SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2008 - Previous Version - SEER Cancer Statistics (original) (raw)

This is a past version of the SEER Cancer Statistics Review that includes statistics from 1975 through 2008. If you would like to view the most recent version of the CSR, please visit the CSR Home Page.

Use the Browse the Tables and Figures section to access the statistics in HTML and comma-delimited formats.

On this page:

Contents in PDF

The files on this page are provided in PDF format to retain the specialized formatting for print, but may not be accessible to people using screen readers.

Summary Figures & Tables(Excerpts from Overview) CSR Sections Pages Grouped By Topic
Introduction About the CSR (PDF, 523 KB) Technical Notes (PDF, 688 KB) SEER Incidence, US Mortality, SEER Relative Survival All Races (PDF, 28 KB) Whites (PDF, 28 KB) Blacks (PDF, 28 KB) Graphs (PDF, 22 KB) SEER Incidence and US Mortality Trends, 1999-2008 All Races (PDF, 26 KB) Whites (PDF, 26 KB) Blacks (PDF, 26 KB) Graphs (PDF, 88 KB) SEER Incidence Trends by Race/Ethnicity, 1999-2008 (PDF, 61 KB) US Mortality Trends by Race/Ethnicity, 1999-2008 (PDF, 60 KB) US and SEER Death Rates by Race/Ethnicity, 2004-2008 (PDF, 24 KB) US Mortality Trends, 1950-2008 (PDF, 21 KB) US Death Rates for Heart Disease and Cancer, 1975-2008 (PDF, 8 KB) SEER Incidence and Delay Adjusted Incidence Rates, 1975-2008 (PDF, 75 KB) Age Distribution at Diagnosis and Death (PDF, 49 KB) Median Age at Diagnosis and Death (PDF, 46 KB) Lifetime Risk of Being Diagnosed with Cancer (PDF, 70 KB) Lifetime Risk of Dying From Cancer (PDF, 65 KB) SEER Area Map (PDF, 126 KB) Estimated New Cancer Cases and Deaths for 2011 (PDF, 16 KB) Leading Causes of Death in the US (PDF, 7 KB) Burden vs. Risk (PDF, 18 KB) Years of Life Lost (PDF, 21 KB) US Prevalence Counts for 2008 (PDF, 43 KB) SEER Incidence and US Mortality Rates and Trends for the Top 15 Cancer Sites by Race/Ethnicity (PDF, 72 KB) Partitions of Incidence and Mortality Trends (PDF, 92 KB) Overview in a single PDF (PDF, 1.8 MB) All Cancer Sites (PDF, 466 KB) Brain and Other Nervous (PDF, 411 KB) Breast (PDF, 556 KB) Cervix Uteri (PDF, 293 KB) Colon and Rectum (PDF, 513 KB) Corpus Uteri (PDF, 282 KB) Esophagus (PDF, 418 KB) Hodgkin Lymphoma (PDF, 473 KB) Kaposi Sarcoma (PDF, 194 KB) Kidney and Renal Pelvis (PDF, 411 KB) Larynx (PDF, 414 KB) Leukemia (PDF, 511 KB) Liver and Bile Duct (PDF, 418 KB) Lung and Bronchus (PDF, 587 KB) Melanoma of the Skin (PDF, 406 KB) Mesothelioma (PDF, 147 KB) Myeloma (PDF, 402 KB) Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (PDF, 616 KB) Oral Cavity and Pharynx (PDF, 497 KB) Ovary (PDF, 302 KB) Pancreas (PDF, 416 KB) Prostate (PDF, 312 KB) Stomach (PDF, 429 KB) Testis (PDF, 282 KB) Thyroid (PDF, 427 KB) Urinary Bladder (PDF, 451 KB) Childhood Cancer (PDF, 230 KB) Childhood Cancer by the ICCC (PDF, 137 KB) Myelodysplastic Syndromes (PDF, 29 KB) Benign Brain Tumors (PDF, 43 KB) Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer (PDF, 307 KB) Veterans Affairs Adjustment (PDF, 791 KB) Cause-Specific Survival (PDF, 90 KB) Soft Tissue Sarcomas (PDF, 31 KB) Arizona Indians (PDF, 40 KB) Appendix (PDF, 327 KB) Number of Incidence Cases/Deaths, 2004-2008 (PDF, 43 KB) Standard Errors of Incidence/Death Rates, 2004-2008 (PDF, 41 KB) SEER Site Recode ICD-O-3(1/27/20003) Definition (PDF, 28 KB) International Classification of Childhood Cancer (ICCC) Definition (PDF, 40 KB) Adapted Classification Scheme for Tumors of Adolescents and Young Adults Definition (PDF, 39 KB) SEER Cause of Death Recode 1969+(9/17/2004) Definition (PDF, 29 KB) Annual Populations Averaged Over 2004-2008 by State/Registry (PDF, 94 KB) Standard Populations, by Age (PDF, 9 KB) SEER Follow-Up Rates for Cases Diagnosed 1975-2007 (PDF, 10 KB) Annual SEER Delay-adjusted Incidence, SEER Incidence and US Death Rates, 1975-2008 (PDF, 906 KB) Cancer Prevalence (PDF, 381 KB) Death Rates by State (PDF, 2.2 MB) Delay Adjusted Incidence Trends (PDF, 2.7 MB) Incidence & Mortality by Race/Ethnicity (PDF, 823 KB) Lifetime Risk (PDF, 862 KB) Relative Survival Rates by Year of Diagnosis (PDF, 721 KB) 5-year Survival Rates (PDF, 456 KB) Counts/Percents by Histologic Group (PDF, 189 KB)

