubrahmanyam. 12.10.2008

"ltcabral", Sun, Nov 9, 2008 20:33 (EST)
opentype fonts

How can i use the opentype fonts directly from my c:\windows\fonts folder?

"jonathan", Mon, Nov 10, 2008 17:20 (EST)
Re: opentype fonts

Both this and the preceding comment/question would be better sent to the XeTeX mailing list, where you are likely to find other users who can offer advice and examples. See the NOTE above regarding "Where to go for help".

"Abhijit Sen", Fri, Feb 20, 2009 04:20 (EST)
Req: Bengali in XeLaTeX

I want to do my bengali job(s) in XeLaTeX as like as Hindi text typeset using AAT font.

"Jim", Thu, Apr 2, 2009 07:18 (EDT)

Is there any usage documentation other than the FAQ?

"jonathan", Thu, Apr 2, 2009 08:38 (EDT)
Re: Documentation

There are several documents included with TeX Live (and probably with other distributions that ship XeTeX); in particular, look for XeTeX-notes.pdf and XeTeX-reference.pdf, and for use with the LaTeX format, see the documentation of the fontspec package.

(There is some older documentation available via the Downloads page, but now that XeTeX is included in mainstream TeX distributions, the separate downloads are no longer actively maintained.)

"Jim", Sat, Apr 4, 2009 14:55 (EDT)
Re: Documentation

I meant more a link to on-line documenation so that one does not have to download 20Megs to have a read over a PDF. I downloaded it anyway.

Is ".999.6" really the latest version as per the homepage or is it ".996" as per the download page?

"Abhijit Sen", Wed, May 6, 2009 11:32 (EDT)
[XeLaTeX] includegraphics problem

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex

%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 encoding





\hfil\includegraphics{Fig} % Fig.eps



!LaTeX Error: File `Fig' not found.

Pls help me.

"D. Venu Gopal", Tue, Jan 19, 2010 22:45 (EST)
Re: [XeLaTeX] includegraphics problem

XeLaTeX output is always pdf. So like pdflatex, in XeLaTeX you cannot use eps files with XeLaTeX. You can use jpg, pdf and png formats. Try them.

Best of luck

"Ням Нгок Тян", Mon, May 11, 2009 20:15 (EDT)
Beamer, xelatex and file

How to insert file.avi (or file.mpg) in beamer with xelatex?

Thank you!

"Sebo", Mon, Jun 8, 2009 13:59 (EDT)
OpenType and AAT options

I'm new to the typesetting world. How can I find out which OpenType/AAT features the different fonts on my system are supporting? Is there a free tool for Mac OS X?

"Lawrence Bansbach", Sun, Jun 14, 2009 14:45 (EDT)
XeTeX and microtypography

Will there ever be an implementation of microtypography in XeTeX equivalent to Hàn Thế Thành's in pdfTeX?

"David Cesarino de Sousa", Thu, Aug 6, 2009 20:49 (EDT)

Microtypography. That would be a good thing to have!

"squirrel", Wed, Oct 28, 2009 14:24 (EDT)
Counter-intuitiveness of the page

Please oh please make the page readable! Why are the example files in the download section? The peak of confusion!

martinpk, Thu, Oct 29, 2009 05:16 (EDT)
Re: Counter-intuitiveness of the page

Do you find it generally unreadable, or just had difficulty locating the downloadable examples? If the former, you can help us by giving some specifics. If the latter, just below the heading "Examples of use", it says, "Some of these example documents are included in the Sample Files download". I've now added a link after that text to take visitors to the relevant section of the download page.


"Ням Нгок Тан", Sun, Jan 24, 2010 23:40 (EST)
Xelatex and header, footer in book russian

I want template for Xelatex and header, footer in book russian.

"yaourt", Fri, May 28, 2010 21:44 (EDT)
polyglossia and babel

Why in polyglossia not work "--- and other with russian?

"beginner", Wed, Jun 15, 2011 01:01 (EDT)
help error install on Win7?


when I'm installing Texlive2010 by image iso DVD(use UltraISO), program has a message "pert.exe has stopped working" !

I need your helps, thanks !


martinpk, Wed, Jun 15, 2011 11:09 (EDT)
Re: help error install on Win7?

The best place to find technical help is on the TeX Live mailing lists:

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