Codex Books (original) (raw)

SDSU Press's CODE[X] imprint pursues scholarly studies in general fields associated with cultural studies--the Postmodern, translation theory, deconstruction, queer theory, cyborgs, etc. These works reflect our engagement with current intellectual interventions with an emphasis on dynamic, innovative scholarship.
Zaum The Transrational Poetry of Russian Futurism Gerald Janecek ISBN 1-879691-41-8 | paper, 428 pp. illustrated US 32.95∣fourthprinting∣2023[32.95 fourth printing 2023 [32.95∣fourthprinting∣202332.95 via AMAZON.COM Or now, NEW, available internationally direct from SDSU Press to Latin America and Europe -- order only one book at a time, please. Gerald Janecek's classic title is the most comprehensive treatment of "zaum," a significant moment / movement of the historical avant-garde period to which many refer but with little concrete background. Charlotte Douglas (Russian and Slavic Studies, NYU), says this of Janecek's Zaum: Zaum is an encyclopedic account of zaum or "beyonsense," the most distinctive feature of Russian avant-garde art and poetry early in the 20th century. Janecek has mined a myriad of arcane and inaccessible sources, gathered the entire historical record in one place, and made it readable and comprehensible. His account of zaum theory and practice will be indispensable for anyone interested in modern poetry and art. ****Certainly it will become a standard text for all students of Russian Futurism.** Gerald J. Janecek is Professor of Russian at the University of Kentucky. He received his Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Michigan in 1972. He specializes in 20th century avant-garde Russian literature of the early decades and in contemporary Russian poetry. He has written on Andrei Bely, on Russian Futurism and on a variety of contemporary Russian poets. His publications include translations of Bely's Kotik Letaev (2nd ed. Northwestern, 1999) and The First Encounter (Princeton, 1979), and the books The Look of Russian Literature (Princeton, 1984) and Sight & Sound Entwined: Studies of the New Russian Poetry (Berghahn, 2000). Assorted pages from the volume--click each to expand
Humor & Eroticism in Advertising Maria Cristina da Silva Martins (translated from the Portuguese by Lyn Mário T. Menezes de Souza) 1995 Trade paperback: 154 pages illustrated ISBN 1-879691-28-0 $20 plus shipping/handling ON SALE, VIA AMAZON, for $20 + shipping ******
ne in a series of books focused on Brazilian visual culture, Maria Cristina da Silva Martins's Humor & Eroticism in Advertising emerges as a pathbreaking exercise in cultural studies, delving into the aesthetic and political dimensions of Brazilian print advertisements and how these function to activate desire and maintain cycles of consumption in late-capitalist society. The interpenetration of visual and verbal languages form a seamless web of signs whose driving forces, humor and the erotic, have been effectively harnessed in order to maintain the status quo in post-industrial mass societies.
It is no longer a question of discovering, via Jakobson, that the poetic function is what activates the language of advertising, as in the famous paronomasia "I like Ike," where the sound form reinforces the propagandistic content of the expression. It is now a matter of postulating a perceptual shock provoked by the intrusion, during the creation of the advertisement, of certain cultural series in a state of emergency or risk... Using as her point of departure advertisements published in Brazilian magazines in the eighties, [Cristina Martins] shows how the humor/eroticism relation, inserted in the connections between the verbal and the visual, unleashes, in a non-simplistic and unusual manner, political and aesthetic implications between the advertisement and its cultural context.
