Nax��van�n G�rkəmli �əxsiyyətlər (original) (raw)

Mammedguluzadeh Jalil Mammedgulu (his pen0name is Molla Nasreddin; 22.2.1869, Nakhchivan city � 4.1.1932, Baku) � a writer, dramatist, journalist, social officer. He got first education at religious school and later at three-class school in Nakhchivan. He graduated from Gory Teachers Seminary in 1887 and worked as a teacher in Ulukhanli village of Iravan province and the villages of Bash Norashen (present Jalikand in Sharur region) and Nehram in Nakhchivan (1887-97). The working years as a teacher in the villages supplied a lot of materials for the writer. �Chay Desgahi� (�Tea Set�) allegoric dram in verse, written in 1889, is one of his first works. He wrote a lot of small stories, �Kishmish oyunu� (�Currants game�) comedy and �Danabash kendinin ehvalatlari� (�Stories of Danabash village�) narrative, which was published in 1894 and 1936, are also written in that period.

Since 1903 he had worked at the editorial office of �The Shargi-Rus� newspaper published in Tbilisi. �The Shargi-Rus� newspaper and its editor M.A.Shahtakhtli played a great role in the experience of J. Mammedgulu-zadeh to become a professional writer and pressman. His �Pocht qutusu� (�Post box�) first printed work, the stories of �Kishmish oyunu� (�Currants game�) and �Labor, death and illness�, which he translated from L.N. Tolstoy were published in this newspaper for the first time.

He began to issue �Molla Nasraddin� magazine, the first edition was issued on the 7th (20th) of April 1906, and with this he founded the satiric journalism in Azerbaijan as well as in the Turkish-Muslim world. Since that time he became famous with the name of Molla Nasraddin. Very close ideal-creative relations were established with the writers and pressmen, such as M.A.Sabir, N.Narimanov, A.Haqverdiyev, M.S.Ordubadi, O.F.Nemanzadeh, Ali Nazmi, A.Gamkusar etc. J. Mammedguluzadeh�s propagation on democracy and ideas of liberty won the national respect and international attraction towards the magazine. The tsar government called him to account very often, made investigations in �Geyret� printing house and sometimes even stopped the issuance of �Molla Nasreddin�.

On June in 1920 J.Mammedgulu-zadeh moved to Tabriz with his family and printed 8 editions of �Molla Nasreddin� there in 1921.

J.Mammedguluzadeh�s works were translated to a lot of languages. J.Mammedguluzadeh�s name was given to many streets and cultural-educational institutions (State Musical Dram Theatre of Nakhchivan and Nakhchivan State Museum of Literature). For his honor the past Astrakhan regions and city was renamed Jalilabad in 1967 and Bash Norashen village, where he worked as a teacher, became Jalilkand. His monument was erected in Nakhchivan and Jalilabad. The memorial-houses were opened in Baku and Nakhchivan and memorial museums in Nehram and Jalilkand. His 100-125 years anniversary was ceremonially celebrated.

The recent years academician I.Habibeyli contacted with the descendants of the writer, who lives in different places (France, Poland and Iran).