ursus tyrannus by serchio25 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

little probable.

to explain.
1.8 m (6';) is 33.3 percent taller than 1.35 (4.5';) then
is 33.3 percent taller but too 33.3 percent wider and 33.3 percent more length. This talks about the formula of the volume in the cube Lado x Lado x Lado.

then 1.333 x 1.333 x 1.333: 2.368 (that means that ursus tyrannus will be volumetrically 2.368 times greater than bart the bear. then if bart it weighed 1780 pounds is
1780 x 2.368 : 4215. A ursus tyrannus of 4215 pounds.

in case that the tyrannus measured 6'.

But I think tyrannus it was a bear of 4.5' tall at shoulder. A bear similar or smaller than a kodiak bear...

I hope to find sufficient data to make a good reconstruction.