See a gallery of contemporary ads from Brazil by clicking the image here:
This collection of irreverent, bold, and challenging cutting-edge essays explores the recent cultural phenomenon of "avant-pop." Originally "published" on ALTX's World Wide Web portal in the spring of 1995, this collection now appears as a physical book you can hold in your hand, throw at the wall or immortalize in your private altars. Essays by Brooks Landon, Michael Joyce, Eurudyce, Curtis White, David Blair, Larry McCaffery, Ronald Sukenick, Takayuki Tatsumi, Martin Schecter, Mark Amerika, Lance Olsen, Steven Shaviro, Harry Polkinhorn, Raymond Federman, and Don Webb. From the editors' "Introduction"
Representations of Fashion The Metropolis & Mediological Reflection between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth Centuries by Antonio Rafele Courtney Lee Yip (Photographer) Claudio Colaiacomo (Foreword) Guillermo Nericcio García (Designer) Paperback: 113 pages Publisher: Hyperbole Books San Diego State University Press imprint (2013) Bi Sheng/Juan Pablos Digitovisuo Artifacts Series ISBN-10: 1938537025 ISBN-13: 978-1938537028 $16.95On sale now via Critical responses to REPRESENTATIONS OF FASHIONThe rest of us interpreters of culture might as well lay pens to rest. Antonio Rafele's rapid injection in the arm spirals us down through rabbit holes where we glimpse with penetrating insight projections of our urban-made psychic selves. As if lucid dreaming, we come to understand how authors such as Poe, Leopardi, and García Márquez offer pit-stops in our otherwise impossibly fast-forward moving, Ritalin-induced life filled to the brim with TV, internet, and videogames. We can reach through this illusion, but choose instead to buy into the discontinuities of fashion that never quite satiate our existential emptiness. Not since Baudrillard, Barthes, McLuhan, and the Wachowski Bros has such a mind come along who can zip open reality to show with such precision the specular and spectacular nature of our existence... Dare if you will to step into this daydream. FREDERICK LUIS ALDAMA Arts & Humanities Distinguished Professor at The Ohio State University In this provocative and pathbreaking book, Rafele shows us how a mediological approach can radically and productively reframe our understanding of modernist subjectivity. His lyrical meditations on the works of Simmel and Benjamin reveal the extent to which 20th century notions of subjectivity must be understood in relation to 19nth-century concepts of the metropolis and the technology of photography. If you've ever wondered what the 'New' in New Media Studies might actually look like, you'll find a compelling example in this brilliantly-conceived and well-executed study. RYAN SCHNEIDER Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies, Department of English and Affiliated Faculty, Program in American Studies, Purdue UniversityBack cover--click to enlarge!
The Comic Trial of Joseph K. Text and Context Héctor Ortega edited by Manuel Flores ISBN 1-879691-40-X 1996 | Paper/ illustrated US $22.50 Based on The Trial by Franz Kafka, this work contains the play script written by Héctor Ortega as well as documentation of the original performance, previously unpublished artworks by scenographer José Luis Cuevas, a prologue by Augusto Monterroso, critical essays on the subject of humor in Kafka by Héctor Ortega, Hugo Hiriart, Manuel Flores, and D. Emily Hicks, and a general introduction by Harry Polkinhorn. Designed for the general reader interested in theatre, Latin American Arts in general, Border Performance Theory and more.
click to enlarge Poetics & Visuality A Trajectory of Contemporary Brazilian Poetry Philadelpho Menezes (translated from the Portuguese by Harry Polkinhorn) 1995 Trade paperback: 232 pages illustrated ISBN 1-879691-29-9 $17.50 plus shipping/handling ****** Philadelpho Menezes's Poetics & Visuality offers an account of the development of extreme poetic practices in a country known for its commitment to experimentation. This richly illustrated history begins with spatialism, to which concretism comes as a corrective ordering in the early 1950s. The "visual poetry" of the last decades is cogently theorized as intersign poetry (collage, package, montage poetries), a movement that has drawn international attention. wikiBIO: Philadelpho Menezes (born in 1960 in São Paulo, Brazil, dead in 2000, Brazil, in a car accident). Brazilian poet, visual poet, pioneer of new media poetry, professor in the Communication and Semiology post-graduation program at the Pontifical University of São Paulo. He performed research for his post-graduate degree at the University of Bologna, in Italy (1990). With Brazilian artist Wilton Azevedo Philadepho Menezes created a pioneer intermedia-poetry CD-ROM: "InterPoesia. Poesia Hipermidia Interativa" (1998). In Italy he collaborated with the first net-poetry project:, by Italian artist Caterina Davinio.