Revision History

Date Revision Affected Pages
11/10/2011 Updates were made in the SEER data to correct a problem with Hispanic incidence. The CSR tables and figures that include incidence-based Hispanic estimates were updated to reflect the change in the SEER data. Pages presenting incidence-based Hispanic estimates were updated to reflect the corrected estimates. This includes incidence rates, incidence trends, cause-specific survival and prevalence estimates.
11/10/2011 Lifetime risk estimates were added to the Cancer Statistics Review. Pages presenting lifetime risk estimates were added to sections 1 through 27.
10/20/2011 Mortality estimates were added to the Cancer Statistics Review. Mortality estimates were added to existing pages and new pages that consist only of mortality estimates were added to the report.
10/20/2011 Updates were made in the SEER data to correct a problem with two fields, "Derived SS2000 (2004+)" and "Summary stage 2000 (1998+)". The CSR tables and figures that show 5-year relative survival estimates and corresponding staging distributions by the summary stage 2000 variable were updated to reflect the change in the SEER data. The impact of the revision on estimated rates and stage distribution are negligible. Tables : 4.14 (PDF, 16 KB),5.8 (PDF, 12 KB),6.14 (PDF, 12 KB),7.8 (PDF, 12 KB),8.8 (PDF, 12 KB),11.8 (PDF, 12 KB),12.8 (PDF, 12 KB),14.8 (PDF, 12 KB),15.14 (PDF, 12 KB),16.8 (PDF, 13 KB),20.10 (PDF, 12 KB),21.8 (PDF, 12 KB),22.8 (PDF, 12 KB),23.8 (PDF, 12 KB),24.8 (PDF, 12 KB),25.8 (PDF, 12 KB),26.8 (PDF, 12 KB) Figures : 4.11 (PDF, 5 KB),5.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 6.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 7.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 8.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 11.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 12.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 14.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 15.9 (PDF, 5 KB), 16.6 (PDF, 5 KB), 21.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 22.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 23.7 (PDF, 5 KB), 24.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 25.5 (PDF, 5 KB), 26.5 (PDF, 5 KB)
04/22/2011 Figure 4.8 included the year range 1975-2007 in the figure title. The figure title has been updated to include the correct year range 1975-2008. The data included the graph did not require any modifications. Figure 4.8 (PDF, 10 KB) The table appears in the topic: Breast Cancer (PDF, 556 KB)

Suggested Citation

Howlader N, Noone AM, Krapcho M, Neyman N, Aminou R, Waldron W, Altekruse SF, Kosary CL, Ruhl J, Tatalovich Z, Cho H, Mariotto A, Eisner MP, Lewis DR, Chen HS, Feuer EJ, Cronin KA, Edwards BK (eds). SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2008, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,, based on November 2010 SEER data submission, posted to the SEER web site, 2011.

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