The Tyranny of Data Arthur Getis Trade hardback/ pages: 52 / $16.95 plus shipping/handling ISBN 1-879691-37-X | 1995 The Tyranny of Data traces the manifold links between institutional and scholarly practices in the exciting field of contemporary geography. In 1995 Professor Getis was honored by SDSU's Graduate Division and Research as the University's tenth University Research Lecturer. The lecture he delivered was entitled "The Tyranny of Data" and is reproduced here, along with Getis's "Scholarship, Leadership, and Quantitative Methods," which touches on many related subjects. Arthur Getis is a Professor Emeritus of Geography at San Diego State University. He received his Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Washington in 1961. He has Master and Bachelor degrees from the Pennsylvania State University. Within GIScience, Getis’ specialties include spatial statistics, pattern analysis, urban geography, and disease and crime clustering. Getis’ record of sustained contributions over the past forty years distinguishes him among scholars in GIScience. Getis has authored more than one hundred refereed journal articles and book chapters about various aspects of GIScience. Several of the publications, such as his work on local statistics (with J.K. Ord), have been cited hundreds of times – with “Analysis of spatial association by use of distance statistics” showing over seven hundred citations in Google Scholar! Getis has also authored or edited eleven books - most notably Models of spatial processes: an approach to the study of point, line, and area patterns (Getis and Boots, 1978), Point pattern analysis (Boots & Getis, 1987), and Spatial econometrics and spatial statistics (Getis et al., 2004). Throughout his career, Getis’ interests in urban and population geography led him to develop tools to solve important problems in analyzing spatial patterns. In turn, the use of those tools and models have helped others understand how spatial analysis can enhance work in their own field of research. As a result, Getis has been a great evangelist for geographic applications in other disciplines such as economics, criminology, public health, regional science, and demography. His work has taken him to lecture and teach at prestigious universities around the world – many without formal geography departments – about the importance of geographical analysis. As a result, he has broken many research barriers and helped enhance the respect for GIScience as a discipline. (source)
Two-Way Street: The Paulista Avenue, Flux and Counter-Flux of Modernity Marta Bogéa (translated from the Portuguese by Karen Currie de Carvalho) 1995 Trade paperback: 130 pages illustrated ISBN 1-879691-27-2 $20 plus shipping/handling Two-Way Street presents Sao Paulo's Paulista Avenue from "the other side of the street." Bogéa offers a semiotic and genealogical analysis of the richly varied architectural styles of this major world avenue. Urban space is seen as a coded form of communications network, whose fuller message emerges upon critical examination.
Conjunctions: Verbal-Visual Relations edited by Laurie Edson. ISBN 1-879691-45-0 paper, 332 pp. illustrated US $16.95 This volume of original essays by an international group of scholars investigates verbal-visual relations, broadly conceived, in the modern period. The book explores, through a wide varity of theoretical and critical approaches, how thinkers in various fields--aesthetics, poetry, visual art, philosophy, and book illustration--have approached the problematic relationship between the verbal and the visual. Conjunctions honors the work of a pioneering scholar in the field of interarts studies, Renée Riese Hubert. Contributors include Michel Deguy, Judd D. Hubert, Claude Gandelman, Laurie Edson, Marjorie Perloff, Roger Shattuck, Georges Roque, Sydney Lévy, Anne-Marie Christin, Richard Vernier, Breon Mitchell, Steven Winspur, Roger Cardinal, Robert W. Greene, Eric T. Haskell, Harriett Watts, Willard Bohn, and Virginia A. La Charité. The book includes a biography and list of publications of Renée Riese Hubert.
An ABC of Contemporary Reading Richard Kostelantez Paper/ pages: 284 / $8.95 plus shipping/handling/ illustrated ISBN 1-879691-26-4 | 1995 Long regarded among the principal American critics and theorists of the avant-garde in literature and the arts, Kostelanetz presents a contemporary guide to reading vanguard literature. Recalling the purpose of Ezra Pound, Kostelanetz guides the reader to an "acceptance and understanding of radically new art."
Backsplash photography by Massimo Virgilio on Unsplash
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